New Destiny Key-holders:
Paul Bowman, Leader of New Destiny, Minister for Ropasa (Deceased)
- Chansa Mulengela, Minister for Frika, Marshal of the Great Army
- Celine Reinshafen, Minister for Ephresia, Chief of Research and Development
- Lupe Ugatu (Vice Minjie Jiaqi), Governor of Hindi (in dispute)
- Reyes Cho, Minister for Soam (in dispute)
- Jassinte Arizzi, Minister for Chin (in dispute)
- Demon, lone actor
Freedom Coalition Key-holders:
- Sheida Ghorbani, Her Majesty of the United
Free States,
Chairman of the Freedom Coalition - Ungphapkorn, Lord of Soam
- Ishtar, Counselor of Taurania and the Stanis States
- Aikawa Gouvois, Emperor of Chin
- Elnora Sill
- Megan Samantha Travante
The Finn
Notable Harem Girls:
Christel Meazell: Senior female in the seraglio, pre-Fall paramour of Paul Bowman
Jean Meazell-Bowman: Christel and Paul's son
Shanea Burgey
Meredith "Amber" Tillou: pre-Fall paramour of Paul Bowman
Ashly Wenman
Karie Szymonic
Mirta Krupansky
Velva Focke
Vita Kolemainen