by Jir’rob Sordun, profeddor of University Studied
Welcome back to the Scrolls.
Why, you might wonder, do we waste the first few pages with the dying words of a blaspheming man?
Sala’zar Mut was executed by public torture and slow decapitation at New Welk Prison in Sant Sib’aro on the morning after he wrote the preceding foreword.
His death, dear students, is the first lesson to be pondered before one should continue through the Scrolls.
Did you believe Mut’s words? Did you believe that words can be the blood of a people? That words can have some arcane power? Do not be ashamed if you did, for Sala’zar Mut was a skilled writer.
But let this be a lesson to you… Do not trust words.
Mut was under a delusion, a weakness of the mind caused by the untutored reading of the Scrolls.
Let his death be the lesson here—not his words. Words did not save his life.
So, before you open the first page of this second book, you must know the following truth and harden your heart by reciting it one hundred times before the sun sets today:
“Words do riot have power.
The Scrolls do not have power.
Only the Council has power.“
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