Gennaro's Children.
All Rights Reserved © 2010 by Mrs Jessica Simpson.
The Library Project
Book I
‘the Gathering’
Written by Mrs Jessica Simpson.
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Dated : [ Saturday, 27 February 2010 ]
Revision 3.0h
[ Artwork by Mrs Callie McBride … your spot here if you wish
Callie? ]
About the Author: Married no children at present. Three in
I started writing this in 2007 after I got dumped back in this corrupted time zone. I need to acquire [3,141,592] readers. That’s Three million, one hundred and forty one thousand, five hundred and ninety two people who open this file. Are you the 92 second? If you are then you won’t read past this point below.
If I ever get out of this time zone and back to reality it wont be a ‘day’ to soon and that’s where you come in. Because I need a special magical number to be registered in ‘time’, and you weren’t it.
The Words in this Story have ‘a Meme Memory’ and the unfortunate reader who doesn’t get past the point above will be the one that corrects the time line. Rest assured dear reader it’s not you.
The narrative you are about to read represents a series of events told to me after I was rescued on that hot day in June. My house was attacked and my Husband killed, my children yet to be born were all at school that ‘day’. I consider it a blessing that they were spared the violence shown against us! …But in being taken out of time and left in the relative safety of this dreadfully corrupted year, and time line. I knew I couldn’t live this way so I came up with a plan.
…Setting up a condition across the Planet, through the Servers of this quaint Internet that you all hold so dear. I introduced a precondition in this story. It was when the 3,141,592.nd reader of this story opens it, and starts to read it, then that fateful Reader’s Soul will be used to correct the flow of time. God has approved this course of action.
Our history says 2019 is when it all changes. I’ve written this Book in the hope of correcting an anomaly and you my reader will be the catalyst for.
…If you have just read this far, then be rest assured it wasn’t you and as a treat you can read the book, if you want, in the safe and sure knowledge that someone else out there, wont get this far…
Copyright©2010 * Mrs Jessica Simpson * All rights reserved.