
Thank you is not enough to say to my amazing mother Brenda, for a lifetime of love and encouragement, and to my daughters Eden and Hailey, for hugs, kisses and patience when Mommy was on a roll;
my best friend/sister/cheerleader Beth for inspiration, endless enthusiasm, support and encouragement, and for being, without fail, overly confident that good things would come;
my friends Lisa and Carrie, for swinging their pom-poms after every chapter, and who without this book might not have been finished;
to my agent Jeff Mayhugh, who turned hope into reality, and Lindsey Bechtel Toscano for introducing me to the man who would become my agent;
my friend Nicole Lambert whom I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting in person, but who devoted her time to my first web page, simply on the basis that she is generous and kind;
my editor Ginger Hunter, who spent an entire summer turning the pages of Providence with a red pen so that it would be a novel instead of a good try;
to Trisha Johnson of Shutter Full of Dreams Photography for working pro bono on a tight schedule, and for answering without so much as a dramatic pause; and to Dr. Ross Vanhooser, Wayne and Wanda Bookout, Chad Petrie, Jimmy Dean Hartzell, Kyra Bright, Erin Androulakis, Joseph Garza, Gregg Burlison, Shelly Stutchman, Jimmy Rivera, Larry Harris, Bobbi Washburn, Orlin and Terry Harms, and Jeff Washburn for their selflessness so that I might succeed.

Jamie McGuire graduated from Northern Oklahoma College with a degree in Applied Science in Radiography, and lives with her two young daughters in Oklahoma. Her website is She is now a full-time, independent writer, currently working on the second installment of the Providence trilogy, Requiem. She has also written the novel Beautiful Disaster, to be released in 2012.