Guys, you may think you’re alone out there,
but you’re not,” Coach Nelson says from twenty feet up the rock
climbing wall. It’s on the north side of the gymnasium and Coach
Nelson built it before I attended school here. He basically drilled
and bolted hundreds of pieces of rock chunks to the brick wall to
create foot- and handholds to simulate a cliff face for climbing
practice. It goes all the way up to the rafters, thirty-five feet
high. He offers a class in the summer to all students, but because
we gymnasts have the inside connection and we’re naturally good at
climbing, he lets us climb the wall for fun a few times during the
season and then takes us on a camping trip for real climbing in
“They say gymnastics and rock climbing are
individual sports but I don’t believe that for a second,” Coach
Nelson continues. He’s dangling by one foothold and one handhold,
letting the other side of his body swivel out into space while he
looks down at us. “No man is an island,” he says. “Do you know who
wrote that?” he asks. While we chew on the question, Coach Nelson
turns back to the wall and expertly scurries over and up another
four feet. The harness clipped around his waist and thighs connects
to two ropes that ripple as he moves. The ropes go up into the
rafters through bolted pulleys and drop down to the floor, where
Bruce is holding them. Bruce tracks Coach Nelson’s ascent with a
lifeguard’s watchfulness.
Coach Nelson now dangles from only one small rock
handhold, his Popeye forearm flexing as three fingers form a claw
attaching him to the wall. He swings a leg and catches a small rock
chunk with his toe, then holds the position like he’s been
spattered by a giant flyswatter.
“It’s tempting to pretend you don’t need anyone
else, that your work and your score are yours alone,” Coach calls
down to us. “You pretend if you do poorly, you only hurt yourself,
and if you do well, the glory is all yours.” Coach Nelson grapples
with a few smaller chunks bolted into the wall, then reaches with
an outstretched hand for a piece of round stone that is beyond his
splayed fingertips. No way is he going to grab it—and then somehow
he does and pulls himself another two feet higher. He’s almost at
the top now. “But glory is no fun if, when you look around, you
have no one to share it with,” he calls down to us. “Make no
mistake, gymnastics is a team sport. We count on each other in this
gym: to spot each other on tricks, to offer advice and guidance on
better technique, to push each other to do an extra strength set,
to lead by example. The judges count the three best scores, not
just your score. Remember that.”
I glance around at my teammates and every set of
eyes follows Coach Nelson as he makes his way upward. Some guys sit
on the thick vaulting mats, some stand, some work on their
hamstrings and straddle stretch, but all faces tilt up to watch
Coach Nelson’s progress. Since everyone but Ronnie and Pete—the two
freshmen—have attempted the wall climb, we know how impossible it
is to do what Coach Nelson makes look so easy. Only Bruce has made
it all the way since I’ve been on the team.
A small bell jingles.
“Most importantly,” Coach Nelson calls down from
the top of the wall, where his outstretched hand flicks the dinner
bell attached to the rafter—good for a free KFC meal with Coach if
any of us can repeat the performance—“you need your teammates to be
around when you need help because just when you think you’ve
conquered the world all by yourself, something comes along and
sweeps you right down to the bottom . . .waahhh . . . oh . .
Coach Nelson begins waving his free hand
theatrically and then slips from the wall. He plummets eight feet
before the ropes on his harness snap taut. The pulleys squeak, and
at the other end, Bruce’s arms flex as the momentum of the winding
ropes lifts his anchoring body four feet up in the air. Gradley
reaches over to help stop the rope and pull Bruce back down to the
“Good catch, boys,” Coach Nelson calls down,
seeming to enjoy hovering in the air in the harness. Paul Kim
reaches for the rope after the fact and Bruce, Paul, and Gradley
slowly play the rope out through their hands, lowering Coach Nelson
to the ground. When his feet touch, he unclips the harness. He
claps his hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “Thanks again.”
Bruce nods, looking like he just aced a test.
“If your captain can catch your coach, he’ll damn
well catch you,” Coach Nelson says. “The old cliché is true. There
is no ‘I’ in ‘team.’ You see a teammate needing help, you help him.
You see a teammate goofing off—in the gym, in class, outside of
school at a party where he might get hurt or hurt others—it’s your
responsibility to step up and help him.” Coach Nelson cracks a grin
at Fisher. “And, no, Fish, that doesn’t mean help him drink
“Aw, Uncle Jesus.”
“When old guys like me tell you backup’s coming and
they’re on the way, that the cavalry is coming, they’re lying,”
Coach Nelson continues. “No one’s going to help you but you and
your teammates. So, look around you. This is it. You guys rely on
each other. This is your unit. This is what you have and that’s
more than most get, so consider yourselves lucky.”
We look at each other, our eyes meeting, and I feel
close to my teammates. They may not be gunning for a scholarship
like I am, and maybe they don’t and won’t train as hard as I do,
but they respect this sport and they respect me when I’m up on the
bars. They want me to get good scores like I want them to get good
“First two weeks of freshman season is, mentally,
tough as it gets,” Coach Nelson says. “You don’t know anyone and
you realize what we do in here is hard.” We all start
laughing. “Now that we’re past the two-week mark and you haven’t
quit, I want to officially welcome this year’s freshmen Pete Delray
and Ronnie Gunderson to the team. Keep up the good work.”
Coach Nelson walks over to a bag and pulls out two
faded, really faded, cotton T-shirts old as dirt. They’ve been
washed and worn so many times, the fabric is like tissue paper and
the original silk screen is barely legible. FRESHMAN CAPTAIN IN
TRAINING, the shirts read if you look close enough. Coach Nelson
hands the shirts to Pete and Ronnie. Pete looks confused but Ronnie
looks like if you squeezed him, soap bubbles would come out of his
open mouth because he’s so astonished he’s getting the shirt. I
can’t help but smile watching Ronnie. It’s how I felt last year
when Coach Nelson handed me and Paul Kim the same shirts. We
returned them (laundered) at the end of the season. I wore mine a
lot. I mean, a lot. Way more than Paul did. Judging from
Ronnie’s face, he’ll be wearing it every other practice. Coach’s
speech while he climbed the wall I didn’t mind hearing again,