- Kristin Billerbeck
- Back to Life
- bm02.xhtml
- Lindsay is known as the woman who has it all
together, who is able to handle life, but it turns out she was
better at handling other people’s lives. Have you ever felt like
you lost your own rudder?
- It sometimes feels like God seems to pile
things on when life is tough. Lindsay is still mourning her husband
and figuring out her own life, when Haley’s wedding crops up with a
myriad of chores. Have you ever had to put aside grieving to help
the living? If so, how did it work out?
- Jane has managed to spend most of her life
avoiding intimacy since making mistakes when she was younger. Have
you ever had a hard time forgiving yourself and moving on? How did
you ultimately handle getting unstuck?
- Have you ever used avoiding a decision rather
than make any decision at all? Did you notice that in itself was a
decision? How did it turn out?
- Jane’s avoidance of her feelings hurt a lot of
people. Did you have a hard time identifying with her?
- Lindsay also needed to move on from long-ago
mistakes. What does it do to your faith when you hold on to old
- Jane had a hard time forgiving people from her
past and she held a grudge and took it out on a man who loved her
dearly (Davis). Was there a time you took out your anger on an
innocent? How did you move past it?
- Do you think all people are capable of change?
Did you think Mitch had changed?
- Lindsay fights a relationship with Ronnie.
Have you ever done that only to find it was inevitable?
- Although Cherry had an abrupt way of seeing
things, she was trying to help Lindsay to move on. Have you ever
had someone tell you the right thing in the wrong way?