Jenna: Acid was a good thing for me. I would drop acid on weekends with Tony because I thought I would never ever fall into the hardcore drugs. And during the week I was still a good girl at school. I was finding myself and everything was beautiful.
Tony: We got pretty crazy, though. Remember the time when we went to the Tropicana and dropped acid by the pool? We took the lawn chairs and tried to ski them down the fountains. And all the security guards came with guns in force. As soon as they let us go, we walked right into the hotel and wandered around looking at the carpet and the walls.
Jenna: How about the time when we did acid and you set me on fire? (All laugh)
Tony: Selena fired a bottle rocket into the back of your head. We were all frying on acid, and then she…
Jenna: I tripped over this rock…
Selena:… running. And the first thing I see is Jenna screaming, and her head is flaming. And she’s flying through the air, and when you’re watching that while you’re on a couple of hits, it’s… (All laugh)
Jenna: How about me being high and on fire? You can’t think to stop, drop, and roll.
Tony: Remember Puffensquish, that chick?
Jenna: She took so much acid that she would wander the streets in Vegas touching all the tar repairs on the cracks in the asphalt —puff and squish.
Tony: Yeah, and we used to go out in Mount Charleston and take acid and walk around in the snow. Everything looked like a gingerbread house with frosting.
Jenna: Oh it was soooo…
Tony: Weird.
Jenna:… beautiful.
Larry: The first time I ever did acid was with you both in Mount Charleston. We were all sitting there laughing, and I had excluded this girl who was with me. Jenna said to me, “Look up.” There was this huge pink ceiling with stars and stuff. And I looked up and the whole world went zooom, and we were gone. We were gone.
Jenna: My dad was cool enough to say “cool.”
Tony: He came up in the Rat Pack era of the sixties, and for them drugs were cocaine or drinking. He didn’t realize he was about to be propelled into another universe. (Laughs)
Larry: You know, the incident that sticks with me is when we were at the corporate apartment and we did coke. I did it with you, and you looked at Tony and said, “Go, Dad.”
Jenna: Get down with your bad self, Dad.
Larry: That’s exactly what you said. I will never forget that. I completely reversed myself from being the self-righteous stupid ass that I was to a psycho.
Tony: Remember when I was dealing coke, and Grandma stole an eight-ball?
Larry: My mother stole an eightball?
Tony: She would hide them in her coat pockets and sneak off to do them. Remember, she was usually as mean as a snake, but all of a sudden we were like, “Why is Grandma being so nice?”
Larry: You know what? I don’t miss any drug. But the only drug I ever liked was crank. It’s the best drug on the planet, but smoking it. Not sniffing it.
Jenna: When did you smoke crank?
Larry: When I was managing the strip club. I did just enough to stay high all day.
Jenna: Well, that’s every five minutes.
Larry: No, it would last me a good two hours. This little girl at the club had an unlimited supply. I would take a baggy and smoke it all night long.
Tony: To someone who really does drugs, smoking crank or snorting crank is wasting it. If you want to get high, you shoot up.
Larry: I never wanted to do that. I loved the fact that I could control how many hits I had, so I could stay at that perfect level.
Tony: You can do that by banging it also.
Larry: Really?
Tony: You can control your exact high. You can feel all day, or you can be tuned completely to the gills.
Larry: Interesting.