Chapter Three

“See, I told you it would all come back to me,” Griff said as he licked another envelope from his stack. He’d shed his coat and tie rolled up his shirtsleeves and dived in.

“I’m proud of you,” Cass said. “How long since you’ve actually stuffed any mail?”

“In bulk? Must have been in college, or maybe in law school when I was working on some campaign or another.”

“Where did you go to law school?”


“Of course,” Cass said. “Why did I even ask?”

“And you?”

“University of Texas, here in Austin. I was too poor for Harvard or Yale, and I got an excellent education here.”

“I’m sure you did,” Griff said. “UT Law has a fine reputation. Too bad you’re not using your education.”

Cass’s hackles went up. “Oh, but I am. My education doesn’t define me. It enriches me.”

“Sorry. That was insensitive. You’re right, of course.”

“Are you being condescending?”

He smiled and held up his hands in surrender. “With a tough Texas woman? I wouldn’t dare. I’m done with my stack. Are there more?”

“That’s all,” Cass said. “Karen will stamp them in the morning when she comes in, and deliver them to the post office.”

Griff picked up one of the envelopes and looked at the return address. “Exactly what is POAC?”

“Didn’t you read one of the letters?” Cass asked.

“Nope, I simply stuffed and licked.”

She chuckled. “You could have spent the last two hours aiding and abetting a subversive organization. Lawyers are supposed to read the fine print.”

“I trusted you wouldn’t get us thrown in the slammer. Let’s see. POAC. Please Order Another Chili. People on a Caper. Pick Out a Cucumber.”

Cass laughed. “How about Preserve Old Austin’s Charm? We pronounce the acronym ‘poe-ack.’ We’re sort of a watchdog group to help preserve the flavor of our town so that its charm doesn’t get paved over by cookie cutter high-rises and such.”

“Ah, like the taco place and the hotel.”

“Exactly. We’re not extremists opposed to progress and modernization, but we want to keep the old along with the new. Austin has made a half-dozen lists recently as one of the best places in the country to live, and we’ve had a big influx of people. Sometimes it seems as if, after they arrive, they want to start changing the very things that drew them here, to make Austin into Anywhere, USA.”

“You sound very passionate about this,” Griff said.

“I am. I love this town. I love the bakeries and shoe shops and little taco joints that have been downtown for fifty or a hundred years.”

“And the chili cafés?”

Cass gave a bark of laughter. “You bet. But Chili Witches wasn’t always a café. It started out as a saloon and bawdy house.”

He chuckled. “You’re kidding.”

“I kid you not. The madam’s name was Selma Newton, and she was a real rounder. Upstairs, where my apartment is, used to be rooms where the soiled doves entertained the town swells.”

“You live over the restaurant?”

“Temporarily. Until I can get this place fixed up,” she said.

“Which place? Here?” he asked, looking around the living room of the run-down house where they’d come to work.

“Yes. When I’m finished it will be a charming cottage again, and in a prime location. The architecture is unique, and while they may not qualify as landmarks when this block is restored all the houses will be lovely. Can you believe they wanted to tear down these houses and put up another five-story apartment building? And you should have seen the design!”

“Bad, huh?”

“Atrocious!” Cass said, making a face.

“And POAC stopped it?”

“Not single-handedly. Several groups and individuals joined together, lobbied for the preservation of the neighborhood and bought the properties.”

“And you bought this house?”

“I did. And the one next door, as well.”

Griff lifted his eyebrows. “So don’t mess with Texas women?”

Cass grinned. “You got it, Yankee. Now I’ll get off my soapbox. Thanks for helping me this afternoon. May I drop you at your hotel?”

“I was hoping you might show me around some of charming Austin this afternoon,” Griff said as she locked up.

She glanced at her watch. “I have time for a drive through Zilker Park, but I have an appointment coming up.”

“I noticed that there was an interesting production at the Paramount Theater this weekend. Would you like to go with me tomorrow night?”

“I’d love to go, but I work on Saturdays,” Cass said. “We don’t close until ten or ten-thirty. Sorry.”

“I know it’s short notice, but could you make it tonight if I can get tickets?”

“Good luck with that,” Cass said. “I hear it’s sold out.”

He grinned. “Never underestimate my ability to get what I want.”

She threw back her head and laughed. “I wouldn’t dare.”


GRIFF HAD TO CALL IN a couple of favors, and ended up paying a scalper an exorbitant price, but he got two tickets in the orchestra, fifth row center, for that night’s performance at the theater on Congress Street. He’d have paid twice the amount. Not only was it a sop to his ego, but he wanted to impress Cass. He found that he genuinely liked her and enjoyed her company. She was the most interesting and engaging woman he’d met in a very long time.

As soon as the tickets were assured, he called the cell phone number she’d given him and told her the show was a go.

“Wonderful!” she said. “Now I have someplace to show off my new pedicure. My toes are absolutely ravishing.”

He laughed. “Your appointment was for a pedicure?”

“Along with a haircut. Do you think it was fate?”

“Undoubtedly. The performance starts at eight. Shall we have dinner beforehand or a late supper?”

“I’m not a late supper kind of gal,” Cass said, “and I’m going to be pushed to get home and dress. Why don’t you order something nice from room service, and I’ll have a bite at home? We can have drinks at the theater. Shall I pick you up?”

“No, I have a car at my disposal. I’ll pick you up. Seven?”

“Seven is great. Just come up the stairs off the parking lot behind the café. I’m apartment B. And Griff, remember that Austin is supercasual. People will be in everything from shorts and flip-flops to dress clothes. Feel free to go without a tie.”

“My mother would disown me. She was from Dallas.”

“Ahh,” Cass said. “Enough said. Dallas has always been much more fashion conscious than Austin.”

When he picked up Cass later, he would have debated Austinites’ fashion sense. She looked stunning in a blue dress and a floaty, flowered jacket. The high heeled sandals she wore were little more than thin straps to show off her newly painted pink toenails, but he’d been around women enough to know that she hadn’t gotten them at Wal-Mart.

“You look lovely,” he told her. “I like your toes.”

She laughed and wiggled them. “Terribly Pink.”

“Yes, they are.”

“The color is Terribly Pink.”

“Ahh. Excuse my faux pas.”

Downstairs, he helped her into the backseat of the chauffeured Town Car he’d hired for the evening.

“How very impressive,” Cass said when they were settled.

“That was the idea,” he said, winking. “This smells much better than most taxis. And it’s more comfortable. I was hoping you would appreciate it.”

“I do. I do.” To the driver she said, “Hi, Brad. How are you? I haven’t seen you in ages.”

“I’m fine, thank you,” he responded as he pulled away.

“How’s Barbara?” she asked.

“Great. She’s pregnant.”

“How wonderful! This is your first, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is. We’re excited.”

“You know our driver?” Griff asked.

“Sure. Brad’s wife, Barbara, used to work at Chili Witches when they were in college and before they started their car and limo service. Austin has grown over the years, but basically we’re still like a small town.”

“You’ve convinced me.”

“Actually, the theater’s not far from here,” Cass said. “Walking distance if I’d worn more sensible shoes.”

“I’m glad you didn’t. I rather like those. Jimmy Choo?”

“Prada,” she said. “How on earth do you know about Jimmy Choo?”

“You caught me.” He laughed. “I confess I watched a couple of episodes of Sex and the City to see what all the fuss was about. I discovered it wasn’t a guy thing, but I do recall Jimmy Choo as being a coveted kind of shoe. I seem to remember Prada as being in the same category.”

A few minutes later they were standing in front of the old theater on Congress, the wide street that led from the front of the capitol building to the river, then many miles to the south beyond that. The Paramount was, according to Cass, over a hundred years old and looked rather ordinary from the outside. Inside was another story.

“I can’t believe this place,” Griff said. “It looks like a European opera house.”

“Beautiful, isn’t it? Sunny and I used to beg to come here all the time when we were little. It seemed very grand to us.”

“It is very grand. And only a little frayed around the edges.”

“There was a move to have the place razed a few years ago. Wouldn’t that have been a shame?” Cass said.

“I’ll have to admit that it would have.”

They stopped to have a glass of wine before the show, and after they were served, Griff said, “You’ve mentioned that your sister’s name is Sunny. Is that a nickname?”

“Yes. Her real name is Sundance, but no one has ever called her that.”

“What an odd name. Sundance…and Cassidy? Don’t tell me—”

Cass chuckled. “I’m afraid so. Our father was named Butch Cassidy Outlaw. His father seemed to think naming his sons after infamous outlaws was a tremendous PR ploy for business or politics or professions in the law. He was Judge John Wesley Hardin Outlaw. Our uncle was a junior, called Wes, and our father was half of the infamous pair played by Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the movie. My uncle Wes became a sheriff, and my father became a state senator, so I suppose my grandfather’s idea worked.

“I have several cousins also named after outlaws, and most of them went into law enforcement of one sort or another, and so a tradition was born.”

“And you became a lawyer,” Griff said.

“I did. And my sister became a cop.”

“Were you influenced by family tradition?”

“Hmm. I don’t think so. It just seemed to work out that way. Why did you become a lawyer?” Cass asked.

“Tradition again, I suppose. My father and grandfather were lawyers.”

“Interesting, isn’t it? That we are—were—both third-generation lawyers.”

He raised his glass. “To tradition.”

“To tradition,” she echoed, touching her glass to his.

Suddenly, both glasses shattered. Crystal shards and wine flew everywhere.