Scarlett O’Kipper
Outland tourism was banned long ago, and even full
members of Jurisfiction—the BookWorld’s policing elite—were no
longer permitted to cross over to the RealWorld. The reasons were
many and hotly debated, but this much was agreed: Reality was a pit
of vipers for the unwary. Forget to breathe, miscalculate gravity
or support the wrong god or football team and they’d be sending you
home in a zinc coffin.
Bradshaw’s BookWorld Companion (17th
After taking a pager off the counter
so Mrs. Malaprop could reach me in case a reader turned up
unexpectedly, we stepped out of the main gate and walked down the
street. The remade Geographic BookWorld was as its name
suggested—geographic—and the neighborhoods were laid out like those
in an Outland housing estate. A single road ran down between the
books, with sidewalks, grass verges, syntax hydrants and trees. To
the left and right were compounds that contained entire novels with
all their settings. In one was a half-scale Kilimanjaro, and in
another a bamboo plantation. In a third an electrical storm at full
“We’re right on the edge of Fantasy,” I explained.
“Straight ahead is Human Drama, and to your right is Comedy. I’ll
give you Wednesdays off, but I expect you to be on standby most of
the time.”
“The more first-person time I can put in,” replied
Carmine, “the better. Is there anything to do around here when I’m
off-duty, by the way?”
“If Fantasy is your thing,” I said, “plenty. Moving
cross-genre is not recommended, as the border guards can get jumpy,
and it will never do to be caught in another genre just when you’re
needed. Oh, and don’t do anything that my dodo might disapprove
“Such as what?”
“The list is long. Here we are.”
We had arrived on the top of a low rise where there
was a convenient park bench. From this vantage point, we could see
most of Fiction Island.
“That’s an impressive sight,” said Carmine.
There was no aerial haze in the BookWorld, and
because the island was mildly dished where it snuggled against the
interior of the sphere, we could see all the way to the disputed
border between Racy Novel and Women’s Fiction in the far north of
the island, and beyond that the unexplored Dismal Woods.
“That’s the Metaphoric River,” I explained,
pointing out the sinuous bends of the waterway whose many
backwaters, bayous, streams and rivulets brought narrative
ambiguity and unnecessarily lengthy words to the millions of books
that had made their home in the river’s massive delta. “To the east
of Racy Novel is Outdated Religious Dogma.”
“Shouldn’t that be in Nonfiction?” asked
“It’s a contentious issue. It was removed from
Theology on the grounds that the theories had become ‘untenable in
a modern context’ and ‘were making us look medieval.’”
“And that island off the coast of Dogma?” she
asked, pointing to a craggy island partially obscured by
“The smaller of the two is Sick Notes, and the
larger is Lies, Self-Delusion and Excuses You Can Use to Justify
Poor Behavior. South of Dogma is Horror, then Fantasy, with
Adventure and Science Fiction dominating the south coast.”
“I’ll never remember all that.”
I handed her my much-thumbed copy of Bradshaw’s
BookWorld Companion. “Use this,” I said, showing her the
foldout map section and train timetables. “I’ve got the new edition
on order.”
Whilst we had been sitting there, the recently
evicted book had been unbolted by a team of Worker Danvers.
“Raphael’s Walrus has been unread for over
two years,” I explained, “so it’s off to the narrative doldrums of
the suburbs. Not necessarily permanent, of course—a resurgence of
interest could bring it back into the more desirable neighborhoods
in an instant.”
“How come your series is still here?” she asked,
then put her hand over her mouth. “Sorry, was that indelicate of
“No, most people ask that. The Text Grand Central
Mapping Committee keeps us here out of respect.”
“For you?”
“No—for the real Thursday Next.”
A smattering of soil and pebbles descended to earth
as Raphael’s Walrus rose into the air, the self-sealing
throughput and feedback conduits giving off faint puffs of word
vapor as they snapped shut. This was how the new Geographic
BookWorld worked. Books arrived, books left, and the boundaries of
the various genres snaked forwards and backwards about the land,
reflecting the month-to-month popularity of the various genres. The
Crime genre was always relatively large, as were Comedy, Fantasy
and Science Fiction. Horror had gotten a boost recently with the
burgeoning Urban Vampires sector, while some of the lesser-known
genres had shrunk to almost nothing. Squid Action/Adventure was
deleted quite recently, and Sci-Fi Horse Detective looked surely
set to follow.
But the vacated area was not empty for long. As we
watched, the first of many prefabricated sections of the new book
arrived, fresh from the construction hangars in the Well of Lost
Plots. The contractors quickly surveyed the site, pegged out
strings and then signaled to large transporter slipcases that were
hovering just out of sight. Within a few minutes, handling ropes
were dropped as the sections moved into a hover thirty feet or so
above, and the same small army of Worker Danvers, cheering and
grunting, maneuvered the sections into position, and then riveted
them in place with pneumatic hammers. The first setting to be
completed was a semiruined castle, then a mountain range, then a
forest—with each tree, rabbit, unicorn and elf carefully unpacked
from crates. Other sections soon followed, and within forty minutes
the entire novel had been hauled in piecemeal from the overhead,
riveted down and attached to the telemetry lines and throughput
“It’s a good idea to be neighborly,” I said. “You
never know when you might need to borrow a cupful of irony.
Besides, you might find this interesting.”
We walked up the drive and across the drawbridge
into the courtyard. Notices were posted everywhere that contained
useful directions such as THIS WAY TO THE DENOUEMENT or NO BOOTS TO
contractors were making last-minute adjustments. Six were arranging
the clouds, two were wiring the punctuation to the main
distribution board, three were trying to round up a glottal stop
that wasn’t meant to be there, and two others had just slit a
barrage balloon full of atmosphere. The ambience escaped like a
swarm of tiny midges and settled upon the fabric of the book,
adding texture and style.
“Hello!” I said to the cast, who were standing
around looking bewildered, their heads stuffed unrealistically full
of Best Newcomer prizes and a permanent place in every reader’s
heart. They were about to be published and read for the first time.
They would be confused, apprehensive and in need of guidance. I was
so glad I wasn’t them.
“My name’s Thursday Next, and I just dropped in to
welcome you to the neighborhood.”
“This is indeed an honor, Miss Next,” said the
king, “and welcome to Castle of Skeddan Jiarg. We’ve heard
of your exploits in the BookWorld, and I would like to say on
behalf of all of us—”
“I’m not that one,” I replied, before it all got
embarrassing. I had denied I was the real Thursday Next more
times than I would care to remember. Sometimes I went through an
entire week doing little else.
“I’m the written Thursday Next,” I
“Ah,” said one of several wizards who seemed to be
milling around. “So you’re not Jurisfiction, then?”
“I got as far as a training day,” I replied, which
was still a proud boast, even if I had been rejected for active
service. It was annoying but understandable. Few make the grade to
be a member of Fiction’s policing elite. I wasn’t tough enough, but
it wasn’t my fault. I was written to be softer and kinder—the
Thursday who Thursday herself thought she wanted to be. In any
event, it made me too empathetic to get things done in the
dangerously dynamic landscape of the BookWorld.
They all returned my greeting, but I could see they
had lost interest. I asked them if I could show Carmine around, and
they had no objections, so we wandered into the grand hall, which
was all lime-washed walls, flaming torches, hammerhead beams and
flagstones. Some of the smaller props were only cardboard cutouts,
and I noted that a bowl of fruit was no more than a Post-it note
with “bowl of fruit” written on it.
“Why only a Post-it?” asked Carmine. “Why not a
real bowl of fruit?”
“For economic reasons,” I replied. “Every novel has
only as much description as is necessary. In years past, each book
was carefully crafted to an infinitely fine degree, but that was in
the days of limited reader sophistication. Today, with the plethora
of experience through increased media exposure, most books are
finished by the readers themselves.”
“The Feedback Loop?”
“Precisely. As soon as the readers get going, the
Feedback Loop will start backwashing some of their interpretations
into the book itself. Not that long ago, books could be stripped
bare by overreading, but since the invention of the loop, not only
do books suffer little internal wear but readers often add
detail by their own interpretations. Was that a goblin?”
I had just seen a small creature with pixie ears
and sharp teeth staring at us from behind a chair.
“Looks like it.”
I sighed. Pickwick would have something new
to complain about.
“What is Thursday like?” asked Carmine.
I got asked this a lot. “You’ve heard the
She nodded. Most people had. For over fifteen
years, Thursday Next had worked at Jurisfiction, tirelessly
patrolling the BookWorld like a narrative knight-errant, bringing
peace and justice to the very edge of acceptable prose. She was
head and shoulders above the other agents—giants like Commander
Bradshaw, Emperor Zhark, Mrs. Tiggy-winkle or even the Drunk
“Did she really take Hamlet into the RealWorld?”
asked Carmine, excited by my mentor’s audaciousness.
“Among others.”
“And defeat Yorrick Kaine?”
“That, too.”
“What about the Great Samuel Pepys Fiasco? Did they
really have to delete two weeks of his diary to make
everything okay?”
“That was the least of her worries. Even Thursday
had occasional failures—it’s inevitable if you’re at the top of
your game. Mind you,” I added, unconsciously defending my famous
namesake, “if Samuel Pepys hadn’t set Deb up in a pied-à-terre in
the backstory of Sons and Lovers with Iago coming in for
halfcosts on alternate weekdays, it would never have escalated into
the disaster it became. They could have lost the entire diaries
and, as a consequence, anything in Nonfiction that used the journal
as a primary source. It was only by changing the historical record
to include a ‘Great Fire of London’ that never actually happened
that Thursday managed to pull anything from the debacle. History
wouldn’t speak to the council for months, but Sir Christopher Wren
was delighted.”
We walked back out into the courtyard. The king and
queen invited us around for a “pre-reading party” that evening, and
I responded by inviting them around for tea and cakes the following
day. Thus suitably introduced, we made our way out to the street
“So how do you want me to play you?” asked
“You’re not playing me, you’re playing
her. There’s a big difference. Although I’ve been Thursday
for so long that sometimes I think I am her, I’m not. I’m just the
written her. But in answer to your question, I try to play her
dignified. I took over from the other written Thursday—long
story, don’t ask—soon after the Great Samuel Pepys Fiasco was
deleted—even longer story, still don’t ask—and the previous
Thursday played her a little disrespectfully, so I’m trying to
redress that.”
“I heard that the violent and gratuitous-sex
Thursday had a lot more readers.”
I glared at Carmine, but she simply stared back at
me with big innocent eyes. She was making a statement of fact, not
“We’ll get the readers back somehow,” I replied,
although I wasn’t wholly convinced.
“Can I meet the real Thursday?” asked Carmine in a
hopeful tone of voice. “For research purposes, naturally.”
“She’s very busy, and I don’t like to bother
I was exaggerating my influence. Despite overseeing
my creation, the real Thursday didn’t like me much, possibly for
the very same reasons she thought she might be improved. I think it
was a RealWorld thing: the gulf between the person you want to be
and the person you are.
“Look,” I said, “just play her dignified—the
individual interpretation is up to you. Until you get into the
swing of it, play her subtly different on alternate readings.
Hamlet’s been doing it for years. Of course, he has twenty-six
different ways of playing himself, but then he’s had a lot of
practice. In fact, I don’t think even he knows his motivation
anymore—unless you count confusing readers and giving useful
employment to Shakespearean scholars.”
“You’ve met Hamlet?”
“No, but I saw the back of his head at last year’s
BookWorld Conference.”
“What was it like?” asked Carmine, who seemed to
enjoy celebrity tittle-tattle.
“The back of his head? Hairy,” I replied
cautiously, “and it might not have been him. In any event, keep
your interpretation loose, and don’t telegraph. Let the readers do
the work. If you’re going to explain everything, then we
might as well give up and tell everyone to stick to television and
“Were there any goblins?” asked Pickwick as soon
as we walked back in.
“I didn’t see any. Did you, Miss O’Kipper?”
“No, no, not a single one.”
“Mrs. Malaprop,” I said, “we’ll be having royalty
for tea tomorrow. Better bake some silver and have the buns
“Very good, Mizzen Exe.”
“Here,” I said to Carmine, handing her the complete
script for my part. “I have to go out for an hour. I’ll test you on
it when I get back.”
She suddenly looked nervous. “What if someone
starts to read us while you’re away?”
“They won’t,” I replied, “and if they do, Mrs.
Malaprop will point you in the right dictation. Just take it smooth
and easy. The rest of the cast will help you along.”
“What do I do with Skimmers?” she asked with a
faint tinge of panic in her voice. All rookies feared Dippers,
Skimmers and Last-Chapter-Firsters.
“There’s no hard-and-fast rule. Skimmers move in a
generally forward direction, and with experience you’ll figure out
where they’re going to land next. But the main thing is not to
waste time with the nuisance reader—in a word, prioritize.
Find the stable, methodical, bread-and-butter readers and give them
your best. Leave the Skimmers and Dippers high and dry if there’s a
crisis. When things die down later, you can pick them up
“And students?”
“A breeze. They’ll pause at the end of each
sentence to think quasi-intellectual deep thoughts, so as soon as a
full stop looms, you can be off dealing with someone else. When you
get back, they’ll still be pondering about intertextuality,
inferred narratives and the scandalously high price of the
subsidized beer in the student union.”
She was quiet and attentive, so I carried on.
“You should show no discrimination with readers.
Treat the lip movers as you would the New York Times critic.
You might not be able to distinguish between the two at first, but
you soon will. Yossarian said that you can get to know individual
readers by the way they read you. Mind you, he’s been doing
it a long time, and Catch-22 gets reread a lot.”
“You’ve met Yossarian?”
“He was just leaving the room after giving a talk.
I saw his foot.”
“Left or right?”
“I met someone who was beaten about the head boy
Sir John Falstaff,” remarked Mrs. Malaprop in an attempt to show
that she, too, hobnobbed with celebrities.
“I talked to someone who held Pollyanna’s hat for
three whole pages,” added Carmine.
“Small fry,” remarked Pickwick, eager to outdo us
all. “Sam Spade himself actually spoke to me.”
There was silence. This was impressive.
“What did he say?”
“He said, ‘Get that stupid bird out of my
“Well, pretend to be a soldier and elope with my
ward,” remarked Mrs. Malaprop, her word choice rendered clean and
clear by the sarcasm. “You can dine out on that one for
“It’s better than your dumb Falstaff story.”
“The thing to remember,” I remarked, to stop the
argument before it got to the next few stages, which were insults,
crockery throwing and punches, “is that the more readers there are,
the easier it becomes. If you relax, it actually becomes a great
deal of fun. The words spring naturally to your lips, and you can
concentrate on not just giving the best possible performance but
also dealing with any readers who are having problems—or indeed any
readers who are trying to cause trouble for you and change
the book. You’ll be surprised by how strong the power of reader
suggestion can get, and if you let readers get the upper hand,
it’ll be Smilla’s Sense of Snow all over again.”
Carmine looked thoughtful. The Sea Worms incident
was a sobering lesson for everyone, and something that no one
wanted to repeat.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can,” I said, preparing
to leave. “I have to meet with Commander Herring. Mrs. Malaprop,
will you show Carmine around the series and do the introductions?
Start with the Gravitube and the Diatryma. After that it’s all
fairly benign.”