Jenna: I remember when Tony was so deep into his drug use. It was probably the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.
Tony: I used to walk around with a doctor’s bag.
Jenna: I’ve never seen anybody that fucked up. He used to carry a ball-peen hammer in his back pocket and would use it.
Tony: Anyone that would piss me off, I’d hit them with that hammer.
Jenna: You were into the whole motorcycle, body-piercing scene.
Tony: Hanging out with Hell’s Angels, robbing people.
Jenna: I remember at Taco Bell one time when you bashed someone’s window out.
Tony: That was another situation. That was Mike and I. We were making fun of these guys on the CB one day, and they tracked us down and started throwing rocks at our car. They all had pipes and bats. So Mike and I came out with our guns and said, “Drop your weapons.” One guy dropped the lead pipe and the other guy turned and ran. Mike chased him across the street into the 7-11, shooting at his back.
I holstered my gun, picked up the pipe, and chased him into Taco Bell. I clipped him, whack, right behind the ear. He flew and landed on a table where a family was eating with little kids.
Jenna: That was a bad scene, especially Mike shooting up the 7-11 like that.
Larry: What ever happened to Mike?
Jenna: Oh, he’s dead. You were so fucking paranoid by that point in your drug addiction. A helicopter would go by and you’d be like, “They’re following us.”
Tony: Yeah, we’d pull into a covered garage.
Jenna: I’m like, “Tony, this is ridiculous.” And you’d say, “Do you see those guys? Those guys are watching us.”
Selena: I was there. I remember that.
Jenna: But you were the voice of reason. I’d say, “Selena, you’ve got to do something because he’s going to go off the deep end.”
Selena: Well, that shit makes you paranoid. A couple months after we got married, I said, “It’s either that or me. And he picked me.”
Tony: Remember that guy who ended up biting his tongue off?
Selena: Wasn’t he the guy you beat up because he wouldn’t say gargoyle? (All laugh)
Tony: I was sitting in the truck and he walks by and I said, “Say gargoyle. Say gargoyle. Just fucking say gargoyle. I dare you to say gargoyle.” And ten minutes later he said the word gargoyle, and it was on.
Selena: It was like a cartoon.
Jenna: Oh god Tony, you were crazy.
Tony: Yeah, those were some wild times. I had several bouts where I did so much dope I didn’t even recognize Jenna.
Larry: Unbelievable.
Tony: I’m pretty calm now. I love tattooing. I’m the biggest family man in the world. I like hanging out with my family and playing with my son. I don’t seek out the adrenaline rush anymore.
Jenna: Oh, how things have changed.
Larry: For the better, my dear. For the better.