
It's another fine mess you've left us to clean up," Augustus said, looking out the window.

"Hmmm," Barbara said, musingly. "The press are going to be all over it like . . . smell on poop." She didn't seem particularly worried and didn't quit what she was doing.

"Mass murderer at science fiction convention," Augustus said, shaking his head. "News at Six."

"And the people who saw Remolus?" Barbara asked.

"It's amazing what people can ignore," Augustus replied, turning away from the window. "And do you really think that the news media is going to believe a bunch of science fiction fans who say they saw a demon? Besides, there are ways to make people . . . forget."

"I wish you'd do it for me, then," Barb said, shaking her head and still not looking up.

"If I didn't mention it, you did well," Augustus said, sitting down across from her. "You and Janea. I had not anticipated a full manifestation."

"Demons come, demons go," Barbara said, still not looking up. "Do you think, with him dispelled, that any of those who died have a chance . . ."

"Heaven's inscrutable about such things," Augustus said, shrugging. "But . . . no. Whether their souls are in the service of Hell or not is unsure. But they are not going to be entering Heaven short of the Second Coming. Long may that day be forestalled."

"Lord grant that in the end of all things they may find peace," Barb replied, sighing. "I would that I'd been more able. No soul should be lost to that . . . thing. Can he . . . come back?"

"When he was banished, he lost all the power he had gained," Augustus said, thoughtfully. "The moonstone vest was shattered so all of that power was lost as well. Pity, I'd have liked to find out what spell they used. If it was not entirely bound by evil it might come in handy. And I'd love to know where Krake found it."

"Apparently he was a pretty serious researcher," Barbara said. "But I think it might have something to do with Timson."

"Timson?" Augustus asked.

"He was the first person that Krake killed," Barb replied, shrugging. "Janea said that he was extremely knowledgeable. And Duncan said that he'd been collaborating with Krake on research. I think, if there's anything to find, it's going to be in Timson's notes. If you can find them."

"I'll keep that in mind," Augustus said, smiling slightly. "How much longer are you going to polish that?"

"I'm not polishing it," Barbara said, running the silk cloth down the length of the Murasaki blade. "I'm sharpening it."

* * *

Barb set her bag down by the door to the garage and took a deep breath. Home.

"Mom!" Brandon yelled, charging down the hallway followed by Brook.

She hugged her two younger children and looked around for Allison. She was probably pouting in her room.

After greeting the kids she walked through the kitchen and looked in the family room. Mark was installed in front of the big-screen, watching a replay series on ESPN.

"Hello, dear," she said, smiling. "Miss me?"

"Yeah," Mark said, not looking away from the TV. "How was your conference or whatever?"

"Enlightening," Barb replied, her eyes dark with memories.

"Great. What's for supper?"