Esta bibliografía está pensada para permitir a los lectores interesados profundizar más en los temas tratados en los primeros capítulos. Las obras citadas abarcan distintos niveles: algunas van destinadas al lector general, mientras que otras sólo son apropiadas para aquellos que ya poseen unos conocimientos básicos de matemáticas y física.
1. Explicación fundamental
Barrow, J. D., «Inner Space and Outer Space», en N. Spurway, ed., The Centenary Gifford Lectures, Blackwell, Oxford, 1991.
Bettelheim, B., The Uses of Enchantment, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1978 (hay trad. cast.: Psicoanálisis de los cuentos de hadas, Crítica, Barcelona, 199010).
Blacker, C., y M. Loewe, eds., Ancient Cosmologies, Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1975.
Chaitin, G., Algorithmic Information Theory, CUP, Cambridge, 1987.
De Santillana, G., y H. Von Dechend, Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay on Myth and the Frame of Time, Macmillan, Londres, 1969.
Dobzhansky, T., The Biology of Ultimate Concern, Meridian, Nueva York, 1967.
Frazer, J., The Golden Bough, Macmillan, Nueva York, 1922 (hay trad. cast.: La rama dorada, FCE, Madrid, 198912).
La Rue, G. A., Ancient Myth and Modern Man, Prentice-Hall, Nueva Jersey, 1975.
Laurikainen, K. V., Beyond the Atom: the Philosophical Thought of Wolfgang Pauli, Springer, Berlín, 1988.
Lewis, C. S., The Discarded Image, CUP, Cambridge, 1964.
Lloyd, S., y H. Pagels, «Complexity as Thermodynamic Depth», Annals of Physics, 188 (Nueva York, 1988), 186.
Maclagen, D., Creation Myths, Thames & Hudson, Londres, 1977 (hay trad. cast.: Mitos de la creación, Debate, Madrid, 1989).
McAllister, J. W., «Truth and Beauty in Scientific Reason», Synthèse, 78 (1989), 25.
Pagels, H., The Cosmic Code, Schuster, Nueva York, 1982 (hay trad. cast.: El código del universo, Pirámide, Madrid, 1989).
—, The Dreams of Reason, Simon & Schuster, Nueva York, 1989 (hay trad. cast.: Los sueños de la razón, Gedisa, Barcelona, 1990).
Piaget, J., Child’s Conception of Number, Humanities Press, Nueva Jersey, 1964.
Rescher, N., «Some Issues Regarding the Completeness of Science and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge», en G. Radnitzky y G. Anderson, eds., The Structure and Development of Science, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1979, pp. 15-40.
Smith, J. W., Essays on Ultimate Questions, Avebury, Aldershot, 1988.
Turbayne, C. M., The Myth of Metaphor, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1962.
Weizsácker, C. F. von, The Relevance of Science, Collins, Londres, 1964.
Yates, E, Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Londres, 1964 (hay trad. cast.: Giordano Bruno y la tradición hermética, Ariel, Barcelona, 1983).
2. Leyes
Barrow, J. D., The World within the World, OUP, Oxford, 1988.
Boscovich, R. J., A Theory of Natural Philosophy, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1966 (trad. ing. de la edición veneciana de 1763).
Cobb, J. B., y D. R. Griffin, Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition, Westminster Press, Londres, 1976.
Chaitin, G., «Randomness in Arithmetic», Scientific American (julio de 1988), p. 80.
Feynman, R., The Character of Physical Law, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1965 (hay trad. cast.: El carácter de la ley física, Bosch, Barcelona, 1983).
Funkenstein, A., Theology and the Scientific lmagination from the Middle Ages to the Seventeenth Century, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1986.
Jaki, S., The Relevance of Physics, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1966.
Needham, J., The Grand Titration: Science and Society in East and West, Allen & Unwin, Londres, 1969.
3. Las condiciones iniciales
Barrow, J. D., y J. Silk, The Left-Hand of Creation, Basic Books, Nueva York, 1983.
Bondi, H., Cosmology, CUP, Cambridge, 1953 (hay trad. cast.: Cosmología, Labor, Barcelona, 1977).
—, «The Steady-State Theory of the Universe», en H. Bondi, W. B. Bonnor, R. A. Lyttleton y G. J. Whitrow, eds., Rival Theories of Cosmology, OUP, Oxford, 1960.
Craig, W. L., The Cosmological Argument from Plato to Leibniz, Macmillan, Londres, 1980.
Davidson, H. A., Proofs for Eternity, Creation and the Existence of God in Medieval Islamic and Jewish Philosophy, OUP, Nueva York, 1987.
Drees, W., Beyond the Big Bang: Quantum Cosmology and God, tesis doctoral, Universidad de Groninga, Open Court, La Salle, 1990.
Filón de Alejandría, On the Account of the Worlds’s Creation Given By Moses, trad. de E. H. Colson y G. H. Whitaker, Heinemann, Londres, 1981 (hay trad. cat.: La creació del món i altres escrits, Laia, Barcelona, 1983).
Grünbaum, A., «The Pseudo-Problem of Creation in Cosmology», Philosophy of Science, 56 (1989), 373.
Guth, A., «The inflationary Universe: A Possible Solution to the Horizon and Flatness Problems», Physical Review, D 23 (1981), 347.
Guth, A., y P. Steinhardt, «The Inflationary Universe», Scientific American (mayo de 1984), p. 116.
Hartle, J. B., y S. W. Hawking, «Wave Function of the Universe», Physical Review, D 28 (1983), 2960.
Hawking, S. W., «The Quantum Theory of the Universe», en T. Piran y S. Weinberg eds., Interactions between Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmology, World Scientific Press, Singapur, 1986.
Hawking, S. W., A Brief History of Time, Bantam, Nueva York, 1988 (hay trad. cast.: Historia del tiempo, Crítica, Barcelona, 199013).
McCrea, W. H., «The Interpretation of Cosmology», La Nuova Critica (III Serie) Quaderno XI, 11 (1960).
Nasr, S., Introduction to lslamic Cosmological Doctrines, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1964.
Polkinghorne, J., Science and Creation; the Search for Understanding, SPCK, Londres, 1988.
Russell, R. J., W. R. Stoeger y G. V. Coyne, Physics, Philosophy and Theology, University of Notre Dame Press, Ind., 1988.
Sorabji, R., Time, Creation and the Continuum, Duckworth, Londres, 1983.
Tipler, F. J., «The Omega Point as Eschaton», Zygon, 24 (1989), 217.
Vilenkin, A., «Creation of Universes from Nothing», Physics Letters, B 117 (1982), 25.
—, «Boundary Conditions in Quantum Cosmology», Physical Review, D 33 (1982), 3560.
Whitehead, A. N., Adventures of Ideas, CUP, Nueva York, 1933.
—, Science and the Modern World, CUP, Londres, 1953.
4. Fuerzas y partículas
Atiyah, M., «Geometry, Topology and Physics», Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 29, 287.
Bailin, D., «Why Superstrings», Contemporary Physics, 30 (1989), 237.
Cooper, N. C., y G. West, Particle Physics: A Los Alamos Primer, CUP, Cambridge, 1988.
Green, M., «Superstrings», Scientific American (septiembre de 1986), p. 48.
Harman, P. M., Energy, Force and Matter: The Conceptual Development of Nineteenth Century Physics, CUP, Cambridge, 1982.
Jammer, M., Concepts of Force, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1957.
Pagels, H., Perfect Symmetry, Michael Joseph, Londres, 1985.
Peat, E D., Superstrings and the Searcb for the Theory of Everything, Contemporary Books, Chicago, 1988.
Schwartz, J. H., «Superstring Unification», en S. W. Hawking y W. Israel, eds., 300 Years of Gravitation, CUP, Cambridge, 1987, p. 652.
Thomson, W., «On Vortex Atoms», Philosophical Magazine, 34 (1867), 15.
Wilczek, F., «Gauge Theories of Swimming», Physics Worlds, 2 (1989), 36.
Wilczek, E, y B. Devine, Longing For The Harmonies, Norton, Nueva York, 1988.
Zee, A., Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics, Macmillan, Nueva York, 1986.
5. Las constantes de la naturaleza
Barrow, J. D., «Observational Limits on the Time-Evolution of Extra Spatial Dimensions», Physical Review, D 35 (1987), 1805.
—, «Constants of Physics and the Structure of the Universe», en M. Batato, R. Behn, J.-F. Loude y H. Weisen, eds., Saas Pee Lectures on Unités de Mesure et Constants Physiques, Lausana, Association Vaudoise des Chercheurs en Physique, cap. 5.
—, «The Mysterious Lore of Large Numbers», en S. Bergia y B. Bertotti, eds., Modern Cosmology in Restrospect, CUP, Cambridge, 1990.
Barrow, J. D., y F. J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, OUP, Oxford, 1986.
Carr, B. J., y M. J. Rees, «The Anthropic Principle and the Structure of the Physical World», Nature, 278 (1979), 605.
Coleman, S., «Black Holes as Red Herrings: Topological Fluctuations and the Loss of Quantum Coherence», Nuclear Physics, B 307 (1988), 867.
—, «Why There is Nothing rather than Something: A Theory of the Cosmological Constant», Nuclear Physics, B 310 (1988), 643.
Douglas, A. V., The Life of Arthur Stanley Eddington, Nelson, Londres, 1956.
Eddington, A. S., New Pathways in Science, CUP, Cambridge, 1935.
—, Fundamental Theory, CUP, Londres, 1946.
Einstein, A., «Physics and Reality», Journal of the Franklin Institute, 221 (1936), 349.
Hawking, S. W., «Wormholes in Space-time», Physical Review, D 37(1988), 904.
—, «Baby Universes», Modern Physics Letters, A 5 (1990), 453.
Jungnickel, C., y R. McCormmach, Intellectual Mastery of Nature: Theoretical Physics from Ohm to Einstein, vols. 1 y 2, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1986.
Levy-Leblond, J. M., «Constants of Physics», Rivista Nuovo Cimento, 7 (1977), 187.
McCrea, W. H., y M. J. Rees, eds., The Constants of Physics, The Royal Society, Londres, 1983.
Pais, A., Subtle is the Lord: The Science and Life of Albert Einstein, OUP, Oxford, 1982 (hay trad. cast.: Sutil es el Señor. La ciencia y la vida de Alfred Einstein, Ariel, Barcelona, 1984).
Rosenthal-Schneider, I., Reality and Scientific Truth: Discussions with Einstein, Von Laue and Planck, Wayne State Press, Pen., 1980.
Weinberg, S., «The Cosmological Constant Problem», Reviews of Modern Physics, 61 (1989), 1.
Witt-Hansen, J., Exposition and Critique of the Concepts of Eddington Concerning the Phylosophy of Physical Science, Gads, Copenhague, 1958.
Yolton, J., The Philosophy of Science of A. S. Eddington, Nijhoff, La Haya, 1960.
6. Simetrías rotas
Bartholomew, D. J., God of Chance, SCM, Londres, 1984.
—, «Probability, Statistics and Theology», Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, A 151 (1988), 137.
Ford, J., «How Random is a Coin Toss?», Physics Today (abril de 1983), p. 40.
Campbell, L., y W. Garnett, The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, Londres, 1882; reed. Johnson Reprint Corporation, Nueva York, 1969.
Gleick, J., Chaos: Making A New Science, Viking, Nueva York, 1987 (hay trad. cast.: Caos, Seix Barral, Barcelona, 1988).
Hacking, I., The Emergence of Probability, CUP, Cambridge, 1975.
Linde, A., «Particle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology», Gordon & Breach, Nueva York, 1989.
Pearson, K., The History of Statistics in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, against the changing background of intellectual, scientific and religious thought, ed. E. S. Pearson, Griffin, Londres, 1978.
Sambursky, S., «On the Possible and Probable in Ancient Greece», Osiris, 12 (1956), 35.
Sheynin, O. B., «On the Prehistory of the Theory of Probability», Archive for the History of the Exact Sciences, 12 (1974), 97.
Stewart, I., Does God Play Dice: The Mathematics of Chaos, Blackwell, Oxford, 1989 (hay trad. cast.: ¿Juega Dios a los dados?, Crítica, Barcelona, 1991).
7. Los principios organizadores
Ayala, F. J., y T. Dobzhansky, eds., Studies in the Philosophy of Biology, Macmillan, Londres, 1974 (hay trad. cast.: Estudios sobre la filosofía de biología, Ariel, Barcelona, 1983).
Bóhm, D., Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Londres, 1980 (hay trad. cast.: La totalidad y el orden implicado, Kairós, Barcelona, 1988).
Davies, P. C. W., The Cosmic Blueprint, Heinemann, Londres, 1987 (hay trad. cast.: Proyecto cósmico, Pirámide, Madrid, 1989).
Delbrück, M., Mind From Matter: An Essay on Evolutionary Epistemology, Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 1986 (hay trad. cast.: Mente y materia: ensayo de epistemología evolutiva, Alianza, Madrid, 1989).
Eigen, M., y R. Winkler, Laws of the Game How the Principles of Nature Govern Chance, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1983.
Langton, C. G., ed., Artificial Life, Addison-Wesley, Nueva York, 1989.
Leggett, A. J., The Problems of Physics, OUP, Oxford, 1987.
Minsky, M., The Society of Mind, Simón & Schuster, Nueva York, 1986.
Moravec, H., Mind Children, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1988.
Zeh, H., The Physical Basis of the Direction of Time, Springer, Berlín, 1989.
8. Los efectos de la selección
Barrow, J. D., «Life, the Universe, and the Anthropic Principle», World and I Magazine (agosto de 1987), p. 179.
—, «Patterns of Explanation in Cosmology», en F. Bertola y U. Curi, eds., The Anthropic Principle, CUP, Cambridge, 1989.
Barrow, J. D., y F. J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle, OUP, Oxford, 1986.
Carter, B., «Large Number Coincidences and the Anthropic Principle in Cosmology», en M. Longair, ed., Confrontation of Cosmological Theories with Observational Data, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1974.
—, «The Anthropic Principle: Self-selection as an Adjunct to Natural Selection», en C. V. Vishveshwara, eds., Cosmic Perspectives, CUP, Cambridge, 1989.
—, «Anthropic Selection Principle and the Ultra-Darwinian Synthesis», en F. Bertola y U. Curi, eds., The Anthropic Principle, CUP, Cambridge, 1989.
Davies, P. C. W., The Physics of Time Asymmetry, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1974.
Leslie, J., «Observership in Cosmology: The Anthropic Principle», Mind, 92 (1983), 573.
—, Universes, Macmillan, Londres, 1989.
Linde, A., «The Universe: Inflation Out of Chaos», New Scientist (marzo de 1985), p. 14.
Nicolis, G., e I. Prigogine, Self-organization in Non-equilibrium Systems, Wiley, Nueva York, 1977.
Page, D. N., «The Importance of the Anthropic Principle», World and I Magazine (agosto de 1987), p. 392.
Piaget, J., Genetic Epistemology, Norton, Nueva York, 1971 (hay trad. cast.: La epistemología genética, Debate, Madrid, 1986).
Polanyi, M., «Life’s Irreducible Structure», Science, 1968 (junio de 1968), p. 1308.
Prigogine, I., From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences, Freeman, San Francisco, 1980.
Prigogine, I., y I. Stengers, Order Out of Chaos, Heinemann, Londres, 1984.
Sayers, D., Have His Carcase, Victor Gollancz, Londres, 1932.
Stent, G. S., «Light and Life: Niels Bohr’s Legacy to Contemporany Biology», en H. Feshbach, T. Matsui y A. Oleson, eds., Niels Bohr: Physics and the World, Harwood Academic, Nueva York, 1988.
Vollmer, G., «Mesocosm and Objective Knowledge», en F. W. Wuketits, ed., Concepts and Approaches in Evolutionary Epistemology, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.
Weinberg, S. W., «Newtonianism, Reductionism and the Art of Congressional Testimony», Nature, 330 (1987), 433.
9. ¿Está «pi» realmente en el cielo?
Barrow, J. D., «The Mathematical Universe», World and I Magazine (mayo de 1989), p. 306.
Bennett, C. H., «The Thermodynamics of Computation-A Review», International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 21, (1982), 905.
Bennett, C. H., y R. Landauer, «The Fundamental Physical Limits of Computation», Scientific American, 253 (1985), pp. 48, 253 (n.º 1) y p. 6 (n.º 4).
Birkhoff, G., «The Mathematical Nature of Physical Theories», American Scientist, 31, 281 (1943).
Davies, P. C. W., «Why is the Universe Knowable?», en R. E. Mickens, ed., Maths and Science, OUP, Nueva York, 1989.
Davis, P., y R. Hersch, Descartes’ Dream, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1989 (hay trad. cast.: El sueño de Descartes, Labor, Barcelona, 1989).
Deutsch, D., «Quantum Theory, the Church-Turing Principle, and the Universal Quantum Computer», Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A 400 (1985), 97.
—, «On Wheeler’s notion of “Law Without Law” in Physics», en W. Zurek, A. van der Merwe y W. A. Miller, eds., Between Quantum and Cosmos, Princeton University Press, Princeton, (1988), pp. 583-592.
—, «Quantum Communication Thwarts Eavesdroppers», New Scientist (9 de diciembre de 1989), p. 25.
Dewdney, A. K., The Turing Omnibus, Computer Science Press, Rockville, 1989.
Dyson, F., «Mathematics in the Physical Sciences», Scientific American (septiembre de 1964), p. 129.
Field, H., Science without Numbers, Blackwell, Oxford, 1980.
Field, H., Realism, Mathematics and Modality, Blackwell, Oxford, 1989.
Hadamard, J., The Psychology of lnvention in the Mathematical Field, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1945.
Kitcher, P., The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge, OUP, Nueva York, 1983.
Kline, M., Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge, OUP, Nueva York, 1985.
Kramer, E. E., The Nature and the Growth of Modern Mathematics, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1982.
Landauer, R., «Dissipation and Noise Immunity in Computation and Communication», Nature, 335 (1988), 779.
Lehman, H., Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics, Blackwell, Oxford, 1975.
Myhill, J., «Some Philosophical Implications of Mathematical Logic», The Review of Metaphysics, 6 (1952), 165.
Penrose, R., The Emperor’s New Mind, OUP, Oxford, 1989 (hay trad. cast.: La nueva mente del emperador, Mondadori, Barcelona, 19912).
Rucker, R., Mindtools, Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1987.
Tipler, F. J., «It’s All in the Mind» (resención de R. Penrose, The Emperor’s New Mind), Physics World (noviembre de 1989), p. 45.
Wigner, E., «The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences», Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 13 (1960), 1.
Wolfson, H. A., Religious Philosophy, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1961.
Zurek, W. H., «Thermodynamic Cost of Computation, Algorithmic Complexity and the Information Metric», Nature, 341 (1989), 119.