Monday practice starts with game film in
the team room. I scratch myself while Coach plays, rewinds,
freezes, and replays video of last Friday’s game. While he talks,
my eyes wander around the half-lit room. Judging from the looks of
things, the other guys find game film about as interesting as
studying the industrial revolution. Scott, though, peers intently
at the TV monitor while scribbling in his notebook, bobbing his
head along with Coach’s game breakdown. I fan myself with a sheaf
of plays I’m trying to memorize, flipping through them flash-card
style, thinking: If I put half as much effort into my vocabulary
cards for Spanish, I’d be fluent by now.
The TV screen goes black, the video finishes. The
room lights flicker back on, causing a stir of bodies trying to
wake up.
“Men, let’s see if we can fix some of those errors
I pointed out here,” Coach Brigs says. “Hope you were paying real
good attention.”
“Drills, drills, drills,” Coach goes on, standing
in front of the TV, arms crossed in front of his chest, whistle
around his neck, and folded papers stuffed down the front waistband
of his shorts. “Practice makes perfect,” he says to the room. “Out
on the field in twenty minutes. Stragglers will be running laps.
Afterward we’ll hit the weights. Hard!”
Scott is still taking notes. I’m impressed.
“Move!” Coach snaps.
I get up first. Walking past Scott, I glance down
at his notebook, expecting to see scores of X’s and O’s forming
play diagrams and maybe some key concepts underlined with bullet
points and notes in the margins. Instead, I see a sketch, a
cartoon. Naked ladies climbing up and sliding down nine block
letters spelling out “THIS SUCKS!” In one corner of the page, there
is a mushroom cloud going off. In another corner, a spaceship
shoots lasers and a stick soldier is machine-gunning air and a
skull has a knife handle sticking out of its eye socket. Scott
keeps the page tipped so Coach can’t see it.
Twenty-five minutes later, Assistant Coach Stein
is doing his best to drown out the team’s lingering Monday blahs on
the field. “Bust a hump! Bust a hump! Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!”
Coach Stein shouts.
Except for Studblatz and Jankowski, the slouching
line of yawning guys waiting for drill instructions stands like
dozing heifers. Studblatz and Jankowski, though, they’re more like
werewolves patrolling the chalk lines, itching for any opportunity
to rip apart one of the lessers. Studblatz never stops clanking
helmets with whoever’s nearby and pushing guys around like he’s
getting paid to herd them.
On the far sideline, older men—players’
fathers—gather together and stand like coaches themselves. Some
smoke, some chew tobacco, some chew sunflower seeds, others chew
gum. Some hold cans of beer in little paper bags; others drink
half-liter bottles of sports drinks like they’re exercising right
alongside us. They all seem to watch practice with faces full of
worry and disappointment. Scott’s father stands among them, a
rolled-up newspaper in his hand, slapping it into the palm of his
other hand like a billy club. Coach Brigs, I notice, never
acknowledges the group of fathers. A squad car is parked nearby on
the grass. Terrence tells me the squad car belongs to Jankowski’s
dad, a cop. Guess he makes his own rules about where it’s legal to
Scott, hands on his hips, face mask swinging back
and forth in an exaggerated “no,” keeps cussing under his breath,
as if the sight of turf and sun irritates him. His golden boy
routine faded right after we finished reviewing game film. He
must’ve continued drinking from Saturday’s party straight through
most of Sunday because his sweat smells like a brewery and he
started dry-heaving on his way out onto the field. Still, he’s got
it easy since he gets to wear the red vest over his practice
jersey. Only player that gets one. The red vest means don’t hit or
tackle him in drills or scrimmage no matter what because a
quarterback is too valuable to ever risk injuring in practice. He’s
“I know you fellas don’t need reminding that we’ve
got homecoming this Friday,” Coach Brigs speechifies. “God help you
boys if we don’t destroy the Millfield Bucks.” Outside on the
field, Coach Brigs communicates mostly through shouting that causes
the veins running along his neck to bulge thick as night crawlers.
“You understand what I’m saying, soldiers? I’m not concerned with
losing because that is so unthinkable I cannot even tolerate
thinking about it. No, I’m talking about not winning by enough.
It’s our homecoming. It’s our house! You understand?
I want to send a message to the entire division: You come to the
Knights’ field and you should be thankful if you walk out under
your own power.”
A grunt of agreement off to my left. It’s Jankowski
practically vibrating with Coach’s words. He beats his chest with
his fists like Tarzan. I’m not kidding. He actually beats his chest
and he’s not trying to be funny.
“That’s what I’m talking about, boys.” Coach slaps
his clipboard, then points at Jankowski. “Tommy, you hear me loud
and clear, don’t you, son?”
“Yes, sir!” Jankowski bellows back.
“Good boy.”
On the side of the field, the fathers offer no
reaction to Coach Brigs’s pep talk. Some of them cross their arms
over their chests or adjust the bills of their baseball caps. Some
spit because the chewing tobacco wedged into their bottom lip
forces them to drain thick brown streams into the surrounding
grass. Others spit because watching their own sons play seems to
pain them with frustration even though they cannot look away from
us, like viewing a bad car accident. I don’t think Scott’s dad
chews tobacco.
Halfway through scrimmage, Coach Brigs blows his
whistle like he’s trying to pop it, then Frisbees his clipboard
inches above our helmets. Leaves of paper flutter down on the team
while the clipboard sails out to the twenty-yard line.
“No. No. No. No. Noooo!” Coach
shouts, whipping off his ball cap and slapping it against his leg.
He looks back up at us and the sight still pisses him off.
“Goddammit, no!” he repeats. “What kind of pansy camp do you think
I’m running here?”
We don’t answer.
“Scott, so help me,” Coach gripes, “you line up
that slow under center again and I will sit you down, son, you
understand?” The gate of Scott’s face mask dips, telling Coach he
“Studblatz, whatsa matter with you?” Coach taunts.
“My niece tackles harder than that. If you want, I can get you a
set of pom-poms and let you try out for the cheerleading
The image of Studblatz in a skirt and pom-poms
makes me laugh out loud.
“You think that’s funny, Brodsky?” Coach stares at
me for what feels like a full minute.
“No, sir,” I say, shaking my helmet.
Coach wipes his mouth with the back of his hand,
runs his fingers through sweat-matted hair, then yanks the ball cap
back onto his head.
“Men, this isn’t a joke,” he says. “We face a
serious attack on our good name this Friday. Our community is
coming out to support us. Your families will be there to cheer you
on, and if the best you can do is some half-assed job, then walk
out right now. I don’t have time for this.” Coach slowly turns a
full three hundred and sixty degrees until his eyes hit all of us.
“Homecoming, men, is not some silly game. It is what glues our
community together. It’s what gives your little brothers and
nephews—and, one day, sons—hope. It’s what comforts your mothers,
sisters, and girlfriends with the knowledge they are safe because
they are in the capable hands of young men who aren’t afraid to
enter a battlefield, go head-to-head with the enemy, and come out
victorious. If you think this is anything less than the defense of
all that is good and decent in this world, then go home. I don’t
need you. If you believe in what I’m preaching and want to enter a
righteous war by my side, then take your dresses off, strap up, and
start hustling.”
More fathers gather along the sideline as they come
from work, watching us with grave concern. They never stray from a
ten-yard area, on the opposite side of the field, by the visitor
After scrimmage, I ask Terrence why they never come
“They’re not allowed,” Terrence answers quietly,
way quieter than he normally talks, which is always loud and
laughing. He glances around to makes sure others aren’t that close.
“Last year there was an ... altercation,” he says, making
quotes around the word with his fingers. “Now there’s a court order
preventing parents from coming onto the field during practice
beyond that point at the visitors’ bleachers.”
“An altercation?”
“Yeah.” Terrence nods. “One of the dads was pissed
off his boy wasn’t in the starting lineup, so at the next practice,
he punched out Coach Stein.”
“Lucky thing Juh-Jankowski’s dad’s a cuh-cop,” I
say. “Coach Buh-Brigs must be glad he’s here.”
Terrence snickers. “Not exactly,” he says. “It was
Tom’s dad that punched Coach Stein. He parks his squad car out here
to let everyone know he’s still keeping an eye on things, court
order or not.”
“Juh-Jankowski didn’t start last year?” I ask,
“No way, dude. Tom was way smaller last year,
before he started taking supplements.” Terrence makes air
quotes again. “He’s beefed up a lot since then.”
“You mean Cuh-Coach’s suh-supplements.”
“Yeah, his special vitamins.” Terrence
exaggerates the words sarcastically, then his helmet swivels,
checking that no one is close enough to hear us.
“Good vitamins,” I say from under my helmet.
Terrence rolls his eyes at me and moves in close enough that our
shoulder pads clack together. “ ’Roids, dude,” Terrence whispers.
“These boys don’t play. They shoot the shit now. Get it from Coach
“You tuh-tuh-take them?” I ask, curious.
“Are you kidding?” Terrence asks, grabbing at his
crotch. “And have my balls shrivel into raisins? Fuck no. I want
the rushing title more than anybody but I don’t play around when it
comes to my dick. I keep it covered when I stick and I don’t take
nothing that makes it sag like a wind sock.” He starts laughing
again. “I got a reputation to keep up with the ladies.”
“Shuh-sure you do,” I say, giving Terrence a
friendly shove. But I’m wondering just how much bigger I could get,
how much safer I could make my world, if I took Coach’s
supplements. By the time we enter the locker room, it’s all I’m
thinking about.