Dramatis Personae
Tycho, a seventeen-year-old boy with strange hungers
The Millioni
Marco IV, known as Marco the Simpleton, Duke of Venice and Prince of Serenissima
Lady Giulietta di Millioni, the fifteen-year-old cousin of Marco IV
Duchess Alexa, the late duke’s widow, mother to Marco IV, sister-in-law of Prince Alonzo
Prince Alonzo, Regent of Venice
Lady Eleanor, Giulietta’s cousin and lady-in-waiting
Marco III, known as Marco the Just. The late lamented Duke of Venice, elder brother of Alonzo and godfather of Lady Giulietta
Members of the Venetian court
Atilo il Mauros, ex-Lord Admiral of the Middle Sea, adviser to the late Marco III, and head of Venice’s secret assassins
Lord Bribanzo, member of the Council of Ten, the inner council that rules Venice under the duke. One of the richest men in the city
Sir Richard Glanville, Cypriot envoy to Venice and knight of the Order of White Crucifers
Prince Leopold zum Bas Friedland, the German emperor’s bastard. Secret leader of the Wolf Brothers
Patriarch Theodore, Archbishop of Venice and friend of Atilo il Mauros
Dr. Hightown Crow, alchemist, astrologer and anatomist to the duke
A’rial, the Duchess Alexa’s stregoi (her pet witch)
Atilo’s household
Iacopo, Atilo’s servant and member of the Assassini
Amelia, a Nubian slave and member of the Assassini
The Customs Office
Roderigo, Captain of the Dogana, penniless since he refuses to take bribes
Temujin, his half-Mongol sergeant
Street Thieves
Josh, fifteen-year-old gang leader
Rosalyn, his thirteen-year-old companion
Pietro, Rosalyn’s young brother