2. A Covert Missions Objective: The Quest for and Recovery of Paleophysics and Paleotechnology
This heavy Masonic
presence, plus the astrological alignments of many space missions,
does indeed suggest a covert and little known agenda behind the
space program. Indeed, as author William Henry has observed, the
quest for the recovery of ancient science and technology
An essential feature of their secret society. In November 1752, when George Washington became a Mason in Fredericksburg, he heard the following words:“The proper business of a Mason is astronomical, chemical, geological and moral science, and more particularly that of the ancients, with all the mysteries and fables founded upon it.“Let us endeavor to turn the stream, to go from priest-craft to science, from mystery to knowledge, from allegory to real history.”635
Weighed in the
balance along with the Masonic presence in the early astronaut
corps and the likelihood of an additional and hidden military
program, it would thus appear that there is another aspect to the
Two Space Programs Hypothesis, and that is a paleophysical one. It would appear that one goal of
the space effort is to “turn the stream” in precisely the Masonic
sense alluded to above, to recover the ancient physics, and its
associated technologies.
If so, then the
implications are staggering, for it means that from the inception
of the space age, someone had already determined on the basis of
the then-existing evidence, that this evidence was sufficient to
indicate that such technology existed and by
implication, that such wars were fought. It stands to
reason, then, that any evidence supporting such conclusions in the
public sphere would be either suppressed or tampered
In short, the reason
that NASA does not come clean with an admission of the artificial
nature of Cydonia or of other Martian anomalies is not because they
are indicators of a former civilization there. It is rather because
the mythological context - the Cosmic War context - of those
artifacts is also known, and that context implies the possible
existence of a science and technology that may be
a. Hoagland on the Paleophysics Message of Cydonia
Hoagland and some of
his closest associates have persistently hinted at such
possibilities - though admittedly not in such starkly clear terms —
with their insistence that the whole Cydonia complex embodies a
geometry that encodes a lost, “hyper-dimensional” physics. He does
not mince words about the enormity of the physics he believes is
embodied at Cydonia: it “involves nothing less, we now believe,
than the fundamental constructive
energy of the Universe...whose existence - and accessibility
— was apparently one of the prime
reasons for the very creation of the ‘ruins’ at Cydonia.”636
In Hoagland’s view,
the Cydonia complex is an encoded message of this physics, a
message that he also finds echoed in “ancient Egyptian temples and
other ‘sacred’ structures here on Earth.’”637 But there
might be another functional reason for the geometries that Hoagland
and his associates found at Cydonia beyond that of merely
memorializing a “hyper-dimensional” physics. Hoagland himself hints
at this function by his own suggestion that the region was
deliberately destroyed in a war. He himself points to the peculiar
damage done to the D&M pyramid as the best example of this
intentional destruction. So might it be that the geometries found
at Cydonia are there, like the geometries in the Great Pyramid, for
some other, less benign purpose? Might the compound be, as I have
argued in my Giza Death Star Trilogy, a
vast military compound, and might the D&M pyramid be the
Martian version of the Sumerian Azag, able to “pull down the skies”
on its enemies? Might it be a kind of Martian
The answer to these
questions is, I believe, a tentative yes.
But whatever the
answer to them is, Hoagland has done one significant thing in his
work, a significance few have appreciated. He has pointed out, for
those who would care to weigh what he has said carefully, that
there is a common cultural matrix, inclusive
of common architectural forms, that is shared between Earth, and
Mars. In short, he has given the Cosmic War of the Pantheon
a planetary context from which to be viewed.638
b. The Possible Locations of the Tablets of Destinies Based on the Scenario: Giza, Iraq, and Mars
The possibility that
there is a hidden “paleophysics” component to the Two Space
Programs Hypothesis now raises another significant question and
possibility. As has been seen throughout this work, the
“interplanetary context” of the Cosmic War Hypothesis involves the
local space of our solar system, including the planets Earth, Mars,
and, as we have also seen, Saturn, Jupiter, and their satellites,
and finally, the Sun itself.
As was seen in
chapter two, a physics sufficient to the task of tremendously
scarring planets by means of plasma discharges does exist, and this
physics in turn couples quite easily to an even more powerful
physics - scalar physics - in which the planets and the Sun act as
massive natural resonators of stresses in the medium. And as we
speculated in chapter eight, the Tablets of Destinies — the cause
of that Cosmic War and one of the principal means by which it was
fought - were ultimately components in the technology that tapped
these tremendous resources. As noted in part two of this work, the
components of these Tablets were inventoried, and some carted off
and used elsewhere by the victors in a kind of “paleoancient
Operation Paperclip,” some were deliberately hidden because of
their potential destructive power, and because of the impossibility
of destroying them, and some components were permanently destroyed.
All of these features of the story have the profound ring of truth,
for precisely such events transpired after the end of World War
Two, with the Allied inventory of the Nazi war machine’s arsenal of
exotic technologies. Some of it was carted off to be used elsewhere
in other applications, some of it was permanently destroyed and
lost, and some of it was deliberately hidden because of its
enormous potential for destruction. The parallels are amazing, and
make the ancient myths ring of an underlying truth.
And the ancient
myths, viewed against this interplanetary context provided by the
review of anomalous data from our nearby planetary neighbors, also
allows us to reconstruct the general locations for some of these
missing components. As was seen previously, the myths suggest quite
obviously that modem day Iraq, and Giza or other “ancient sacred
environs” in Egypt, are locations where these components might be
found some day, buried beneath untold yards of sand and dirt. But
another location must also surely be Mars, and possibly even the
Moon. If the Two Space Programs Hypothesis is true, then
perhaps this too forms one of its
hidden mission agendas.
c. The Remote Viewing of Lost Technology: Implications of Hurtak and the Face
And this raises a
last possibility.
While the “Face” on
Mars and all the attendant controversy surrounding it are well
known, it is not so well known that it was viewed before the Viking
probe first photographed the Cydonia region. Dr. James J. Hurtak,
well-known antiquities scholar and esotericist, claimed to have
remote-viewed precisely such an object before the Viking probe ever
reached Mars.
While I remain
personally skeptical of the spiritual influences and consequences
of such techniques, I do not doubt their actuality or even their
accuracy. Thus, while it is possible that Hurtak was merely
releasing information that had been made available to him,
information that in turn was collected by technological means well
in advance of its actual public release date, I am skeptical of
this explanation, and tend to take Hurtak’s claims here at face
value, since they were published in a book before the Viking photos
were ever taken, much less making the rounds in the general public
or becoming topics of magazine articles and radio talk
Hurtak’s viewing of
the Mars Face thus raises another disturbing possibility, one known
to be in use presently by the various countries’ militaries and
also by large corporations researching exotic technologies, and
that is that such technologies might be located via such processes.
And it raises the possibility that such processes were being used
to guide technological exploration of Mars long before probes were
actually sent. If so, it casts another shadow on the Two Space
Programs Hypothesis. It will only be a matter of time before
someone, somewhere, attempts to use the same process to view and
generally locate the missing components of the cause of that Cosmic
War, the Tablets of Destinies.
And after that, it
will only be a matter of time...