Meet me in the gym after school
Weird. I find the note crammed up into the
vent of my locker after last class Wednesday, the beginning of a
four-day weekend. Bruce doesn’t write notes. He texts, like
everyone else. So I text him asking him what’s up with the note,
but I get nothing back. The note means he’s still scheming and he
thinks I’ll help, but he’s wrong. I’m done provoking the monsters.
Now I’ve got to stop him before he gets us targeted by the whole
football team.
Wednesday’s our last day of school because of
teacher conferences the rest of the week. Teacher union rules
forbid sports practices or extracurricular activities of any kind
that need to be coached or supervised for the rest of the week—with
the one exception being the varsity football game Friday. That
means no gymnastics practice, no football practice, no theater
rehearsal, no cross-country running. Nothing.
At the promise of four days off, students go nuts.
Five minutes after last bell the halls transform into a sea of
crumpled notebooks, old tests, torn folders, wadded-up paper
towels, and anything else that can be dumped out of a locker like
it’s Oregrove’s very own ticker-tape parade. Girls cluster in
groups and squeal for no reason whatsoever. Cigarette smoke drifts
out from a bathroom. Guys lay traps for littler guys, pushing us
around in a fit of jailbreak fever. I keep to the side of the
hallway, surfing the walls, preparing for random shoves with one
arm extended as a bumper. Rondo Holmes, the football team’s blimpy
ballsnapper, sideswipes me. A locker dial bites into my hip bone
and Rondo chuckles but otherwise lets me pass without incident. I
make it to Bruce’s locker, hoping to catch him there and avoid
going down to the gym. I don’t like going there alone anymore, can
barely stand it during regular practice with the whole team there.
I text Bruce again while waiting at his locker, trying to blend
into the background as much as possible to avoid extra smacks,
shoves, and squishes. After ten minutes I still get no reply and
he’s not showing.
Crap! I’ve got to go down there, keep him from
doing something really stupid.
“Watch it, fat ass!”
I recognize the voice before I even look up from my
phone. It’s that supertough goth girl, Tina, who saved me from
Jankowski in the hallways. She’s at it again. This time she’s
turning hellcat on Rondo Holmes. Unlike Jankowski, Rondo just looks
cowed by the girl.
“You know who runs that Jumbotron, Blubber Boy?”
she spits. “Me! I can put your plumber’s crack up on the big screen
next game, freeze-frame it for the entire halftime show. That will
really win over the ladies.”
Rondo drops his head and one of his teammates,
Pullman, starts laughing. Rondo shoves Pullman and moves off down
the hall, trying to get away from Tina.
“Keep waddling!” she shouts after him. In the
crowded hallway, the ones paying attention are laughing. I can’t
help myself. As she passes I speak.
“That was great!” I tell her. Tina’s head flicks at
me, eyes narrowed, mouth pouty as if readying to fend off another
attack. She sees it’s only me and her face softens.
“He deserved it,” she says. “Blubber Boy shoved my
friend into the wall.” Then she smiles. She’s got a nice
“You’re good at that,” I say. “Sticking up for
people. I . . . uh . . . never thanked you for that time in the
hall with Jankowski.”
“Yeah.” She nods at me. “I remember thinking you
were a total jellyfish after that.”
Seeing my reaction, Tina puts her hand up to her
mouth. “But then I saw you that night at the gymnastics meet,” she
races on. “You were flying through the air, doing totally crazy
tricks. Better than any martial artist I’ve ever seen on TV. So if
you can do all that stuff, how come you can’t stick up for
“I . . . uh . . . I don’t know. It’s not the
“Of course it is,” she says, then totally switches
gears. “I’m sorry about your teammate. I saw you at the funeral,
but didn’t get a chance to talk.”
“Um, it’s fine,” I say. “I mean, it’s not fine. I
mean it’s okay that we didn’t talk.”
“I saw you there with Kurt,” she says. “He was at
your meet, too. You guys pretty good friends?” she asks.
“Yeah,” I say, unsure if Kurt would say the same.
“He hangs out with me and Bruce and—”
Bruce! Down in the gym! Planning something
really stupid as we speak!
“Bruce is waiting for me downstairs,” I say. “Gotta
“Okay, see ya, Danny.”
She knows my name? Cool.
Downstairs, the main locker room is empty. So is
our team room. No sign of Bruce, so he must already be in the gym,
drawing up revenge plans or pacing the vaulting runway, impatiently
waiting for me, his plucky sidekick, to begin our next
The door to the gymnasium is closed, but I see
light seeping under the crack, so someone’s in there and has fired
up the halogen lamps. Out of nervous habit, I check my phone for a
text. Nothing. Doesn’t make sense. I think, just as I push open the
door, that it’s strange I don’t hear any music. Ever since the
attack, Bruce habitually turns on the team’s portable stereo soon
as he enters the gym, especially if he’s in there alone. Phone in
hand, I walk inside, about to shout out his name while texting him
at the same time.
My mouth stops.
Across the gym Tom Jankowski squats on a squirming
body while Scott Miller stands above them with his arms crossed. It
takes another half second to realize it’s Bruce that Tom’s sitting
on, crushing him with his weight.
This time I don’t freeze.
This time they won’t get away with it. I’ll scream
bloody murder at the top of my lungs and race out of the gym to get
help, get whatever teacher, janitor, or parent remains in the
building—even if that means Mrs. Doyle, the old school secretary. I
don’t care if they call me crybaby or scaredy-cat. Name-calling
can’t touch the terror pissing through me. I can scamper faster
than either Tom or Scott and they’re across the gym with Bruce. I
have a good head start. I’ll be upstairs and have someone back down
here in less than a minute. That’s all Bruce has to survive
Run! my brain screams, spinning me around,
preparing me to leap in a single bound the three steps I’d walked
into the gym before spotting the ambush. I’ll pull open the door,
fly through the locker room and out toward safety ...
. . . except a body stands just to the side of—and
now in front of—the door. A big body. A big, mean body with an ugly
He’s there, waiting for me, waiting to spring the
trap and cut off my escape. Studblatz reaches for my wrist but I
yank my arm away and spin from the exit, head into the gym, buying
precious seconds. Phone’s open and I’m pressing buttons, initiating
a final SOS before I’m overrun. No time now. Press send before
Studblatz catches me and wrenches down on my arm, breaking my grip
on the phone. As Studblatz yanks me toward him, smushing my face
into the sour cotton of his sweatshirt, all I can do is pray the
Bat Signal’s been sent.
“We’ve been waiting for you, dickweed,” Studblatz
hisses. A thick arm locks around my head, flattening my nose into
his side and rubbing fiber into my eyelids. Blinded, I make my free
hand into a fist and flail at him. Might as well be swatting at
sandbags. Studblatz laughs at the punches. He releases my head long
enough to snatch my flailing wrist out of the air then pin both my
arms against my body. I yank back frantically but his grip’s too
strong. My fright amuses him. Plus something more, something I
recognize from the attack on Ronnie. Studblatz is excited. The way
his eyes gleam should spur me to fight even harder, scream out,
start kicking or scratching—anything! But his excitement, with its
unspoken promise to enjoy my hurt, get off on my pain, petrifies
me. The more I struggle and beg, the more his eyes light up. That’s
when my limbs start freezing in terror. Just like last time.