Tony: The only time you ever lost it onstage was when that guy threw change at you.
Jenna: I put a heel in his throat. I was on my back and a guy nailed me hard with some change. My first reaction was to kick, so I did. I knew I had to get up right away, because I’m vulnerable when I’m on my back, so I got up and he came flying onto that stage after me. A security guard got in between at the last minute, thank God, because he was a big Memphis boy.
Tony: How about the time when you were on the top of the pole and you turned upside down, but you had too much oil on your legs, so you slipped off and fell right on your head? Then the next song came on, and you were dancing all dizzy.
Jenna: I was pissed at Jordan that night and was starting to drink, for the first time in my life. I think I downed a full bottle of Ketel One that night, in three hours.
Tony: Was that the night you met the Undertaker and he knew you from Las Vegas?
Jenna: Yeah, the Undertaker was one of the biggest WWF wrestlers at the time. He would put people in coffins and set them on fire in the ring. And the scary thing is, that character he played was not an act. Back when I used to hang out in Jack’s shop and make needles for him, the Undertaker used to come in and get tattooed. I obviously never talked back then, because I was so shy. And he was very serious. So I met him that night dancing, and we hung out and became really good friends. And he told me that he took Jack aside one day and said, very serious, “I don’t want your girlfriend to be here any more. I think she’s a cop.”
Tony: You were like sixteen years old and eighty pounds.
Jenna: Yeah, I never knew that he was the reason why Jack wouldn’t let me hang out at the shop. The Undertaker said I’d sit there for six hours and never move or say a word. I guess I creeped everyone out. It’s funny that the Undertaker was scared of me. He’s probably the most psychotic man I’ve ever met in my life. He came to one of my dance gigs and this guy asked me, “Can I buy you a drink?” The Undertaker looked at him totally stone cold and said, “Yeah, you can get me a shot of Jaeger and you can get yourself a shot of shut-the-fuck-up.”
Jordan was there at the time, and the Undertaker said, “I’m going to kick your boyfriend’s ass and take you away with me.” I knew he was serious. I ran upstairs and told Jordan we had to leave, because this guy was going to beat the fuck out of him and kidnap me. So I never saw him again. I think that was when Jordan forbid me to talk to any more guys on the road.
Tony: There were a lot of crazies on the road. Remember, you had a lesbian stalker who came to your hotel one night and tried to beat down your door? She was a big woman, too.
Jenna: I was in Columbus, Ohio and I met this girl. I’m nice to everyone. So my next gig is in Reading, Pennsylvania, and I say, “If you want to come down, come down.” Next thing I know, I get a dozen roses at the club in Reading, and they’re from her, so I’m obligated to talk to her more. At the time I was going out with Melissa, so Melissa and I were in bed in my hotel room later that night and we hear boom boom boom on the door.
I look out the window and this girl is freaking. She’s yelling, “I’m going to fucking kill you. If I can’t have you, no one will. I’m going to kill that bitch you’re with.” Finally the cops came and took her to jail.
She tried to reach me for months afterward. I found out later that she was the assistant of an older porn star. I’m like you, Dad. When something like that goes down, I get calm.
Larry: Sure.
Jenna: I told Melissa, “Okay, lay down behind the bed. Call 911. Don’t say a word. Turn the lights off.” Inside, though, I was frigging scared she was going to come through that window. She was cuckoo, and you don’t want to fight those kinds of people.
Larry: Then there was that guy at the AVN Awards. You were sitting there signing autographs, and there was a big crowd. And this guy with long blond hair walked in between the bodyguards and said something to you.
Jenna: Yeah, he was yelling, “What would your mother think? What are you doing to your mother?” I can take a lot of stuff, but if anyone says anything about my mother, it’s on. And none of the bodyguards did anything, so dad walked over and socked him in the stomach.
Larry: I saw the look on your face and I ran right between the bodyguards. I nailed this son of a bitch and said, “Motherfucker, I’d love to fight!” I grabbed him by the fucking hair, and everyone was like, “Wait, wait.” So they grabbed me and I let him go. As soon as they released me, I hit him right in the stomach and it was like, boom. He went down, and they dragged him off.
Jenna: I seem to attract that sort of thing.