SKIN. AND HE was the teenage boy next door spying on his neighbor,
a hot, sexy older woman he’d lusted after all summer.
As he watched, she climbed knees first onto the
rattan sofa, gripping the back with one hand, her pert ass thrust
out as she spread her legs slightly. His heart rate skyrocketed.
There were no preliminaries, no sexy striptease, just this, just
her, hand suddenly between her legs. He didn’t want the build up.
It was better this way, unexpectedly thrust into it, his pulse
pounding, skin tingling, balls aching, cock hard and dripping
He could almost smell the sweet, lusty scent of
She tipped a finger back between her legs to
stroke the crease of her ass, reminding him of the things he’d done
to her in the hotel on Friday. Maybe she wanted to remind
She widened her spread, and the tip of the
vibrator penetrated her pussy. She slid down on it, rocking,
twisting, undulating, fucking it. It felt like his own cock being
lured inside her. The night was cold, but he started to sweat.
Without a touch, he was ready to ram straight inside her.
But he watched, savoring every move of her body,
the blush of her skin. He wished he could hear her, but the fantasy
of a teenage boy peeping on his sexy neighbor was too good to give
up. The fire pit cast warmth in his direction, but he was heating
up from the inside out.
Then she turned, fell with a fluid grace to the
sofa cushion and gave him a view of her plump, glistening pussy
before she set the vibrator to it once more. Her body writhed
sinuously, her faint cries slipping through the sunroom’s
The sight made him hard and shot his blood
through his veins. He saw it for the apology it was, to make up for
turning her back on him. She’d planned it, set the stage, and this
was her gift.
Or maybe she was torturing him because he’d
forced her to her knees in his lab. Either way, he didn’t care.
This was perfection.
She shifted, gave him another delicious view. He
knew the signs, the look of concentration, the utter focus; she was
close to orgasm, straining toward it. Then she came with one loud,
clear cry that penetrated the very walls of the sunroom.
He saw her laugh. Sometimes, before, she used to
laugh after she came hard, as much a part of the release as the
orgasm itself. The ring of her laughter, even muted by the windows,
rolled his heart over in his chest. God, what he wouldn’t give to
hear it every time she came for him.
Then she was looking at him, head cocked,
peering into the dark surrounding him, only the glow of the fire
pit illuminating one side of his face. She yanked on a robe,
covering herself from head to foot, clutching it to her chin.
Then she pushed the door open. “Have you been
watching me, Nickie?”
“No, ma’am,” he answered, feeling slightly giddy
as if he truly were a teenage boy caught in the act.
She stepped down the two wood stairs, letting
the door slam shut. “You were spying, you dirty boy.”
“I wouldn’t do that, Mrs. DeKnight.”
She crossed the patio, her feet bare and
probably cold against the concrete. “You’re a liar, Nickie.” She
leaned over his chair and cupped his cock through his jeans. “You
were watching. And you’re hard.”
“I couldn’t help it, Mrs. DeKnight. You were so
fucking gorgeous.”
She straightened. “I’m going to have to tell
your mother that you were spying and that you used the word
“Please don’t, Mrs. DeKnight.”
“Actions have consequences, Nickie.”
He put his hands together as if he were praying.
“Please don’t tell. I’ll do anything you want. Mow your lawn. Wash
your car. Clean out your fireplace.”
“Now that all sounds very interesting, Nickie,
but right now I’m really cold. What are you going to do about
He brightened. “I can warm you up.”
“Yes, maybe you can.” She stared down at him.
“Unzip your jeans.”
He did her one better, pulling his cock out as
“Oh my, Nickie. You have grown up.” She licked
her lips. It made his dick jump. Christ, she was good. They should
have done a hell of a lot more role-playing over the years.
She bent to him, stroked his cock with nothing
more than her gaze. “Have you ever played with any of your little
girlfriends, Nickie, put your penis in them?”
“No, ma’am, I never did that.”
She smiled slyly. “But you’ve done something,
haven’t you.”
The fact that it wasn’t a question formed his
answer. “Yes, ma’am.”
She raised her bare foot and laid it on his
cock, a shock of cold against his hot, hard flesh. “Tell me what
you’ve done, dirty boy,” she whispered.
“I touched her pussy and licked my fingers.” He
dared to put a hand on her calf, running his fingers up to the back
of her knee. “She tasted good.”
“I’ll just bet she did.” She winked. “Did she
touch your cock, too?”
Her robe had fallen open over her raised knee
and he could scent her now, the sweet, musky fragrance of
“Yes,” he said. “She sucked me.”
She laughed, a naughty, sexy sound that strummed
his cock. “I’m sure it’s nothing compared to what a real woman can
“I don’t know.”
She rubbed him with the sole of her foot. “I
think I should take your virginity, Nickie, don’t you?”
He was aware they were in their backyard,
surrounded by fences high enough to keep out the neighbors. But the
house next door was a two-story. The family didn’t have a teenage
kid, but they did have a twentysomething son. He’d recently moved
back home because he couldn’t make ends meet on his own. The
windows were dark, but Dominic imagined. He wondered if Erin had
occasionally imagined. Sometimes she didn’t close the blinds when
she dressed, not really suspecting the neighbor son of peeping, but
not caring if he did.
“Yes, Mrs. DeKnight, I think you should take my
virginity right here in this chair.”
“That’s such a lovely cock, Nickie, I can’t
resist it.” She lowered her eyelids in a seductive perusal. “I’m
going to ruin you for all your future girlfriends.” She leaned over
to trail a finger down his nose. “You’re going to be hooked on
older women.”
Then she turned, lifted her robe, enveloping his
cock in her fist, and sank down on him back to front. He closed his
eyes, his heart hammering, his head swimming as he put his hands
beneath the robe to the warm, supple flesh of her hips.
God, he loved when she played with him. No
matter the other things that had gone wrong between them, the
agony, the loss, the emotional chasm that ensued, this helped him survive.
No matter how angry or lost they were, if they
had this, there was a connection they could build on.
“Fuck me, Mrs. DeKnight,” he whispered, burying
his face in the hair at her nape. “Make me a man.”
“You’ll never find more of a woman, Nickie.
You’ll be spoiled.” Grabbing the arms of the chair, she took
charge, riding him, fucking him.
His eyeballs threatened to roll back in his
head, it was so damn good, her muscles toned, her pussy warm, wet
honey. Her legs trembled with effort as her body closed around him,
flexing, working him from the inside. He wondered if she knew how
her body moved on him or if it was an unconscious tightening, part
of her desire, her need. It drove him crazy.
“Oh, Nickie, you’re so hard,” she sang to the
“I never knew a woman could feel like this, Mrs.
DeKnight.” She would always feel like this to him, hot, tight,
She gave him a tinkling laugh, cutting it off
with a moan of sheer pleasure. The ache built, his cock throbbed,
his mind grew drugged by the sensation, the wet slide of her. Then
he dug his fingers into her hips and pulled her down hard,
thrusting high at the same time. She quivered and groaned with
orgasm, and with only two more strokes inside her, he lost himself,
coming back to earth seconds later with her snuggled in his lap,
arms around his neck. He wasn’t quite sure how she’d gotten there
when only moments before she’d been straddling him, facing the
“Oh, Nickie,” she whispered against his throat,
“you’re such a young stud.”
He held her close, his heart thudding, and he
couldn’t speak, overwhelmed by tonight’s gift. Maybe she hadn’t
meant it that way, but it was how he chose to take it. Finally, he
found his voice. “I’m spoiled for all time, Mrs. DeKnight.”
She tipped her head back, a smile on her lips,
in her eyes. Then she kissed him, a sweet touch of her lips, her
tongue along the seam of his mouth, flirting inside when he opened
to her, tasting, teasing. He thought he might die with the sheer
intensity of the moment. A simple kiss, yet she hadn’t kissed him
in over a year. He’d kissed her, but this, it was all her.
Then she settled back in his arms again, knees
pulled up, feet tucked within the bottom of the robe. “I can’t
believe I did this in the dead of winter.”
He laughed. He felt so normal. Well, as normal
as a man could feel after fucking his wife in the backyard when the
neighbors could watch from a second-floor window. Next thing, he’d
hear sirens. Though he couldn’t imagine Harold or his son calling
the cops instead of watching. Irene, though, she might.
All he said was, “Thank God it wasn’t raining,
hailing, or snowing.” He wrapped her closer, one side of their
bodies warmed by the fire pit. He wasn’t willing to move yet, not
even with the cold night air burrowing beneath his
In this moment, he felt one with her; a part of
her soul in him, a part of his in hers. Close, the way they used to
be, the way they could be again if only . . . “Baby, we need to
talk sometime, you know. Say what needs to be said.”
Erin stiffened in his arms. He felt her tension
in every muscle and knew there wasn’t a shred of doubt in her what
talk meant. Fuck, he was an idiot. They’d
had good sex, that was all, nothing momentous, nothing changed, no epiphany.
“I’m getting a little cold.” She clambered
awkwardly from his lap. “I think I’ll take a bath.”
Oh yeah, he was an idiot. Maybe if he’d shut his
mouth, maybe if they’d had more moments
like that under their belt. But no, one kiss and he thought he’d
won the war.
She wasn’t going to talk to him. Maybe not ever.
Maybe this—hot, kinky role-play sex in the backyard and a kiss—was
the most he’d ever get.
NORMAL. Then he wanted to talk. Erin slid deeper into the steaming
water, letting the bubbles rise to her chin. At least she’d
resisted the urge to snap his head off. She could give herself that
much credit. Traditionally it was the woman who needed to talk and
the man who crawled into his cave, or something like that. But
Dominic never followed the rules, that didn’t suit him.
He knocked on the bathroom door. “Honey, you all
Almost as if on cue, there he was. He didn’t
follow rules, and he never gave up. She’d always admired that about
him, yet it gave her a guilty twist inside. She knew he needed to
talk. Over the last few weeks, since Orlando especially, she’d
started wishing she could do it for him. She knew he had his own
guilt; she knew it was just as hard on him. But she just couldn’t
let it all out the way he was able to. She couldn’t even listen to
him do it, and the moment he’d wanted to talk out there on the
patio, her whole body clenched against it.
“I’m fine, thank you,” she called through the
door because politeness was all she had to give him.
“I made you a champagne cocktail.”
Long ago, that had been one of her luxuries, a
bath, champagne, and dark chocolate. She wanted to climb out,
unlock the door, let him in. Swear it. But she didn’t. Please don’t make me talk. If only he would let them
be like they were on the patio before he
started pushing, the sweet comfort of sitting in his lap, his arms
around her. Why couldn’t that be enough?
“I don’t feel like one, but thanks for thinking
of me.”
She heard his soft footfalls as he padded down
the hall, and she was almost sad. What they’d done tonight was so
good, but the problem was that any joy in their lives suddenly
became a sacrilege as soon as she thought of Jay. And she didn’t
know how that could ever end.