“As to the fight by the Persea tree hard by, in Annu, it concerneth the children of impotent revolt when justice is wrought upon them for what they have done. As to (the words) ‘that night of the battle,’ they concern the inroad (of the children of impotent revolt) into the eastern part of heaven, whereupon there arose a battle in heaven and in all the earth. ”
This book has
outlined the prima facie case for a paleoancient Cosmic War within
our own solar system, a case based in part on modern science, on
ancient texts, and on the peculiar interface that seems to exist
between the two, allowing reconstructions of an ancient
paleophysics from suggestive passages in those texts.
For purposes of the
chronological benchmarks of that war, Dr. Tom Van Flandern’s two
exploded planet events at 65,000,000 and 3,200,000 years ago were
viewed as the benchmarks around which to fasten the events of the
wars in the pantheon alluded to in the Mesopotamian texts examined
here. As was also seen, the 3,200,000 year benchmark had textual
and mythological corroboration both from the Vedic tradition of the
great “yugas” and from the Sumerian Kings List.
A physics sufficient
to the task of significantly scarring a planet surface was found in
the plasma physics of Alfvén and Peratt, and the latter’s
corroborating evidence of petroglyphs was found to support human
observation of massive plasma discharges and instabilities in very
ancient times, though certainly not within the timeframe suggested
by Van Flandern’s Exploded Planet Hypothesis in its original or
revised versions. Moreover, as we saw, this physics would
adequately explain the resemblance of Mars to the mythical motif of
the “scarred warrior,” with its distinct large planetary feature of
the Valles Marineris, which strongly suggests formation via a large
electrostatic discharge. Its almost straight nature also suggests
that this discharge was intelligently manipulated and steered -
targeted would be a better word — across the surface of that
This plasma physics
in turn suggested disturbing ties to the wartime Nazi “Bell”
project, as was seen, and also indicated deeper connections to
scalar physics, a physics that, in the hands of Paul LaViolette’s
exposition of pulsars, could be made to form a galactic
communications grid, and could be made of sufficient power to
explode a planet in a deliberate act of war, an act strongly
suggested by the Enuma Elish and other Mesopotamian
The exploded planet,
of which Van Flandern believes Mars was once a satellite, was a
large planet, of similar mass to Saturn, and very possibly solid
and water bearing. And that implied in turn that it may have been
home to intelligent life, life that we speculated was humanoid in
nature, but of much larger physiology to accommodate the greater
gravity. Ancient myths from the Sumerian to the Greek to the
Biblical traditions also record a race of giants that came from the
heavens, and revolted against their gods or God, and fought a
prolonged and destructive war. In the Sumerian and Biblical
traditions, these giant creatures also intermarried with humans,
and produced giant offspring. Corroborative evidence of the
existence of extraordinarily large human giants was presented both
from ancient and more modern times as a very loose corroboration
both of the ancient legends, and of the speculation offered
concerning the large inhabitants of that exploded and now missing
The ancient
Mesopotamian texts also make it clear that the war was fought over,
and by means of, a hegemony-conferring technology called the
Tablets of Destinies, a technology found to be paralleled in some
Egyptian legends such as the Edfu building texts, the Egyptian Book
of the Dead, and in legends surrounding the disappearance of
Thoth’s emerald or sapphire tablets. These Tablets were apparently
connected to the stones of power, inventoried by Ninurta prior to
the destruction of some, the preservation and the secreting-away of
others. In this, the inventory of the stones resembles nothing so
much as the post-World War Two behavior of the Allied powers inside
of vanquished Germany, and lends the ancient myths an air of
authenticity, as if they are dimly remembered historical
These Tablets of
Destinies, as was also seen after careful examination of the
complex of mythological symbols associated with them, were
speculated to be the indexes of interferometric “gratings,” the
necessary targeting information or software, to be plugged into the
hardware of a devastatingly power scalar weapon of mass
destruction, whatever that weapon may have been.
The textual
traditions and mythological symbols examined also pointed to
certain combatants in this Cosmic War: the now missing and exploded
planet, plus Mars, Saturn, the Moon of Earth, and the Earth itself.
Corroborative evidence of the existence of artifacts of intelligent
design was presented, from anomalous features on our own Moon, to
the familiar, and not-so-familiar, anomalies on the surface of
Mars, to the bold hypothesis of Richard C. Hoagland that Saturn’s
moon Iapetus itself appears to be one gigantic artificial
The Cosmic War
Hypothesis also requires the presence of intelligent observers of
the events described, not only on those planets, but on the Earth
itself. In this respect evidence was presented from Cremo and
Thompson’s voluminous work on suppressed archaeological discoveries
that suggest that modern man is of much greater antiquity than
standard evolutionary biological, paleontological, and
anthropological models will allow. Evidence was presented that
someone intelligent, of human-like
characteristics, existed on the Earth many millions of years ago,
and in time frames that fell within the benchmarks of Van
Flandern’s Exploded Planet Hypothesis.
All this is to say,
of course, that I believe that the Cosmic War Hypothesis has been
made an adequate prima facie case, if not, perhaps, the best one
that could have been made.
But in addition to
all this, there are, of course, disturbing possibilities, and we
have mentioned some of them throughout this work. But there are
more, of the “what if” variety.
The Tablets of
Destinies, and their counterparts, the Tablets of Thoth, were
inextricably tied to Mesopotamia, and to Egypt. And, via the
“Mountains ≈ Celestial Bodies ≈ gods ≈ Pyramids” formula, they are
inextricably tied to the artificial mountains - the pyramids and
ziggurats - of those areas. We have speculated in this work,
therefore, that perhaps some of their remaining components lie
secreted beneath the sands and silts of the ages of those
And this point raises
those disturbing possibilities, possibilities that someone,
somewhere, may be looking for them. I hinted at these possibilities
only obliquely when I wrote in my book, The
Giza Death Star, the following passage:
From the 19th and on into the 20th centuries until the outbreak of (World War Two), American and German scholars poured over Near Eastern archaeological sites with a view to but one thing: proving their pedigree and connection with those ancient societies. It was the first outbreak of the “culture war,” expressed in a kind of social imperialism as the ascendant Anglo-American culture and the ascending German culture each laid claim to a vaunted ancient pedigree. For the Anglo-Americans, the lineage ran from Egypt, to Greece, Rome, Britain, and finally to America. For the Germans, the lineage ran from Atlantis, to Sumer, to India, and finally to Germany. 693
The search was,
however, doomed so long as it was conceived as a search for true
origins between Egypt and Sumer, as if the two cultures are opposed
and unrelated entities. On the contrary, as we have seen, there is
ample evidence to suggest that they each preserved, in their own
ways within their own myths, an older stratum of histories about
the Cosmic War, and the technologies with which it was
But search
nevertheless they did. And no nation more assiduously than did
Germany, for Germany was the home, in that day, of some of the most
renowned and famous Sumerologists and Assyriologists in the world.
German orientophilia expressed itself popularly with translations
of Mesopotamian myths into German. It is possible then, that during
the crazed inter-war years of the Weimar Republic, with its
numerous secret societies stressing an ancient super-race from
which the Germans allegedly descended, that this expressed itself
in the form of an organized effort to seek and recover those lost
technologies. And in the milieu of the Third Reich, and
Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS “occult and ancestral
research bureau,” the notorious Ahnenerbedienst, the bureaucratic climate would
certainly have existed for the type paleophysics interpretation of
ancient texts as has been undertaken here. This would have led to a
profound, and very secretive, German presence in what is
Nazi interest in that
country, then under strong British influence, dates back to the
1920s when the National Socialist party was still in its infancy.
Not surprisingly, one finds the character of Detlef Schmude - a
main player in the Nazi party’s secret society backer, the infamous
Thule Gesellschaft, a member as well in
Von Liebenfels’ Order of the New Templars (ONT) and an editor of
the Thule Society’s magazine Ostara -
settling in Tabriz, in neighboring Persia. There he based his next
few years’ search for the “Hidden Masters.” Someone of Schmude’s
importance and position within these groups suggests that he was
the point man for gathering facts and information for
Then, in 1939 Admiral
Wilhelm Canaris’ Abwehrabteilung,
Germany’s military intelligence, dispatched Dr. Paul Leverkühn to
the Middle East to cultivate allies among the Muslim populations
under British rule or influence. His headquarters was also Tabriz,
in Persia. But most interestingly, his most highly-placed recruit
was none other than pro-Nazi Iraqi Prime Minister Rashid Ali,
overthrown two years later by the British invasion of
Canaris’ network of
Abwehr agents inside of Iraq was taken
over by Himmler in 1944, after Canaris’ implication in the Bomb
Plot against Hitler in July of that year. Strangely enough, Himmler
placed these agents under the control of none other than Baron
Rudolf Von Sebottendorff, one of the principal founders of the
Thule Gesellschaft to begin with and,
like Schmude, a member of Von Liebenfels’ Order of the New
Templars! This implies that the real
basis of Nazi networks in Iraq was grounded in the secret society
network in the region, perhaps initiated by Schmude.
Yet another
connection that must be mentioned is “Himmler’s Rasputin,” Karl
Maria Willigut, a.k.a. Weisthor. In 1940 Willigut brought several
archaeological discoveries that indicated man’s presence in Iraq’s
Irbil province as far back as 10,000 B.C.
What happened to this
Thule-SS network in Iraq after 1945 no one knows, however, it is
interesting to note that Von Sebottendorff’s body was found
floating in the Bosporus in Istanbul in 1945, after the war’s
This, plus the fact
that both Germany and France gave great archaeological assistance
to Saddam Hussein’s regime, and the fact that there is now an armed
American and British presence in the country, strongly suggests
that another agenda may have been at work besides the prevention of
Hussein’s acquisition of weapons of mass destruction or the spread
of terrorism. Indeed, perhaps everyone was in search of weapons of
mass destruction of a very different
and much more ancient sort!
Then there is the
peculiar behavior of the Egyptian government, building a wall
around Giza...
Finally, there is
America’s recent announcement that it intended to go back to the
Moon, and on to Mars, with manned space missions. The announcement
came after a series of manned space flights by Red China, as if to
say that America intended to continue its “monopoly” of those two
planets, and of whatever might be on them.
It is as if the
wickedness and evil of contemporary men of might, cloaked in their
agencies of power, prestige, and privilege, were secretly groping
and reaching out, with all the might and dark technological
sophistication that modern man can muster, for that diabolical
stone of exile, for the tablets that once conferred and may yet
confer again to their possessors an almost universal
Caveat lector!