6:58 P.M.:
The governor was in an Olympian rage. He got out of the car and stomped to the side door of the bank where Johnjohn was waiting for him.
“Have you read this?” The governor waved the evening edition of the Guardian in the night air. The huge headline read: MPs ACCUSE PRC. “Bloody incompetent fools, what?”
“Yes sir.” Johnjohn was equally choleric. He led the way past the uniformed doorman into a large anteroom. “Can’t you hang both of them?”
At their afternoon press conference, Grey and Broadhurst had proclaimed publicly everything that he, Johnjohn, Dunross and the other taipans had, at length, patiently condemned as totally against Britain’s, Hong Kong’s and China’s interest. Grey had gone on at length discussing his private and personal opinion that Red China was bent on world conquest and should be treated as the great enemy of world peace. “I’ve already had one unofficial official scream.”
Johnjohn winced. “Oh God, not from Tiptop?”
“Of course from Tiptop. He said, in that calm silky voice of his, ‘Your Excellency, when our peers in Peking read how important members of your great English Parliament view the Middle Kingdom, I think they will be really quite angry.’ I’d say our chances of getting the temporary use of their money now is nil.”
Another wave of anger went over Johnjohn.
“That damned man implied his views were the committee’s views, which is totally untrue! Ridiculous to inflame China under any circumstances. Without China’s benevolence our position here is totally untenable. Totally! Bloody fool! And we all went out of our way to explain!” The governor took out a handkerchief and blew his nose. “Where are the others?”
“Superintendent Crosse and Mr. Sinders are using my office for a moment. Ian’s on his way. What about Ian and Grey, sir, Grey being Ian’s brother-in-law? Eh?”
“Extraordinary.” Since Grey had mentioned it in response to a question this afternoon he had had a dozen calls about it. “Astonishing that Ian never mentioned it.”
“Or Penelope! Very odd. Do you th—” Johnjohn glanced up and stopped. Dunross was walking toward them.
“Evening, sir.”
“Hello, Ian. I put the time back to 7:00 P.M. to give me a chance to see Sinders and Stanley Rosemont.” The governor held up the paper. “You’ve seen this?”
“Yes sir. The Chinese evening papers are so incensed, I’m surprised every edition’s not on fire and all of Central with them.”
“I’d try them for treason,” Johnjohn said, his face sour. “What the devil can we do, Ian?”
“Pray! I’ve already spoken to Guthrie, the Liberal MP, and some of the Tories. One of the Guardian’s top reporters is interviewing them right now and their opposite opinions will be the morning headlines refuting all this poppycock.” Dunross wiped his hands. He could feel the sweat on his back as well. The combination of Grey, Tiptop, Jacques, Phillip Chen, the coin and the AMG files was unnerving him. Christ Jesus, he thought, what next? His meeting with Murtagh of the Royal Belgium had been what Casey had forecast—a long shot but a good one. Coming out of that meeting someone had given him the afternoon papers and the bombshell that such ill-advised remarks was going to create had almost knocked him over. “We’ll have to just dismiss the whole thing publicly, and privately work like hell to make sure Grey’s bill to bring Hong Kong down to Britain’s level never gets to a vote, or is voted down, and Labour never gets elected.” He felt his bile rising. “Broadhurst was just as bad if not worse.”
“Ian, have you talked to Tiptop?”
“No, Bruce. His line’s still busy though I did send a message around.” He told them what he had arranged with Phillip Chen. Then the governor related Tiptop’s complaint. Dunross was aghast. “When did he call, sir?”
“Just before six.”
“He would have had our message by then.” Dunross felt his heart thumping. “After this … this debacle, I’d lay heavy odds there’s no chance for Chinese money.”
“I agree.”
Dunross was acutely aware they had not mentioned Grey’s relationship to him. “Robin Grey’s worse than a fool,” he said, thinking he might just as well bring it out into the open. “My god-cursed brother-in-law could not have done better for the Soviets if he was a member of the Politburo. Broadhurst as well. Stupid!”
After a pause the governor said, “As the Chinese say, ‘The devil gives you your relations, thank all gods you can choose your friends.’”
“You’re so right. Fortunately, the committee’s due to leave Sunday. With the races tomorrow and all the … all the other problems, perhaps it’ll all get lost in the shuffle.” Dunross mopped his brow. “It’s close in here, isn’t it?”
The governor nodded, then added testily, “Is everything ready, Johnjohn?”
“Yes sir. The va—” In the hall the elevator opened and Roger Crosse and Edward Sinders, chief of MI-6, came out.
“Ah, Sinders,” the governor said as they both came into the anteroom, “I’d like you to meet Mr. Dunross.”
“Pleased to meet you, sir.” Sinders shook hands with Dunross. He was a middle-aged, middle height, nondescript man with crumpled clothes. His face was thin and colorless, the stubble of his beard gray. “Please excuse my rumpledness, sir, but I haven’t been to the hotel yet.”
“Sorry about that,” Dunross replied. “This could certainly have waited until tomorrow. Evening, Roger.”
“Evening, sir. Evening, Ian,” Crosse said crisply. “As we’re all here, perhaps we could proceed?”
Obediently Johnjohn began to lead the way but Dunross said, “Just a moment. Sorry, Bruce, could you excuse us a moment?”
“Oh certainly.” Johnjohn covered his surprise, wondering what this was all about and who Sinders was, but much too wise to ask. He knew they would tell him if they wanted him to know. The door closed behind him.
Dunross glanced at the governor. “Do you attest, sir, formally, this is Edward Sinders, head of MI-6?”
“I do.” The governor handed him an envelope. “I believe you wanted it in writing.”
“Thank you, sir.” To Sinders, Dunross said, “Sorry, but you understand my reluctance.”
“Of course. Good, then that’s settled. Shall we go, Mr. Dunross?”
“Who’s Mary McFee?”
Sinders was shocked. Crosse and the governor stared at him, perplexed, then at Dunross. “You have friends in high places, Mr. Dunross. May I ask who told you that?”
“Sorry.” Dunross kept his gaze on him. Alastair Struan had got the information from some VIP in the Bank of England who had approached someone high up in the government. “All we want to do is to be sure Sinders is who he pretends to be.”
“Mary McFee’s a friend,” Sinders said uneasily.
“Sorry, that’s not good enough.”
“A girlfriend.”
“Sorry, neither’s that. What’s her real name?”
Sinders hesitated, then, his face chalky, he took Dunross by the arm and guided him to the far end of the room. He put his lips very close to Dunross’s ear. “Anastasia Kekilova, First Secretary of the Czechoslovak Embassy in London,” he whispered, his back to Crosse and the governor.
Dunross nodded, satisfied, but Sinders held on to his arm with surprising strength and whispered even more softly, “You’d better forget that name. If the KGB ever suspect you know they’ll get it out of you. Then she’s dead, I’m dead and so’re you.”
Dunross nodded. “Fair enough.”
Sinders took a deep breath, then turned and nodded at Crosse. “Now let’s have this done with, Roger. Your Excellency?”
Tensely they all followed him. Johnjohn was waiting at the elevator. Three floors below were the vaults. Two plainclothes guards waited in the small hallway in front of the heavy iron gates, one man CID, the other SI. Both saluted. Johnjohn unlocked the gates and let everyone through except the guards, then relocked them. “Just a bank custom.”
“Have you ever had a break-in?” Sinders asked.
“No, though the Japanese did force the gates when the keys were, er, lost.”
“Were you here then, sir?”
“No. I was lucky.” After Hong Kong capitulated, at Christmas 1941, the two British banks, Blacs and the Victoria, became prime Japanese targets and were ordered to be liquidated. All the executives were separated and kept under guard and forced to assist the process. Over the months and years they were all subjected to extreme pressures. They were forced to issue bank notes illegally. And then the Kampeitai, the hated and feared Japanese secret police, had become involved. “The Kampeitai executed several of our fellows and made the lives of the rest miserable,” Johnjohn said. “The usual: no food, beatings, privation, shut up in cages. Some died of malnutrition—starvation’s the real word—and both Blacs and we lost our chief execs.” Johnjohn unlocked another grille. Beyond were rows and rows of safe deposit boxes in several interconnecting concrete, reinforced cellars. “Ian?”
Dunross took out his passkey. “It’s 16.85.94.”
Johnjohn led the way. Very uncomfortable, he inserted his bank key in one lock. Dunross did the same with his. They turned both keys. The lock clicked open. Now all eyes were on the box. Johnjohn took out his key. “I’ll … I’ll be waiting at the gate,” he said, glad it was over, and left.
Dunross hesitated. “There are other things in here, private papers. Do you mind?”
Crosse did not move. “Sorry but either Mr. Sinders or myself should ensure we get possession of all the files.”
Dunross noticed the sweat on both men. His own back was wet. “Your Excellency, would you mind watching?”
“Not at all.”
Reluctantly the two other men retreated. Dunross waited until they were well away, then opened the box. It was large. Sir Geoffrey’s eyes widened. The box was empty but for the blue covered files. Without comment he accepted them. There were eight. Dunross slammed the box closed and the lock clicked home.
Crosse came forward, his hand out. “Shall I take them for you, sir?”
Crosse stopped, startled, and bit back a curse. “But, Exce—”
“The minister set up a procedure—approved by our American friends—which I agreed to,” Sir Geoffrey said. “We will all go back to my office. We will all witness the photocopying. Two copies only. One for Mr. Sinders, one for Mr. Rosemont. Ian, I have been directly ordered by the Minister to give Mr. Rosemont copies.”
Dunross shrugged, desperately hoping that he still appeared unconcerned. “If that’s what the minister wants, that’s perfectly all right. When you’ve photocopied the originals, sir, please burn them.” He saw them look at him but he was watching Crosse and he thought he saw an instant of pleasure. “If the files’re so special then it’s better they shouldn’t exist—except in the correct hands, MI-6 and the CIA. Certainly I shouldn’t have a copy. If they’re not special—then never mind. Most of poor old AMG was too farfetched and now that he’s dead I must confess I don’t consider the files special so long as they’re in your hands. Please burn or shred them, Excellency.”
“Very well.” The governor turned his pale blue eyes on Roger Crosse. “Yes, Roger?”
“Nothing, sir. Shall we go?”
Dunross said, “I’ve got to get some corporate papers to check while I’m here. No need to wait for me.”
“Very well. Thank you, Ian,” Sir Geoffrey said and left with the other two men.
When he was quite alone Dunross went to another bank of boxes in the adjoining vault. He took out his key ring and selected two keys, grimly aware that Johnjohn would have a coronary if he knew he had a duplicate master key. The lock sprang back soundlessly. This box was one of dozens the Noble House possessed under different names. Inside were bundles of U.S. $100 notes, ancient deeds and papers. On top was a loaded automatic. As always, Dunross’s psyche was unsettled, hating guns, hating Hag Struan, admiring her. In her “Instructions to Tai-pans,” written just before her death in 1917, that was part of her last will and testament and in the tai-pan’s safe, she had laid down more rules and one of them was that there should always be substantial amounts of secret cash for the tai-pan’s use, on hand, and another that there should be at least four loaded handguns perpetually available in secret places. She wrote: “I abhor guns but I know them to be necessary. On Michaelmas Eve in 1916 when I was infirm and sick, my Grandson Kelly O’Gorman, third tai-pan (in name only), believing I was on my deathbed, forced me from my bed to the safe in the Great House to fetch the seal-chop of the Noble House—to assign to him absolute power as tai-pan. Instead I took the gun that was secretly in the safe and shot him. He lingered two days then died. I am God-fearing and I abhor guns and some killing, but Kelly became a mad dog and it is the duty of the tai-pan to protect the succession. I regret his death not a jot or tittle. You who read this beware: kith or kin lust for power as others do. Do not be afraid to use any method to protect Dirk Struan’s legacy …”
A bead of sweat trickled down his cheek. He remembered the hair on the nape of his neck rising when he had first read her instructions, the night he had taken over as tai-pan. He’d always believed that Cousin Kelly—eldest son of the Hag’s last daughter Rose—had died of cholera in one of the great waves that perpetually washed Asia.
There were other monstrosities she had written about: “In 1894, that most terrible of years, the second of Jin-qua’s coins was brought to me. That was the year plague had come to Hong Kong, bubonic plague. Amongst our heathen Chinese, tens of thousands were dying. Our own population was equally savaged and the plague took high and low, Cousin Hannah and three children, two of Chenchen’s children, five grandchildren. Legend foretold that bubonic plague was wind-borne. Others thought it was the curse of God or a flux like malaria, the killing ‘bad air’ of Happy Valley. Then the miracle! The Japanese research doctors Vitasato and Aoyama we brought to Hong Kong isolated the plague bacillus and proved the pest was flea-borne, and rat-borne, and that correct sanitation and the elimination of rats would cast out the curse forever. The eyesore hillside of Tai-ping Shan that Gordon owns—Gordon Chen, son of my beloved tai-pan—where most of our heathen always lived was a stinking, festering, overcrowded, rat-breeding cauldron for all pestilences, and as much as the authorities cajoled, ordered and insisted, the superstitious inhabitants there disbelieved everything and would do nothing to improve their lot, though the deaths continued and continued. Even Gordon, now a toothless old man, could do nothing—tearing his hair at his loss of rents, saving his energy for the four young women in his household.
“In the stench of late summer when it seemed the Colony was once more doomed, with deaths mounting daily, I had Tai-ping Shan put to the torch by night, the whole monstrous stenching mountainside. That some inhabitants were consumed is on my conscience, but without the cleansing fire the Colony was doomed and hundreds of thousands more doomed. I caused Tai-ping Shan to be fired but thereby I kept troth with Hong Kong. I kept troth with the Legacy. And I kept troth with the second of the half coins.
“On the twentieth of April a man called Chiang Wu-tah presented the half coin to my darling young cousin, Dirk Dunross, fourth tai-pan, who brought it to me, he not knowing the secret of the coins. I sent for the man Chiang who spoke English. The favor he asked was that the Noble House should grant immediate sanctuary and succor to a young, Western-educated Chinese revolutionary named Sun Yat-sen; that we should help this Sun Yat-sen with funds; and that we should help him as long as he lived, to the limits of our power in his fight to overthrow the alien Manchu Dynasty of China. Supporting any revolutionary against China’s ruling dynasty with whom we had cordial relations and on whom depended much of our trade and revenues was against my principles, and seemingly against the interests of the House. I said no, I would not assist the overthrow of their emperor. But Chiang Wu-tah said, ‘This is the favor required from the Noble House.’
“And so it was done.
“At great risk I provided funds and protection. My darling Dirk Dunross spirited Dr. Sun out of Canton to the Colony and from there abroad to America. I wanted Dr. Sun to accompany young Dirk to England—he was leaving on the tide. Master of our steamer Sunset Cloud. That was the week I wanted to hand over to him as real tai-pan but he said, ‘No, not until I return.’ But he was never to return. He and all hands were lost at sea somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Oh how terrible my loss, our loss!
“But death is a part of life and we the living have our duty to be done. I do not yet know to whom I should hand over. It should have been Dirk Dunross, who was named for his grandfather. His sons are too young, none of the Coopers are adequate, or deVilles, Daglish is possible, none of the Mactruans are yet ready. Alastair Struan perhaps but there’s a weakness there that comes down from Robb Struan.
“I don’t mind admitting to you, future tai-pan, that I am weary unto death. But I am not yet ready to die. Pray God I am given the strength for a few more years. There is not one of my line or my beloved Dirk Struan’s line worthy of his mantle. And now there is this Great War to see through, the House to rebuild, our merchant fleet to refurbish—so far German U-boats have sunk thirty of our ships, almost our whole fleet. Yes, and there is the favor of the second coin still to fulfill. This Dr. Sun Yat-sen must and will be supported until he dies and so retain our face in Asia….”
And we did, Dunross thought. The Noble House supported him in all his troubles, even when he tried to join with Soviet Russia, until he died in 1925 and Chiang Kai-shek, his Soviet-trained lieutenant, assumed his mantle and launched China into the future—until his old ally but ancient enemy, Mao Tse-tung, took the future away from him to mount the Dragon Throne in Peking with bloody hands, first of a new dynasty.
Dunross took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow.
The air in the vault was dusty and dry and a little caught in his throat and he coughed. His hands were sweaty too and he could still feel the chill on his back. He rummaged carefully to the bottom of the deep metal box and found his corporate chop that he would need over the weekend in case the Royal Belgium–First Central deal came to pass. I certainly owe Casey more than one favor if the deal is made, he told himself.
His heart was thumping again and he could not resist making sure. With great care he lifted the secret false bottom of the safety deposit box a fraction. In the two-inch space beneath were eight blue-covered files. AMG’s real files. Those that moments ago he had passed over to Sinders had been in the sealed package that Kirk and his wife had brought yesterday—those eight counterfeit files and a letter: “Tai-pan: I am terribly worried that both you and I are betrayed and that information contained in previous files may fall into the wrong hands. The enclosed substitute files are safe and very similar. They drop vital names and vital information. You may pass these over if you are forced to do it, but only then. As to the originals, you should destroy them after you have seen Riko. Certain pages contain invisible writing. Riko will give you the key. Please excuse all these diversionary tactics but espionage is not for children; it deals in death, actual and in the future. Our lovely Britain is beset with traitors and evil walks the earth. Bluntly, freedom is under siege as never in history. I beg you to emulate your illustrious ancestor. He fought for freedom to trade, to live and to worship. Sorry, but I don’t think he died in a storm. We’ll never know the truth but I believe he was murdered, as I will be. Not to worry, my young friend. I’ve done very well in my life. I’ve put a lot of nails in the enemy coffin, more than my fair share—I ask you to do the same.”
The letter was signed, “With great respect.”
Poor bugger, Dunross thought sadly.
Yesterday he had smuggled the counterfeit files into the vault, replacing the originals in the other box. He would have liked to have destroyed the originals then but there was no way to do that safely and anyway he had to wait for his meeting with the Japanese woman. Better and safer to leave them where they are for the moment, he said to himself. Plenty of ti—
Suddenly he felt eyes. His hand sneaked for the automatic. When his fingers had grasped it, he looked around. His stomach seemed to turn over. Crosse was watching him. And Johnjohn. They were at the entrance to the vault.
After a moment Crosse said, “I just wanted to thank you for your cooperation, Ian. Mr. Sinders and I appreciate it.”
Relief poured through Dunross. “That’s all right. Glad to help.” Trying to be casual he relaxed his hold on the automatic and let it slide away. The false bottom fell silently into place. He saw Crosse’s scrutiny but shrugged it off. From where the superintendent stood he did not think it possible for him to have seen the real files. Dunross blessed his joss that had prevented him from taking one of the files out to leaf through it. Carelessly he slammed the box shut and his breathing began again. “It really is quite stuffy in here, isn’t it?”
“Yes. Again, Ian, thank you.” Crosse left.
“How did you open that box?” Johnjohn asked coldly.
“With a key.”
“Two keys, Ian. That’s against regulations.” Johnjohn held out his hand. “May I have our property please.”
“Sorry, old chum,” Dunross said calmly, “it’s not your property.”
Johnjohn hesitated. “We always suspected you had a duplicate master key. Paul is right about one thing: you’ve too much power, you consider this bank yours, our funds yours and the Colony yours.”
“We’ve had a long and happy association with both, and it’s only in the last few years when Paul Havergill’s had some measure of power that I’ve had a hard time, me personally, and my House personally. But worse than that, he’s old-fashioned and I voted him out for that reason only. You’re not, you’re modern. You’ll be fairer, far-seeing, less emotional and straighter.”
Johnjohn shook his head. “I doubt it. If I ever become tai-pan of the bank I’m going to see it’s wholly owned by its stockholders and controlled by directors appointed by them.”
“It is now. We just own 21 percent of the bank.”
“You used to own 21 percent. That stock’s pledged against your revolving fund which you can’t and probably never will repay. Besides, 21 percent is not control, thank God.”
“It very nearly is.”
“My whole point.” Johnjohn’s voice was metallic. “That’s dangerous for the bank, very dangerous.”
“I don’t think so.”
“I do. I want 11 percent back.”
“No sale, old lad.”
“When I’m tai-pan, old lad, I’ll get it by hook or by crook.”
“We’ll see.”
“When I’m tai-pan I’m going to make lots of changes. All these locks for example. No master keys, privately owned.”
“We’ll see.” Dunross smiled.
On Kowloon side, Bartlett jumped from the wharf to the pitching boat, helped Orlanda aboard. Automatically she kicked off her high heels to protect the fine teak deck.
“Welcome aboard the Sea Witch, Mr. Bartlett. Evening, Orlanda,” Gornt said with a smile. He was at the helm and at once he motioned to his deckhand who cast off from the wharf that was near the Kowloon ferry terminal. “I’m delighted you accepted my invitation to dinner, Mr. Bartlett.”
“I didn’t know I had one until Orlanda told me half an hour ago … hey, this’s a great boat!”
Gornt jovially put the engines into slow astern. “Until an hour ago I didn’t know you two were going to dinner by yourselves. I presumed you’d never seen Hong Kong harbor by night so I thought it’d make a change for you. There were a couple of things I wanted to discuss privately so I asked Orlanda if she’d mind if I invited you aboard.”
“I hope it was no trouble to come Kowloon side.”
“No trouble, Mr. Bartlett. It’s routine to pick up guests here.” Gornt smiled a secret smile, thinking about Orlanda and all the other guests he had fetched from this Kowloon wharf over the years. Deftly Gornt backed the motor cruiser away from the Kowloon dock near Golden Ferry where the waves slapped the quay dangerously. He put the engine levers into half ahead and swung the tiller starboard to get out into the roads and set a westerly course.
The boat was seventy feet, trim, elegant, sparkling and she handled like a speedboat. They were on the bridge deck, glass-sided, open to the air aft, awnings overhead tight and crackling in the breeze, the wake churning. Gornt wore rough, casual sea clothes, a light reefer jacket and a jaunty peaked cap sporting the Yacht Club emblem. The clothes and his trimmed black, gray-flecked beard suited him. He swayed easily with the motion of the boat, very much at home.
Bartlett was watching him, at home too in sneakers and casual sweatshirt. Orlanda was beside him and he could feel her though they were not touching. She wore a dark evening pants suit and a shawl against the sea cold and she stood swaying easily, the wind in her hair, tiny without shoes.
He looked aft across the harbor at the ferries, junks, liners and the immense bulk of the battle-gray nuclear carrier, her decks floodlit, her flag fluttering bravely. A jet shrieked into the night sky from Kai Tak and incoming jets approaching Kowloon were stacked up.
He could not see the airport or his own airplane from this angle but he knew where it was parked. This afternoon he had visited it with police permission to check and fetch some papers and provisions.
Orlanda, beside him, touched him casually and he looked at her. She smiled back and he was warmed.
“Great, isn’t it?”
Happily she nodded. There was no need to answer. Both knew.
“It is,” Gornt said, thinking that Bartlett was talking to him and looked around at him. “It’s grand to be afloat at night, master of your own craft. We go west, then almost due south around Hong Kong—about three quarters of an hour.” He beckoned his captain who was nearby, a silent lithe Shanghainese wearing neat, starched white ducks.
“Shey-shey,” thank you, the man said taking the helm.
Gornt waved to the chairs aft around a table. “Shall we?” He glanced at Orlanda. “You’re looking very pretty, Orlanda.”
“Thank you,” she said.
“You’re not too cold?”
“Oh no, Quillan, thank you.”
A liveried steward came from below. On his tray were hot and cold canapés. In the ice bucket beside the table was an opened bottle of white wine, four glasses, two cans of American beer and some soft drinks. “What can I offer you, Mr. Bartlett?” Gornt asked. “The wine’s Frascati but I hear you prefer iced cold beer out of the can?”
“Tonight Frascati—beer later, if I may?”
“Wine please, Quillan,” she said calmly, knowing that he knew she preferred Frascati to any other wine. I’ll have to be very wise tonight, she thought, very strong and very wise and very clever. She had agreed to Gornt’s suggestion at once for she, too, loved the water at night and the restaurant was a favorite though she would have preferred to have been alone with Linc Bartlett. But it was clearly an … No, she thought, correcting herself. It wasn’t an order, it was a request. Quillan’s on my side. And in this, my side and his side have the same aim in common: Linc. Oh how I enjoy Linc!
When she looked at him she saw he was watching Gornt. Her heart quickened. It was like once when Gornt had taken her to Spain and she had seen a mano a mano. Yes, these two men are like matadors tonight. I know Quillan still desires me whatever he says. She smiled back at him, her excitement in place. “Wine would be fine for me.”
It was dark on deck, the lighting comfortable and intimate. The steward poured, this wine as always very good, delicate, dry and enticing. Bartlett opened an air carry bag that he had brought with him. “It’s an old American custom to bring a gift the first time you go to a home—I guess this is a home.” He put the wine bottle on the table.
“Oh that’s very kind of…” Gornt stopped. Delicately he picked up the bottle and stared at it, then got up and looked at it under the binnacle light. He sat down again. “That’s not a gift, Mr. Bartlett, that’s bottled magic. I thought my eyes were deceiving me.” It was a Château Margaux, one of the great premier cru clarets from the Médoc in the province of Bordeaux. “I’ve never had the ’49. That was a dream year for clarets. Thank you. Thank you very much.”
“Orlanda said you liked red better than white but I guessed we might have some fish.” Casually he put the second bottle beside the first.
Gornt stared at it. It was a Château Haut-Brion. In good years Château Haut-Brion red compared with all the great Médocs, but the white—dry, delicate and little known because it was so scarce—was considered one of the finest of all the great Bordeaux whites. The year was’55.
Gornt sighed. “If you know so much about wines, Mr. Bartlett, why do you drink beer?”
“I like beer with pasta, Mr. Gornt—and beer before lunch. But wine with food.” Bartlett grinned. “Come Tuesday, we’ll have beer with the pasta, then Frascati or Verdicchio or the Umbrian Casale with … with what?”
“Great,” Bartlett said, not wanting any piccata other than Orlanda’s. “That’s just about my favorite.” He kept his attention on Gornt and did not glance at Orlanda but he knew she knew what he meant. I’m glad I tested her.
“Oh did you have a good time?” she had said when she had called for him this morning at the small hotel on Sunning Road. “Oh I do hope so, Linc, darling.”
The other girl had been beautiful but there had been no feeling other than lust, the satisfaction of the joining minimal. He had told her.
“Oh then that’s my fault. We chose wrong,” she had said unhappily. “Tonight we’ll have dinner and we’ll try somewhere else.”
Involuntarily he smiled and looked at her. The sea breeze was making her more beautiful. Then he noticed Gornt watching them. “Are we eating fish tonight?”
“Oh yes. Orlanda, did you tell Mr. Bartlett about Pok Liu Chau?”
“No, Quillan, just that we’ve been invited for a sail.”
“Good. It won’t be a banquet but the seafood there’s excellent, Mr. Bartlett. You pi—”
“Why don’t you call me Linc and let me call you Quillan? The ‘mister’ bit gives me indigestion.”
They all laughed. Gornt said, “Linc, with your permission we’ll not open your gift tonight. Chinese food’s not for these great wines, they wouldn’t complement each other. I’ll keep them, if I may, for our dinner Tuesday?”
“Of course.”
There was a small silence within the muted thunder of the diesel engines below. Immediately sensing Gornt wanted privacy, Orlanda got up with a smile. “Excuse me a second, I just want to powder my nose.”
“Use the forward cabins, the forward gangway, Orlanda,” Gornt said, watching her.
“Thank you,” she said and walked off, in one way glad, in another hurt. The forward cabins were for guests. She would have automatically gone down this gangway to the main cabin, to the toilet off the master suite—the suite that once was theirs. Never mind. The past is the past and now there’s Linc, she thought, going forward.
Bartlett sipped his wine, wondering why Orlanda had seemed to hesitate. He concentrated on Gornt. “How many does this boat sleep?”
“Ten comfortably. There’s a regular crew of four—captain-engineer, a deckhand, cook and steward. I’ll show you around later if you like.” Gornt lit a cigarette. “You don’t smoke?”
“No, no thanks.”
“We can cruise for a week without refueling. If necessary. We still conclude our deal on Tuesday?”
“That’s still D Day.”
“Have you changed your mind? About Struan’s?”
“Monday’ll still decide the battle. Monday at 3:00 P.M. When the market closes, you’ve got Ian or you haven’t and it’s a standoff again.”
“This time it won’t be a standoff. He’s ruined.”
“It sure as hell looks that way.”
“Are you still going to Taipei with him?”
“That’s still the plan.”
Gornt took a deep drag of his cigarette. His eyes checked the lie of his ship. They were well out into the main channel. Gornt got up and stood beside the captain a moment but the captain had also seen the small unlit junk ahead and he skirted it without danger. “Full ahead,” Gornt said and came back. He refilled the glasses, chose one of the deep-fried dim sum and looked at the American. “Linc, may I be blunt?”
Bartlett’s eyes narrowed. “What about her?”
“As you probably know, she and I were very good friends once. Very good. Hong Kong’s a very gossipy place and you’ll hear all sorts of rumors, but we’re still friends though we haven’t been together for three years.” Gornt looked at him under his shaggy black-gray eyebrows. “I just wanted to say that I wouldn’t want her harmed.” His teeth glinted with his smile in the gimbaled light over the table. “And she’s as fine a person and companion as you could find.”
“I agree.”
“Sorry, don’t want to belabor anything, just wanted to make three points, one man to another. That was the first. The second’s that she’s as closed-mouthed as any woman I’ve ever known. The third’s that she’s nothing to do with business—I’m not using her, she’s not a prize, or bait or anything like that.”
Bartlett let the silence hang. Then he nodded. “Sure.”
“You don’t believe me?”
Bartlett laughed. It was a good laugh. “Hell, Quillan, this’s Hong Kong! I’m out of my depth in more ways than you can shake a stick at. I don’t even know if Pok Liu Chau’s the name of the restaurant, a part of Hong Kong or in Red China.” He drank the wine, enjoying it. “As to Orlanda, she’s great and you’ve no need to worry. I got the message.”
“I hope you don’t mind my mentioning it.”
Bartlett shook his head. “I’m glad you did.” He hesitated, then because the other man was open he decided to get everything into the open. “She told me about the child.”
“Why the frown?”
“I’m just surprised she’d mention her now. Orlanda must like you very much.”
Bartlett felt the power of the eyes watching him and he tried to read if there was envy there. “I hope she does. She said you’d been great to her since you split. And to her folks.”
“They’re nice people. It’s rough in Asia to raise five children, raise them well. It was always our company policy to help families where we could.” Gornt sipped his wine. “The first time I saw Orlanda was when she was ten. It was a Saturday at the races in Shanghai. In those days everyone would dress up in their best clothes and stroll the paddocks. It was her first formal coming out. Her father was a manager in our shipping division—a good fellow, Eduardo Ramos, third-generation Macao, his wife pure Shanghainese. But Orlanda …” Gornt sighed. “Orlanda was the prettiest girl I’d ever seen. Her dress was white … I don’t remember seeing her after that until she came back from school. She was almost eighteen then and, well, I fell madly in love with her.” Gornt looked up from his glass. “I can’t tell you how lucky I felt all those years with her.” His eyes hardened. “Did she tell you I broke the man who seduced her?”
“Good. Then you know it all.” Gornt added with great dignity, “I just wanted to mention my three points.”
Bartlett felt a sudden warmth toward the other man. “I appreciate them.” He leaned forward to accept more wine. “Why don’t we leave it this way. Come Tuesday all debts and friendships are canceled and we start fresh. All of us.”
“Meanwhile, which side are you on?” Gornt asked, the front of his face a smile.
“For the raid, yours, one hundred percent!” Bartlett said at once. “For Par-Con’s probe into Asia? I’m in the middle. I wait for the winner. I lean toward you and I hope you’re the winner, but I’m waiting.”
“The two aren’t the same?”
“No. I set the ground rules of the raid way back. I said the raid was a onetime operation, a fool’s mate.” Bartlett smiled. “Sure, Quillan, I’m a hundred percent with you on the raid—didn’t I put up the 2 million with no chop, no paper, just a handshake?”
After a pause, Gornt said, “In Hong Kong, sometimes that’s more valuable. I haven’t the exact figures but on paper we’re between 24 and 30 million HK ahead.”
Bartlett raised his glass. “Hallelujah! But meanwhile how about the bank run? How will that affect us?”
Gornt frowned. “I don’t think it will. Our market’s very volatile but Blacs and the Vic are solid, unbreakable, the government has to support both of them. There’s a rumor the governor’ll declare Monday a bank holiday and close the banks for as long as needed—it’s just a matter of time before cash becomes available to stop the loss of confidence. Meanwhile, a lot will get burned and a lot of banks will go to the wall but that shouldn’t affect our plan.”
“When do you buy back in?”
“That depends on when you dump Struan’s.”
“How about noon Monday? That gives you plenty of time before closing for you and your secret nominees to buy after the news leaks and the shares go down some more.”
“Excellent. Chinese work on rumors, very much, so the market can swing from boom to bust or vice versa very easily. Noon is fine. You’ll do that in Taipei?”
“I’ll need a telex confirmation.”
“Casey’ll give it to you.”
“She knows? About the plan?”
“Yes. Now she does. How many shares do you need for control?”
“You should have that information.”
“That’s the only piece missing.”
“When we buy in we’ll have enough to give us at least three immediate seats on the board and Ian’s through. Once we’re on the board Struan’s is in our power, and then, very soon, I merge Struan’s with Rothwell-Gornt.”
“And you’re tai-pan of the Noble House.”
“Yes.” Gornt’s eyes glinted. He refilled the glasses. “Health!”
They drank, content with their deal. But in their secret hearts neither trusted the other, not even a little. Both were very glad they had contingency plans—if need be.
Grim-faced, the three men came out of Government House and got into Crosse’s car. Crosse drove. Sinders sat in the front, Rosemont in the back and both of them held on tightly to their still unread copies of the AMG files. The night was dark, the sky scudding and the traffic heavier than usual.
Rosemont, sitting in the back, said, “You think the guv’ll read the originals before he shreds them?”
“I would,” Sinders replied without turning to look at him.
“Sir Geoffrey’s much too clever to do that,” Crosse said. “He won’t shred the originals until your copy’s safely in the minister’s hands, just in case you don’t arrive. Even so he’s far too shrewd to read something that could be an embarrassment to Her Majesty’s plenipotentiary and therefore Her Majesty’s Government.”
Again there was a silence.
Then, unable to hold back anymore, Rosemont said coldly, “What about Metkin? Eh? Where was the foul-up, Rog?”
“Bombay. The aircraft had to have been sabotaged there, if it was sabotage.”
“For chrissake, Rog, gotta be. Of course someone was tipped. Where was the leak? Your goddamn mole again?” He waited but neither man answered him. “What about the Ivanov, Rog? You going to impound her and make a sudden search?”
“The governor checked with London and they thought it unwise to create an incident.”
“What the hell do those meatheads know?” Rosemont said angrily. “She’s a spy ship, for chrissake! Betcha fifty to a bent hatpin we’d get current code books, a look at the best surveillance gear in the USSR and five or six KGB experts. Huh?”
“Of course you’re right, Mr. Rosemont,” Sinders said thinly. “But we can’t, not without the necessary approval.”
“Let me and my guys d—”
“Absolutely not!” Irritably Sinders took out his cigarettes. The pack was empty. Crosse offered his.
“So you’re going to let ’em get away with it?”
“I’m going to invite the captain, Captain Suslev, to HQ tomorrow and ask him for an explanation,” Sinders said.
“I’d like to be party to that.”
“I’ll consider it.”
“You’ll have an official okay before 9:00 A.M.”
Sinders snapped, “Sorry, Mr. Rosemont, but if I wish I can override any directives from your brass while I’m here.”
“We’re allies for chrissake!”
Crosse said sharply, “Then why did you raid 32 Sinclair Towers, uninvited?”
Rosemont sighed and told them.
Thoughtfully Sinders glanced at Crosse, then back at Rosemont. “Who told you that it was an enemy safe house, Mr. Rosemont?”
“We’ve a wide network of informers here. It was part of a debriefing. I can’t tell you who but I’ll give you copies of the sets of fingerprints off the glass we got if you want them.”
Sinders said, “That would be very useful. Thank you.”
“That still doesn’t absolve you from a fatuous, unauthorized raid,” Crosse said coldly.
“I said I’m sorry, okay?” Rosemont flared and his chin jutted. “We all make mistakes. Like Philby, Burgess and Maclean! London’s so goddamn smart, eh? We’ve a hot tip you’ve a fourth guy—higher up, equally well placed and laughing at you.”
Crosse and Sinders were startled. They glanced at one another. Then Sinders craned around. “Who?”
“If I knew, he’d be jumped. Philby got away with so much of our stuff it cost us millions to regroup and recode.”
Sinders said, “Sorry about Philby. Yes, we all feel very bad about him.”
“We all make mistakes and the only sin’s failure, right? If I’d caught a couple of enemy agents last night you’d be cheering. So I failed. I said I’m sorry, okay? I’ll ask next time, okay?”
Crosse said, “You won’t but it would save us all a lot of grief if you did.”
“What have you heard about a fourth man?” Sinders asked, his face pale, the stubble of his beard making him appear even more soiled than he was.
“Last month we busted another Commie ring, Stateside. Shit, they’re like roaches. This cell was four people, two in New York, two in Washington. The guy in New York was Ivan Egorov, another officer in the UN Secretariat.” Rosemont added bitterly, “Jesus, why don’t our side wake up that the goddamn UN’s riddled with plants, and the best Soviet weapon since they stole our goddamn bomb! We caught Ivan Egorov and his wife Alessandra passing industrial espionage secrets, computers. The guys in Washington, both’d taken American names of real people who were dead: a Roman Catholic priest and a woman from Connecticut. The four bastards were tied in with a joker from the Soviet Embassy, an attaché who was their controller. We pounced on him trying to recruit one of our CIA guys to spy for them. Sure. But before we ordered him out of the States, we frightened him enough to blow the cover on the other four. One of them tipped us that Philby wasn’t kingpin, that there was a fourth man.”
Sinders coughed and lit another cigarette from the stub of the other. “What did he say. Exactly?”
“Only that Philby’s cell was four. The fourth’s the guy who inducted the others, the controller of the cell and the main link to the Soviets. Rumor was he’s up there. VVIP.”
“What sort? Political? Foreign Office? Gentry?”
Rosemont shrugged. “Just VVIP.”
Sinders stared at him, then went back into his shell. Crosse swung into Sinclair Road, and stopped at his own apartment to let Sinders off, then drove to the consulate that was near Government House. Rosemont got a copy of the fingerprints then guided Crosse to his office. The office was large and well stocked with liquor. “Scotch?”
“Vodka with a dash of Rose’s lime juice,” Crosse said, eyeing the AMG files that Rosemont had put carelessly on his desk.
“Health.” They touched glasses. Rosemont drank his Scotch deeply. “What’s on your mind, Rog? You’ve been like a cat on a hot tin roof all day.”
Crosse nodded at the files. “It’s them. I want that mole. I want Sevrin smashed.”
Rosemont frowned. “Okay,” he said after a pause, “let’s see what we got.”
He picked up the first file, put his feet on the desk and began reading. It took him barely a couple of minutes to finish, then he passed it over to Crosse who read equally fast. Quickly they went through the files one by one. Crosse closed the last page of the last one and handed it back. He lit a cigarette.
“Too much to comment on now,” Rosemont muttered absently.
Crosse caught an undercurrent in the American’s voice and wondered if he was being tested. “One thing jumps out,” he said, watching Rosemont. “These don’t compare in quality with the other one, the one we intercepted.”
Rosemont nodded. “I got that too, Rog. How do you figure it?”
“These seem flat. All sorts of questions are unanswered. Sevrin’s skirted, so’s the mole.” Crosse toyed with his vodka then finished it. “I’m disappointed.”
Rosemont broke the silence. “So either the one we got was unique and different, written differently, or these’re phonies or phonied up?”
Rosemont exhaled. “Which leads back to Ian Dunross. If these’re phony, he’s still got the real ones.”
“Either actually, or in his head.”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s supposed to have a photographic memory. He could have destroyed the real ones and prepared these, but still remember the others.”
“Ah, so he could be debriefed if he … if he’s cheated us.”
Crosse lit another cigarette. “Yes. If the powers-that-be decided it was necessary.” He looked up at Rosemont. “Of course, any such debriefing would be highly dangerous and would have to be ordered solely under the Official Secrets Act.”
Rosemont’s used face became even grimmer. “Should I take the ball and run?”
“No. First we have to be sure. That should be relatively easy.” Crosse glanced at the liquor cabinet. “May I?”
“Sure. I’ll take another shot of whiskey.”
Crosse handed him the refill. “I’ll make a deal with you: You really cooperate, completely, you don’t do anything without telling me in advance, no secrets, no jumping the gun …”
“In return for?”
Crosse smiled his thin smile and took out some photocopies. “How would you like to influence, perhaps even control, certain presidential hopefuls—perhaps even an election?”
“I don’t follow you.”
Crosse passed over the letters of Thomas K. K. Lim that Armstrong and his team had acquired in the raid on Bucktooth Lo two days before. “It seems that certain very rich, very well-connected U.S. families are in league with certain U.S. generals to build several large but unnecessary airfields in Vietnam, for personal gain. This documents the how, when and who.” Crosse told him where and how the papers had been found and added, “Isn’t Senator Wilf Tillman, the one that’s here now, a presidential hopeful? I imagine he’d make you head of the CIA for these goodies—if you wanted to give them to him. These two’re even juicier.” Crosse put them on the desk. “These document how certain rather well-connected politicians and the same well-connected families have got congressional approval to channel millions into a totally fraudulent aid program in Vietnam. 8 millions have already been paid over.”
Rosemont read the letters. His face went chalky. He picked up the phone. “Get me Ed Langan.” He waited a moment, then his face went suddenly purple. “I don’t give a goddamn!” he rasped. “Get off your goddamn butt and get Ed here right now.” He slammed the phone back onto its hook, cursing obscenely, opened his desk, found a bottle of antacid pills and took three. “I’ll never make fifty at this rate,” he muttered. “Rog, this joker, Thomas K. K. Lim, can we have him?”
“If you can find him, be my guest. He’s somewhere in South America.” Crosse put down another paper. “This’s Anti-Corruption’s confidential report. You shouldn’t have any trouble tracking him.”
Rosemont read it. “Jesus.” After a pause he said, “Can we keep this between us? It’s liable to blow the roof off a couple of our national monuments.”
“Of course. We have a deal? Nothing hidden on either side?”
“Okay.” Rosemont went to the safe and unlocked it. “One good turn deserves another.” He found the file he was looking for, took out some papers, put the file back and relocked the safe. “Here, these’re photocopies. You can have ’em.”
The photocopies were headed “Freedom Fighter” dated this month and last month. Crosse went through them quickly and whistled from time to time. They were espionage reports, their quality excellent. All the items dealt with Canton, happenings in and around that vital capital city of Kwantung Province: troop movements, promotions, appointments to the local presidiums and Communist Party, floods, food shortages, the military, numbers and types of East German and Czechoslovak goods available in the stores. “Where’d you get these?” he asked.
“We’ve a cell operating in Canton. This’s one of their reports, we get them monthly. Shall I give you a copy?”
“Yes. Yes thank you. I’ll check it out through our sources for accuracy.”
“They’re accurate, Rog. Of course top secret, yes? I don’t want my guys blown like Fong-fong. We’ll keep this between you’n me, okay?”
“All right.”
The American got up and put out his hand. “And Rog, I’m sorry about the raid.”
“Good. As to this joker, Lim, we’ll find him.” Rosemont stretched wearily then went and poured himself another drink. “Rog?”
“No thanks, I’ll be off,” Crosse said.
Rosemont stabbed a blunt finger at the letters. “About those, thanks. Yeah, thanks but…” He stopped a moment, near tears of rage. “Sometimes I’m so sick to my stomach what our own guys’ll do for goddamn dough even if it’s a goddamn pile of goddamn gold I’d like to die. You know what I mean?”
“Oh yes!” Crosse kept his voice kind and gentle but he was thinking, How naive you are, Stanley!
In a moment he left and went to police HQ and checked out the fingerprints in his private files, then got back into his car and headed haphazardly toward West Point. When he was sure that he was not being followed, he stopped at the next phone booth and dialed. In a moment the phone was picked up at the other end. No answer, just breathing. At once Crosse coughed Arthur’s dry hacking cough and spoke in a perfect imitation of Arthur’s voice. “Mr. Lop-sing please.”
“There’s no Mr. Lop-ting here. Sorry, you have a wrong number.”
Contentedly Crosse recognized Suslev. “I want to leave a message,” he said continuing the code in the same voice that both he and Jason Plumm used on the telephone, both of them finding it very useful to be able to pretend to be Arthur whenever necessary, thus further covering each other and their real identities.
When the code was complete, Suslev said, “And?”
Crosse smiled thinly, glad to be able to dupe Suslev. “I’ve read the material. So has Our Friend.” Our friend was Arthur’s code name for himself, Roger Crosse.
“Ah! And?”
“And we both agree it’s excellent.” Excellent was a code word meaning counterfeit or false information.
A long pause. “So?”
“Can our friend contact you, Saturday at four?” Can Roger Crosse contact you tonight at 10:00 P.M. at safe phones?
“Yes. Thank you for calling.” Yes. Message understood.
Crosse replaced the receiver.
He took out another coin and dialed again.
“Hello, Jason, this’s Roger Crosse,” he said affably.
“Oh hello, Superintendent, this’s a pleasant surprise,” Plumm replied. “Is our bridge game still on for tomorrow?” Did you make the intercept of the AMG files?
“Yes,” Crosse said, then added casually, “But instead of six could we make it eight?” Yes, but we’re safe, no names were mentioned.
There was a great sigh of relief. Then Plumm said, “Shall I tell the others?” Do we meet tonight as arranged?
“No, no need to disturb them tonight, we can do that tomorrow.” No. We’ll meet tomorrow.
“Fine. Thank you for calling.”
Crosse went back down the crowded street. Very pleased with himself, he got into his car and lit a cigarette. I wonder what Suslev—or his bosses—would think if they knew I was the real Arthur, not Jason Plumm. Secrets within secrets within secrets and Jason the only one who knows who Arthur really is!
He chuckled.
The KGB would be furious. They don’t like secrets they’re not party to. And they’d be even more furious if they knew it was I who inducted Plumm and formed Sevrin, not the other way around.
It had been easy to arrange. When Crosse was in Military Intelligence in Germany at the tail end of the war, information was whispered to him privately that Plumm, a signals expert, was operating a clandestine transmitter for the Soviets. Within a month he had got to know Plumm and had established the truth of this but almost immediately the war had ended. So he had docketed the information for future use—to barter with, or against a time he might want to switch sides. In espionage you never know when you’re being set up, or betrayed, or being sold for something or someone more valuable. You always need secrets to barter with, the more important the secrets the safer you are, because you never know when you or an underling or overling will make the mistake that leaves you as naked and as helpless as a spiked butterfly. Like Voranski. Like Metkin. Like Dunross with his phony files. Like Rosemont with his naive idealism. Like Gregor Suslev, his fingerprints from the glass now on record with the CIA and so in a trap of my own choosing.
Crosse laughed aloud. He let in the clutch, easing out into the traffic. Switching sides and playing them all off against each other makes life exciting, he told himself. Yes, secrets really do make life very exciting indeed.