Jenna: Marjorie was a former model. She was about five feet nine inches, had long dark blond hair, and looked just like Marlene Dietrich. She even had a picture of Marlene Dietrich hanging over the couch. It was weird. She was very thin up top, and I thought she had really pretty boobs when I was little. But then she had a big fat ass and tree trunks for legs. And she would always walk around naked.
Tony: The thing that used to freak me out was when she would lay out in the backyard buck-naked. All my friends would look over the wall and see her sunbathing nude. Then I would go to school and it was like, “Ha ha, your mom is the naked chick.”
Jenna: She would lay out nude with all her friends, and wouldn’t allow us to play in the yard. You don’t walk around naked like that in front of a teenage boy. And she had a big ole beastly ass. Jesus Christ, woman.
Larry: No kidding. You would have wanted to keep that son of a bitch covered up.
Tony: Remember that guy who tried to burglarize our place? Me and Jenna were at home. I think he knew we were latchkey kids. We thought someone had come onto our little porch area. Then we heard the doorknob wiggle.
Jenna: And Dad and Marjorie didn’t believe us. They thought we were insane.
Tony: We knew the guy was going to come around the front when the door didn’t open, so we had a great idea to put dog kibble on the trail and the porch so we would hear him crunching to the door. And remember, we were watching TV in the living room and we hear crunch crunch crunch? And we were like, “Holy shit!” And we both ran into Dad’s bedroom…
Jenna:… to get the gun.
Tony: I get the gun and I hear the screwdriver, trying to get into the door. I was ready to shoot as soon as he got in. But he couldn’t get through so he left. Then we called the police and they sent Dad over.
Jenna: You were flying. And you came over to the door and you were like, “Son of a bitch, you were right.”
Larry: I looked at the door and someone had tried to jimmy it open. I taught you to shoot if someone comes in and keep shooting until they stop moving.
Jenna: Tony started sleeping with guns under his pillows when he was about six years old. It was insane. Dad would never give him bullets but he gave him little Derringers and shit.
Tony: Yeah, but every time Dad dropped a bullet in the house, I picked it up and kept it in a box. So I was pretty well armed.