In this chapter we study different
classes of maps between one or two K-vector spaces and the one dimensional
K-vector space defined by
the field K itself. These
maps play an important role in many areas of Mathematics, including
Analysis, Functional Analysis and the solution of differential
equations. They will also be essential for the further developments
in this book: Using bilinear and sesquilinear forms, which are
introduced in this chapter, we will define and study Euclidean and
unitary vector spaces in Chap. 12. Linear forms and dual spaces will
be used in the existence proof of the Jordan canonical form in
Chap. 16.
11.1 Linear Forms and Dual Spaces
We start with the set of linear maps
from a K-vector space to
the vector space K.
If is a K-vector space, then is called a
linear form on .
The K-vector space
is called
the dual space
of .
A linear form is sometimes called a
linear functional or a
one-form, which stresses
that it (linearly) maps into a one dimensional vector space.
If is the -vector space of the continuous and real
valued functions on the real interval and if , then the two maps
are linear forms on .
If , then by Theorem 10.16. Let be a basis of
and let be
a basis of the K-vector
space K. If , then for some , , and
For an element
we have
where we have identified the isomorphic vector spaces K and with each other.
For a given basis of a finite
dimensional vector space we will now construct a special, uniquely
determined basis of the dual space .
If is K-vector space with the basis
, then there exists a unique
basis of
such that
which is called the dual basis of B.
By Theorem 10.4, a unique linear map from
K can be constructed by
prescribing its images at the given basis B. Thus, for each ,
there exists a unique map with , .
It remains to show that is a basis of
If are such that
Thus, are linearly independent, and
implies that is a
basis of
(cp. Exercise 9.6).
Consider with the canonical basis
. If is the dual basis
of B, then , which shows that
Let and be K-vector spaces with their respective
dual spaces
and ,
and let . Then
is called the dual map of
We next derive some properties of the
dual map.
If , and are K-vector spaces, then the following
assertions hold:
- (1)
If , then the dual map is linear, hence .
- (2)
If and , then and .
- (3)
If is bijective, then is bijective and .
- (1)
If , , then
- (2)
and (3) are exercises.
As the following theorem shows, the
concepts of the dual map and the transposed matrix are closely
Let and be finite dimensional K-vector spaces with bases and
respectively. Let and
be the
corresponding dual bases. If , then
Let , , and let ,
. Let
, i.e.,
and , i.e.,
For every pair
and we then have
where we have used the definition of the dual map as well as
and .
Because of the close relationship
between the transposed matrix and the dual map, some authors call
the dual map the
transpose of the linear map
For the two bases of ,
the elements of the corresponding dual bases are given by
The matrix representations of these maps are
For the linear map
we have
11.2 Bilinear Forms
We now consider special maps from a
pair of K-vector spaces to
the K-vector space
Let and be K-vector spaces. A map is
called a bilinear form on
, when
hold for all , , and .
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
A bilinear form is
called non-degenerate in the first
variable, if for all implies that .
Analogously, it is called non-degenerate in the second variable,
if for all implies that . If
non-degenerate in both variables, then is called non-degenerate and the spaces
are called a dual pair with respect to
If , then is
called a bilinear form on
If additionally holds for all , then is called symmetric. Otherwise, is
called nonsymmetric.
- (1)
If , then
- (2)
The bilinear form
- (3)
If is a K-vector space, then
Let and be K-vector spaces with bases and , respectively. If
is a
bilinear form on , then
is called the matrix
representation of with respect to the bases and
If and
, then
where we have used the coordinate map from Lemma 10.17.
If and
the canonical bases of and , respectively, and if is
the bilinear form from (1) in Example 11.10 with , then , where
and hence .
The following result shows that
symmetric bilinear forms have symmetric matrix
For a bilinear form on a
finite dimensional vector space the following statements are equivalent:
- (1)
is symmetric.
- (2)
For every basis B of the matrix is symmetric.
- (3)
There exists a basis B of such that is symmetric.
We will now analyze the effect of a
basis change on the matrix representation of a bilinear form.
Let and be finite dimensional K-vector spaces with bases of and of . If is a bilinear form on , then
Let , ,
, ,
With ,
where ,
we then have
which implies that ,
and hence the assertion follows.
If and are
two bases of ,
then we obtain the following special case of
Theorem 11.14:
The two matrix representations and of in
this case are congruent,
which we formally define as follows.
If for two matrices there exists a matrix
with ,
then A and B are called congruent.
Congruence is an equivalence relation
on the set .
11.3 Sesquilinear Forms
For complex vector spaces we introduce
another special class of forms.
Let and be -vector spaces. A map
is called a sesquilinear
form on , when
hold for all , and .
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- (4)
If , then s is called a sesquilinear form on .
If additionally holds for all , then s is called Hermitian.1
The prefix sesqui is Latin and means “one and a
half”. Note that a sesquilinear form is linear in the first
variable and semilinear
(“half linear”) in the second variable.
The following result characterizes
Hermitian sesquilinear forms.
A sesquilinear form on the
-vector space is Hermitian if and only if for all .
If s is Hermitian then, in particular,
for all , and thus .
If, on the other hand, , then by definition
The first equation implies that , since by assumption.
The second equation implies analogously that .
Multiplying the second equation with and adding the resulting equation to the
first we obtain
For a sesquilinear form s on the -vector space we have
for all .
Corollary 11.19 shows that a
sesquilinear form on a -vector space is uniquely determined by the values of
s(v, v) for all .
The Hermitian transpose of is the matrix
If , then
A is called Hermitian.
If a matrix A has real entries, then obviously
Thus, a real symmetric matrix is also Hermitian. If is Hermitian, then in
particular for , i.e., Hermitian matrices have real
diagonal entries.
The Hermitian transposition satisfies
similar rules as the (usual) transposition (cp.
Lemma 4.6).
For , and the following assertions hold:
- (1)
- (2)
- (3)
- (4)
For the map
is a sesquilinear form.
The matrix representation of a
sesquilinear form is defined analogously to the matrix
representation of bilinear forms (cp. Definition 11.11).
Let and be -vector spaces with bases and , respectively. If
s is a sesquilinear form on
, then
is called the matrix
representation of s
with respect to the bases and .
If and
the canonical bases of and , respectively, and s is the sesquilinear form of
Example 11.22 with , then with
and, hence, .
(In the following exercises
K is an arbitrary field.)
- 11.1.
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space and . Show that for all if and only if .
- 11.2.
Consider the basis of the 3-dimensional vector space . Compute the dual basis to B.
- 11.3.
Let be an n-dimensional K-vector space and let be a basis of . Prove or disprove: There exists a unique basis of with .
- 11.4.
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space and let with . Show that for a holds if and only if . Is it possible to omit the assumption ?
- 11.5.
Let be a K-vector space and let be a subspace of . The set
- (a)
is a subspace of .
- (b)
For subspaces of we have
- (c)
If is a K-vector space and , then .
- (a)
- 11.6.
Prove Lemma 11.6 (2) and (3).
- 11.7.
Let and be K-vector spaces. Show that the set of all bilinear forms on with the operations
- 11.8.
Let and be K-vector spaces with bases and and corresponding dual bases and , respectively. For and let
- (a)
Show that is a bilinear form on .
- (b)
Show that the set is a basis of the K-vector space of bilinear forms on (cp. Exercise 11.7) and determine the dimension of this space.
- (a)
- 11.9.
Let be the -vector space of the continuous and real valued functions on the real interval . Show that
- 11.10.
Show that the map from (1) in Example 11.10 is a bilinear form, and show that it is non-degenerate if and only if and .
- 11.11.
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space. Show that is a dual pair with respect to the bilinear form from (3) in Example 11.10, i.e., that the bilinear form is non-degenerate.
- 11.12.
Let be a finite dimensional K-vector space and let and be subspaces with . Prove or disprove: The spaces form a dual pair with respect to the bilinear form , .
- 11.13.
Let and be finite dimensional K-vector spaces with the bases and , respectively, and let be a bilinear form on .
- (a)
Show that the following statements are equivalent:
- (1)
is not invertible.
- (2)
is degenerate in the second variable.
- (3)
is degenerate in the first variable.
- (1)
- (b)
Conclude from (a): is non-degenerate if and only if is invertible.
- (a)
- 11.14.
Prove Lemma 11.16.
- 11.15.
Prove Lemma 11.13.
- 11.16.
For a bilinear form on a K-vector space , the map , , is called the quadratic form induced by . Show the following assertion: If in K and is symmetric, then holds for all .
- 11.17.
Show that a sesquilinear form s on a -vector space satisfies the polarization identity
- 11.18.
Consider the following maps from to :
- (a)
- (b)
- (c)
- (d)
Which of these are bilinear forms or sesquilinear forms on ? Test whether the bilinear form is symmetric or the sesquilinear form is Hermitian, and derive the corresponding matrix representations with respect to the canonical basis and the basis . - (a)
- 11.19.
Prove Lemma 11.21.
- 11.20.
Let be Hermitian. Show that
- 11.21.
Let be a finite dimensional -vector space with the basis B, and let s be a sesquilinear form on . Show that s is Hermitian if and only if is Hermitian.
- 11.22.
Show the following assertions for :
- (a)
If , then the eigenvalues of A are purely imaginary.
- (b)
If , then and .
- (c)
If and , then .
- (a)