About the Editor

Ellen Datlow has been editing science fiction, fantasy, and horror short fiction for almost thirty years. She was fiction editor of OMNI Magazine and SCIFICTION and has edited more than fifty anthologies, including the horror half of the long-running The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, the current Best Horror of the Year, Little Deaths, Twists of the Tale, Inferno, The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy, Poe: 19 New Tales Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, Lovecraft Unbound, Tails of Wonder and Imagination, Troll’s Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales, Salon Fantastique, (the last two with Terri Windling).

Forthcoming are Naked City: New Tales of Urban Fantasy, Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, Haunted Legends (with Nick Mamatas), The Beastly Bride and Other Tales of the Animal People, and Teeth (these last two with Windling). She has won the Locus Award, the Hugo Award, the Stoker Award, the International Horror Guild Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, and the World Fantasy Award for her editing. She was named recipient of the 2007 Karl Edward Wagner Award, given at the British Fantasy Convention for “outstanding contribution to the genre.”

She lives in New York. More information can be found at: www.datlow.com or at her blog: ellen-datlow.livejournal.com

Other books

by Ellen Datlow


A Whisper of Blood

A Wolf at the Door*

Alien Sex

The Beastly Bride*

The Best Horror of the Year

Black Heart, Ivory Bones*

Black Swan, White Raven*

Black Thorn, White Rose*

Blood is Not Enough

The Coyote Road*

The Dark: New Ghost Stories

Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror

The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy

The Faery Reel

The Green Man*


Lethal Kisses

Little Deaths

Lovecraft Unbound

Nebula Awards Showcase 2009

Off Limits: Tales of Alien Sex

Omni Best Science Fiction: Volumes One through Three

Omni Books of Science Fiction: Volumes One through Seven

OmniVisions One and Two

Poe: 19 New Tales Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe

Ruby Slippers, Golden Tears*

Salon Fantastique*

Silver Birch, Blood Moon*

Sirens and other Daemon Lovers*

Snow White, Blood Red*

Swan Sister*

Tails of Wonder and Imagination

Troll’s Eye View*

Twists of the Tale

Vanishing Acts

The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror**

*edited with Terri Windling

**edited with Terri Windling, Gavin J. Grant, and Kelly Link