In previous chapters we have already
studied eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. In this chapter
we generalize these concepts to endomorphisms, and we investigate
when endomorphisms on finite dimensional vector spaces can be
represented by diagonal matrices or (upper) triangular matrices.
From such representations we easily can read off important
information about the endomorphism, in particular its
14.1 Basic Definitions and Properties
We first consider an arbitrary vector
space and then concentrate on the finite dimensional case.
Let be a K-vector space and . If
and satisfy
then is
called an eigenvalue of
f, and v is called an eigenvector of f corresponding to .
By definition, cannot be
an eigenvector, but an eigenvalue may occur (cp. the example following
Definition 8.7).
The equation
can be written as
is an eigenvalue of f if
and only if
We already know that the kernel of an endomorphism on
forms a subspace of (cp. Lemma 10.7). This holds, in particular,
for .
If is a K-vector space and
is an eigenvalue of , then the
is called the eigenspace of
f corresponding to
is called the geometric
multiplicity of the eigenvalue .
By definition, the eigenspace
is spanned by all eigenvectors
of f corresponding to the
eigenvalue . If
is finite dimensional, then
is equal
to the maximal number of linearly independent eigenvectors of
f corresponding
to .
Let be a K-vector space, let be a subspace, and let
. If
, i.e., if
holds for all , then is called an f-invariant subspace of .
An important example of f-invariant subspaces are the
eigenspaces of f.
If is a K-vector space and
is an eigenvalue of , then
is an f-invariant subspace of .
For every we have .
We now consider finite dimensional
vector spaces and discuss the relationship between the eigenvalues
of f and the eigenvalues of
a matrix representation of f with respect to a given basis.
If is a finite dimensional K-vector space and , then the
following statements are equivalent:
- (1)
is an eigenvalue of f.
- (2)
is an eigenvalue of the matrix for every basis B of .
Let be an eigenvalue of f and let be an arbitrary basis of
If is an eigenvector of f corresponding to the eigenvalue
then and there exist (unique) coordinates
, not all equal to zero,
with . Using (10.4) we obtain
and thus is
an eigenvalue of .
If, on the other hand,
with for a given (arbitrary)
basis of , then we set . Then and
i.e., is
an eigenvalue of f.
Lemma 14.5 implies that the
eigenvalues of f are the
roots of the characteristic polynomial of the matrix
(cp. Theorem 8.8). This, however, does
not hold in general for a
matrix representation of the form , where B and are two different bases of .
In general, the two matrices
do not have the same eigenvalues.
Consider the vector space with the bases
Then the endomorphism
has the matrix representations
We have , and thus f has the eigenvalues
and 1. On the other hand, the characteristic polynomial of
is , so that this matrix has the
and .
For two different bases B and of the matrices and are similar (cp.
the discussion following Corollary 10.20). In Theorem 8.12 we have shown that similar
matrices have the same characteristic polynomial. This justifies
the following definition.
If , is an n-dimensional K-vector space with the basis
B, and , then
is called the characteristic
polynomial of f.
The characteristic polynomial
is always
a monic polynomial with
As we have discussed before, is independent of the choice of the basis
of . A
is an eigenvalue of f if
and only if is a
root of , i.e.,
. As shown in
Example 8.9, in real vector spaces with
dimensions at least two, there exist endomorphisms that do not have
If is a root of , then for a monic polynomial
i.e., the linear factor
divides the polynomial ; we will show this formally in
Corollary 15.5 below. If also , then for a monic
polynomial , and thus . We can
continue until for a
with . This leads to the following
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space, and let have the
eigenvalue . If the characteristic polynomial of
f has the form
for some
with , then d is called the algebraic multiplicity of the
eigenvalue of
f. It is denoted by
If are the pairwise distinct eigenvalues of
f with corresponding
algebraic multiplicities , and if
, then
since .
The endomorphism ,
has the characteristic polynomial . The only real root of
is 1,
and .
If is a finite dimensional K-vector space and , then
for every eigenvalue of f.
Let be an eigenvalue of f with geometric multiplicity
. Then there exist m linear independent eigenvectors
of f corresponding to the eigenvalue
. If
, then these m eigenvectors form a basis
B of .
If , then we can extend the
m eigenvectors to a basis
We have for and, therefore,
for two matrices and . Using (1) in
Lemma 7.10 we obtain
which implies .
In the following we will try to find a
basis of ,
so that the eigenvalues of a given endomorphism f can be read off easily from its
matrix representation. The easiest forms of matrices in this sense
are diagonal and triangular matrices, since their eigenvalues are
just their diagonal entries.
14.2 Diagonalizability
In this section we will analyze when
for a given endomorphism has a diagonal matrix representation. We
formally define this property as follows.
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space. An endomorphism
is called
diagonalizable, if there
exists a basis B of
such that is
a diagonal matrix.
Accordingly, a matrix
is diagonalizable when there exists a matrix
for a diagonal matrix .
In order to analyze the
diagonalizablility, we begin with a sufficient condition for the
linear independence of eigenvectors. This condition also holds when
is infinite dimensional.
Let be a K-vector space and . If
, , are
pairwise distinct eigenvalues of f with corresponding eigenvectors
, then are linearly independent.
We prove the assertion by induction on
k. Let and let
eigenvectors of f
corresponding to the eigenvalues . Let with . Applying f on both sides of this equation as
well as multiplying the equation with yields the two equations
Subtracting the second equation from the first, we get . Since
and , we
have .
Then from we also obtain ,
since .
Thus, and
linearly independent.
The proof of the inductive step is
analogous. We assume that the assertion holds for some . Let
be pairwise distinct
eigenvalues of f with
corresponding eigenvectors , and let satisfy
Applying f to this equation
while a multiplication with gives
Subtracting this equation from the previous one we get
Since are pairwise
distinct and are linearly independent by the
induction hypothesis, we obtain . But then implies that also , so that are linearly independent.
Using this result we next show that
the sum of eigenspaces corresponding to pairwise distinct
eigenvalues is direct (cp. Theorem 9.31).
Let be a K-vector space and . If
, , are
pairwise distinct eigenvalues of f, then the corresponding eigenspaces
for all .
Let i be fixed and let
In particular, we have for some , . Then
, and the linear independence
of eigenvectors corresponding to pairwise distinct eigenvalues (cp.
Lemma 14.12) implies .
The following theorem gives necessary
and sufficient conditions for the diagonalizability of an
endomorphism on a finite dimensional vector space.
If is a finite dimensional K-vector space and , then the
following statements are equivalent:
- (1)
f is diagonalizable.
- (2)
There exists a basis of consisting of eigenvectors of f.
- (3)
The characteristic polynomial decomposes into linear factors over K, i.e.,
- (1)
If is diagonalizable, then there exists a basis of and scalars with(14.1)
- (2)
Let be a basis of consisting of eigenvectors of f, and let be the corresponding eigenvalues. Then has the form (14.1) and henceWe still have to show that for every eigenvalue . The eigenvalue has the algebraic multiplicity if and only if occurs times on the diagonal of the (diagonal) matrix . This holds if and only if exactly vectors of the basis B are eigenvectors of f corresponding to the eigenvalue . Each of these linearly independent vectors is a element of the eigenspace and, hence,
- (3)
Let be the pairwise distinct eigenvalues of f with corresponding geometric and algebraic multiplicities and , , respectively. Since decomposes into linear factors, we have
If is an n-dimensional K-vector space and has
n pairwise distinct
eigenvalues, then f is
The condition of having pairwise distinct eigenvalues is,
however, not necessary for the diagonalizability of an
endomorphism. A simple counterexample is the identity , which has the n-fold eigenvalue 1, while holds for every
basis B of .
On the other hand, there exist endomorphisms with multiple
eigenvalues that are not diagonalizable.
The endomorphism
has the characteristic polynomial and thus only has the eigenvalue 1. We
and thus . By Theorem 14.14, f is not diagonalizable.
14.3 Triangulation and Schur’s Theorem
If the property does not hold for
every eigenvalue
of f, then f is not diagonalizable. However, as
long as the characteristic polynomial decomposes into linear factors, we can find a
special basis B such that
a triangular matrix.
If is a finite dimensional K-vector space and , then the
following statements are equivalent:
- (1)
The characteristic polynomial decomposes into linear factors over K.
- (2)
There exists a basis B of such that is upper triangular, i.e., f can be triangulated.
- (2)
If and is upper triangular, then .
- (1)
We show the assertion by induction on . The case is trivial, since then . Suppose that the assertion holds for an , and let . By assumption,
A “matrix version” of this theorem
reads as follows: The characteristic polynomial of
decomposes into linear factors over K if and only if A can be triangulated, i.e., there
exists a matrix
for an upper triangular matrix .
Let be a finite dimensional Euclidian or
unitary vector space and . If
decomposes over
(in the Euclidian case case) or (in the unitary case) into linear factors,
then there exists an orthonormal basis B of , such that is upper triangular.
If decomposes into linear factors, then by
Theorem 14.17 there exists a basis of
such that is upper triangular. Applying the
Gram-Schmidt method to the basis , we obtain an orthonormal basis of
such that is upper
triangular (cp. Theorem 12.11). Then
The invertible upper triangular matrices form a group with respect
to the matrix multiplication (cp. Theorem 4.13). Thus, all matrices in the
product on the right hand side are upper triangular, and hence
is upper triangular.
Consider the Euclidian vector space
with the scalar product
, and the
We have and
i.e., the polynomials 1 and t are eigenvectors of f corresponding to the (distinct)
eigenvalues 1 and 2. Thus, is a basis of , and is a diagonal matrix.
Note that
is not an orthonormal basis, since in particular .
Since decomposes into linear factors,
Corollary 14.18 guarantees the existence of an
orthonormal basis B for
which is
upper triangular. In the proof of the implication of Theorem 14.17 one chooses any
eigenvector of f, and then
proceeds inductively in order to obtain the triangulation of
f. In this example, let us
use as the
first vector. This vector is an eigenvector of f with norm 1 corresponding to the
eigenvalue 1. If is a vector with norm 1
and , then is an orthonormal basis for which
an upper triangular matrix. We construct the vector by
orthogonalizing t against
the Gram-Schmidt method:
This leads to the triangulation
We could also choose , which is an eigenvector of
f with norm 1 corresponding
to the eigenvalue 2. Orthogonalizing the vector 1 against
leads to
the second basis vector . With the corresponding basis we
obtain the triangulation
This example shows that in the triangulation of f the elements above the diagonal can
be different for different orthonormal bases. Only the diagonal
elements are (except for their order) uniquely determined, since
they are the eigenvalues of f. A more detailed statement about the
uniqueness is given in Lemma 14.22.
In the next chapter we will prove the
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which states that every
non-constant polynomial over decomposes into linear factors. This result
has the following corollary, which is known as Schur’s theorem.1
If is a finite dimensional unitary vector
space, then every endomorphism on can be unitarily triangulated, i.e., for each
there exists
an orthonormal basis B of
such that is
upper triangular. The matrix is called a Schur form of f.
If is the unitary vector space with the standard scalar product,
then we obtain the following “matrix version” of
Corollary 14.20.
If , then there exists a unitary
matrix with for
an upper triangular matrix . The matrix R is called a Schur form of A.
The following result shows that a
Schur form of a matrix with n pairwise distinct eigenvalues is
“almost unique”.
Let have n pairwise distinct eigenvalues, and
let be two Schur forms of
A. If the diagonals of
equal then
for a unitary diagonal matrix U.
A survey of the results on unitary
similarity of matrices can be found in the
article [Sha91].
Consider for the
Compute a Schur form of A
using the command for . What are the eigenvalues of
A? Formulate a conjecture
about the rank of A for
general n. Can you
prove your conjecture?
(In the following exercises
K is an arbitrary field.)
- 14.1.
Let be a vector space and let have the eigenvalue . Show that is an f-invariant subspace.
- 14.2.
Let be a finite dimensional vector space and let be bijective. Show that f and have the same invariant subspaces.
- 14.3.
Let be an n-dimensional K-vector space, let , and let be an m-dimensional f-invariant subspace of . Show that a basis B of exists such that
- 14.4.
Let and , with
- 14.5.
Consider the vector space with the standard basis and the endomorphism
- 14.6.
Examine whether the following matrices
- 14.7.
Is the set of all diagonalizable and invertible matrices a subgroup of ?
- 14.8.
Let . Consider the -vector space and the map
- 14.9.
Let be an -vector space with the basis . Examine whether the following endomorphisms are diagonalizable or not:
- (a)
, , and ,
- (b)
, , and .
- (a)
- 14.10.
Let be a finite dimensional Euclidian vector space and let with . Show that if and only if f is not diagonalizable.
- 14.11.
Let be a -vector space and let with . Determine all possible eigenvalues of f.
- 14.12.
Let be a finite dimensional vector space and . Show that .
- 14.13.
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space, let and
- 14.14.
Determine conditions for the entries of the matrices
- 14.15.
Determine an endomorphism on that is not diagonalizable and that cannot be triangulated.
- 14.16.
Let be a vector space with . Show that can be triangulated if and only if there exist subspaces of with
- (a)
for ,
- (b)
for , and
- (c)
is f-invariant for .
- (a)
- 14.17.
Prove Lemma 14.22.