You’ve just read her novel, but how
well do you really know Kristin Billerbeck? Come on—admit it. You
have at least ten questions you’ve always wanted her to answer,
right? Well here they are. Ten Random Questions answered by one of
your favorite authors.
THOMAS NELSON FICTION: What is your all-time favorite novel? What is your all-time favorite Christian novel?
KRISTIN BILLERBECK: Favorite all-time novel would be Far from the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy or The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough. As for favorite Christian novel? I’d have to say This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti because it changed how I looked at prayer, and I loved being reminded of the war going on in invisible realms.
TNF: What is your favorite movie?
KB: Notorious with Ingrid Bergman and Cary Grant
TNF: If you could only eat one flavor of ice cream for the rest of your life, what would it be?
KB: Easy, Chocolate-Mint
TNF: What is your favorite Scripture verse?
KB: Proverbs 16:2—it reminds me that even though someone did something I view as ugly, God may have a different view based on that person’s motive, which may have been from their heart. It reminds me not to judge other peoples’ actions with a broad stroke.
TNF: Is your closet filled with more vintage or contemporary clothing?
KB: So I have sort of an OCD-thing going on with regards to vintage clothing. Same goes for the library. I like things to come to me fresh. LOL My wardrobe is very contemporary, probably too much so for my age range.
TNF: What is your dream vacation?
KB: Part one would be a spa where there was only me, the sound of trickling water, and a pile of books. Part two would be a literary tour of Jane Austen’s England, Thomas Hardy’s England, and finally, Dickens’ England. I guess that means, England, no?
TNF: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
KB: Easy again: I’d be invisible, so I could listen in on great conversations and get new plot developments. Though I will say, my bff and I are pretty stealth at eavesdropping.
TNF: What do you always overspend on and then have buyer’s remorse?
KB: Whole Foods is my danger zone. I love the organic lotions and soaps, candles and scents, ooh, ooh and of course, the fabulous food that’s healthy and already made for you. (I hate to cook!)
TNF: Who is your all-time favorite musician or band?
KB: David Crowder Band. I love the purity in his voice and the passion for Jesus that oozes from his soul.
TNF: What was your first job?
KB: I worked under the table at Round Table Pizza making pizzas and my life’s goal was to get a job where I didn’t smell like it when I left.