
1. Books by Henry Bech (b. 1923, d. 19—)

Travel Light, novel. New York: The Vellum Press, 1955. London: J. J. Goldschmidt, 1957.

Brother Pig, novella. New York: The Vellum Press, 1957. London: J. J. Goldschmidt, 1958.

When the Saints, miscellany. [Contents: “Uncles and Dybbuks,” “Subway Gum,” “A Vote For Social Unconsciousness,” “Soft-Boiled Sergeants,” “The Vanishing Wisecrack,” “Graffiti,” “Sunsets Over Jersey,” “The Arabian Nights at Your Own Pace,” “Orthodoxy and Orthodontics,” “Rag Bag” (collection of book reviews), “Displeased in the Dark” (collection of cinema reviews), forty-three untitled paragraphs under the head of “Tumblers Clicking.”] New York: The Vellum Press, 1958.

The Chosen, novel. New York: The Vellum Press, 1963. London: J. J. Goldschmidt, 1963.

The Best of Bech, anthology. London: J. J. Goldschmidt, 1968. [Contains Brother Pig and selected essays from When the Saints.]

Think Big, novel. [In progress.]

2. Uncollected Articles and Short Stories

“Stee-raight’n Yo’ Shoulduhs, Boy!”, Liberty, XXXIV.33 (August 21, 1943) 62–63.

“Home for Hannukah,” Saturday Evening Post, CCXVII.2 (January 8, 1944) 45–46, 129–133.

“Kosher Konsiderations,” Yank, IV.4 (January 26, 1944) 6.

“Rough Crossing,” Collier’s, XLIV (February 22, 1944) 23–25.

“London Under Buzzbombs,” New Leader, XXVII. 11 (March 11, 1944) 9.

“The Cockney Girl,” Story, XIV.3 (May–June, 1944) 68–75.

“V-Mail from Brooklyn,” Saturday Evening Post, CCXVII.25 (June 30, 1944) 28–29, 133–137.

“Letter from Normandy,” New Leader, XXVII.29 (July 15, 1944) 6.

“Hey, Yank!,” Liberty, XXXV.40 (September 17, 1944) 48–49.

“Letter from the Bulge,” New Leader, XXVIII.1 (January 3, 1945) 6.

“Letter from the Reichstag,” New Leader, XXVIII.23 (June 9, 1945) 4.

“Fräulein, kommen Sie hier, bitte,” The Partisan Review, XII (October, 1945), 413–431.

“Rubble” [poem], Tomorrow, IV.7 (December, 1945) 45.

“Soap” [poem], The Nation, CLXII (June 22, 1946) 751.

“Ivan in Berlin,” Commentary, I.5 (August, 1946) 68–77.

“Jig-a-de-Jig,” Liberty, XXVII.47 (October 15, 1946) 38–39.

“Novels from the Wreckage,” New York Times Book Review, LII (January 19, 1947) 6.

The bulk of Bech’s reviews, articles, essays, and prose-poems 1947–58 were reprinted in When the Saints (see above). Only exceptions are listed below.

“My Favorite Reading in 1953,” New York Times Book Review, LXVII (December 25, 1953) 2.

“Smokestacks” [poem], Poetry, LXXXIV.5 (August, 1954) 249–50.

Larmes d’huile” [poem], Accent, XV.4 (Autumn, 1955) 101.

“Why I Will Vote for Adlai Stevenson Again” [part of paid political advertisement printed in various newspapers], October, 1956.

“My Favorite Salad,” McCall’s, XXXIV.4 (April, 1957) 88.

“Nihilistic? Me?” [interview with Lewis Nichols], New York Times Book Review, LXI (October 12, 1957) 17–18, 43.

“Rain King for a Day,” New Republic, CXL.3 (January 19, 1959) 22–23.

“The Eisenhower Years: Instant Nostalgia,” Esquire, LIV.8 (August, 1960) 54–61.

“Lay Off, Norman,” The New Republic, CXLI.22 (May 14, 1960) 19–20.

“Bogie: The Tic That Told All,” Esquire, LV.10 (October, 1960) 44–45, 108–111.

“The Landscape of Orgasm,” House and Garden, XXI.3 (December, 1960) 136–141.

“The Moth on the Pin,” Commentary, XXXI (March, 1961) 223–224.

“Iris and Muriel and Atropos,” New Republic, CXLIV.20 (May 15, 1961) 16–17.

“Superscrew,” Big Table, II.3 (Summer, 1961), 64–79.

“M-G-M and the U.S.A.,” Commentary, XXXII (October, 1961) 305–316.

“My Favorite Christmas Carol,” Playboy, VIII. 12 (December, 1961) 289.

“The Importance of Beginning with a B: Barth, Borges, and Others,” Commentary, XXXIII (February, 1962) 136–142.

“Down in Dallas” [poem], New Republic, CXLVI.49 (December 2, 1963) 28.

“My Favorite Three Books of 1963,” New York Times Book Review, LXVII (December 19, 1963) 2.

“Daniel Fuchs: An Appreciation,” Commentary, XLI.2 (February, 1964) 39–45.

“Silence,” The Hudson Review, XVII (Summer, 1964) 258–275.

“Rough Notes from Tsardom,” Commentary, XLI.2 (February, 1965) 39–47.

“Frightened Under Kindly Skies” [poem], Prairie Schooner, XXXIX.2 (Summer, 1965) 134.

“The Eternal Feminine As It Hits Me” [contribution to a symposium], Rogue, III.2 (February, 1966) 69.

“What Ever Happened to Jason Honeygale?” Esquire, LXI.9 (September, 1966) 70–73, 194–198.

“The Romantic Agony Under Truman: A Reminiscence,” New American Review, III (April, 1968) 59–81.

“My Three Least Favorite Books of 1968,” Book World, VI (December 20, 1968) 13.

3. Critical Articles Concerning (Selected List)

Prescott, Orville, “More Dirt,” New York Times, October 12, 1955.

Weeks, Edward, “Travel Light Heavy Reading,” Atlantic Monthly, CCI.10 (October, 1955) 131–132.

Kirkus Service, Virginia, “Search for Meaning in Speed,” XXIV (October 11, 1955).

Time, “V-v-vrooom!,” LXXII.17 (October 12, 1955) 98.

Macmanaway, Fr. Patrick X., “Spiritual Emptiness Found Behind Handlebars,” Commonweal, LXXII.19 (October 12, 1955) 387–388.

Engels, Jonas, “Consumer Society Justly Burlesqued,” Progressive, XXI.35 (October 20, 1955) 22.

Kazin, Alfred, “Triumphant Internal Combustion,” Commentary, XXIX (December, 1955) 90–96.

Time, “Puzzling Porky,” LXXIV.3 (January 19, 1957) 75.

Hicks, Granville, “Bech Impressive Again,” Saturday Review, XLIII.5 (January 30, 1957) 27–28.

Callagan, Joseph, S. J., “Theology of Despair Dictates Dark Allegory,” Critic, XVII.7 (February 8, 1957) 61–62.

West, Anthony, “Oinck, Oinck,” New Yorker, XXXIII.4 (March 14, 1957) 171–173.

Steiner, George, “Candide as Schlemiel,” Commentary, XXV (March, 1957) 265–270.

Maddocks, Melvin, “An Unmitigated Masterpiece,” New York Herald Tribune Book Review, February 6, 1957.

Hyman, Stanley Edgar, “Bech Zeroes In,” New Leader, XLII.9 (March 1, 1957) 38.

Poore, Charles, “Harmless Hodgepodge,” New York Times, August 19, 1958.

Marty, Martin, “Revelations Within the Secular,” Christian Century, LXXVII (August 20, 1958) 920.

Aldridge, John, “Harvest of Thoughtful Years,” Kansas City Star, August 17, 1958.

Time, “Who Chose Whom?” LXXXIII.26 (May 24, 1963) 121.

Klein, Marcus, “Bech’s Mighty Botch,” Reporter, XXX.13 (May 23, 1963) 54.

Thompson, John, “So Bad It’s Good,” New York Review of Books, II.14 (May 15, 1963) 6.

Dilts, Susan, “Sluggish Poesy, Murky Psychology,” Baltimore Sunday Sun, May 20, 1963.

Miller, Jonathan, “Oopsie!,” Show, III.6 (June, 1963) 49–52.

Macdonald, Dwight, “More in Sorrow,” Partisan Review, XXVIII (Summer, 1963) 271–279.

Kazin, Alfred, “Bech’s Strange Case Reopened,” Evergreen Review, VII.7 (July, 1963) 19–24.

Podhoretz, Norman, “Bech’s Noble Novel: A Case Study in the Pathology of Criticism,” Commentary, XXXIV (October, 1963) 277–286.

Gilman, Richard, “Bech, Gass, and Nabokov: The Territory Beyond Proust,” Tamarack Review, XXXIII.1 (Winter, 1963) 87–99.

Minnie, Moody, “Myth and Ritual in Bech’s Evocations of Lust and Nostalgia,” Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature, V.2 (Winter–Spring, 1964) 1267–1279.

Terral, Rufus, “Bech’s Indictment of God,” Spiritual Rebels in Post-Holocaustal Western Literature, ed. Webster Schott (Las Vegas: University of Nevada Press, 1964).

Elbek, Leif, “Damer og dæmoni,” Vindrosen, Copenhagen (January–February, 1965) 67–72.

L’Heureux, Sister Marguerite, “The Sexual Innocence of Henry Bech,” America, CX (May 11, 1965) 670–674.

Brodin, Pierre, “Henri Bech, le juif réservé,” Ecrivains Americans d’aujourd’hui (Paris: N.E.D., 1965).

Wagenbach, Dolf, “Bechkritic und Bechwissenschaft,” Neue Rundschau, Frankfurt am Main (September–January, 1965–1966) 477–481.

Fiedler, Leslie, “Travel Light: Synopsis and Analysis,” E-Z Outlines, No. 403 (Akron, O.: Hand-E Student Aids, 1966).

Tuttle, L. Clark, “Bech’s Best Not Good Enough,” The Observer (London), April 22, 1968.

Steinem, Gloria, “What Ever Happened to Henry Bech?,” New York, II.46 (November 14, 1969) 17–21.