Chapter Seven
Tra was the last one to walk in through the ‘EXIT’ door in the Library and quickly looked round. The Door was a painting of a door again. ‘Dam! that was quick!’ he thought and followed every one else round the Partition.
Annie not one second earlier had came through the main Library Glass Doors. She was carrying a naked Franz Mullar over her shoulder and under her arm a bundle of Tra’s cloths.
Romana was in the middle of the Library and looked at both teams as they converged in the center. “Well done!” she said “…‘the Activation Event’ has been eliminated… ” but she fell silent as she saw what was over Annie’s shoulder.
Franz on Annie’s shoulder was beginning to come round and mumble incoherently as she laid him out on the Library Bench in front of Jane, who looked down the length of the naked Man. Then went back to reading her Book whilst listening to the conversation.
For the first time Romana noticed two Tra’s and was perplexed, then noted the differences and looked to Tra for an explanation..
“…This!” said Tra pointing to the Man on the bench “…Is Franz Mullar, and he is my Grandfather!…”
Romana’s mouth dropped open and went wide eyed saying “Tra! What have you done?” as she inspected the Man sprawled across the Bench.
Murray took the opportunity to leave, patting Tra on the back as he did and went to Gym’s Shower Rooms. Tra waved at him then refocused on Romana who was tittering on apoplexy at what she supposed was an ‘eSpace’ prime directive being disobeyed.
Tra held up this hand in her direction and said “…I saved his life! …He was going to be hung for a Crime he didn’t commit …And we need to drop him off in the new World somewhere around the 1880’s mark would be good, but any later and I don’t think he could stand the strain in readjusting to the time difference. We need to put some time and distance between him and this time period, and his alleged crime, but not that much.”
Romana was taken aback with the situation she found herself in and baulked at the request Tra had just made, then looking back to him said “Why did you change the time line Tra this could have major consequences! …And we can’t just pick a year and go to it just like! I’ve explained we can only target major events in time.”
Tra grinned and said “Yes we can, and No! I haven’t…”
Romana looked confused and Tra went on “…This much I know from my Dad, and that was my Grandfather came over from Germany as an immigrant, and was a good and well respected Taylor in Brooklyn, New York. He died at the ripe old age of Eighty Seven and had married and buried three wives in that time. They all bore between him fifteen children.”
…Tra pointed to the Man on the Bench Tra said “…And this is him laying on that trestle, and he didn’t die on the gallows in London on November in 1864. If he did then I wouldn’t be here!…”
"I need to test him!" said Romana and picked up Franz's wrist then licked it and placed a thumb on the wet mark she then said turned to Tra "I need to test you as well…." and took Tra's wrist at the same time. Then lifting it up to her mouth she lick it as well, then placed her thumb over his wet wrist. Within a second her eyes glazed over then Romana went ridged and stopped breathing. During the process she went as white as a sheet. Jane looked on amazed at what she was seeing and knew in her heart Romana was comparing their DNA.
Romana opened her eyes and dropping their wrist’s looked directly at Tra and said “…This can’t be!…”, but she was cut of by him saying “… Yes it is!…‘Romana’ …He is my maternal grandfather!”
Tra was grinning at Romana who just stood there rubbing at her thumbs and continued “…And Yes we can ‘just pick a year’ and ‘Yes we can just go like that’!” he paused looking at a confused Romana, and went on. “…‘Romana!’ … You people don’t work with Dates even though you travel in time! You’re to close to the problem to see a Solution!…”. Smiling at her Tra then turned and walked over to the Library section marked ‘History’. After scanning the shelf for a second pulled out a Book and put it on the Table in front of Jane saying “Can you read that for me? I’ll give you Ten Minutes…” Jane looked up and nodded.
Tra then lifting up the rags he was wearing said “Dead Mans Clothing only get washed once then never again ‘Phew’…” he said “…I’ve got to get out of them, they really do stink awful.” and he started to wander off towards the showers saying “I’ll be back in ten minutes!” Stopping at the Library’s exit to Conference Room he turned saying “…Oh, and By the Way! …The Relic is available for collection one week from ‘the Focal Event’ and can be collected from the Parsonage in…” he stopped and looked confused, then scratched his head and looked to Annie saying. "Annie? What was that village the Reverend Sharp lived in? … You never told me!".
Annie looked at Tra "Suberton" she responded then looking back to Romana said "Just out side London. About Thirty Five miles to the South West … On the Great Western Road. The Reverend Sharp lives in the Parsonage. It’s easy to find. It’ll be the Second biggest House in the Village. The biggest being the Church!…"
“…And what’s the biggest one then?” said Romana sarcastically. “Why that will be the Manor House!” said Annie smugly with a slight grin on here face.” Jane from behind her Book smiled and reflected ‘Romana, the ‘tCouncils’ representative, really had no idea about the basic core of the subject she was supposed to be an expert on’ and considered why she was selected for this mission?
“Right!…” said Tra observing them playing with Romana. “Anyhow it’s there ..And!" he said with a mischievous glint in his eye "Send Anabel to collect it. They hate 'Black-a-moor's and it'll give that over ripe pompous idiot Sharp a lesson he seriously needs!.." with that Tra finally walked out of the Library.
“We need to sort him out!" said Romana pointing to naked Franz still moaning on the Table in front of Jane who had started to read the Book Tra had given her. Her original black book at her side ignored for the moment. Romana continued "…He needs to be washed and clothed." Looking at Smithy she continued "Could you perhaps assist him?…”
…Smithy nodded then grabbed the unconscious Man from the Bench and threw him over his Shoulder…
Jane took the opportunity to lay her Book, and the one Tra had given her, back on the Bench and continued reading. “I’ll take him to the Showers!” said Smithy smiling at what Jane had just done.
Looking at Romana Smithy said “…This poor fellow really does stink. I’ll leave him in a shower cubical with the water running on him. That’ll wake him up and I’ll stay outside giving him instructions on how to wash himself, probably never done it before. The chap will be so confused when he comes round from Annie’s neck pinch and he wont have a clue.”, but Franz was already coming back to a state of confused consciousness and on the way to the showers began screaming at the top of his lungs, but all Smithy did was pat his Bum as he carried him saying. “…There, there It’ll be alright. You’ll See! We’ll have a nice shower and I can tell you all about it!…”, but Franz didn’t hear any of this and just continued to Scream.
Annie looked round at Abdul and Mohammed. They stank to and she said “Come on Boys we ain’t to fresh ourselves!” and walked out following Smithy and Franz into the Gym and the Showers. As they followed Smithy through the Gym all they could see was Franz frantically trying to escape this Demon. He was now convince he really was in Hell and crying desperately to God for forgiveness. Annie’s heart went out to the him.
anabel’s mission statement.
All that was left in the Library now was John, Anabel, Romana and Jane. Muggles was situated up in the Books high in the racks asleep. It was warmer up there, he liked it, and could see everything that was going on. Currently through closed eyes he was listening to his ‘Mistress’ speak.
Jane looked to Romana and said "…You can tell read the DNA of a Body just by licking and holding your thumb against a person's skin?" Romana nodded and said "Yes my spittle is the base line and ‘my nits’ report on the difference. Soon you'll be able to do that, and a whole lot more with you enhanced senses!" Romana then turned and scrambled up to the side of the silver Globe.
…Anabel glanced at the Library Exit and listened to the hysterical screaming that was slowly receding then looking back to Romana said “What did Tra mean by the word 'Black-a-moor'… ".
Romana was adjusting the outer dial on the Rods that surrounded the Silver Globe and stopped, she was deep in thought, then shrugging her shoulders said “…I don’t know?”. Jane spoke up saying "…A 'Black-a-moor' was the name generally given to a Black Servant, or Black Slave, or Arab in the 1800's…”
John’s muscles flinched on his face as he looked at Jane said “I suppose its better than ‘nigger’…”. Jane shook her head saying “Not that much actually ‘John’. It’s still a derogatory term! The only difference is that Black people in this time period used to call themselves ‘niggers’… but no one else did?”.
John shock his head in despair then looked towards the Silver Globe and Romana‘s antics. Jane glanced up at what Romana was doing as well then looked back to her Book and said absent mindedly “…Looks like they're got one hell of a story to tell". “Can't wait!" said Romana as she reached round and moved the focusing ring on Val’taVille.
Immediately the Val’taVille unit went out one standard week.
The Brown Blobs on the Glass Door moved away and out abruptly then stopped. Romana looked puzzled at the result saying “There was nothing there? The event had dissipated this far out!" Jane smiled and suggested she recalibrate the standard to twenty four hours a day and not twenty nine. Romana did and the Brown Blobs on the Glass Doors shot back to where they were. As Romana readjusted the Rings, the Brown Blobs on the Library Glass Door shot out again, but the went out a smaller distance this time.
Jane from behind her Book thought ‘Romana! Has really got a lot to learn on her specialist subject?' and her grin became wider. A second later it was wiped off her face when she looked up at the Great Silver Globe floating inside its metal Rods and Spikes.
The London Brick Wall came back into view Wall, but instead of it being viewed in the Library Doors it was wrapped round the outside of the Globe.
It was the last point of contact with the now dissipating event and was the same ‘Brick Wall’ they’d seen earlier, but it was older. Jane just knew it somehow and for the second time today she ignored her Book, and the one Tra had given her to read.
The view in the globe held everyone and they all stared at it with intense fascination. Then the Val’ta unit backed away from the ‘Red Wall’ and a vast Cavern with deep black pools of Water opened up beneath them, then without warning it engulfed the viewer.
…It came as a shock, and every one felt sick at the ‘Plunge’, and the sense of ‘Vertigo’ the view induced. “I can’t watch dis’ shit!” said Anabel “Just tell me when we fuckin' get there!… ” she then turned away and looked at the Library Glass Doors that had the normal ‘Brown Blobs’ floating past the glass panels.
John sat on the bench facing away from ‘the Globe’ and watched his Sister.
Romana absent-mindedly and with glazed eyes, looked in Anabel’s direction and said “…OK, Could you get changed to collect the Relic? … I suggest you put on a Fema Robe to collect it. They’re only made of Cotton and wont cause any fractures in the time line, should it be mislaid. I don’t expect any problems for ‘the retrieval’, but to be on the safe side!” Her glazed eyes looked in John’s direction and she continued “…‘John’ can you get changed as well? …And be her back up, but from within the Library… We wont be ‘spinning-off-to-anchor’ for the collection!…”
John and Anabel nodded then went into the Gym to get dressed, they were both happy to be away from the Globe. Even John had felt sick as he looked into that vast Cavern earlier.
…Jane looked from the pair leaving and back to the Globe. Deep Nausea gripped her again, but she couldn’t take here eyes of the view it projected.
Inside the vast Cavern the view started to turn and Jane held on to the Bench as the Val’ta unit slowly, and with deliberation turned space round on itself. The view inside Cavern was replaced by vast pools and then what looked like the inside of the roof on the floor as it began to rush by.
The image of the globe then spun round backwards on itself, and turned again. Jane gripped the table edge harder. The roof view moved in closer and tuned into what looked like a close up of the rock face and slowly got closer showing the roof was made from gravel and it moving past the concave view very fast.
The gravel view slowly changed again and shifted up to show and a vast Road made of Gravel that stretched of into the distance with trees and Houses either side. Then Jane noticed it became even faster, and faster down the road as the point of reference the Val’ta projected changed.
Jane couldn’t take her eyes of the projection as it flew along the Great West Road out of London. It was travelling at an alarming rate as the miles raced past and only changed when it appeared to crash into huge Fog banks now and then. Smashing out them on the other side.
…Coming out of one dense fog cloud a small Village came into view and the Globe’s speed slowed. Then a Church was seen and a Larger House next to that. The centre of the Globe was focused on the Large House and spun round it before moving to the next House. It flew round this one twice lining up the front Door. Then the view stopped and facing a gate it slowly went through it.
Jane was tense with excitement as the view hardly travelling at all moved up the garden path and eventually came to a gently halt against the imposing black Front Door.
On it was a massive brass knocker of a Boars head with a ring in its mouth.
-Suberton .-
It was one week after the Newgate hanging and the Reverend Sharp still wasn't himself. It had just turned eight o'clock and his clock had just finished its chimes. He was in his front Parlour and reflected to himself that it was exactly one week ago that Franz Mullar was Hung. Shaking himself to focus he continued to read the local Paper, but couldn’t concentrate on it.
…Putting it down he was in deep thought. ‘Yesterday’ he reflected 'his Sunday summon wasn't very good, even he knew it! True it was well attended, but that he knew was just curiosity from his Parishioners. They all knew something had happened at the Hanging, but he would confide in no one and he knew the Local Gossip went wild with Speculation!’ He set his Jaw grimly and continued that vein of thought ‘Gossip is the Devils tool! …And he’d have to put a stop to that!’ Sighing he picked up his Paper and began to try to read it again.
At this moment in time he was depressed, and felt sorry for himself.
Then he started to hear a noise. It was like a door opening and it began as a loud creak, then got louder, and louder, and it just kept going, and going. ‘No door could open like that!’ he thought. Then without warning the opening door slammed shut. It was a dull thump of echo and it shook the house to its foundations, and the slamming noise came from his front Door. He threw the Paper down in anger to see what damage, if any, had been done to his house and especially his front Door.
Looking out of the Parlour he stared into the Hall way. It was normal just like it always was. Then there was a knock on the front door, he stepped out into the Hallway and went to open it. When he was halfway down the hall he realised his Door was now a glass panelled door, and he didn’t have one of them.
As the Reverend Sharp looked at the new door in disbelief it opened, but the wrong way. The next thing he saw, was a black girl in a white robe standing in the 'not his' door way and she left it 'ajar' behind her as she casually walked into his Hall Way, into his House!…
The Reverend saw her come in completely uninvited, he was livid ‘…Who's servant was this that come knocking at my door, then lets herself in' he thought.
…Then he took another look at the Front Door. It was where his Front Door should be and it really was opening the wrong way ‘…But that light behind it was so beautiful' he thought …And then noticed the young Boy peeping out from behind an imposing Stallion of a Blackman also dressed in white. Looking from the Black man back to the Boy he thought ‘What an angelic looking child’.
Then the Black-girl walked up the Hallway and now stood before him and he had to refocus his attention to her and away from the Boy. He was annoyed by the distraction and forced himself to look at her. He noted she was dressed in a white gown just like the Black Stud who still stood in the other Door. The Revered had never seen anything like it. Then the insolent Black girl without introducing herself said "…You ave’ an ‘Object’ dat’s not yours, and I has’ to take it back, now!" The girl then arrogantly held out her hand to him.
Reverend Sharp was appalled by her belligerent attitude and said. "You are in the house of a servant of God, and you will show me some respect."
"…And YOU!" said the Black Girl rocking her head side to side "Can kiss my shinny black arse! …The ‘cross’ NOW! …White Meat, or I'll kick your slimy Butt from here to London - YOU DIG ME - Honky!"
Reverend Sharp was abashed no Black-a-moor was going to talk to him like that, even though he didn’t understand half of what she said, but what he did know, was that it was disrespectful. Standing up straight he looked her in the eye and said. "…God gave me a calling here on Earth and that was to educate inferior creatures like you into his bountiful mercy. You will respect me Girl because I represent the Church and the Word of God here on Earth. The Church has been given, by God to the White Man, and we Minister it on his behalf…”
He stepped back from the girl and turned around. Then completing the turn he seemed to grow as he looked down at this loath-some creature in front of him.
Fuming with anger the Reverend said “…We are your superior in every way. You should ask to kneel at my feet Girl and ask for God’s Mercy! You Inferior Blacks, don't deserve his divine wisdom and glory, but in Jesus name ‘I’ offer it to You!.. KNEEL GIRL : AND I'LL — FORGIVE YOU! YOUR INSOLENCE — IN — HIS — NAME!!"
He looked at the Black girl and noticed that she held her ground with her head cocked to one side. He saw a searing contempt into his eyes and was horrified at her lack of respect for a Man of God. The Rev took a step forward and slapped her. He was very angry now, for her blasphemy, and insolence towards him, and the word of God!.. To his amazement she held his hand mid air, but never took her eyes off him once.
The Reverend looked up at his hand being held there by hers and slowly lowered his eyes to the Black girl who seemed to be growing in stature. The girl then stepped forward and her eyes were now just inches away from his own.
Anabel glared at him and said "God's a Black Man! - YOU fuckin' piece of White trash! - And YOU! work for a Black Man! - All people are to given respect White Meat! - And that means you to you fuckin’ Honky! - You have been given a Second chance to get your fuckin' act together, don't throw it all away! - I will take that thing, by force if necessary. GET IT NOW!… "
… And with that Anabel flung his Arm and Hand away from her with such a force that the Reverend found he was thrown on to his back in the Hall. She then stepped forward and stood over him seething with hatred.
He shuddered with fear and terror at this demonic creature hovering above him. At any second, he surmised - She could kill him, without a seconds thought! - And that, would by that. No one would know. Or be able to do anything about it. She'd came in through his front door and she'd leave the same way. He immediately realised that she was above any ‘Man’ made ‘Law’ on ‘Earth’ and he felt very small and vulnerable beneath her. He'd never seen such venom like that in anyone before, and he was at her mercy. 'One wrong move and he'd be dead' he thought then '…this Black Girl had a serious problem!'
Lying on the floor with a Black-girl standing above him in judgment he considered how she'd become like this. He'd never seen a Blackamoor act this way before. She was looking down on him as if he was some sort of low life. She didn’t seem to realise that the White Man was superior.
Sharp felt like a naughty child and laying there he realised he had no recourse. He was a small insignificant human who had no choice in any judgment made over him and he was her 'Slave!' - He was just like a her 'Black' slave. That thought brought him to a halt and he put himself in the position of a 'Black' who had no choice.
… And he saw it from her point of view and realised the 'Blacks' were like that because ‘he/they’ treated them like inferiors. What she was doing to him now, is what in his own mind, he did to them. He'd made them into mindless Beast of the field and in his mind kept them there. The reason? - Was, that you can't educate Beasts only use them.
He took that argument further …She was a powerful human being and only considered him to be a mindless Beast. She was Black and her attitude to him was the result of 'his' attitude to the 'Blacks' and Beast’s of the field. She didn't have a serious problem. He did! …And in that moment it all made sense.
The Reverend Sharp looked up to her and held his hand up in submission, as he scrambled up on his knees and keeping his head low he stood up straight, but didn’t meet her eyes. "I'm so sorry!" he said still looking down "I'll get 'the Cross' straight Away!". Turning his back on her he went into the Parlour and retrieved the Cross from under the Chair. Coming out put it carefully in her hand and only then did he cautiously look into her eyes.
“My second cha, chance… " he said stammering "… Is, is Hard, woo, Work! …But I thank you for the lesson!" Anabel grunted turned and walked towards ‘his/her’ front Door. Looking at her go he remembered what she'd said 'God's a Black Man' he mused over it and laughed, then laughed again.
Anabel looked back at the Madman, and sneered.
He was in a World of his own and never noticed her look back. 'He could never use it' he thought '… But what a spring board this could be for next weeks sermon!' and pondered on it. "Thank you! - thank you! - thank you!" he said looking only to see her step go into ‘his/her’ front door, and close it forcefully behind her. In a second the light was cut of and the Hallway was plunged back into a Monday morning again.
“God's a Black Man! …And I work for a Black Man!" he said it allowed this time and laughed even louder! Then he considered what he'd just said and abruptly stopped laughing. He also though about what had just happened in the last few minutes and he became very serious. What had just happened? How close to Death had he really been? …He answered himself "… Very!" and came out in a cold sweat.
God, he mused was testing his faith, and in his mind he'd learned a valuable lesson today. He began to feel a little better about himself and thought 'the World needed changing'. He'd start by changing it in his sermons on Sundays and from his Ministry he'd begin the process one person at a time and would preach ‘Racial Toleration’ starting with the ‘Irish’. He hummed a song as he went back into the Parlour to write his next sermon.
The Gardeners Son saw all this from the kitchen and thought 'the Dog 'thing' was bad enough, but this? He would just forget it all "…It never happen …IT NEVER! HAPPENED!" he said quietly, but earnestly to himself and got back to blacking the Stove.
Anabel walked back into the Library and slammed the Glass Door’s behind her. Nodding to John she said “…Fuckin’ piece of white trash!”. John patted his sister on the shoulder and left the Library to get changed. Anabel alone looked back at the glass Library Doors, but all that was on the other side was the ‘Brown Static Blobs’ floating around going no-where fast.
…She crossed the room to Romana and gave her the Cross. Who in turn hung it on one of thirteen Hooks that now adorned the Balcony. “One down. Twelve more to go." Romana said.
“These good ol' White Boys from that Century have a lot to learn about us Coloured Folk." said Anabel.
“They never did!" said Jane pulling her nose out of Tra’s History Book. "It wasn't until the late 1960's before you get some form of equality for 'Black' people! - Martin Luther? - Know him?.."
“NO!" said Anabel forcibly "…And I don't need to know Him Neither! …What did he ever do for Me? - WELL - I'LL - TELL - YOU - GIRL - NOTHING! - THAT'S WHAT!" Anabel then stormed out of the Library and into the Gym without a seconds glance.
Jane just looked knowingly at Romana then turned back to her Book.
Romana smiled at Jane and went back to adjusting the tendrils around the Globe. She was perplexed and confused by what had just happened. ‘These Primitives from the twentieth century moaning about skin colour!…' she thought '…What had That! - Got to do with Anything?'
time travelling.
A while later when they were all dressed and showered, and some form of normality had resumed in the Gym. Tra walked back into the Library. Jane was still there reading as was Romana who was waiting nervously for Tra by the ‘Silver Globe’ called the Val’taVille. Romana was desperate for him to explain how he could pick a year, and travel to it, and in turn drop of his Grandfather at the same time. ‘Just like That?’. She reflected it couldn’t be done! …And she reflected ‘If they couldn’t they where in big trouble with Tra’s Grandfather on board!’ She was tense.
“OK!” said Tra clapping his hands together looking to the Silver Globe then over to Romana. “…‘Romana’…” he said “You said yesterday ‘the Val’ta can only target time Events!’ …Well from this point in time I need you to plot with that 3D Projector in the Conference Room an overlay of the World you showed us earlier, and I need you to project all the time events from ‘this’ point on…” but he was cut off by Romana with a hint of hysteria in her voice and said “Tra! - That wont show you anything of Value!”. Tra continued calmly “…Now that the ‘Time Dam’ has been removed!…”
Tra looked at Jane, then Romana and said “Trust me it will work! Now we all need to go to the Conference Room for this part. So if you and ‘Jane’ with the History Book I gave her earlier, please follow me?”
Jane got Muggles down from the Book Racks ready to move, but the speaker on the receptionist Desk buzzed loudly. Jane looked round enquiringly at it, then back to Romana who seemed to deflate right in front of them.
Romana had no idea what Tra was trying to do, and was convinced that what ever it was. ‘It Was Doomed!’ to failure, because what he wanted the 3D Projector to do, made no sense. Looking round and with a deep sense of dread Romana said “Val’ta …From this point assist ‘any’ team member without prior approval. We’re all in this mess together now!” and glared at Tra.
…Standing in front of an increasingly confused Tra and Jane. Romana said “We don’t need to use the 3D Projector over the table in the Conference Room. The Val’taVille unit here can provide a better display.”
The speaker on Desk buzzed again and the Silver Globe became a Map of the Earth with Blue Sea’s and miniature Land Mass’s. Tra and Jane’s Jaw’s dropped at the unimaginable detail that was presented on the Globe.
…Muggles climbed back up the Shelves and watched in fascination as the coloured lines of various colours slowly crept through the surround metal grid and the tendrils that the Globe was suspended inside. They oozed colour onto the Earth’s surface. Various colours flared and expanded on the Earth as it slowly turned.
After a while of colours mixing, and mashing, then vanishing, whilst others melded and vanished. Tra said “Hold! …And rewind.” The Earth started to turn back and the Colours went back into the surrounding tendril stand. Tra walked up to the Globe and said “Stop!…” he looked round and said “Ok Jane over to you!” then looking back to the Earth Globe said “Location the Indonesia Islands something Major happened. On the Island of Java in the India Ocean. You can see a huge Red Bloom sprang up and its tendrils began to spread out across the World.”
Jane nodded and said “This is fascinating!” She was still standing with the Book in her Hand. Looking down she flipped it open and started scanning it.
Tra looked back to her smiling and said “Well? Jane! … What could cause such an event to occur. It alone spreads round the World dissipating, but sometimes ‘Flares up’ with a bright intensity some time into the Future. On those flares, only the Northern Hemisphere seems to be affected?..
Jane looked coldly at what she was seeing then flicked the pages of the Book in her hand. She then looked at the Island then looked back to the Book turning pages back and forth as she did. After a while she said “The reason the Northern Hemisphere was affected as well was because of crop failure. It represents people starving, but not dying. The Plume we also saw earlier indicated it was a near thing, but not catastrophic. The only thing that could cause that was an Earth Event i.e. the Atmosphere being polluted by Dust. The Main Event we see was the Indian Ocean was the 1883 eruption of the Volcano Krakatoa.
…Earlier we saw the Event build. So that would be in May 1883 and the massive red Plume you’ve held the Display on is when it reaches its peak and spreads out. The calendar date we’re looking would be August 26 at 10:02 AM (local time). When Krakatoa, west of Java, explodes with a force of 1,300 megatons. 163 villages are destroyed and over 36,380 people are killed. The entire Island is blown of the face of the Earth!…”
“…But you can’t know That!” that said Romana looking at Jane with concern.
“…Yes I Can!” said Jane dryly “…From this point in time i.e. 1870, to that red Plume of destruction indicated on the Globe is a Major Event that was never paralleled in that Part of the World. The repercussions that followed it affected every inhabited Continent with the Volcanic Dust going high into the upper atmosphere. For several years the Weather round the Earth changed. It got colder and as a result Crops failed. What your seeing is the Krakatoa Volcano Explode and the Date is written down. We Have a focal point!…” Romana looked at back to the Globe then back to Jane again, but said nothing her face said it all.
She was impressed, but yet to be convinced.
Jane smiling returned her eyes to the Globe and said “…And now I’ll get us to the end of 1800’s, give or take.” Then looking up she said “Val’ta rewind slowly! …But focus only on North America.” The colours ran back into the Metal Tendrils from the Earth Display on the Globe and Jane studied them intently saying now, and again “Slower, Slower…” till she abruptly said “Val’ta Hold!… and mark this spot if you would!…”
Shown was a White Plume over New York, that centred on Brooklyn and the White Tendrils where poised to run out in all directions across America. Another Blue one with the same potential was centred over Denver at the same Date. There were others, but none started at the same point.
“…What are we looking at?” said Romana who was becoming excited now, but still not convinced that it could be that easy.
Jane smile broadened and said “…The Denver one is fascinating and I propose that it the Birth of one Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.” Romana looked confused.
Continuing Jane said “…He was a famous American actor, screenwriter, director and producer, best known for his swashbuckling roles in silent films such as ‘The Thief of Baghdad’, ‘Robin Hood’, and ‘The Mark of Zorro’. He was an astute businessman and the founding member of United Artists.”
Romana stopped her saying “We need proof Jane, this is just supposition!”
Jane continued looking at Romana “…Fairbanks was also ‘a founding member’ of ‘The Motion Picture Academy’…” glancing down at her book she flicked several pages as she went, then looking back up she said “…Val’ta run the sequence forward, but very, very slowly…”
Blue tendrils ran all across America and Jane watched with keen interest, then said “Hold!..” and looking around at them all said “…Note the blue Tendrils going in and out of Hollywood in this time zone, or date?”
They all saw a mass of Blue confusion and nodded.
Holding up her Book she flicked through several, pages again mumbling to herself. Then Jane looked back to Romana and said “He’s your proof…” and looking over to the Globe again she continued “Val’ta I need a physical center on that location being shown!…” The Earth rushed up and Hollywood panned out and the Blue lines converged on a Building. Then the building resolved itself and a sign above it read ‘the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel’ . “Yup!” said Jane “Just as I thought, and it’s Proof…” and smiled at Romana saying “…Fairbanks hosted the first Oscars Ceremony in 1929 in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel… and its written here in black and white!”
Jane held up the Book to Romana. Who took it and read the passage, then looked back to the picture of the Hotel on the Globe. Romana nodded. She was greatly impressed with Jane had just done and it was the proof she needed. She physically relaxed as she let this child play in time.
Jane continued her monologue now reading from memory saying “…With his marriage to Mary Pickford in 1920, the couple became Hollywood royalty with Fairbanks constantly referred to as "The King of Hollywood. Hence the Blue Blood Tendril’s going outward from his Birth Date!
…He alone brought the new Media of films and entertainment into peoples lives and was on of the first great Celebrities and was one of the lynch pins to begin the Movie Business!” Jane was silent as she studied the links that the tendrils made and said to herself “…Absolutely Incredible!”
Tra looked at Jane and “Yes! ‘Incredible’ but what about the White plume?”
Jane dragged her eyes away from the Globe to Tra and said “Oh! Yes, sorry Tra I got distracted!” Looking up she said “Val’ta please rewind to the saved previous point!..” and she looked back to the Book. Jane stood there for several seconds flicking through several dozen pages. When she finished reading she looked back up to the White Plume and said “That’s the opening of ‘The Brooklyn Bridge’ on May 24 the 1883 at 2:00 PM and it was a major Epoch event for that Year. It changed the way ‘New York’ fitted in with the Continent of the United States and was opened by President Arthur, and a Governor Cleveland?..”
Shrugging he shoulders "… Going on!" she intoned “…It took 13 years to build, cost approximately $15 million and was described as the ‘8th wonder of the World’ when it was completed on May 24, 1883. It was the longest
suspension bridge of its time and spanned the East River in New York to Brooklyn, and Manhattan. It was over 1,595 foot between the towers. It was huge, and I can’t wait to see it!..”
Jane looked to Tra and said “…If we go there I suggest we reset the arrival time for minus nine Hours and find a Workman’s Hut in one of the many work Sites and Yards that will still be surrounding the Brooklyn Tower. The New York side, I feel will have to may people milling around it. Your Grandfather can cross the newly opened Bridge later to get to ‘New York’ where you say he lived?”
Tra nodded at Jane, then looked back to Romana saying “The that’s a good ‘Focal Target’ isn’t it? …Yes? …So we can ‘just go to 1883 now’. Can’t we 'Romana'?… ” She nodded meekly at him and thought ‘What Tra had proposed, and Jane had just done was impossible? What had they where now proposing to do was impossible, but they were all still going to do it anyhow!’
…Romana felt like she was in a dream as she looked up the ceiling saying “Val’ta mark the Event id no:001d”. The speaker above them buzzed as did the speaker on the receptionist’s Desk. Jane looked concerned at them, but Tra just grinned at Romana as he went back into the Gym.
Romana stood in the Library and wondered what had just happened? And considered just how come, no else in ‘the Magisterium’ had ever thought of doing what Tra and Jane had just done, but to follow the new ‘flight plan’ would take time.
…She quietly reflected on the ‘flight plan’ that the ‘tCouncil’ had given her for ‘the Relic recovery schedule’ and remembered that they where most insistent that she followed it to the letter. The Val’ta unit called it ‘the Mission Statement’. Setting her Jaw tight Romana thought to herself that ‘the Mission Statements’ been disrupted, and was totally thrown out of kilter.’
She took the argument further and wondered what the consequence of this diversion would be, but acknowledged one ray of hope. When this mess was over they could still get back on schedule. In considering the Schedule her mind drifted to Tra’s Grandfather and his presents in ‘the Acorn’ was a worry.
Romana considered her next course of action, she had to rid her self of Franz as soon as possible. "Next stop America!" she said to her self and stepped onto the rostrum reaching over she put her hand on the outer ring. 'Now!' she thought 'setting up that time slot and getting there might be problematic, but if she re-adjusted the 'T' vector and slid the upper dial all the way round.' She moved the outer ring half way and was bringing the other up as she reached over to other side! ‘It was awkward to get!' she Mused!
Val'taVille sported **What do you think you are doing …Romana?**
…Flushed with embarrassment Romana said “Thought I’d have a go at the calculations!” The speaker above Romana clicked once and she stepped off the Rostrum. Romana looked hurt by the Val'ta reprimand and said "OK! - You do it Then!…"
**Instructions:** sported Val'ta.
Romana looking up to the Speaker in the ceiling said “Val’ta set course for the White Event saved id:001d, minus nine standard hours. Location the Brooklyn Bridge Tower. Set Down Point the furthest Building within the working complex.” The speaker buzzed and Romana continued “Begin!… Calculations. Execute on my command! Confirm Programme ID. “Val’taVille 001d Brooklyn…”
The speaker buzzed again, in Confirmation!
Romana looked up painfully and sported **I could have done it**
Val'ta responded **Yes, but I've just completed it.** and with that the Rings Spun and stopped round the Globe in a Blur. Romana stamped her foot, just a little bit …And from behind her black Book Jane smiled.
in the gym.
Anabel was still upset, but over what? she couldn't say … But she was fuming and bustling around in the Gym like an old hen.
Franz was coming out of the showers drying himself and had a towel round his waist. Looking up at the Women in the room he ducked back in and came out wearing a Robe. ‘How quaint!' thought Annie who noticed him go back into the Shower Room.
Tra was coming back out of the Library after leaving Romana and Jane.
Annie, Mohammed and Abdul where sitting on a cot in the far corner *linking* quietly to them selves.
Sitting besides Sara's cot on a spare cot Murray was talking to her. He’d changed and showered ages ago and between mouthfuls of a huge sandwich he’d made he was telling her all about their first 'assignment', and what they did, and how they succeeded in bringing Tra's Grandfather back with them, and how they were going to drop him of in America later.
…During his story he glanced down to her now and again, but all she was going was just looking up in to the ceiling, and said nothing. He doubted whether she even registered his presents next to her. Then Sara sat up and screamed, everyone looked round in shock. Murray almost had a Heart attack as he fell off the cot.
Romana was there in a heartbeat. Sara looked to her and said "What sort of shit was that Romana?" Murray just looked up to Romana bemused his Sandwich for the moment forgotten. Romana looked from him then down to Sara smiling said "How are you then?"
As Sara stared up the entire room pressed in on her! …All these emotions. …All these feeling's …And she was drowning in the middle of them all. Holding her head in her hands she screamed, and shouted for everyone to stop pressing in on her.
…Franz Mullar wandered over and touched her hand, the out pouring of concern he felt almost killed her there and then. Pulling her hand away from him she fell of her cot and stumbling to her feet ran out of the Gym. Sara instinctively made her way to the Library. She knew in her heart it was quieter there. Romana was behind her and asked Jane to take her ‘Kat’ and go to the Gym, and to please close the Door on the way out!..
Jane looked up at Sara, then to Romana and without a word closed the Book and instructed Muggles to follow her, and left.
When the Room was silenced and the only din was a drone coming from the Gym. Romana quietly looked at Sara and capping her emotions said with a neutral tone in her voice "Use your 'Cowl' - Sara!"
“What's a fucking 'Cowl?'…" Sara shouted as she held her head in her hands and shock it from side to side. The out-pouring of ‘concern’ she still felt from the Gym was over powering her, and it beginning to over-load her Mind. "Make it stop!.." she shouted again "…Make it fuckin' STOP!"
Romana breathed in and said at length “…Sara …You've meet a 'copy' of the Divine Being during your installation!…"
“NO!" shouted Sara and for a second Sara felt frustration coming from Romana, but only for a second and in that second Sara reeled back from her as if she’d been hit and covered her face. Then putting her hands back on her head she looked at Romana with hatred in her eyes.
Romana continued evenly "You visited a room of light with walls of Crystal, during your Installation?". Sara Nodded still holding her Head. "What did the Bright Light in the room say to you?"
“I don't FUCKING know!" Sara shouted shaking her Hands and her Head from side to side "… I ran out, before it got me!"
Romana was shocked, but kept it to herself. She'd never heard of anything like this before and then knew Sara had only got half her Installation before she aborted it! - [She Ran Away!] - She was a failed installation - She now had procedures to follow to aid Sara, but first she had to sort out Tra's grandfather because she could help Sara with him here.
“Stay here!…" said Romana evenly "…And try to calm yourself. Switch off for as long as you can. I've got a job to attend first!" Romana then got up, walked out of the Library and into the Gym. She knew what she had to do.
problems a foot.
Romana swallowed hard and said at length to the assembled group "She need's to complete her installation. It's incomplete, every time you feel sorrow or concern or anything else it's like she's being hit with a hammer.
…She's empathic she feels your pain, your love, and your hate. She can't turn it off. So be blank. Have no feelings what so ever towards her! I can’t sort her out with Franz here. His presents and concern for her is creating havoc in her mind and causing her torment …And as long as she in torment I can’t get through to help her.” Franz looked appalled that he was doing damage and stepped back. Sara let out a howl of pain from the Library.
Romana sighed she had to keep everyone in there and became a magnet for all their tensions as she opened up her mind to them all. Franz looked confused and distressed then shock his head as his ears popped. Romana looked evenly at Franz and said "… We have to set you down first, then I can help Sara!" Romana glanced up and said "Val'ta execute plan Val'taVille Brooklyn 001d: Issue, priority One! …Execute!"
The Gym seemed to veered off to the Left, but it never really moved at all.
Romana continuing to look up and said "…Rear access to ‘focal-on-in’ and ‘set-down’ point.". Pausing through gritted teeth she said "Unit driver discretion approved." From above the speaker ‘sniggered’. Romana knew she couldn’t drive, and take on all the emotion as well.
The view from the Rear Gym Doors was much like the Front Library Glass Doors, but these where bigger and the Brown Blobs moved past them at a extraordinary speed.
“Now!.." said Romana to Smithy as she **sport** read all their thoughts "Can we find Franz some Cloths?".
…Snapping out of a dream Tra said “Just where are these cloths coming from anyhow?".
Smithy grinned and pulled open a set double of sliding doors that were part of the Gym wall. It was used for sports equipment, but they were currently empty. “This is what I'm using as a Wardrobe!" he proudly announced.
Everyone just looked blank. Romana knew all the time they were engaged in this sort of thing Sara was relatively safe from over exposure to their compassion, and concern that she was currently attempting to absorb.
Smithy closed the Doors and said looking up "Val'taVille construct: late twelfth century complete peasant garb. Tra's size, copper currency two units.” and as he closed the door he said “Proceed…” A second later a slight 'ding!' sounded and Smithy opened the door. In the center of the Cupboard was a rack and hung over it was the Brown home spun woollen Garb that a field hand or peasant would wear. Complete with leg hoses and leather wrap round Shoes tied crudely with leather straps.
“…That’s where you made Dinner!” said Jane staring at the cloths then looking around at the grey walls in wonderment. “Yup!” said Smithy proudly.
Looking in the cupboard Tra thought ‘Rags on a Stick'. Then moving in and reaching down he picked up two brown disks. "That’s a lot of Money!" said Smithy. Tra replaced them and Smithy closed the door then looking up said "Val'ta, recycle and flush!". When he opened the Doors again there was nothing in Cupboard.
“No Washing Up!…” said Jane dryly. Smithy just grinned.
“How?" began Anabel looking in side the empty Cupboard and rubbed her hand over the Grey Walls.
“Nanobots or ‘nits’ if you prefer." said Smithy "A special version of them built the Library and Gym. This version of a ‘nit’ Remakes and Re-builds matter to become any form of material. That blobby brown stuff you see out there is a use-able form of matter!" He said it pointing to the stuff travelling past the Glass Doors then turning back continued “…It’s constructed under guidance from the Val’ta unit and they can make anything, and in there a second ago they just made those cloths…”
"…This is what I call my Knitting Machine!" Jane, Tra, Murray, John and Anabel all groaned at the joke.
Franz, Abdul, Mohammed, Annie and Romana looked confused by the comment? Tra pointing at them said "Nits lost it in Translation?" Half the room was in Hysterics, the other half defiantly wasn't.
Smithy smiled to himself then felt 'the Acorn' slowing down and quickly closed the Sliding Doors then looking up said “Val'ta construct: … Middle Eighteenth Century Style, Tailors Outfit, Needles, Pins, Cotton, Chalk plus ample stores [check data logs on content] Place in a top opening leather Bag. Provide Top Hat Flat-Style, Buckled Leather Shoes, Cotton long Johns underwear and one pair of thick woollen socks, black!…”
He paused in thought for a moment and continuing said “…And a standard heavy winter Coat, also black!” Looking to Franz he said “It might be warm today out there, but it gets dammed cold in New York, in the Winter…” Smithy was silent again and pondered a delicate problem then looking up said “…Coinage! Two Hundred American Silver Dollars, in a leather Money Belt!…” and nodding to himself said “…Proceed!”. Looking back at Franz again with a glint in his eyes said “…That should set you on the right road."
Franz now consider that he was really dead, and without a doubt had gone mad as well. Then the 'ding!' sounded again and Smithy slid open the Doors revelling the Cloths, Shoes, Coat, Bag and Money was all there. "Franz get Dressed." he said, but Franz looked abashed and cast his eyes to the Ladies in the Room. “Oh! I forgot about your sensitivities!…" said Smithy "Well - Use the Cupboard as a changing Room then." and ushering him closed the sliding Doors behind him.
Romana stole a glance at Tra, and John. They immediately turned and went into the Fema Room. A few minutes later Franz came out of the Cupboard looking like a Million Dollars. Which is about what he had wrapped round his middle. Franz gave Smithy back the Fema robe. Smithy thanked him and put in on the cloths rack inside the cupboard and said “Waste not, want not!…”
John and Tra came back into the Gym and where dressed in standard Grey Fema Jump suits with black three-quarter Leather Boots. As they walked in they wobbled slightly. The Room had nudged something, but never moved **Whoops Sorry!** sported Val'ta. Romana swore quietly, she was getting quite good at it! 'These primitives and their word wrenched games where getting to her!' she thought. Sara let out a wail again from the Library and Romana cursed as she realised she’d lost focus and quickly opened up her mind again. As she did, she also said “We‘ve arrived!..”
Everyone walked across the floor to the large glass Gym Doors. The view now showed a black outline silhouetted against the light of dawn. Then slowly the silhouette became the outline of a massive suspension Bridge and they were travelling inches across the top of the water in a fast flowing river. The Bridge was rushing towards them.
Jane was enthralled by its magnificence and stared up at it as they passed underneath the Structure. Without warning the view swerved round keeping the Left turret in view. It spiralled up and round it twice before the scene veered off and went to the rear of the construction site. The view slowly turned round the farthest compound and abruptly stopped moving sideways. Coming to a halt it seemed to hover completely still for a second then falling out of the sky the view slowly glided down in an curve and the point of its trajectory was a Hut at the back of the massive Yard.
As the view on the door moved in through its crazy arc, it slowed considerably and a wooden Workman's Hut filled the panoramic view the Gym Doors offered.
As the planks of the Huts came into view the image’s speed slowed right down, then completely stopped. The planks of the Hut seemed to wobble and shimmer then became stable again. “Not so easy as it looks - Val'ta - is it?" said Romana who wasn't happy with the Val’ta and its driving skills, because up to now Romana had been guiding ‘the landings’ in her self.
happy landings.
Tra walked to the Door putting a 'Brother Stick' into his pocket as he did. At the main Door he looked back to Romana who nodded. Pushing the Doors open Tra stepped out into the dark Hut. Looking around he saw it was a room set aside for the workmen to Change and Eat Dinner. The Clock on the wall said it was five AM local time.
John followed him and the pair of them stood Silently in the Hut listening. They could hear a dog barking in the distance, and a man shouting at it to ‘Be Quiet!…’, it was followed by a Bottle being thrown and smashing, then silence ensued.
…After one minute of listening to the World local to them that was all they heard. Tra turned to John and said "Are you ready?" John nodded at him in the Dark, spun on his heels and was gone out of the Door in a Flash…
the virgin's first time .
John was like the wind as he had opened the outside Door, and in a Blur was gone. Running down the rutted track in the field. He breathed in the fresh dawn air, and it was good. The Guard Dog he found by the Main Gate was tied by a running chain. It had just settled down after barking at the strange noise it had heard earlier. The Old Dog raised its head when it sensed John approach, but John was to quick for it and the Dog didn't even get out a muted ‘Woof…’ as John grabbed its upper shoulder in a neck pinch. Watching the head loop over and its tongue flop out John calculate it would be 'unconscious' for just under an Hour. ‘More than enough time.’ he thought.
Turning, and with extraordinary speed he was in the Hut and found a sleeping Watchman slumped over the Table with a Bottle still in his Hand. He started to stir even in his Drunken state as he heard John approach. John applied the same pressure pinch on him as he had the Dog and watched the Watchman’s Head drop back to the Table. He then took the Watchman’s Keys.
To his left the Padlocked and Chained Gate was all that stood between Franz and the World. Carefully stepping over the broken bottle John was a blur as he removed the Padlock and Chain, and swung open the Gates. He was then was back inside the Hut again placing the Key, Padlock and Chain on the Table next to the Watchman, and his empty Bottle.
… Hopefully when the Watchman woke up he'd think he had forgotten to lock the Gate. Look at the Bottle and perhaps drink less next time…
John was like the wind and scouted the muddy compound with its deep rutted tracks and Huts being dismantled. He ran around the massive fenced compound to ensure it was secure. All this took less that thirty seconds and in that time he found no one else on the site.
Standing back in the same spot he vanished from sixty Seconds earlier he was slightly out of breath. Nodded coyly to Tra he reported "… One Watchman Drunk, sleeping over by the 'main gate' and his old Dog. Both of them were now 'deeply-asleep' and wouldn't 'come-round' for an Hour at least. The 'main gates' are now open for Mr Mullar… " John's smile became broader as he went back into the Gym and patted Franz on the back then wishing him luck send him out to Tra.
Tra looked around as Franz came over. "This is Goodbye Then?" Franz said. Tra nodded. “Will, We meet again?" said Franz again. “No!…" was all Tra said then shaking his Grandfathers hand he also wished him luck. Franz nodded and walked out into the center of hut and looked back into the light coming from the Glass Door and these strange People inside that room. He lifted his arm and waved goodbye to them. The Glass Door's closed and the Hut was plunged into total darkness. Franz was standing with his hand in the air staring at a blank wall and looked round. He walked out of it into early Dawn of a cold Day and was totally confused?
… One minute he was in Newgate waiting to Hang for a crime he didn't committed and the next he was in a Yard next to a Hut dressed in fine Cloths and wearing a nice warm Coat?..
He looked into the distance and saw a massive Bridge and what could only be New York beyond it. He’d be here briefly once before, but it looked slightly different this time and dismissed the thought. Excitedly he thought to himself ‘I've finally got here! I'm in the New World!'. He stood in the muddy yard for a second savouring the sweet smelling air, then he realised he had a bag in his hand. He put in down on the ground and opened it. Squinting in at in the light dawn light, he was shocked to discover that he seemed to have a full set of tailoring Instruments and Tools.
As Franz stood back up he closed the Bag and re-adjusted the Belt he had round his Waist. By the weight of it he could feel was full of Money and from its Bulk it seemed to be a lot.
‘This must be the work of God’ Franz thought as he looked round and continued with this train of thought '…Well if God had given me a second chance, then I'd better take it!' - "New World - New Name" he now said out loud "…'Miller!'… I'll call myself 'Frank Miller' and England and all its corruption can go to Hell…" and with those words out he spat on the ground in contempt. He walked round the side of the Hut and followed the rough track down hill to the 'main gates' that were wide open.
In the gloom Frank never saw the sleeping Watchman or his Dog in the Hut next to the Gate. Because he was looking forward at the dawn of a new day and as he did Frank Miller walked down the Hill, and into his new life.
-the final programme.-
Tra looked at Romana as the Doors closed and said "Wont he say anything?"
“No!…" Romana said evenly "You walk in here and you're in a cocoon of time. When you leave the memories of 'the cocoon time' you experience in here Evaporate!". Then she looked round and went on "…But you my Children are all 'eSpace' Time Agents. You are Mech‘tee … And you have the 'nit' trinity. The cocoon goes with you where ever you go. You - Can - Never - Forget!… "
Sara started screaming again in the Library as Romana let her mind slip. Her shoulders dropped as she remember her next task.
“Can I help?” said Jane.
“NO!…” Romana said forcibly and went on "…Neutral thoughts! Read some Books that usually becomes a flat emotionless subject. Sorry Jane!" she said pausing "…But-It-Is-Dry!" Jane looked hurt, but said nothing.
… Romana eyed them all. She knew what she had to do and told everyone that Sara needed to be walked through the Install process again, and ‘Yes’ there was a risk in that she had to get out of the White Room before Sara's install took place, but she continued solemnly "… I feel we owe it to Sara. For me to try!" The Mech’tee Agents gathered around Romana and wished her luck. Romana looked at them and thought 'I have them, they're mine!'.
Sara took that moment to scream again from the Library.
Annie watched Romana turn to leave the Gym, but had an alternative plan set aside just in case Romana wasn't as clever, or as quick as she thought she was. Strangely she'd got this notion whilst linking with Abdul earlier, and he had no idea where it had come from, other than say its what a Doctor would do to protect himself. He couldn't explain it further, but they knew it would work because they tested it on Mohammed.
It was a good procedure and they began to implement it! … Annie gave the signal as Romana left whilst sitting cross legged on their cots they 'linked'. Their eyes became Opaque. **NOW!** sported Annie.
As Romana walked out of the Gym and into the Library she was already uneasy about what she had to do next, but couldn't throw of this feeling that she was being watched. It added to her overall anxiety on the task that laid ahead.
… She considered Jane’s foolish request to help and thought ‘What could a primitive Monkey barely out of the Trees possible do to help me?’ She smiled at that and walked into the Library. Grimly she set her Jaw and looked at the job to do in front of her. 'Oh! Yes' she thought to herself 'I know exactly, just what needed to be done next, with Sara!'
As she walked into the Library Romana demonstrated a confidence that she secretly didn't feel. She saw Sara sitting in the corner rocking to and through whilst crying and gibbering to herself. Bending down Romana took her hand then pulled her up to a standing position. Sara allowed her self to stand and with a tear stained face looked into Romana’s eyes and said “Make it Stop!”
Romana looking back at the wrecked creature standing in front of her and said “I will!…” and gently guided Sara to one of the Bench's and sat her down. She then sat down behind her and looking at the back of Sara’s head Romana said quietly "We're going to sleep now ‘Sara’ … You have to finish you're Installation …You’re a valuable member of this expedition, and I need you with Me!…"
With that Romana held her head to back of Sara's and their 'nits' began to glow bright Blue in such a close proximity. Romana and Sara fell into a state of controlled unconsciousness within the confines of a common physical link that Romana had instigated.
sleep therapy.
Sara looked round she was inside a plush Edwardian Room with Books covering every wall. To the rear of the Room was a small brick fire place. The coal fire was crackling, but the sound was one of sadness. She had a heavy red travelling rug over her body. Glancing to her left she saw Romana was sitting on a plush heavily padded leather chair with a Pen and Notepad in her hand. Sara looked round as the clamour outside got louder and louder by the second. Then the banging started on the window and Sara became all the more fretful. "Make it stop!" she pleaded.
"I will… " said Romana quietly "… All you have to do is go to sleep Sara, and the noise will stop. Just close your eyes and drift off into a deep Sleep!.."
Sara's eyes felt heavy and she began blinking as sleep crept up on her.
"That's right… " Romana continued in a calming peaceful tone in her voice "… Just go to Sleep!… " Sara's eyes where now closed and the clamour outside the room was abating. "Just sleep… snuggle up to beautiful calming sleep… " said Romana quietly. From the couch Sara's breathing was becoming deeper and more shallower by the second.
As Sara drifted into a deep ‘rem’ state, a strange calm began to draw about the room. Romana looked over to the Window and noticed that the voices outside the room were hardly audible as Sara slipped further and further into a deep comatose sleep, that she would never wake up from.
Then the old clock on the mantel piece over the fire chimed a soul-full sound and Romana glanced over to it instinctively. When she looked back down at Sara her eyes where wide open and she was staring up at Romana intently.
"NO!.." said Sara and forcibly threw off the rug. Then next second she was sitting up with her legs over the side of the couch. Sara stared long and hard at Romana and said "No! - You where going to put me to 'Sleep' like some old Dog! …Past its sell by Date! … How dare You!"
With that the clamour outside began to build again. The voices became more intense and they threatened to collapse the Room. "There's no other way!" cried Romana as she looked at the Walls beginning to buckle under the strain. "We can't re-install you!… " she continued as fear gripped her. "Yes you can!" said Sara calmly staring at her "I can see into your mind in here. You outlined 'a re-install-plan’ to the others, before you came into the Library!"
Romana looked away from the Walls and back to Sara saying "It’s to risky! I would have to put myself in danger, and the Mission could be compromised. That outline I gave them was just words to pacify Children!.." Romana wailed. "Please lay back on the couch Sara, and Sleep. It's the only way!… "
Sara stood up and staring hard down at Romana said "NO! - I blame you for my Predicament! …You never told me about the forth nit install Procedure!". "I forgot! … It’s not in ‘the Mission Statement’ and in all the commotion of getting the others to take the Trinity! …‘I forgot’ about it! …I‘ve never been involved with your type of install before …I’m sorry!…" wailed Romana in terror as she saw the Wall to her opposite began to slowly fall in. In panic and looking up at Sara she said "…But for me to get out of here! …You Must go to Sleep! …Please Sara … If you don't, we'll both be killed, and without me Gods Mission will fail… "
Sara's head was splitting with the noise and she looked down at Romana then through gritted teeth said "… The Trinity install carried a failure risk! … And you never told them? … 'Romana' how could you?", but Romana was looking past Sara into the nothings as the Wall on the other side of the Room collapsed in completely and stammered "… The, the-miss, the Mission is, is to, too Important! … It was necessary …an ..and I saw no reason to worry any of them … But Sara you've failed your install … You must calm yourself, and prepare to Sleep!… "
Sara looked over to the void invading the room and said calmly "We must complete my install… "
"You can't!" cried Romana "This Room has no door and once an install has failed it can't be done again!”
Sara grinned menacingly at her saying "Oh yes it fucking well can. I tried, and failed sixty seven times! … But I was to fucking quick for it! … And." she said menacingly "… The fuckin' Door is behind You!…"
Romana tuned and looked at it in disbelief then cried out in fright as Sara grabbed hold of her as she dragged her out of the Psychiatric Room. Opening the Wooden Door they went into the Install Hallway. Romana tried to pull away, but Sara held her with the strength of a madman. From the Door frame Romana and Sara looked back at 'the Edwardian Book room' as it was swept away with the storm of swirling void matter. Sara slammed the door shut and almost immediately the voices on the other side of began again, and second by second, they increased in number, and volume. Then the banging and hammering started as a Million people knocked on the door at the same time. The door slowly began to splinter.
Sara looked at Romana and said "For sixty seven times I was in that white room with the Oak Doors, and for sixty seven times I ran out of it and into a vast black sandy desert. It's always night there and the stars are bright, but it doesn't matter which way you travel you always end up back here.
Sara pointed with her finger to the floor.
…Romana looked from Sara's face to her finger pointing at the floor and in that second they both merged into Sara's Install.
Romana screamed in terror.
in a fix.
Sara and Romana, were in a Hall and a light was glowing out of the crystal walls [they] was wearing a light white mantel and felt like [they] were floating. All along the Hall could be heard a sound of crystal being made and coming to life. And growing in confidences. And the more it grew, the happier it became.
The more [they] moved along the Hall the more [they] became aware of other noises, [they] had no choice in [their] direction, [they] were made to move onward. The sound was like a million voices all talking at once, mixed in with the crystal tones. At this, [they] began to feel alarmed about it all, and beginning to panic made [their] way faster along the corridor to the Doors at the end.
There was two huge Oak Doors at the end of the Hall and [they] rushed towards them knowing if [they] got in there the noise would stop. [They] pushed them open urgently; the doors opened wide with no sound. [They] rushed headlong into the room and [their] Breathing was Laboured. The noise didn't stop, but was quieter in here and seemed under control.
In the middle of the room was a light. It was pure light, a light so bright you could stare at it and not be blinded, but it was far brighter than the brightest day, or the brightest night. It was brighter than the Sun. And it spoke to [Them] …
[ Sara told Romana to Run ]
The light wavered and then spoke to Sara. Romana covered her ears and ran for the ‘fire’ exit door. She was almost got out of the room, when she heard Him Speak.
… Falling in front of the grey door she screamed, she didn't want to hear what 'He' said, but she heard it anyhow and the final command got it registered inside her soul and it installed itself '…C-O-W-L - INSTALLATION COMPLETE!…’ was the last part of the Words she heard the light say.
Romana had heard it all, and in that second she been installed. She considered the fact, before the World turned bright White, that Sara had escaped this room sixty seven times, and smiled bitterly. ‘She was faster than me!’ she thought. Then the fire ball of pain hit her as she scrambled up to her feet and crashed out of the ‘fire-exit-door’ only to fall onto the cool black sand that stretched on for miles under the black star light sky.
Looking back the door she'd run out of was now gone.
… Romana laid on the sand and in the coolness of night her World began to still and she began to go into a deep Sleep. Then inside a dream she felt Sara reach down and collect her up saying 'Oh no you don't! … We can't Sleep here!'
Waking up on ‘the Library Floor’ Romana assumed they must they must have fallen off the bench during their Install. She glanced over to see Sara laying next to her, she looked at peace. Romana smiled bitterly and now knew what Sara was suffering from. Half an installation, but Romana had no empathic 'nits' or even a limited Ability to absorb the information.
… And { Her mind began to crash in on itself } She'd heard to much in that second in 'the Hall of Light' and the World spoke to her in one Voice! - One Terrible voice of a Billion People, a Million Miles Wide, and it was of Hope, Love, Hate, Despair and Concern!…
She heard every Voice on Earth in an instant. All of them, all at once, and it threatened to shatter her soul, her very being! Her will crumbled. In her mind Romana screamed in agony, and rolling about the floor wept bitterly.
In that second Sara opened her eyes. Reaching over she grabbed Romana's hair. Then holding her head next to Romana’s induced a deep sleep state.
They were both inside that plush Edwardian Room again with Books covering every wall, but this time it was Romana laying on the heavily embroidered couch with the red travelling rug over her and Sara was sitting on the padded Chair with a Pen and Notepad in her hand. Romana looked round as the clamour outside got louder and louder. "Make it stop!" she pleaded "Let me go to Sleep! … Put me to Sleep! …I beg You!"
… Sara smiled down at her and said "That isn't your fate Child!" and stood up and put both hands on Romana's head. When she stepped back Romana saw in her Hands what looked like where living strands of coloured smoke that whipped about as Sara held them. Smiling down at Romana Sara turned around on the spot, as she did so the strands of smoke vanished till nothing was left, and the voices outside faded.
Spinning back round to her starting position Sara wrung out her hands in front of Romana and said "God gives, and God takes away. Those that have the ability, can always remove it from others! …Remember that next time you want to put someone to ‘Sleep’ Romana!… "
Romana sat up ashamed at what she had proposed to do to Sara and what she had become. "Its not our way!…" she said "…It's my instructions, and ‘the Magisterium‘. It's the Mission and the Pressure. I wasn't sure I was qualified to do this Job, but I still got it - In fact my line Manager insisted I got it… " Romana looked up at the panelled ceiling and laid back. She started talking and talked, and talked, letting it all out. And all the while Sara took notes in her flip over notebook.
… After ten minutes half the book was filled up then suddenly as Romana was speaking about the ‘Kat’ and its ‘nits’ a strange look past over her face. She looked to Sara and sat up saying "What has my Society become? … And what have I become? …That I could be so easily manipulated like that?.." Then her shoulders convulsed as she started to cry openly.
Sara nodded quietly to herself and said "I think this session is over, shall we book you in for a follow up session next week?" Romana looked over to Sara laying on the ground and smiled at her.
Sara was laying next to Romana on the floor and smiled back at Romana who had tears in her eyes. Less than a second had passed in real time after Sara had grabbed Romana by the hair and instigated the sleeper hold on her.
all change.
**NOW!** said a Voice … Romana looked up and stared at the ceiling. She'd never fallen over in her life, but that's what she'd done now. In her haste to take care of Sara in the Library she'd fallen over and was currently now looking up at Tra and John who were helping her back to her feet.
… That ‘Kat’ Muggles was looking out from under a cot where she just passed. Romana could have sworn he looked amused and as she looked down at it, she scowled. ‘That dammed ‘Kat’ thing had tripped me up!' she thought, then panicked “SARA!… " she shouted to herself, and in a panic she pushed herself away from John and rushed into the Library.
Romana found Sara standing in the Dark and wearing the Empath Burqa with the 'Cowl' on, and for good measure her head was covered with the Hood built into the long Robes. Sara was looking at the Glass Library Doors and the Blobs were flying past very fast.
…Romana saw in an instant that ‘the Acorn’ was in flight and they were on route, but to where? She was confused? Romana looked back to the Val'ta unit, but shook off the temptation to sort it out and concentrated on Sara and said to her "I have to help you?… with your install problem…” her voice trailed off as she realised that Sara needed no help.
“It should be enough! …That, I'm in 'the Cowl'…" said Sara turning away from the Glass Doors and looking directly and Romana. Sara’s eyes seemed to be burning bright Red in the Dark.
“…Cowl?" said Romana uneasily looking into the eyes of the Demon as it stared at her. ‘Those eyes seemed to see inside my very Soul’ thought Romana, then continued in that vein 'I wonder if she knew I was gong to put her to Sleep!'. Romana shuddered at that thought, put on a brave face and said "… Yes I was going to help you with that!… "
“Not Necessary!" said Sara turning away and staring back at the Glass Doors.
Annie, Abdul and Mohammed where drained. Abdul had [ Projected ] it had been done before 'the Symbolism' indicated that it had, but he added I just wish I could get that image of ‘a Doctor’ out of my head.
Annie said "If she had her way it would never be done again". Looking round she said "I've seen Him again!" Mohammed stared round the room and nodded then laid down in his cot to exhausted to move.
They'd excluded Romana's mind from time after that Abdul had come up with his ‘Doctor’ concept … From a point in the Gym they'd tracked Romana, recorded what she did and at the moment when her mind faired, burned and crumbled - Which they all felt - They immediately 'fractured the memories' of what the three of them had took turns in recording.
Their record period was less than a second and the sliced corrupted memory made no sense to any of them. They then ‘dumped the recorded’ and ‘corrupted memories’ back into Romana's mind for that period of her 'life line' so she wouldn’t even notice she'd lost any time.
Smithy had taken in Sara's new cloths. John and Tra collected Romana from the Library and put her on the Gym floor for when she came round. The group where sworn to absolute secrecy about what had happened …And they all knew if Romana ever forced those memories back, she would go mad, very, very slowly!
… From the point of view of Abdul, Mohammed and Annie they didn't need know what had happened to her and they didn't want to either. Because if, they surmised, that ever found out about 'the knowledge' of what Romana had done it helping Sara. Would surly kill them as well.
Smithy, Tra and Murray got out the cots and blankets. The Gym lights dimmed and they were all asleep within seconds. They were all exhausted.
Abdul said absent-mindedly from his cot as sleep hit him "…You can't look into the face of God with out an invitation. If you have an invitation then you shouldn't be here. It's simple … It's Invitation only."
Mohammed nodded and fell into a deep sleep.
Later in the Upper Balcony Romana considered that something had happened to her, and if she ever found out what she knew she'd die. She resolved from that moment never to attempt it, but she had this slight problem of an unauthorised ‘time-flight-plan’ change.
… And the Val'ta wasn't communicating where it had got the information from. Every time Romana demanded an answer from the Val’ta unit all she got was a static burst from the speakers. She came to realized that it wasn’t being awkward. It genuinely couldn’t answer her. She also came to the conclusion that her memory loss and the ‘flight-change’ might be a related problem, and or condition.
She would have to tread careful.
Yawning Romana decided to question the Val’ta unit in the morning with more subtle set of queries, but for now she wanted a good nights sleep.
the conspiracy.
Sara was bemused at the teams comings and going and at the same time she was amused at how they all worked together, but she was also annoyed though, because she would have to start on Romana all over again and this time it wouldn't be so easy. Sara resolved to never tell her team about Romana's 'Final Solution' regarding a ‘Failed Agents Installation‘.
…That would break their spirits, and at this moment in time they were keen, and she wanted to keep them that way…
'The Acorn' travelled on with Sara at the helm and she stayed in the Library all night talking to a million minds as they raced past in time. Later on towards dawn of a new day in time she reflected on what she had learned.
the cost.
Romana hadn’t slept well. Even though with her nits she could simply switch off, but she couldn’t. Last nights events were playing on her mind. What with Sara’s Install, and the time flight change. She’d argued long and had with the Val’ta unit, but after an hour she’d given up and retired. Later she had woken up in the middle of the night thinking about her obligation to the mission.
…Laying there in the small hours of the morning Romana couldn’t work out why Sara was still alive and why she hadn’t fulfilled her duty towards the Mission Statement. She had signed it in good faith and was compelled to follow it, to the letter. According to ‘the Mission Statement’ given to her by the ‘tCouncil’. Sara should have been eliminated as was their custom in these situations! …In the dark and in the confines of the Upper Balcony Romana cried out in horror at that thought. It made her cringe with self loathing.
…That wasn’t their Custom! …Failed Installation Candidates where pensioned off and given a luxurious life style for their remaining years? Between tears of anger she asked herself ’Where did that abhorrent thought of killing Sara come from? Then answered herself ‘the Mission Statement.’
Romana really couldn’t understand how Sara was now Installed when she knew full well that once an Install fails, that was it! …And the initiate usually dies within five years. It was a mystery how Sara was walking around let alone developing her ‘4th nit’ abilities, but Romana saw her infant talents manifest them selves last night after she fell over the ‘Kat’ in the Gym.
…What Romana refused to acknowledge in her delusion of ‘the Mission Statement’ was that it was only the ‘Trinity Install’ that carried the risk of failure, and that was only 0.079% of the population failed it. All other nit installations from ‘4’ through to ‘8’ could be removed. As Sara had done to her in the therapy Room, but she had no memory of the procedure. It was this corruption in her mind that was causing her social host nits to rebel with her conditioning, and as a result she was disrupted and disturbed. This was the reason she couldn’t sleep…
Romana sat at her desk for most on the night working out formulas on sheets of plex in an attempt to break the illegal ‘flight plan’. If she matched the formula being used she could break it, and regain control. On thing she did know was the event window was rushing up on them fast and the arrival time was due at five in the afternoon.
Later the faint aroma of coffee drifted through the upper Library told her that time was slipping away fast. Standing up and looking through the window she saw the team below in the Gym going about their morning ritual of breakfast. Sighing she decided to get some of the coffee, that people of this century revelled in. It didn’t affect her because her nits disabled the caffeine, but she’d come to the conclusion it did taste nice. Glancing down at her desk and the sheets of plex scattered all over it, Romana decided she needed a break.
Wearily she made her way down the stair case and into the Gym. Romana looked round and considered she hadn’t felt this bad in years, what was wrong with her? She saw her team bustling around cleaning up and preparing breakfast and noticed Sara dressed in her black Burqa with her hood up. She sat on a cot in the middle of the vast room unmoving and seemed to be in a World of her own.
Romana also noticed everyone was avoiding her.
The first thing that struck Romana this morning was the coldness in the air in the Gym. It seemed that the heating wasn’t working and finding Smithy asked him if it was faulty. He looked round and said no it was all fine. This confused Romana all the more, but thanked him never the less and went over to Murray. As she walked it was like the ice was following her. Standing awkwardly in front of Murray Romana asked him if there was any coffee going. The Big Lad in front of her smiled and said “Always for my Commandeering Chief.” then winked. Annie from the back gave her some toast with Jam.
…Romana sat on a stool for a while sipping her coffee and listened to the comings, and goings of her team around her. Something was wrong! Even though everyone was polite, there was a tension in the air. She couldn’t shake of the feeling that she didn’t belong, and was struck by a deep feeling that they where remote and removed from her. ‘His Commandeering Chief’ Murray had said. Now she considered his words and found them strange.
Looking round and biting a lump out of her toast Romana felt that she didn’t control them anymore, gone was the euphoria and sense that she had them under her control, the sense of oneness she held over them last night.
…When she was about to put Sara to sleep, but told them she was going to help Sara with her Install. It a second she realised the sensation she knew that control over them had evaporated, only to be replaced by the coldness of an empty room.
Romana scanned the room and slowly settled on Sara who’s red eyes opened in that second and looked hard at her. Romana knew that the dead center of the cold atmosphere in the Gym, was Sara.
Romana slowly looked round at the rest of them. Jane seemed unaware of what was happening as she had her head in another Book, but a silence descended as everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on Romana.
As the tension became audible even Jane looked up. Tra looking round asked “…Well what’s next then? Where are we going next?..”
Romana realised that they wanted to know their destination. In all the confusion of last night’s installation with Sara she’d never told them. The team where unsure of what was happening next and wanted to know.
Sighing she said "…That diversion to America put us off course and we're nearer a ‘Minor Relic’. So the Val'ta has informed me we’re going after that one first before going after the ‘Big One!’
…Apparently we got put on an unauthorised flight plan last night and the Val'ta unit wont inform where it got the new instructions from?"
Jane from behind the Book, but looking over it smiled to herself. As did Smithy from the Kitchen.
“Minor Relic?" said John.
“Big One?" said Tra.
Romana realised that in all the problems with the first assignment and Tra’s Grandfather, then Sara's Install, she'd never got round to telling them about ‘the Relics’ strength in the time line.
“Yes…” she said looking at them all “…I was going to tell you about ‘the Effort!’… ‘the Others' had been put through in leaving 'the Relics' on Earth's 'eSpace' past …It’s something I‘ve been putting off for the right moment!… But I‘m not sure eating Breakfast in the Gym is the right place to discuss it!… I’ll arrange a meeting later in the Conference Room!…”. Romana got up to leave.
Sara coldly from her cot said “…Well don’t ‘put it off’ anymore ‘Romana’… And this is a perfect Moment! …We wont wait for your whim on this matter. I demand you revel ‘the truth’ to us Now!..”
Tra glanced back at Sara. He thought she looked troubled by something and knew his partner to well. As he looked at her he did reflect that she did look cool her black drawn up Robe and Hood, but what she came out with next concerned him.
Sara looking round said "…This is information we should have been given prior to our first assignment, and is information we have a right to know! You had a duty of care to tell us prior to this. I now charge you with this edict to revel the data to us …I‘ve picked this Moment, it’s not up to you … You will tell us …And as a foot note I’ve been waiting for this information and personally need it for my own Calculations!…” Romana paused and looked round in shock at Sara’s attack on her. Sara went on “…Come on ‘Romana’ WE! …Haven't got all Day! So just tell us …We are big boys, and girls and can handle the Truth!…”
Romana sat back down, she was in the spotlight.
Tra was shocked at Sara and **sported** privately to her what she was doing. Without looking to Tra and holding Romana in her hard gaze Sara sported back **Working, Tra … Do what you‘ve been trained for, and keep Quiet!** Looking away Tra came to the realisation he hardly knew Sara anymore, and his Sergeant and Partner was now drifting away only to be replaced by this impatient stranger dressed in Black. Then thought 'I wonder if she still knows me?'..
the cost.
Romana sat on the stool in the middle of the Gym stared at Sara in concern, nodded to them all, then began "… When 'the Others' left 'the Relics' on Earth the power of 'the Relics' effect on history was observed to be directly in relationship with the expended effort in getting it there.
…If I was to walk out of the Library during our last visit to America. I would survive on 'eSpace' Earth for one tenth of a second: Exactly! …My Body would explode inward, and it would be, as if I never existed, and none of you would have any knowledge of me, or my existence.
The explosion is called a ‘complosion’ and it registers as a negative effect in 'time'. In other words it's measurable by the effect it doesn't have! …And interestingly has a negative input blast magnitude.
…An example would be a Nuclear Bombs that were used in your Second World War that were dropped on that Island off the China Coast line!…”.
“Japan!… ” said Smithy dryly. Romana stopped speaking and looked at him in shock then said “…We never speak its name. ‘The Dark Lords’ wiped it off the face of the Earth for a transgression against them, and ever since its been regarded as an ‘Omen of Bad Luck’ if you say the word…”
“Japan!…” said Smithy again smiling “…And I don’t believe in Omens! …Or Bad Luck …Or any sort of Superstitious Nonsense like That!…” Romana’s face flushed and said "… Please try and respect my position on this 'Smithy' It's a word we don't use!". Sara stared hard at Romana and said "Well you better get used to it Sister! …Because 'Japan' is back in your Vocabulary! …Now continue with you Story!…"
Romana looked round the room and sighing to herself went on “…OK! …Then!” she said “…Moving on. ‘The Nuclear Bombs you dropped during your second World war was recorded as an out-ward rate explosion of ten megatons of TNT. The explosive power of One Ton of TNT is the basis for all your charts.
The resulting ‘explosion/complosion’ of my explosive de-compression would be one hundred megatons inward, that's ten times more! … But I'd record on 'eSpace' as a loss in time and space. It's a record-able negative effect.
This wouldn't be felt by any one on Earth as the complosion would only occur in 'eSpace' itself. It was discovered that if a ring of people ‘Complode’ at the same time a person in the centre of a ring would be safe for two tenths of second. One Tenth more than if they weren’t protected.
Twenty was found to be ‘optimum ring’ giving just under three tenths of a second. If another ring appeared then the person in the centre could survive for another three tenths of a second. 'eSpace' protection starts at the atmosphere of any World. We don't know why, but it does. 'eSpace' will let you watch from outside the influence of time. You could park a 'time ship' outside the atmosphere of a World and observe it, but not for long as the 'eSpace' effect will rip you apart, if you over stay your visit.
It seems that time, or the Harmonics of time … And the observer, start to interact with a each other. A fold back wave will then causes the observer to complode - ‘eSpace' isn't a safe place for any time traveller to park up in, or be near.
'Time ships' can travel space and time, but they cannot however land on, or inside the atmosphere of a World inside an 'eSpace' time condition, they complode with the equivalent of a hundred megatons of minus TNT being imploded.
… That's ten times the rate as my body would be. Mass has a major relationship to an 'eSpace' complosion. The more mass, the greater negative effect is inflicted on time, but more mass doesn't give you any more time. It still only lasts the same amount of time in 'eSpace' as my body would.
'Time ships' can however set their arrival set-point. If it occurs inside the atmosphere they survive for one tenth of a second.
A ring of ships appearing inside the atmosphere complode, but if you have a falling ship inside that ring, it survives till the next wave support it for it next tenth of a second and so forth.
The total expenditure for a falling eSpace ship is twenty [times *] the fall rate of the object so that's per second per second [- minus] the fall rate on the edge of space to the distance to the surface [times *] the slowing rate of descent [ D ] and a calculation for the time [ T ] it actually takes to place the object [ in this case the relic or R , but it’s usually [ X ] that marks the spot!”
She could see from their faces that what she was talking about meant nothing, but continued.
“…The figure to explain the complosion in 'eSpace' can't be calculated as the rate of fall and the placement are variables that don't remain constant, and the number gets to Big and to unwieldy.
So we just measure the resulting ‘time complosions’ and ‘extrapolated’ the calculations backwards. Some are smaller than others.
Which makes us believe that 'eSpace' forces a greater resistance on some Relics being placed in time than others. We've observed from 'Relic Intersection' to 'Event Activation' is usually about three standard weeks.
The largest complosion we recorded was to the Planet in your solar system you call called Saturn. Our rough estimate is that it cost them over ninety five billion lives and ships to place that one.
…We know that ‘Relic’ has been placed in the late twentieth century. To date this is one we haven't yet been able to track it down as it seems to be buried deep underground in the Earths’ crust. It actually changes the colour of time itself, but as such it never actually activates. This ‘Relic’ will be hard to locate, but the ‘tCouncil’ and 'the Magisterium’ are working on it and will leave a message in a drop point when they've got an answer to the riddle.
The Victorian Relic you just dealt with cost 'the Others' seventeen Billion souls and time ships. As I’ve said there are thirteen Relics. We estimate that the cost to 'the Others' for placing all 'the Relics' was about Seventy Five Trillion People and Ships.”
Silence greeted Romana.
Sara was mortified at what she just heard and already had the suspicion that it was going to be the case, but still had to ask the question. This time and whilst avoiding eye contact with Romana she spoke with a slow deliberation saying “…Who! … Found - that - twenty - was - an - optimum - ring?… "
Romana looking at Sara couldn't understand why she was acting this way towards her and said "… 'the Dark Times' where not our finest, nor proudest age!.."
Sara quickly looked up at her with an accusing stare said “You did it, you and you society are responsible…”, but Romana added just as fast "… NO we wasn’t and I can not! - Nor! - Will I apologise for my ancestor's behaviour. We broke out of 'the Dark Times' … And it cost us a great deal … But one thing God has taught us, is that in ‘His’ Universe we are only responsible for our own Actions!…
… And before you all go pointing your finger of blame at my time line!"
Romana was by now staring hard at Sara who’s eyes where beginning to glow red, but ignoring this she said "… All of you, just remember this. It’s your Children’s, Children’s, Children’s that start ‘the Dark Times’ so if you want to ‘Blame’ someone, start on your Babies … Yet to be Born!"
In the ensuing silence Romana said "I have a report to finish writing for the 'tCouncil' explaining why we are off course and going for the smaller Relic.” then looking round she said “If you'll all excuse me!.." With that she left the Gym and went into and into the Library, then to the upper Balcony where she sat down shaking with the shame of it all.
She couldn’t write that report and just stared at the mass of plex sheets and half finished formulas scattered on the desk. Her shoulders dropped with the enormity of it all.
The unofficial meeting split up with the silent team members all going about their chores. Some went to the Library whilst others stayed in the Gym discussing the latest information they‘d all just been apprised off, and all considered Sara’s words. They should have been told about it long ago.
Sara in the Gym was on her Cot and was deep in thought on 'the Others' and 'the Cost' and that question that even Romana's precious 'tCouncil' couldn't answer - Why! - WHY, had they done it? … Sara stared into space saying nothing as her eyes became redder with anger and rage.
Jane looking round, and half listening to Tra and Annie talking about 'the Dark Times' excused herself and got up and took her plates to the kitchen where Mohammed took them of her winking. No one noticed what she was up to and had been working on a small project of her own since the conclusion of Franz Mullar’s repatriation to America. Her project was almost complete, and in testing her theories they had already provided Jane with valuable information.
… She wandered into the Library in a World of her own and had finalised her plans. Jane looking back to the Gym and then up to the Upper Balcony reflected that the 'eSpace' story was interesting, but it was just that, a quaint slant on the truth. She’d read an overview all about ‘the Dark Times’. It was what she was reading when the first Team came back from the Victorian Mission.
Jane recalled that in none of the ‘Black Books’ of ‘the Dark Lords’ and their ‘Histories’ that she ever read, was such an experiment ever conducted, or even hinted at. In fact they, ‘the Dark Lords’ seemed obsessed with preserving life, at all costs. And to such an extreme that all dangerous activities where forbidden. Which meant that Romana’s information on the ‘eSpace’ Guinea Pigs was wrong, but Romana believed them. Her ‘Heart Rate’ was proof of that. Jane had been listening to it all the way through the unofficial meeting in the Gym.
Romana really did believe what she’d just told them.
The conclusion Jane had come to, was that Romana, and her society had be been lied to. Shrugging Jane had more important things to do, other than cross check Romana’s written History to find out when the 'lie' was inserted.
…No! She needed help with her own little project … And she was about to call on Smithy’s talents yet again.
Jane had read about a ‘3D’ time line ‘Projector’ in one of the many ‘Black Books’ in the Library and wanted to build one. She had finally reached the stage in its construction where she needed someone's help, like Smithy. Jane needed him to assemble her Plans. She'd tried it herself and had come to the realisation that she couldn't do it. Anyhow she reasoned she’d also need Smithy’s help to instruct his 'Knitting Machine!' to make it for her, so at some point he would have to be involved.
…She still liked 'That - Little - 'Knitting Machine' - Joke!' and laughed every time she thought about it. ‘I’m getting better at them!' she reflected.
Later when Jane had shown Smithy the plans he was amazed that such a device could be built, and that such information was just left lying around, for all to find. Jane told him it wasn't, and she'd stolen it from the Library.
…Smithy scratched his head at that, but let it go and focused his attention on the Blueprints that Jane had provided. Except they weren't Blueprints they were ‘Redprints’ and had a strange depth to them almost of a ‘3D’ dimensional Image. When they were stacked up on top of each other the Image they made took on a defined ‘3D’ object, but it seemed wrong and fuzzy. Jane soon concluded the build and stacking order was wrong and it was Smithy’s job to reconstruct them into a four dimensional shadow that his ‘knitting machine’ could work with.
Jane had managed to reproduce and improve on the plans using the Library's colour photocopier. She had no idea that Photocopier technology had evolved to that level of sophistication, but as she never visited the Town’s Library before it wasn’t that strange that her knowledge was limited. Copying the plans from ‘the Black Book’ was just as easy as there was lots of clear thin plex sheets that ‘the Library Builders’ had left behind when they had constructed the place.
She found the stuff every where, and never considered that strange.
Smithy worked on the plans for the most part of the morning and finally when he thought he'd never get it, he worked out that to Build them you need to assemble them in 'Backward' order. You built it by taking it apart. Five minutes later after he mastered 'the Key section' he presented ‘the shadow’ to the Val'ta unit.
The Val’ta flipped a ‘crack’ on seeing ‘them!’ … And was impressed that Smithy had managed to get the ‘Build’ order right. It was something that a Machine couldn't do. Even a ‘Governed Machine’ like the Val'taVille couldn't do it.
…It was also amazed that Jane had managed to ‘acquired’ the plans in the first place, and gladly agreed to become part of the conspiracy to build one. As ‘it’ also wanted to see one of these 'forbidden' machines in action.
Val’taVille knew that Romana was still smarting over the new flight plan that it had to implement on the orders of Smithy. It had done this whilst Romana was indisposed with Sara's installation. Jane had come to the Val’ta unit and presented her case that in the course of studying ‘the Mission Statement’ in the Library and cross checking it with the ‘tCouncils’ instruction to Romana. Jane had come to the conclusion that ‘the Time Lords’ where wrong.
…And when Jane showed the cold hard facts to the Val’ta unit it came to the same startling conclusion, but stated it couldn’t implement a new flight sequence on its own without authorisation. So Jane got Smithy to override Romana’s orders on the next destination and began the time flight sequence that couldn’t be over-ridden.
As a bonus Jane got Smithy to put a ‘verbal-block’ on the Val’ta unit against anyone asking questions on the new destination. She told Smithy she needed a little more time with a small project she was working on, and Smithy had just built it for her…
The ‘verbal-block’ Smithy had installed into the Val’taVille unit had led to an exchange of words earlier in the day with Romana. Who was now convinced the travel unit wanted to take charge of the Mission.
The Val'ta unit was still amused at that thought.
Val'ta whilst directing the builder 'nits' in the Cupboard pondered on the fact that Romana certainly wasn't aware of this small project Jane was working on and after her attitude earlier, it elected not to tell her about it either … But it did predict that she'd be even more upset later when she found out about the other *small* Project that Tra and John were working on.
Things 'it' reflected, were getting Interesting!…