Para terminar incluyo una breve bibliografía:
BALLET, P., La vie quotidienne à Alexandrie, Hachette, París, 1999.
CANFORA, L., Julio César. Un dictador democrático, Ariel, Barcelona, 2007.
CASSON, L., Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, 1995.
—, The Ancient Mariners, The McMillan Company, Nueva York, 1967.
CONNOLLY, P., Las legiones romanas, Espasa, Madrid, 1990.
CHAUVEAU, M., Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra, Cornell, Ithaca, Nueva York, 2000 (trad. del francés por D. Lorton).
D’AMATO, R., Roman Centurions 753-31 BC, Osprey, Oxford, 2011.
ERDKAMP, P. (ed.), A Companion to the Roman Army, Blackwell, Oxford, 2007.
FLETCHER, J., Cleopatra the Great, Harper Collins, Nueva York, 2008.
FREEMAN, P., Julius Caesar, Simon & Schuster, Nueva York, 2008.
GOLDSWORTHY, A., Antonio y Cleopatra, La Esfera de los Libros, Madrid, 2011.
—, The Roman Army at War 100 BC-AD 200, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2008.
—, César, la biografía definitiva, La Esfera de los Libros, Madrid, 2007.
—, Caesar’s Civil War 49-44 BC, Routledge, Londres, 2005.
—, The Complete Roman Army, Thames & Hudson, Londres, 2003.
GRIFFIN, M. (ed.), A Companion to Julius Caesar, Blackwell, Oxford, 2009.
JAMES, P. — THORPE, N., Ancient Inventions, Ballantine Books, Nueva York, 1994.
JONES, P. J., Cleopatra: A Sourcebook, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2006.
KERISEL, J., The Nile and its Masters: Past, Present, Future, A. A. Balke ma, Rotterdam, 2001.
KLEINER, D. E. E., Cleopatra and Rome, Belknap Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2005.
MARCHANT, J., Decoding the Heavens, DaCapo Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009.
MCKENZIE, J., The Architecture of Alexandria and Egypt 300 BC-AD 700, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2010.
MERTZ, B., Red Land, Black Land: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt, Harper Collins, Nueva York, 2009.
PARRA, J. M., La historia empieza en Egipto, Crítica, Barcelona, 2011.
POLLARD, J. — REID, H., The Rise and Fall of Alexandria, Penguin, Baltimore, 2006.
POMEROY, S., Women in Helenistic Egypt from Alexander to Cleopatra, Schocken Books, Nueva York, 1984.
QUESADA SANZ, F., Armas de Grecia y Roma, La Esfera de los Libros, Madrid, 2008.
ROLLER, D. W., Cleopatra: A Biography, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.
RUSSO, L., The Forgotten Revolution, Springer, Berlín, 2004 (trad. del italiano por S. Levy).
SCHIFF, S., Cleopatra, Random House, Londres, 2010.
SEAGER, R., Pompey the Great, Blackwell, Oxford, 2002.
SHEPPARD, S., Pharsalus 48 BC. Caesar and Pompey, Osprey, Oxford, 2006.
SUMNER, G., Roman Military Clothing (1) 100 BC-AD 200, Osprey, Oxford, 2002.
THUBRON, C., The Ancient Mariners, Time Life, Richmond, 1981.
TYLDESLEY, J., Cleopatra: Last Queen of Egypt, Profile Books, Londres, 2008.
—, Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt, Penguin, Londres, 1995.
—, The Penguin Book of Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt, Penguin, Londres, 2010.
WALTER, G., Julio César, Planeta DeAgostini, Barcelona, 1995.