1. The Occult Basis of Missions Timing
The presence of such
anomalies on Mars, and the equally mysterious objects and
structures on - and around - its little
moonlet Phobos, highlight the hypothesis of Two Space Programs, one
a public one for show, and the other a deeply covert and hidden
one, in no uncertain terms.
In its most recent
form, the Two Space Programs Hypothesis has been advanced by such
luminaries as former astronaut, physicist, and PhD Brian O‘Leary,
and of course, Richard C. Hoagland. O’Leary maintains that the
United States - and therefore presumably anyone else with a space
program — has maintained a hidden military program under the
auspices of the US Air Force in conjunction with various
intelligence agencies of the American government. This program has
run at least since the inception of NASA, if not before, and
oftentimes its missions are wrapped within NASA missions, and
sometimes its missions are run entirely independently of NASA.
O’Leary maintains that this program has its own launch facilities,
vehicles, and its own corps of trained astronauts kept well away
from the public eye.
In its Hoagland
version, however, the Two Space Programs takes on an additional
aspect. Hoagland has often pointed out in interviews on radio
shows, and in various papers found on his website, that many space
missions appear to be timed to take place when certain astrological
conditions or alignments occur. He has marshaled over the years a
vast body of evidence to suggest a strong prima facie case that
this is so. Additionally, Hoagland has also pointed out that the
very names of the space projects of the “golden years” of NASA —
Projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo - are full of astrological and
occult significance. Hoagland and others have pointed to the
existence of a variety of Masonic and esoteric symbolism in mission
logos, and the heavy presence of Masons within the astronaut corps
plus the performance of Masonic rites on the Moon as indicating a
hidden, covert or occulted aspect to the space