3. Plasma Physics, the Plasma Focus, and Scalar Physics
How might one access
this relatively simple technology and physics at the “celestial” scale and weaponize it to explode a
planet, and do so from a “safe” distance? It is here that
there are direct, though little publicized, connections between
plasma physics and the even more arcane world of “scalar” or
“quantum potential” physics.
Throughout my works I
have repeatedly made reference to the work of scalar physics
theorist and exponent, Lt. Col. (US Army, Ret) Tom Bearden. It is
necessary to do so once again.83 Bearden maintains
that at the core of the theory of scalar physics are three
relatively obscure, highly mathematical, entirely pre-relativistic,
and immensely unusual papers. Two of
them were by the well-known mathematician and theoretical physicist
E.T. Whittaker, and one was by a physicist named Barus. Of the
three, the Whittaker papers are breathtaking in their implications,
not the least of which because they can be made to work within the
context of the later-developed quantum theory.
The first paper, a
lengthy and highly mathematical tome, is a masterpiece whose full
implications - in spite of its benign and somewhat intimidating
title “On the partial differential equations of mathematical
physics” - are spelled out by Whittaker in the conclusion of the
paper(I have italicized the significant portions that bear directly
on Bearden’s analysis which follows):
It is clear from the foregoing that the field of force due to a gravitating body can be analyzed, by a “spectrum analysis” as it were, into an infinite number of constituent fields; and although the whole field of force does not vary with time, yet each of the constituent fields is of an undulatory character, consisting of a simple wave-disturbance propagated with uniform velocity.... In each of these constituent fields the potential will be constant along each wave-front, and consequently the gravitational force in each constituent field will be perpendicular to the wave-front, i.e., the waves will be longitudinal. 84
The significance of
this short paragraph may be missed unless one remembers that E.T.
Whittaker was also a physicist who believed ardently in the
aether, i.e., in a medium or mechanism
of electromagnetic energy propagation. Indeed, he is the same
Whittaker who wrote a classic history of the concept of the aether.
Note also that this paper was originally published in Germany, and therefore, the Germans could hardly
have been unaware of its existence or of its importance as a
non-relativistic physics as they sought
to explain the curious anomalies of... their late war radar
experiments. Indeed, their experiments with radar, and even the
Bell itself, are evidence that they were pursuing this “scalar
physics” with a vengeance.
To understand what
Bearden means by “scalar” waves in the medium or vacuum, we must
now go further into the history of where public consumption physics
went wrong. According to Bearden, it began to make its first
massive wrong turn after Maxwell. Maxwell first formulated his
equations in a mathematical language all but extinct today, a
mathematical language called quaternion geometry. This mathematical
language differs significantly from the standard “linear algebra,”
“tensor calculus” and “vector analysis” in which the standard
electromagnetic theory is usually couched in textbooks and physics
lectures. In short, the equations one learns in physics textbooks
and physics courses today as Maxwell’s equations are not Maxwell’s
original equations! They are edited
equations. But to understand what effect this simple change of
mathematical language - from quaternions to vector analysis - had
on physics, we need to understand a few simple
First, there are two
types of effects that electromagnetic fields can have on charged
particles: (1) translation, and (2) stress. There are two types of
translation, or movement. The first type is simple translation in a
straight line, producing the electrical, or “E” field itself. The
second type of movement is that of a spiral, mathematically
symbolized as the “B” field. We will not be dealing with the “B”
field immediately.
Now let us assume
there are two vectors, E, and E2,
acting upon a particle as shown:
The result is a
translation in the direction of vector E3 as the two vectors are added together to get a
result, which is called aptly enough, a “resultant” vector. Thus,
in systems where a large number of translation vectors are
involved, “the entire system can be replaced by a single vector,”
the resultant, which describes the actual translation that results from the original
Now observe that if
no translation occurs, the resultant is a “zero vector.” However,
one must always recall that one is dealing with geometry and not simply mathematics or numbers.
One can therefore envision a multitude of multi-vector systems
resulting in a zero translation vector, and yet which have profoundly different internal stresses and
If one were trained
to think only in terms of the conventions of linear algebra to
replace multi-vector systems with a resultant vector, then in each
of the three cases or systems above, one will replace the entire
system with a zero resultant vector.
This means that the internal stresses of the
systems and their rotational characteristics - each obviously quite different - are all replaced by a zero vector, and thus the three
systems are erroneously reduced to physical equivalence by a
mathematical convention!
Now we are in a
position to see what a scalar is, and why Maxwell deliberately
chose quaternion geometry to write his equations, for he had in
mind when he did so precisely the types of physical stress situations that are simply represented by
the vortices in the above diagram.
In standard linear
algebra, each of the arrows in the above system would be
mathematically represented like this:
v(vector) = ai + bj + ck.
Thus, if the total
sum of all such vectors is no translation, then one will replace
all such mathematical expressions with a zero vector. But as we
have seen, each of these systems contains an internal rotation or
stress, so something remains. The
question is, how to represent it mathematically?
In quaternion
geometry, a quaternion is simply a “scalar” plus a “vector,” and a
“scalar” is simply a pure magnitude, a
“number” that has no direction. It
simply “is.” Thus, a quaternion (q) is a scalar(s) plus a vector
q = s + v
Substituting our
previous expression of a vector into this, we get
q = s + ai + bj + ck.
Thus, for the
hexagonally shaped system above, one would have six different
expressions resembling q = s + ai + bj + ck. Now imagine we
multiply each of these vectors. According to the special rules in
linear algebra for multiplying such things, we know that zero times
zero is zero. So in linear algebra one would end up with nothing
once again, a zero vector, since no translation has occurred. But
in quaternion geometry the scalars in our
hexagonal vortex diagram, which are not zero, all
multiply, and give - according to the rules of
quaternion multiplication - the following result:
where 0v is the zero vector and the
squared quantities are the multiplied scalars. Thus, in quaternion
geometry the internal stress is preserved even though there is zero
translation occurring. The scalars thus
represent pure magnitudes of force “locked within” a structure
possessing no “direction” or “translation. ”
q x q= s2+ t2 +u2 + w2 + x2 +y2 +0v,,
Now we are in a
position to understand what scalar physics is: it is not standard vector or
“linear” physics in any sense, but is the non-linear physics of internal stresses in the local
We are likewise now
in a position to understand the enormous implications of the end of
Whittaker’s paper quoted above, implications that Bearden’s
analysis makes quite clear:
(The) interference of scalar potentials - each of which is actually a set of longitudinal (electromagnetic) waves, and not a scalar entity at all, but a multivectorial entity - produces (electromagnetic) fields and waves and their dynamics. Hence we hypothesize that the Whittaker interference of the propagating reordered (electromagnetic) energy entities, continuously occurring at any point in space, generates the zero-point (electromagnetic) field energy fluctuations of the vacuum itself. Indeed, (a) paper by Evans...has already shown that just such “scalar interferometry” produces transverse (electromagnetic) fields and waves in the vacuum at a distance. 86
In other words, one
must imagine each of the scalar entities accompanying the vectors
in the diagrams above as being composed of bi-directional
longitudinal or “acoustic” waves in the
medium. Thus, Whittaker “decomposes” the scalar entities into pairs
of such pressure waves or “stresses” in the medium. Combining, or
“interfering” such waves thus causes the standard electromagnetic
fields and waves observed in standard physics. And most
importantly, this can be done “at a distance.”
But what does this
Simply put, since
every atom and every type of atom
consists of particles with charge and/or mass, then every atom has
its own peculiar “scalar signature” or “resonance” (recall the
diagrams above and imagine the mathematical notations that would
describe each in quaternion geometry). Thus, to produce an
effect on any one of these systems, one
simply has to “work backwards” as it were, and configure its scalar
signature, decomposing each of the scalars into its own pair of
bi-directional longitudinal pulses and waves.
One may thus envision
the innumerable types of “zero sum vector systems” like the diagram
above as also being a kind of template for
action, or what Bearden calls a “causal system robot,” or
CSR, a template for producing a desired
outcome in a system at a distance by means of configuring resonance
to its “scalar signature”:
With sufficient theoretical development, one can “work backwards” to obtain a desired causal system... corresponding to some physical system.... One thereby creates a deterministic set of spacetime curvatures and impressed dynamics, which we call an “engine.”...By building in scalar interferometry functions, the CSR can be given “weapons” capabilities, etc.87
That is, one
reproduces the “scalar” or if one prefers the topological signature
of the system one wants to influence (or destroy), and loads the
appropriate information into it:
(By) assembling the desired (longitudinal) wave biwave subsets, the two scalar potentials and their resulting interference-produced carrier wave are internally structured as desired. This is the use of the so-called internal information content of the field. We speak of a deliberately structured potential, field, or wave as having been conditioned, dimensioned, or activated. If these terms are deemed inappropriate, just use the more generic term “internally structured.”88
By the well-known
mass-energy conversion mechanism, mass and inertia are thus “the
direct result of - and are - trapped scalar resonance.” But what is
“trapped scalar resonance”? “The trapping mechanism is the spin of
the particle,”89 that is, the
peculiar internal rotating stresses or vorticies in the medium of
various systems, diagramed in our simple example above!90
More than anything
else, it is this ability to configure a template based upon the
scalar signature and its long distance resonance effects in the
medium that allows one to produce an action at a distance that best
fills the bill for the “monstrous area of physics” that the Germans
were working on with the Bell. It is, indeed, a very sophisticated
form of magic, and sympathetic magic at that.
For the result of
this new physics is that space itself has
structure and content, the medium or “aether” may be viewed as nothing but a vast set of scalar
potentials, which can be decomposed into longitudinal wave
pairs.91 And since a “scalar”
represents an internal rotational stress
- as per our diagrams above - scalar physics is also not
only non-linear, but vorticular
a. Bearden’s Claims for “Scalar” Physics and its Weaponization
(1) The Dangers of Scalar Resonance: Planet-Busting “Doomsday” Implications
In addition to a
superb defensive capability, there is a far more ominous offensive
capability. Since, as has been seen, “scalar waves pass through the
electron shells of an atom and interact with the nucleus” directly,
this means that “they are continually absorbed and emitted by all
nuclei in the universe.” Consequently, “any
large collection of nuclei — such as a star or a planet - is a
strong absorber and radiator of scalar wave
radiation.”93 One cannot ponder
this too long nor overestimate its importance, for it means that
any large mass such as a planet is a natural
resonator of such waves, and this means any scalar weapon
has a planetary-sized potential destructive power:
(This) scalar coupling of the solar system provides a major check on unrestricted use of the large Soviet strategic scalar EM weapon systems. If significant scalar effects are produced on earth in a “pulse” mode, pulsed disturbance of the earth-sun and earth-moon system results. Here a danger exists that one or more natural resonances of the coupled systems may be excited. If the feedback stimulation of the Sun is not insignificant, for example, large sunspot activity may result sometime thereafter, say in a day or two. If too much or too sharp stimulation occurs on earth, the coupled resonant response from the sun could be disastrous. Indeed, a solar response could be stimulated so that the Sun would violently belch and destroy our biosphere, among other effects. The simplest doomsday stimulation would be for a violent expulsion of Solar (electromagnetic) energy and particles to occur. If this were due to resonance, the expulsion of Solar (electromagnetic) energy and particles would continue during some decay time. In that case, fiery destruction of the earth, strongly indicative of Biblical prophecy, would result....Accordingly, use of huge scalar (electromagnetic) weapons is a double-edged sword. Unless carefully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible backlash to the user as well as the victim, and even accidentally cause the destruction of the earth itself.94
One may even envision
the use of a scalar weapon to acoustically oscillate an entire
planet beyond its ability to damp the enormous cascade of quantum
potential energy to the point that it would explode.95 Bearden himself is
quite alive to this disturbing potential for the weapons:
(If) the discharge happens to tickle the Sun and Moon’s feedback loops the wrong way, you’ll get convulsions of the earth, mighty burps of the sun raining fire and brimstone on the earth, and a violent increase in the interior heat of the earth’s molten core, with a concomitant eruption of that core right up through the mantle....(Whenever) one activates a large scalar (electromagnetic) weapon, one immediately places the entire earth in deadly peril. The slightest misstep, and it’s curtains for everyone. And it’s curtains for the earth as well.96
It takes only a
little imagination to see that this principle could be pressed even
farther, to the inability of the planet to damp its violent,
scalar-induced acoustic cavitation. The planet would consume itself
in a violent explosion making a hydrogen bomb look like a
But in any case, as
Bearden makes abundantly clear, scalar weapons possess
planet-busting potential.
Any number of
mechanisms now suggest themselves for how one might access scalar
phenomena, for these are specifically, as has
been seen, vorticular and non-linear in nature. One might
construct a “template” allowing one to unleash the tremendous
electrical energy in a planetary system or to create enormous
plasma discharges striking a planetary surface. Alternatively, one
might use that energy itself to create powerful longitudinal
standing waves in a target. In either case, there would be enormous
electrostatic displays and acoustic cavitation in any planetary
target just prior to its explosion.
And this brings us
back to plasma cosmology, and to the “problem of Peratt.” And the
“problem of Peratt” is simply that he maintains that ancient observers recorded precisely such displays -
beyond those of a mere aurora borealis - on a celestial