“They Took That Tractor Beam
Off Us, Didn’t They?”

“Yes, sir.” Vale dropped into a seat at the other working console. “But we’ve still got the guard and the forcefield to deal with.”

“I hope we can take care of both of them with one torpedo.” Picard continued his board, going through the prelaunch checklist, arming and aiming weapons, and finally raising shields. He gazed out the viewport, but the guard in the hollowed-out gunnery position under the nacelle didn’t seem to notice their activity.

“We still have full power in the engines, such as it is,” reported Vale.

“Don’t turn anything on until we fire.”

She pointed to the crumpled Jem’Hadar battle cruiser. “Our friend…is he going to get the counselor?”

“I certainly hope so,” said Picard grimly. “I’m ready. This should be interesting.”

The lieutenant braced herself in her seat. His jaw clenched, the captain fired a photon torpedo at a dead ship full of merrymakers less than sixty meters away….