4.... The Physics of the “Subtle Influence Association ”: Bearden on the Local Structured Potential and Psychoenergetics
One aspect of scalar
or quantum potential physics that Lt. Col. Tom Bearden spends a
great deal of time on is the ability of his “templates” or “causal
system robots” - which we have been calling “gratings” - to effect
the induction of disease or,
conversely, healing at a distance, by
inducing the structured potential or “grating” or electromagnetic
signature of particular diseases at a distance.485
But beyond the
ability to effect states of disease or health in biological
organisms, there is also a component, an implication, of this
science of impressed dynamics and templates that is nothing less
than chilling. It is best to cite Bearden’s own trenchant and
succinct warning in this regard:
• When God created life and living systems He also created the process for making life and a living biological system.
• The process is still there and it exists as a process in and of this 4-spatial world.
• Once the process is discovered and modeled, technology can be developed to apply the process at will.
• So scientists can scientifically study the process and develop the technology to use it.
• (Scientists can thus) make a living mind and living biological system, and tailor it to form and whatever behavior is desired.
• That superweapon science is called psychoenergetics486
Note then, that one
implication of the “grating” or template is the ability to
influence emotions, character, and behavior at a distance by
constructing a “grating” or template, through which a beam is
a. Impressed Emotional Dynamics: The Tablets of Destinies and the Spread of the “Virus” of Evil
As these thoughts
aver, it is possible to impress certain character, emotional, and
intentional dynamics on these gratings, and vice versa, it is
possible, as the quotation from Bearden avers, for these gratings
to induce, via “electro-acoustic” means, states of character,
emotion, and behavior.
At this juncture it
is crucial for the reader to recall what happened to the possessors
of the Tablets of Destinies after their initial theft by Tiamat.
From Tiamat, to Marduk, who recovered them from her, to Enlil, to
Anzu, to Ninurta...each of their possessors engaged in horrific
acts of warfare and wholesale destruction and slaughter. It is as
if the evil acts and/or intentions of their initial possessor
impressed itself on the Tablets, and in the case of their later
possessors, that this latent impressed dynamic in turn may have
influenced them.
So in addition to all
the foregoing, the Tablets of Destinies may also be a catalogue of
the templates of the impressed dynamics of
consciousness of certain individuals. They are, so to speak,
not a “virus” of evil, but what produces that virus.
b. A Return to the Edfu Texts
With these thoughts
in mind, let us return to the Edfu texts and note some peculiar
features. E.A.E. Reymond says that shortly after the creation of
the Primeval mound was “connected also with uttering of names.” But
these names are “names either of one or of several sacred places
which were created” on the Primeval Mound.487
We saw in chapter
seven how the process of creation in the Edfu texts is also
connected with the recitation of “spells” over objects that
represented the special places to be created. The presence of such
objects in connection with sound and the process of creation, and
now the evident use of “names” to denote specific locations,
strongly suggests the type of scalar physics I believe to be
operative in the Tablets of Destinies is also operative here in the
Edfu texts. The parallels are quite remarkable. Indeed, Reymond
states that the Edfu texts mention a “Sacred Book of the Temples.
”It is certain that this book did not contain regulations of the
temple ritual services or descriptions of the structural
development of the Edfu Temple. The part of
this document preserved at Edfu reveals that it included lists of
names of mythical shrines and sacred places; each name
listed is accompanied with a brief explanation of the mythological
significance implicit in that particular name.“488 In other words, the
“Sound Eye” to which the Edfu texts refer may be one and the same
as the technologies the Edfu texts recount elsewhere in relation to
the creation of the primeval mound itself. The technology described
corresponds with the basic components of scalar technology and
weapons to a remarkable, and in my opinion, non-coincidental
degree. In this case, the “naming” of places would correspond to
the specific “gratings” for each location.
This conclusion is
supported by an extensive comment Reymond makes elsewhere, and
which we previously cited in chapter seven:
We attempted to explain in one of our previous studies the significance of the action described as ... to endure with power the substances of the Earth. It appeared as though this... action had the aspect of a symbolic and magical rite of creation. The main part of that rite consisted of uttering sacred spells by the creators over certain (objects) which, we may say, might have been believed to symbolize the Earth to be created. We suspect that by virtue of this rite it was believed that the symbols of the Earth were filled with special power. This power then caused the Earth to emerge in the form of specific plots of earth along and around the edges of the island. This process of creation of the Earth by the word of the creators has no equivalent. Such a manner of creation can be compared with the Hermopolitan conception of the creation of the world; according to the latter, the Earth was believed to have been created by drying up the primaeval waters that surrounded the island. Both of these ways of creating, the magical process as well as the procedure by the solar radiance, had the same result, they seem to have made manifest what was created previously by the nameless powers, but was hidden beneath the primaeval waters.489
As I observed in
chapter seven, this gives us the following elements:
1. The Edfu accounts, by maintaining a creation by the utterance of “magic spells” is paralleling yet another famous account of a similar concept of creation, that of Genesis 1. Both maintain that sound is somehow involved;
2. These “spells” were, however, unlike the Genesis account, uttered over certain objects which then created the various “earths” desired;
3. If one adds in the Hermopolitan tradition, the use of (solar) radiation or energy is also a component.
So we have:
1. Sound
2. Objects
3. Energy, or radiation.
But now we also have
a “book” describing the names of specific places, in other words,
along with the above three items, the “book” of “sacred place
names” constitutes the final essential element in this scalar
technology. It is analogous to the “templates” or gratings
discussed previously in respect to the Tablets of Destinies. In
short, the Edfu texts indicate a similar if not identical
technology that was associated with the “creation” and the
subsequent conflict, and that these very same technologies describe
the mythical “Sound Eye” that wrought such destruction during that
conflict. It would thus appear that both the Mesopotamian “Tablets
of Destinies” and the Edfu “Sound Eye” are two traditions that
reflect a common and remote technological ancestor.
c. A Summary
We are now in a
position to summarize the whole conceptual complex within mythology
that surrounds the Tablets of Destinies by adding to our familiar
formula. Here, however, we make one significant modification to it
based on the findings of this chapter; here we replace the term
“Planets” in the formula, with the term “Celestial Bodies:”
“Mountains” ≈ “Celestial Bodies” ≈ “Pyramids” ≈ “Tablets”
As before, I define
the symbol ≈ to mean “are closely associated, but not identical,
All the above
relationships are summarized in the following table on the next
Table of Associations of the Tablets of

We now have a
rational basis upon which to speculate what the Tablets of
Destinies were:
Grounded both in the ancient texts and a modern physics
interpretation of them, the Tablets of Destinies were most likely
crystals of some sort through which light or other electromagnetic
energy was beamed, and these crystals contained information. This
information was the “holographic” interferometric “grating” or “interference pattern”, Bearden’s quantum
potential “template of action,” the scalar signatures, of almost
every celestial body considered important in, to, and by the
civilization of the “gods.” These priceless catalogues were,
moreover, compiled relative to our own solar system as their
physical frame of reference. Additionally, they included within
their catalogue of “gratings” or “templates” the “subtle
influences” — as an impressed dynamic —
of consciousness.490 They most likely worked best, therefore, when interfaced
— by means now lost and unknown to us —
with an intelligent and conscious user. This catalogue of
interferometric gratings, based on longitudinal waves in the
medium, was thus the central component of any communications system
that held together their vast and interstellar empire, since only
the gratings themselves allowed one to select the system with which
one wished to communicate. Similarly, these interferometric
gratings were the central components in any weapon system designed
to target celestial bodies from a great distance. Finally, the catalogue which was the Tablets of Destinies
also likely included numerous gratings or templates of emotional
states, which could also be impressed into targets from a great
If this speculative hypothesis concerning the Tablets of
Destinies is true, then it constitutes an explanation that explains
why their theft at various times
• Broke down communications between the solar system and other parts of their empire;
• Caused the “gods’” extreme concern that they would no longer be able to rule because of their lack of ability to continue to manipulate their subjects mentally and emotionally;
• Conferred hegemony to whomever possessed them not only for the above reasons, but because they allowed the targeting of scalar weapons of mass destruction at great distance.
In short, The Tablets of Destinies were
the “software”491 gratings of phase onjugate mirrors for
almost every celestial body that was considered important to them,
that held their empire together, and made their scalar- and
“electro-acoustic”- based communications and weapons systems
As has been outlined
here, one aspect of this paleophysics involves consciousness and
mind manipulation by means of impressed electrodynamics on targeted
biological systems and intelligent life. This is, perhaps, an
enduring legacy of the war, for if as I have argued in the
Giza Death Star trilogy, the Great
Pyramid was a component in some ancient
scalar weapons system of vast power, then its shell still stands at
Giza, perhaps maintaining some partial
functioning of this nature.
While it is highly
speculative, it is nonetheless worth pointing out here that there
might be a technology - a very
ancient technology - that lies behind
the phenomena of “channeled messages from ‘extraterrestrials’” and
so on that have been with humanity throughout most of its history,
down to, and including the modern obsession with them and with
their dubious messages of coming “peace and enlightenment.” One
researcher, with whom the present author has been privileged to
share a stage during conferences, and whom the present author
highly respects, seriously suggested that if the Great Pyramid was
a weapon, then perhaps its usage was entirely benign, being one of
beaming feelings of love, harmony, and peace, and thus preventing
wars. Beyond the moral questions this raises about the interference
with the individual will, it begs the obvious question of why that
particular region seems throughout its history to be the home not
only of “revelations” but of rivers of blood spilt in countless
wars. Far from supporting such a contention, the bloody barrenness
of the region would seem to argue against my friend’s speculation.
Indeed, his speculation would not seem to be the best way of
dodging the bullet that there might be a malign aspect and influence at work, one attested
to time and again in the texts from that part of the
In this connection it
is interesting to note that Thorkild Jacobsen’s translation of the
Lugal-e refers to some of the stones as
warriors, a theme that was clearly
recognizable in the previous chapter, in Dalley’s translations of
the same epic:
The Basalt, the Diorite, the Dolerite,
the “Duck”-stone, the Haematite,
and the warrior Alabaster, its warriors
constantly come raiding the cities,
for them a monster’s tooth has grown up...492
While the “monster’s
tooth” could be a reference to a pyramid, a little further on the
text states that “daily the Azag is turning
the border (district) over to its side!”493 These references
suggest that the Tablets were being used to manipulate the emotions
of whole populations to take up arms in the revolt, and tend to
confirm our hypothesis that consciousness was a primary component
of the manipulation both of the Tablets by their possessors, and in
turn of individuals by the Tablets.
So what happened to
the Tablets of Destinies? As we already know, some of their
components were destroyed by Ninurta. Others, as we also know, were
adapted to other use, and some, which could not be destroyed, were,
like Thoth’s emerald tablets, secreted away. The truly sobering
reality is not only what the Tablets of
Destinies were, but that some of them, the most malign components
in fact, may still exist.
A clue perhaps, if
afforded by Marduk’s own admission in the Erra/Nergal and Ishum text that he “changed the
location of the mesu-tree (and of) the
elmesu-stone, and did not reveal it to
anyone.”494 If, as seems
likely, these objects were components of the Tablets, then it would
appear that some of them were deliberately hidden by Marduk long
before their subsequent theft from Enlil by (An)Zu. A little later
on in the same story, it appears that Nergal convinced Marduk to
reveal to him the location of these objects:
He made his voice heard and spoke to prince Marduk
495 The gap in
the text suggests that this is what Nergal was up to, for a short
while later, Nergal reveals his intentions to Marduk, who approves
of his plan:
I shall make Anu and Ellil lie down like bulls, to right and left
of your gate.”
Prince Marduk listened to him,
And the speech that Erra (Nergal) made was pleasing to him.496
This gives us not
only some insight into the genocidal characters of Nergal and
Marduk, but a clue as to the possible whereabouts today of these
missing components of the Tablets of Destinies.
Careful consideration
of the details of this and the previous chapter will reveal that
their possible locations are tied to a very few locations, far
beneath the sands and rock of the deserts of Mesopotamia and Egypt:
Giza, Babylon and Nimrud or Nippur - site of Ninurta’s temple - in
Iraq,497 and possibly
Baalbek in Lebanon. But as we shall also discover, there is a
certain body of evidence that suggests that some of them also made
their way... elsewhere.
But whatever their
location, the texts and legends associated with them, from Thoth’s
Emerald Tablets to Ninurta’s missing stones of power, all indicate
that something of the original Tablets of Destiny