SLICK AND hard within her grip. Smelled good, too, his subtle
aftershave muskier and more sensual on his skin than when sniffed
from the bottle. Touching him drove Rachel’s words in the car right
out of Erin’s mind. Sleeping on the plane had been impossible, and
the audio book didn’t help. Erin hadn’t stopped thinking. Not until
this moment, when there was only the impulse to take him. Here,
now, not waiting for the room.
Hand on her nape, he pulled her close, his touch
hot, his eyes dark. “Kiss me.”
“Taste you,” she said, pulling back and bending
down to his lap, feeling only the slightest bite of guilt for not
giving him what he wanted. A bead of pre-come on the tip of his
cock seemed to glitter in the garage light falling through the side
window. She closed her eyes as she took him, reveling in the
physical, where there was nothing but his salty-sweet taste, the
harsh sound of his breath, his fingers fisting in her hair, and his
body surging deeper into her mouth. The console and handbrake
between them dug into her abdomen, and even that was good,
physical. She slid her hand deeper into his jeans and squeezed his
balls as she sucked.
“Aw, Christ,” he whispered.
Tires squealed on the concrete. The risk fueled
her. Like that time in the woods, someone coming. Do it anyway, she’d told him. She hadn’t cared, her
excitement drowning out all common sense, all thought. Just as his
musky sexual scent did now.
She sucked harder, deeper, then slid all the way
up to circle the ridge of his cock, darting her tongue in his slit.
He groaned; the sound was her reward. She used him, took from him,
but he got something in return, even if it was only physical.
She was still thinking too much. With one last
suck, she let him pop from her lips. A vein pulsed along his cock,
his skin glistening with her saliva, the crown purple with need.
She swiped away another drop of pre-come with her tongue,
swallowed, and raised her eyes to meet his hooded gaze.
“Tell me what you want,” he said.
She tore at the snap of her jeans. She should
have worn a skirt. It was warm enough, the Florida night sultry
compared to the Bay Area.
He grabbed her chin, held her still. “Tell
“Make me come.” She didn’t know what he wanted
to hear, but what she said seemed to be good enough.
He helped her tug on the zipper, then she rolled
in her seat, toed off one tennis shoe, and shoved her jeans and
panties down. One free leg was all she required.
“Come here.” Dominic helped pull her over. She
slid her bare leg down by the side of the door, her jeans trailing
her on the other side in kinky disarray.
He held her a couple of inches off him, his cock
between her legs. “Someone might see,” he said, his gaze dark in
the shadowed interior of the car.
Her hair brushing the roof, she hunched
slightly, braced herself on his shoulders, and glanced through the
back window. Fluorescent lighting gleamed on the concrete, but
their spot was to the right of the aisle, not clearly in the line
of anyone’s sight unless they were actually getting in or out of a
car. “Yeah,” she answered. “It’s hot. Getting caught in the act
again. It’s what you always used to talk about.” In long-ago phone
calls and fantasies.
“Fuck, yeah,” he agreed, his fingers flexing at
her waist.
He’d always been that way, liking things a
little left of center, kinky, making her like them, too. When he’d
called to check on her last night, he’d tried one of those sexy
phone sessions. She’d shut him down; it just hadn’t felt right. She
had little to offer these days, had fought going on this weekend
trip even as she knew he needed more from her. The connection
between them would never be the same. This—kinky, mind-numbing
sex—was all she had left to give. Like an addict used drugs, she
used him to make the pain go away, but at least when she did it,
she made him feel good. Somehow, this place, away from home and the
real world, made letting go seem all right. Here, it didn’t have to
be in the dark. It didn’t have to be silent.
She wrapped her hand around his cock, grazed her
pussy with the tip, leaving a trail of moisture along both of them.
“Oh my God,” she whispered, keeping her gaze trained over his
shoulder. Then she lied. “There’s a couple walking to their
Dominic played the game as he raised his hips to
breach her with half an inch of cock. “What do they look
She made it up. “Our age.” She gasped at the
feel of him filling her, sensitizing her skin but numbing her brain
cells. “No, wait, he’s about fifty, she’s more like thirty.” She
bit her lower lip. “Blond, blue eyed, and buxom, the way you
“I like red hair better.” He curled his arms
around her waist, pulled her flush against his chest until his
breath caressed her ear. “Tell me when they see us.”
He was hot, hard, and high inside her now,
pumping out a slow, mesmerizing rhythm.
“Now,” she told him. “The woman’s caressing his
arm and indicating our car with a jut of her chin at us.”
Dominic thrust deep at her use of the word
us, and she closed her eyes a moment to
relish the sensation.
Holding her hip, he shoved a hand between them
to find the button of her clit. “Tell me more.”
“They’ve stopped completely . . . watching . . .
like they’re in a trance.” Just the way Dominic entranced her with
his touch on her clit, swirling, circling, and driving his cock
deep in smooth motions. She let him do the work despite the fact
that she was on top. He could pat his head and rub his stomach the
same time, too. That used to be their joke about how good he was at
They hadn’t joked or fantasized like this in so
long. These days sex was relegated to silence and darkness. Erin
felt a dangerous wave of emotion rising.
“Tell me when he starts to touch her.”
She let Dominic’s voice drag her back,
concentrated on it. “He’s running his hand up her skirt.” Of course
a fantasy woman would be wearing a skirt to make it all easier.
“He’s pulling her back against him, his hand moving between her
Dominic’s breath ratcheted up a notch, and her
body swelled to the rhythm of his touch inside and out. On the
phone, he used to drive her crazy with the after-show parties,
describing the naughty doings, telling her how he wanted to watch
her. Dominic had always loved talking sex. There were so many
things she hadn’t given him in such a long time.
“Oh, Nickie, he’s shoving her skirt over her
hips now,” she teased him. “And he’s huge.
So thick and long.” Then she chuckled. “Not as big as you,
He harrumphed and punctuated with a plunge of
his hips she felt clear to her chest. She had pretending down to an
art form now, yet it had been so long since she’d done this kind of
pretending with him. For this short space of time in the cramped
confines of the rental car, nothing else existed but his cock, her
beating heart, and the imaginary couple.
Her ears hummed with the rush of blood through
her body. She closed her eyes, chanting her little story. “He’s
shoving her against the car. Taking her hard. Pounding into her.”
And Dominic took her equally as hard, pinning her to him as he
plunged deep. “Oh God, he’s fucking her, and she’s screaming out
how good it is.”
The orgasm came without warning, a burst of heat
shooting out. She clamped down on his neck with her teeth like an
animal taking her mate instead of the other way around. Dominic’s
come filled her, warmed her insides. For long moments, there was
only exhaustion and mindlessness, exactly what she’d been searching
for, the fix to drive out everything else. Maybe in Orlando, away
from home, work, memories, and bad thoughts, she could let go of
the lassitude. Maybe, for this one weekend, she could give Dominic
the closeness he’d been silently begging for, and find a respite
from her guilt for longer than one night.
HIM THE PET NAME, THE BEDROOM name, in more than a year. She hadn’t
played voyeuristic sex games that tied in with their long-ago hike.
She hadn’t talked to him while she fucked him.
Yet now she lay peacefully beside him in the
hotel bed, no bad dreams disturbing her sleep.
She’d left him sated yet strangely nervous.
Dominic couldn’t gauge her mood, so different from the desperate
forays in the dark of their own bedroom. Edgier, for sure, and he’d
loved the added risk factor. Loved that she’d played into his
desire for sexual banter and fantasy. He didn’t know what had
changed, but his heart raced with the memory. The transformation
might not last through the weekend or even past the first rays of
morning light, but she was here, she’d brought the cocktail dresses
he’d requested, and she wanted to man the DKG booth with him
instead of spending the day alone on the beach.
He’d take what he could get.
ERIN FELT AS if her head might explode.
“Honey, come and meet Ryan.” In the cacophony of
the exhibit hall, she read his lips as Dominic waggled his fingers
at her.
The man called Ryan folded her hand in both of
his. He was short and slight like a jockey, blond and good-looking
in an ethereal way, his skin pale, blue veins close to the surface.
She preferred a hardier type, like Dominic.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. DeKnight.”
“You can call her Erin,” Dominic said, adding
the name of the team Ryan either owned or worked for. His words,
though, were washed away in a burst of laughter from the next
Her head ached beneath the overhead lights
beating down, accompanied by the noise magnified in the
high-ceilinged hall and an overabundance of cologne that didn’t
quite mask the odor of too many sweaty male bodies.
Dominic loved it all—the people, the loud
voices, the activity, the endless schmoozing. He actually seemed
proud showing her off to the cast of characters he’d met over the
years. Now let’s see, Ryan was the one who liked . . . She couldn’t
“Yes, please call me Erin.” She echoed
Ryan—was that his first or last name—dropped her
hand as if sensing he’d held on too long. “You’re as beautiful as
your husband claimed.”
Dominic stamped her with a hand on her nape,
drawing her closer. He leaned over to whisper in her hair—“More
so”—then raised his voice to include Ryan. “I’m glad Erin could
finally make it here with me this year.”
Most men would shrivel having to introduce their
wives at this traditionally male-dominated trade show. If the
parties afterward were anything to go by, trade shows and
conferences were where guys went for a week away from the wife. But
not Dominic. He was different.
She owed it to him to put on a good face for his
friends. They were her customers, too. She searched for a topic . .
. and Ryan’s preferences hit her. He liked twins, as in a threesome
with female twins. She hid a smile. Okay, not the topic she’d bring
up now, but maybe she’d tease Dominic with it later.
But while she was thinking of what to say, Ryan
moved on to the reason he’d stopped by the booth. “I hear you’ve
got a through-coat gauge now.”
Erin could feel each breath in and out of her
chest. Dominic had been working on the gauge last year when . . .
She swallowed past the lump in her throat.
“Sure we’ve got one.” Dominic’s voice had gone
oddly flat, his eyes darkening. He bent to pull the sample locker
from beneath the table.
The gauge had become one of their top sellers
this year, yet this was the first time during the trade show that
Dominic had brought out the sample, let alone set it out among the
others he’d put in the display cases.
Rising, Dominic laid the instrument across
Ryan’s palm. “Check it out.” He held up a painted metal pipe. With
an ultrasonic gauge, you didn’t have to cut the pipe to measure the
center thickness. Only one available side was necessary, an
important characteristic when you were trying to measure corrosion
on the inside. With the through-coat gauge, you could obtain
accurate measurements even on a piece of metal with a coating such
as rubber or paint, which made it essential in high-performance
Dominic was knowledgeable, personable, and he
loved talking with people. He knew something about everything,
could offer an insight on almost any subject. He was a charmer, not
in a male-female way—though he was certainly capable of that—but he
knew how to put people at ease, how to talk to them, how to bring
them around to his way of thinking. If there was something wrong
with a hotel room, he sweet-talked the front desk clerk into fixing
it and ended up with accommodations twice as nice.
The trade show was more about showing off your
wares, making an indelible impression, getting people to call you
on Monday morning with the order. Yet with this gauge, Dominic was
monotone, almost an automaton, reciting the features as if he were
a disinterested telemarketer reading lines from a brochure. He
didn’t look at Ryan. He didn’t look at her. A tick fluttered
momentarily beneath his eye.
Still, Ryan walked away after ordering five of
the gauges. Dominic laid the instrument back in the sample locker
and shoved it out of sight under the table again.
In her worst moments, she’d hated Dominic for
how easily he put aside his guilt, how easily he forgave himself,
as if all he’d done that day last year was miss a meeting. She’d
even envied his ability to forget. Yet watching him now, her whole
body trembled. Maybe the only difference between them was that
Dominic was better at hiding his grief and guilt. Suddenly, she
couldn’t stand his silence, his brooding. And that gave her the
tiniest inkling of how he must feel when she was in one of her
“Twins,” she said, grabbing his hand. “Ryan was
the one who was always looking for twins.” The smile she pasted on
was so big and so phony it made her cheeks hurt.
He looked at her then, and each facet of his
face seemed to shift; the tense line of his jaw eased, the frown
slipped from his brow, his eyes lost the deep obsidian cast, and
finally, his lips curved slightly. “You always said you were
falling asleep when I told you that stuff on the phone.”
She’d never fallen
asleep on those nights, had loved them. She wished she had the
words to tell him that now. Something held her back. Something
always did these days.
“It’s the little lady.” The voice boomed across
the hall as if he were on the other end instead of standing outside
their booth. Jamison. Erin couldn’t remember his first name. For
all intents and purposes, these guys didn’t have first names. And
she’d never been so happy to see anyone, as if he’d saved them from
something terrible.
Before she could open her mouth, he gathered her
up in a bear hug, his belt buckle pressing into her belly. She
almost squeaked, staring helplessly at Dominic over the man’s
She’d met him once. Jay’s memorial. He and his
wife had been kind. Please don’t say anything
about that now.
“Pretty as a picture.” Jamison beamed with his
big Yogi Bear smile as he set her back on her feet.
“Schmoozer,” Dominic said without inflection.
Then he squeezed her hand. He held on for a few minutes of
conversation that didn’t require her input. Slowly, his grip
relaxed, the tense moments over the through-coat gauge drifting
away. Maybe she’d imagined them in the first place.
EMBOSSED card. “You know how to get there?”
“Looked it up on the Web. You weren’t kidding
about posh.” Dominic had even looked up the prices of houses out in
Windermere. Definitely posh.
Jamison shook his fingers in the air, then blew
on them as if he were trying to put out a fire. “That husband of
yours says he’s bringing you to Miterberg’s party tonight.” He
socked Dominic in the arm, then leaned in close to Erin. “Do not
ever tell my wife what goes on.” He zipped
his lips. “I’m trusting you.”
“Not a word,” she promised.
He guffawed. “Right. I know you ladies stick
together.” Soon after, with another hardy hand clasp, Jamison moved
“Why don’t you take the car and go back to the
room?” Dominic said. They’d been at it since nine that morning,
without even a break for lunch. He’d sent her off for a salad and a
burger, but she’d brought the food back to the booth to eat with
him. Now, she was sagging, shoulders drooping, eyes glassy from too
much frenetic activity going on around her. She wasn’t used to men
bear-hugging her, but she’d handled it well.
At work, when she had her fill of people, she
could close her office door. Here, you couldn’t get away from the
noise. It never bothered Dominic. Erin was different.
She hadn’t said a word while Ryan was here, not
a thing when he retrieved the through-coat gauge. Dominic’s gut had
clenched, partly from the things it made him remember, partly from
fear of how she’d react if he showed the slightest enthusiasm about
it. For a couple of months after Jay died, he’d considered
scrapping the project altogether, probably would have if Cam Phan
hadn’t stepped in until he could get his bearings.
Yet, despite his fears, Erin had bounced back
after Ryan’s visit. She’d even joked about the twins as if
she had to bring him out of a funk. It gave Dominic hope for the
weekend, hope in general. Wrapping his arms across her back, he
pulled her flush against his chest. She didn’t fight it. He nuzzled
her ear, drinking in her scent, his heart thumping in his chest. It
had been so long since she’d allowed him small intimacies like
this. “Take a bath, get all gussied up for tonight.”
She opened her mouth. He knew what was coming.
She didn’t want to go to the party. She’d tell him to go
Instead, she dropped her eyelids to half-mast.
“Your friends at the next booth are staring.”
“Because you’re beautiful,” he whispered.
“It’s because your hand is on my ass.”
She wore tight jeans again and a thin sweater
that molded to her breasts. He hadn’t felt his hand drifting lower.
“Does it make you hot?”
“That you have your hand on my ass?”
“No.” He shook his head slowly. “That they’re
The blue of her eyes deepened, and she moistened
her lips, catching his gaze on the sight. “It does,” she admitted.
“As if I’m on display.”
His skin felt suddenly stretched tightly over
his bones. Giving her butt a one-handed squeeze, he pressed her
hard to his cock. “A bath, a glass of wine. Get ready for anything,
Tonight, he was going to see how far he could
push a few limits.