The Wilderking Chant

When fear of God has left the land,

To be replaced by fear of man;

When Corenwalders free and true

Enslave themselves and others too;

When justice and mercy disappear,

When life is cheap and gold is dear,

When freedom’s flame has burned to ember

And Corenwalders can’t remember

What are truths and what are lies,

Then will the Wilderking arise.

To the palace he comes from forests and swamps.

Watch for the Wilderking!

Leading his troops of wild men and brutes.

Watch for the Wilderking!

He will silence the braggart, ennoble the coward.

Watch for the Wilderking!

Justice will roll, and mercy will toll.

Watch for the Wilderking!

He will guard his dear lambs with the staff of his hand.

Watch for the Wilderking!

With a stone he shall quell the panther fell.

Watch for the Wilderking!

Watch for the Wilderking, widows and orphans.

Look to the swamplands, ye misfit, ye outcast.
From the land’s wildest places a wild man will come
To give the land back to her people.