Chapter 11

1.  M. M. Bersamin, S. Walker, E. D. Waiters, D. A. Fisher, and J. W. Grube, “Promising to Wait: Virginity Pledges and Adolescent Sexual Behavior,” Journal of Adolescent Health 36, no. 5 (2005): 428–436.

2.  Jocelyn M. Elders, foreword to Levine, Harmful to Minors, ix.

3.  Patricia Donovan, “Falling Teen Pregnancy, Birthrates: What’s Behind the Declines?” The Guttmacher Report on Public Policy, vol. 1, October 1998; Steven Reinberg, “U.S. Teen Birth Rate Hit Record Low in 2009: CDC,” December 21, 2009,

4.  Levine, Harmful to Minors, 94.

5.  “Not Just Another Thing to Do: Teens Talk about Sex, Regret, and the Influence of Their Parents,” The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, June 30, 2000,

6.  A. Y. Akers, C. P. Lynch, M. A. Gold, J. C. Chang, W. Doswell, H. C. Wiesenfeld, W. Feng, and J. Bost, “Exploring the Relationship among Weight, Race, and Sexual Behaviors among Girls,” Pediatrics 124 (2009): 913–920.

7.  Joan Jacobs Brumberg, Introduction, Lauren Greenfield, Girl Culture (San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2002).