With the existence of
such admittedly primitive but nonetheless effective technologies in
ancient times, an existence tied quite directly to the temples —
for the technology was the temples —
the speculative possibility arises that famous (or depending on
one’s lights, infamous) revelations were the products of some sort
of technological manipulation by an elite. One need only recall
that all that was required to produce “out of the body
experiences,” in the case of some “mind machines,” was an
interference of two waves of different frequency to produce beat
frequencies in a brain that would produce a requisite
emotional-physiological state. In view of “the techniques and
technologies of special revelation,” these potentialities, while
highly speculative to be sure, do open the doors to apologetical
difficulties posed by famous instances of “special revelation,”
such as Paul’s “vision” of Christ on the road to Damascus, or
Daniel’s and Joseph’s roles in the Old Testament interpreting
dreams for their masters: were they dreams they themselves induced
and subsequently “interpreted”? As noted in my book Babylon’s Banksters, the presence of a shadowy
financial elite within the precincts of the ancient temple, an
elite moreover ready and willing to manipulate religion to its own
ends, raises the apologetical and interpretive bar substantially,
especially if one entertains the possibility that something of a
lost technology and technique of mind manipulation were preserved
by that elite.
But one need not only
turn to technological speculations to
perceive the enormous difficulties posed by mind manipulation in
the context of religion, for as was previously observed, these
constitute but one half of the total picture, the other half being
the techniques of mind manipulation.
And here, according to British researchers Christian O’Brien and
his wife Barbara Joy, one need go no further than the Yahweh, or
Jehovah, of the first five books of the Old Testament to see the
use both of technologies and techniques for the total enslavement
of a people, and their turning from normal moral constraints to a
willingness to commit wholesale slaughter on behalf of their
“divine master,” Yahweh.
This is not to say
that the O’Briens themselves view Yahweh’s technological displays
and his behavior toward the Israelites as a manifestation of such
technologies and techniques. In fact, they nowhere mention “mind
control” or “mind manipulation” in connection with their
examination of Yahweh’s character and behavior. Nonetheless, it is
a disturbing possibility fraught with apologetical implications
that clearly emerges from their examination, so it will be reviewed
carefully here.
Before reviewing the
O’Briens’ examination of Yahweh’s character and behavior, however,
it is worth pausing to take note of the assumptions and the basic
methodology that form the context of their interpretation. There
are four basic assumptions and methods driving their interpretation
of the Yahweh of the Torah, and particularly, of the book of
1. There is an ancient elite manipulating the events of human history and religion operating behind the scenes. This elite is connected to and composed of members of the “Anunnaki,” a race of “shining ones” whom the O’Briens view as the genetic “cousins” of modern-day Homo sapiens sapiens, and indeed, whom they view as having genetically manipulated the latter species into existence. Some of that elite rebelled and broke ranks with the rest, interfering in human affairs in a proscribed fashion. For the O’Briens, the Yahweh of the first five books of the Old Testament is precisely one such individual rebelling, fallen, “shining one.”
2. The Shining Ones, representing an advanced, genetically related race to mankind, also possessed an advanced technology which, in Yahweh’s case, they believe was used to cow and coerce the Israelites into unhesitating, unquestioning obedience to Yahweh and his plans for conquest.
3. In their examination of the character, behavior, and actions of Yahweh in the Torah, the O’Briens subject him to an unhesitating and thoroughly critical examination based on normal standards of human decency and morality, and find him thoroughly wanting in compassion, love, and exhibiting classical symptoms of paranoia, schizophrenia, and a genocidal blood and war lust comparable to a Stalin or a Hitler.
4. In their examination, the O’Briens make it clear that they believe the name “Yahweh” itself might be a titular usage, similar to “the Lord Mayor of London,” a usage that is not therefore a proper name, but the name of a position within a hierarchy that different occupants fill at different times, thus accounting — in the O’Briens’ minds — for the vast changes of character and behavior from the Yahweh of the Torah to the Yahweh of, for example, prophets such as Isaiah. It is best to cite their own words here:This Yahweh was only one of the leaders of the Shining Ones. The fact that he was always defined as ‘Leader’ — whether he was taking part in the establishment of the Garden in Eden; pretending to make Abraham sacrifice his eldest son on a woodpile; handing a Code of Laws to Hammurabi; militarily training the Israelites for the conquest of Canaan; or sacrificing the Jewish remnants to the cruel ravages of Babylon — has led to much confusion.The participant in all these activities was not a single entity.175
Our review of the
O’Briens’ examination of Yahweh will concentrate on these four
areas. In order to demonstrate the close comparison of some of
Yahweh’s behavior toward the Israelites and that of various mind
manipulation techniques, that review will of necessity have to be
as comprehensive as possible.