Appendix II: Races of the Northern Hemisphere

The key is the same as for the Southern Races in Appendix I. All names in the North are Southern approximations, hence compromises. Even their seas, mountain ranges, etc., have no common names unlike the standard system in the South, so Southern designations are used throughout. None of the following hexes have atmosphere in common with the others or close to that of any Southern hex, although a few inhabitants, notably the Bozog and Yugash, can travel without protection because they don't breathe in the normal sense of the word.
ASTILGOL N Diurnal The legendary Diviner and The Rel were Astilgolians. Symbiotic creatures resembling a set of hanging crystal chimes on which is set an invisible bowl with little flashing lights. Silicon eaters.
BOZOG H Diurnal Two eggs sunny side up, full of gritty little balls, and with cilia beneath. Can form the liquid in their sacs into tentacles, etc. and can stick to walls.
CUZICOL N Nocturnal Metallic yellow flowers with hundreds of sharp spikes, they stand on two spindly legs. One operated on Mavra and Joshi in the Yaxan Embassy.
MASJENADA S Diurnal Blown glass swans without heads or feet, they can combine and alter their body material, and have the annoying habit of flying through each other with no ill effect.
OYAKOT H Diurnal Like enormous drab puff-balls with spikes, they are actually a very pleasant, normal sort of folk. They like their oxygen frozen.
PUGEESH S Nocturnal Little brown disks surrounded by ten thin tentacles. Tribal and easily frightened if they fail to kill you; can induce dreamy lethargy but melt in any heat.
UBORSK S Diurnal Amorphous sand-dwellers who have become middlemen in the trade between Bozog and Wohafa.
UCHJIN N Nocturnal Hard people to talk to, they resemble smears of paint dripping in midair.
WOHAFA H Diurnal Balls of bright yellow light out of which shoot hundreds of lightning-like tentacles. Able to turn energy into matter and one kind of matter to energy and back to something else, making them everybody's favorite trade partner.
YUGASH H Diurnal These creatures of stable energy that resemble pale red hooded cloaks without wearers and fade in bright light can take over your body if you let them—or don't watch them carefully.
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