Date: June 20, 2003
Time: 1 P.M.
Place: Living room, Tony Massoli residence, Scottsdale, Arizona, U.S.A.
People: Jenna Jameson
Tony Massoli, her brother
Larry Massoli, her father
Selena Massoli, wife of Tony
Jenna: The way I look at it is, I feel proud of us for making it.
Tony: No kidding.
Jenna: ‘Cause I look back at some of that stuff and I’m like, “Wow!”
Larry: It was a prescription for failure.
Jenna: Absolutely.
Larry: What happened is that after your mother died, I couldn’t do TV anymore. I had always wanted to be a cop, but your mom refused to let me. So I waited about a year and then decided to do what I had always wanted to do. I became this big crusader asshole. Because I couldn’t save your mother, I was going to save the world. It was probably a culture shock to you two when I changed jobs.
Tony: I was a kid, so from my perspective that part of our childhood was unbelievable. Dad was busting the whorehouses, so the mob wanted to kidnap me and Jenna. They thought they could extort my dad into staying out of their business. So one of the mob guys picked up Jenna after school in a yellow schoolbus. He let off all the other kids and kept Jenna on the bus. He drove just with her for miles and miles. The deputies and the sheriff’s department chased him, and finally pulled the bus over and got Jenna.
Jenna: I was in preschool, so I barely remember that.
Tony: Oh, it was bad. Those guys pulled up next to me in a Cadillac one day and said, “Your dad, Larry, said for you to come home with us.” I knew something was wrong so I chucked my book bag and took off running through the desert. I hid in a drainage ditch. After I heard the car drive away, I still waited in there for a couple of hours.
Jenna: I remember when you came home from that, panting. That was a crazy time. We had police escorts after that. When I went to school, there was always a cop.
Larry: It was very scary at that time. They had put a contract out on me. I was so worried about the kids. What happened was that a guy named Walter Plankinton had opened a place called the Chicken Ranch, and a couple of cronies from a rival bordello came and burned the place down. So my lieutenant told me, “You are going to get a call to go to the other side of the valley. When you get that call just do what you’re told and wait it out, no matter what happens.”
And I said, “Not on my watch.” So I kept them from getting revenge. I refused to take bribes or turn a blind eye to anything illegal, so everybody wanted to chase me out of town. It was like the Old West out there, and they didn’t want anyone trying to tackle the corruption.
Tony: Remember when we had to go hide out in Johnny Whitmore’s attic?
Jenna: I forgot about that.
Tony: I was sleeping in the dining room at the time, on a day bed. And I heard a crunching on the rocks, so I knew someone was out there. I looked outside and I saw a shadow. So I went to dad’s room. He was married to Marjorie then.
Larry: Oh, Christ, Marjorie. I needed someone to help me with the kids. That was a mistake.
Tony: So I knocked on their door, and Marjorie was like, “Shut the fuck up. Go back to bed.” I looked out the window and saw this guy in a bandanna, and he was wearing gloves and had a brick in his hand. I was so scared I couldn’t breathe. Then the brick came right through the window. And you came running out buck naked and grabbed a Thompson submachine gun and ran through the front door shooting. The gun lit up the night, and all I could hear was the brrrraaaaappp brrrraaaaappp from the machine gun.
Larry: He got away, so I put my uniform on and code three’d it over to the Shamrock, which was one of the brothels that had fire-bombed the Chicken Ranch. I drove the patrol car through the front door and unloaded two clips into the bar with that Thompson submachine gun. Then I said, “I want you fuckers to stop fucking with my family.” And we never had a problem after that.
Jenna: I remember when they tapped the phone. I was so little at that time and didn’t understand what was going on. There was a big window in my room, and I would sit on my tiny bed with the curtains open, arms around my knees, looking outside for hours because I had trouble sleeping.
Larry: It was a huge window and it was empty out there, so you could see every star.
Jenna: I would just gaze at the stars. And dad came in my room and said, “Jenna —get in bed! Don’t you ever look out that window!” He was so stern about it. I had no idea why he was so mad.
Larry: I was afraid they would shoot at the house. It was very dangerous at that time. I had the government against me, the Mafia against me. I had no one to help and no place to take you. So you had a very wild childhood because I was always in the shit. We were going through a nanny a week. I couldn’t keep people hired no matter what I did.
Tony: We were supposed to stay home, but we had that one babysitter who wanted to go to the store. And we were like, “If we are going, we want to ride in the front seat.” The backseat got so hot in Vegas. So she said, “Yeah, sure.” We went through a green light and, bam, we got hit. T-boned. The other car was doing about fifty. Our car flipped over and, bang, there was busted glass everywhere. And, remember, the fireman took us out of there just before the car caught fire?
Jenna: And they said that if we had been in the backseat, we would have been dead.
Larry: I used to hire a Hawaiian couple to live in the house and babysit them. I tried not to work such long hours after Judy died, but it was difficult. So one night I came home around eight o’clock and Tony looked a little ragged. I asked what was wrong, and he said, “John and Marsha took us to a casino and they went in and gambled.” And I said, “What did you do that whole time?”
Jenna: We sat in the car in the parking lot for like eight hours.
Larry: The couple were still at our house waiting to get paid, so I went in and dragged that son of a bitch out of there and whipped his ass.
Jenna: Yeah, it was brutal.
Larry: And then some company I hired a nanny from sent me someone from a mental institution. I didn’t know. And she called me up at the office and said, “Since you’re gone all the time, I don’t see any reason why I can’t drown these kids.”
Tony: Yeah, that was the one who made me brush her hair for hours.
Larry: I drove 120 miles an hour on the way home. I got there and Jenna was in her little stroller with this mental institution son of a bitch behind her. I put this woman in the car and drove her to the mental institution that I found out she was from. When I got back to the house, there were Cheerios everywhere for some mysterious reason. That’s when I decided I had to get married.