frontation. Stan Man shrugged, then faked a sigh. “I don’t think she wants to see you, man.”
Voice steady, Rice said, “She doesn’t know what she wants. Go get her.”
Klein sniffed back a noseful of mucus and pointed at Joe. “Who’s this . . . Tonto? The strong silent sidekick? What’s shakin’, Kemo Sabe?”
Through the half-open door, Rice saw the stick skinny legs walking down a wrought-iron staircase. He moved straight toward the sight, pushing Klein backward. Joe was right behind him, sliding past Klein just as he muttered,
“Hey, you can’t—”
Rice saw Vandy at the foot of the staircase, wearing a pink crewneck and kelly green cords. She looked emaciated, but her face was pure waiflike beauty. Her voice was just a shadow of her old vibrato growl: “I don’t want to go with you, Duane.”
Rice stood still, afraid to move or say the wrong thing. Joe trembled with his hands in his pockets. Stan Klein walked over to an end table by the staircase and scooped up a mound of coke with a single-edged razor blade. Squatting, he snorted it, then laughed. “You heard the lady. She doesn’t want to go with you.”
Prepared to see red and hold it down, Rice moved his eyes back and forth from Vandy to Klein and smelled the bank before it all went haywire. Vandy nibbling her cuticles; Klein doing another snootful of coke. Vandy looking like the wasted little girls in concentration camp pictures. Then Joe Garcia’s scared rabbit squeak: “Duane, he’s got a gun.”
Klein was standing by a row of Pac-Man machines near the living room entranceway, licking coke off his fingers and leveling a small automatic at Rice. “Come here, Annie,” he said.
Vandy walked to Klein in jerky little-girl steps. He threw his left arm around her and nuzzled her cheek without relinquishing his bead on Rice. Keeping one eye on Joe, he said, “You were fucking comic relief for the whole crowd. Everybody used you. If you weren’t such a boss car thief, we would have laughed you out of L.A. The biggest laugh was you making contacts to boost Annie’s career, gonna make her a million-dollar rock video star. Dig this on your way to the door with Pancho: I’m gonna make Annie a rock vid star. She’s gonna be the queen of porn vid first, then move up. I’m producing a flick with her and this guy I gotta pay by the inch, and I’m talking heavy double digits. Annie knows what’s good for her career, and she’s gonna do it, ’cause she knows I’m not a dumb shit dreamer like you.”
No red, but the haywire stench ate at Rice’s nostrils and made his eyes burn. “You ratted me off on my G.T.A. bust, motherfucker.”
Klein bit at Vandy’s ear, then looked directly at Rice and said, “No, Duaney-boy, I didn’t. Annie did. She got busted for prostitution and talked her way out of a drug rehab by snitching you off. Romantic, huh?”
Now the red.
Rice made a slow, deliberate beeline toward the woman he loved and her destroyer. Vandy screamed; Klein squeezed the trigger. The gun jammed, and he pulled back the slide and ejected the chambered round, then slid in another and fired. The shot went wide, tearing into the wall by the staircase. Rice kept walking. Joe pinned himself to the Pac-Man machine farthest from Klein, and stared at the man he was supposed to watchdog, who just kept walking. Klein fired again; the shot hit the wall directly above Rice’s head. He kept walking and was within point-blank range of his objective when Klein put the gun to Vandy’s head, took a step backward with her and muttered, “No no no no no.”
Rice halted; Joe fed himself a bomb-burst of music, pulled the switchblade from his pocket and jumped knife first, pushing the button just as Klein wheeled and aimed at him.
The pistol jammed; Vandy dropped to the floor. Joe caught Klein flush in the stomach and ripped upward with both hands. Blood spurted from his mouth, and Rice reached for the gun. Joe saw him aim it at Vandy and the dying man, and knew he was fixing to blow away the whole fucking world. He got to his feet and grabbed a portable TV from the top of the Pac-Man beside him. He swung it forward, and Rice turned and stepped into the blow, catching the plastic and glass missile head-on. He crumpled across Stan Klein’s body, and Joe and Vandy ran.
Only repeated readings of the Pico-Westholme homicide files kept his mind off Watts in the summer of ’65, and even then, the facts that were being imprinted in his mind stuck as self-accusation rather than indicators