“you what?” brea laid her coffee cup down on the kitchen table before she dropped it.
“I fired Gage,” Jolene said, so matter-of-fact about the whole thing Brea couldn’t believe she’d even said it.
“How could you do that? Why?”
Brea sat with Jolene and Valerie at the kitchen table having breakfast, three days after Gage had told her it was over between them. She’d tried to keep it to herself, but she’d finally confided in her sisters, which had obviously been a colossal mistake.
“Because he hurt my sister, and that’s just not allowed.” Jolene scooped up a forkful of eggs and waved them at Brea. “Besides, I thought you’d be relieved that he’s gone. Now you don’t have to walk around here on eggshells afraid that you’ll run into him. He’s a bastard, and now he’s gone.”
Brea shoved back her chair, so furious her entire body was flushed with heat. “You had no right to do that! What happened between Gage and me was personal.”
Nonplussed, Jolene continued to chew while she regarded Brea. “I had every right to do it. He worked for me and I didn’t appreciate what he did to you.”
“Last time I looked, all three of us owned this ranch equally. You don’t get to make independent decisions,” Brea argued.
“Last time I looked, you weren’t the least bit interested in ranch business, and you stated clearly your intent to head back to Tulsa.”
“I’ve changed my mind. I want my third. And my first decision is going to be to hire Gage back. Now, where is he?”
“Really?” Valerie grinned. “You’re staying?”
“We’ll talk about that later,” Brea said, turning to Jolene. “Where is he?”
Jolene shrugged. “Hell if I know. I fired him last night, and he packed and left right away.”
Brea fell into her chair, her chest aching. “Did he say anything about where he was going?”
“Goddammit, Jolene. I will never forgive you for this.” Brea pushed away from the table with her plate half-full and headed to the sink. After wiping her plate clean and loading it in the dishwasher, she turned to Valerie. “And why aren’t you weighing in on this?”
Valerie raised her hands. “I want no part of this squabble. This is between you and Jo.”
“Wuss,” Jolene said with a mouthful of food.
“You got that right,” Valerie agreed, then glanced up at the clock. “I’ve got patients coming in soon, so I’ll let you two fight it out.” She cleared her plate, then stepped in front of Brea, putting her hands on Brea’s arms. “If you love this guy, if your feelings for him are true, then don’t let anything—or anyone—stand in your way.”
“I heard that,” Jolene said.
“You own this ranch as much as Jo does. Fight for what you want,” Valerie said.
Brea nodded. “I intend to.”
“So, you love him?” Jolene asked, pivoting around in her chair to face Brea.
“Yes. I think so. I don’t know. We didn’t really have a chance to find out, since you fired him,” she said, accentuating the last three words.
Jolene shrugged. “I thought he hurt you. I was trying to help.”
Brea blew out a sigh. “I know. Thank you for that, but I really can take care of myself.”
“Did you mean it when you said you’d stay?”
Brea rubbed her finger over an eyebrow. “I don’t know. Maybe. It sounded right when I said it. Being here has felt . . . good.” She smiled down at Jolene. “So we’ll see.”
Jo’s lips quirked. “The cowboy make you feel that way?”
“Then go rope his sexy ass and bring him back. And then we’ll see if I feel like hiring him back or not.”
brea was out of breath by the time she’d searched every merchant in town asking around about Gage. Disappointment had washed over her when her first queries turned up nothing. No one had seen him. But on her last stop, at the motel on the outskirts of town, she found out from Amanda, one of the girls she’d gone to high school with, that Gage had stayed there last night. Amanda had put Gage in touch with one of the nearby ranches that was looking to hire on some hands for the coming year, and she said Gage was going to head out there today and look into the job.
Brea thanked Amanda and drove the thirty miles to the Knotty Oak ranch, where she wound down the long gravel drive until she saw the great three-story house at the end of a circular drive. The Knotty Oak was a huge horse ranch. Gage would probably love it here.
She mustered up her courage and went to the front door and knocked. The door was opened by one of the Davidson teenagers, a young girl who went in search of her mother, Rhonda.
Rhonda came to the door smiling. “Hi, Brea. I’m so sorry Heather didn’t let you in. Teenagers have no manners.”
Brea laughed. “It’s no problem. I’m intruding and I know you must be busy.”
“Not at all.”
They exchanged pleasantries and ranch conversation, and Brea knew she’d have to bring up the reason for her visit. “I was wondering if you had any new hands come on today.”
“You mean Gage Reilly from your ranch?” Rhonda asked with an amused smile on her face.
“Uh, yes. How did you know?”
“He was here early this morning to talk to Carl. He’s got amazing experience as a trainer and Carl wanted to hire him on the spot, but then Gage changed his mind.”
Brea’s breath caught. “He did?”
Rhonda nodded. “Said he had some unfinished business at the Bar M, apologized for taking up our time and left.”
Brea’s heart leapt into her throat. “Unfinished business?”
The corners of Rhonda’s mouth crinkled. “Yes. Something about a woman.”
“Oh. Oh! Um, thank you.” She hugged Rhonda and practically ran back to her SUV, climbed in and tore down the driveway to the main road, her heart pounding the entire way back to the ranch.
Something about a woman. Unfinished business.
By the time she arrived back at the Bar M, she was a nervous wreck, not knowing what she would say to Gage when she saw him, or if he’d even be there. It could be he’d just changed his mind about the job at the Knotty Oak and made something up. But he wouldn’t tell them it was about a woman, would he?
She’d been honest with Gage that night in the parking lot at the bar, though probably not as honest as she could have been, because she was in shock. He’d hit her with his casual brush-off unexpectedly; though he’d told her he didn’t get involved and never planned to stay on the ranch, she hadn’t been ready for the end just yet. Not when things between them had been going so well.
Maybe that’s why she’d blurted out what she had about the two of them being so good together, and why she’d called him a coward. Because it had been honest. He was running away from something that had potential, and she didn’t care if that wasn’t his style. She’d spent her entire life hiding, so she knew what the hell she was talking about.
She pulled up the drive and saw Gage and Jolene standing together in the front yard, facing each other. Jolene had her hands on her hips and Gage’s arms were crossed.
Valerie was sitting on the front porch, watching both of them.
Uh oh. Standoff. That didn’t look good.
She parked and got out of the SUV, trying to act nonchalant, though her palms were so sweaty she was afraid her keys would slide right out of her hands.
Gage looked over at her and couldn’t quite meet her eyes.
“What’s going on?” she asked as she came to a stop in front of them.
Jolene pointed. “He’s what’s going on. He has the nerve to tell me he’s not going to accept being fired by just one of the owners of the Bar M, as if what I have to say means nothing.”
Brea’s gaze shot to Valerie, who just smiled but said nothing, so she turned to Gage. “Is that right?”
“That’s right. She fired me because I’m sleeping with you, not because there was anything wrong with my horse training.” Gage turned to Jolene. “Isn’t that right?”
Jolene shrugged. “Doesn’t matter why I fired you. I run this ranch and whoever gets their ass booted from it stays that way.”
“Not necessarily.”
They both turned to Brea.
“Excuse me?” Jolene said.
“If I’m going to take over as one-third owner of this ranch, I expect to be involved in major decisions. I would think firing a hand with exceptional horse training skills like Gage should require a vote by all three of us. Especially if he was fired just because he was sleeping with me, and not for anything he was doing at work. Don’t you think, Valerie?”
Valerie tried to hide her smirk and failed. “Oh, absolutely.”
Jolene whirled on Valerie. “Bitch.”
“I owed you one,” Valerie said to Jolene. “We’re even now. I vote Gage stays. Now I’m going inside to find my husband. Welcome back, Gage.”
“I vote he stays, too,” Brea said. “You’re outvoted, Jo.”
Jolene opened her mouth, closed it and threw up her hands. “I give up.” She marched over to Brea and shook her finger. “If he breaks your fucking heart, you’re on your own.”
“Duly noted.” She reached for Jolene’s hand. “And I love you.”
Jolene sighed, and threw her arms around Brea. “I love you, too.”
Jolene walked away, but stopped in front of Gage and said, “If you ever hurt my sister again, I won’t fire you. I’ll just shoot you.”
Gage tipped his hat at Jolene. “Yes, ma’am.”
Jolene shook her head and went into the house, leaving Brea and Gage alone.
They both took steps toward each other at the same time. Brea slid her fingertips into the pockets of her jeans. “I went all over town looking for you today.”
He tipped his hat back so she could see his face. “You did?”
“Found out you’d gone to the Knotty Oak, so I went there and talked to Rhonda. She told me Carl offered you a job as a trainer.”
“Yeah, he did. I changed my mind.”
She tilted her head back to look at him. “Why?”
“Unfinished business elsewhere.”
He took his hat off and wrapped one arm around her to tug her against him. “Here.”
His mouth came down on hers and their lips met in a heat of passion and need that made Brea whimper. She wound her arms around Gage and pressed her body tight against his, running her palms across his back, unable to believe he’d come back to her.
“I thought about what you said the other night,” Gage said after he broke the kiss. “You were right. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
She looked away for a second. “You’ve given me some amazing gifts, one of the biggest being this ranch and my love for it again. I can’t imagine leaving it for city life. I’ve been running my whole life, Gage, so I understand what that’s like. It’s time I set down some roots.” She cupped his face with the palm of her hand and lifted up on her toes to kiss him.
“And maybe it’s time I think about doing the same thing.”
“You can’t run from things that are unpleasant, or who you are, or were. You can only stay and face the past, and make sure in the future you don’t make the same mistakes. I let myself be overshadowed by the death of my parents, by my talented older sister and my beautiful and confident younger sister. And somewhere in there, I just lost myself.”
He tightened his hold on her. “You have no idea what kind of gifts you have. Your love of books, your intelligence, your wit and your laughter, and your amazing capacity to love someone. Do you know how special that is?”
“I do now, thanks to you. You made me see that I did have value. And so do you. Even if you decide not to stay here, Gage, I still want the time you are here to be with me. I won’t ever hold you here if it’s not what you want.”
He held her close and kissed her hair. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more. And it scares the hell out of me.”
“Then we’ll be scared together. It’s uncharted territory for both of us. But somewhere along the way you branded me as yours, and I’m not going to let you slip through my fingers so easily.”
He picked her up and walked to his truck, opened the door and deposited her inside, then climbed in.
“Where are we going?”
“For a ride. I need to be alone with you and there are too damn many people around.”
He drove down the road, staying on Bar M land until he got to the clearing where they’d gone the first night they’d been alone together.
“I like this place,” she said, starting to scoot over toward the door.
Gage reached for her wrist and tugged her against him. “Uh uh. Here.”
“In the truck?” Her body sizzled with instant heat. “I’ve never done it in a truck before.”
Gage pushed the seat all the way back. “Then we get to pop another one of your cherries, don’t we?” He undid his belt buckle and slid the zipper of his jeans down, reaching into his pants to take out his cock. It was already erect. She loved that he could get hard so easily for her.
Brea licked her lips. “Already thinking about this, were you?” she said, inching closer and wrapping her hands around his cock.
“Kissing you makes me hard. All I can think about once you put your mouth on me is being inside you.”
Her nipples tightened and her pussy swelled with arousal. Only Gage could get her hot and wet this fast. She kicked off her boots, unzipped her jeans and slid them off, leaving them on the floor. “I’ve never had a quickie either. Well, not an intentional one, anyway,” she said as she bent over and licked at his cock head.
“Christ, Brea.” He fisted her hair and lifted her mouth up and down on his cock. While she sucked him, he moved his hands across her back and caressed her hip, then slid his hand between her legs, parting the fabric of her panties to touch her pussy.
“You’re wet,” he said as he tucked two fingers inside her and began to pump in time to the rhythm she set sucking his cock. She whimpered against him, her tongue swirling over the heated head. She was already so close to coming with his fingers fucking her that she squirmed against him, straining to feel his fingers deeper inside her.
“Enough,” he said, pulling her lips away from him. He reached into his jeans for a condom, put it on and pulled her astride him.
Brea inched down over his cock while Gage held on to her hips and guided her. The intense pleasure as he filled her was so strong, so delicious, she curled her nails into his shoulders as she seated herself fully on him.
“Oh yeah, that pussy is mine,” he said, lifting his hips against her. “Now fuck me. Fuck me hard and make us both come.”
He’d given her the control. She set the tempo, rising and falling soft and easy against him to begin, loving the feel of him expanding inside her, rubbing every part of her so, so good. But as the crescendo built, so did her need to feel Gage deeper, to have him thrust harder, and she told him exactly what she wanted, which he gladly gave to her, until words were no longer possible. Then she leaned forward and ground against him. He kissed her, his tongue plunging into her mouth at the same time his cock plunged up inside her.
And when she came, it was with her tongue wrapped around his, her thighs snugged against his, and her arms wrapped around his neck so that no space separated their bodies. She rode out her orgasm rocking against him, feeling him shudder and tremble and hearing his loud groans as he exploded so hard the truck rocked like an earthquake had hit it.
He took her down easy with light kisses, until she laid her forehead against his and just tried for normal breathing.
“I love you, Brea.”
She stilled, not sure if she’d even heard what he said because he’d said it so softly. She lifted her head and searched his face, afraid to say or do anything, sure she was mistaken.
His eyes were clear, blue as the ocean, and filled with an emotion she’d never seen before.
“I said I love you. And I’ve never said that to a woman before.”
“I love you, too, Gage. And I’ve never said that to a man before. Because I’ve never loved anyone before.”
He brushed his lips across hers, and it was so different this time, as if something monumental had passed between them. A trust, a new beginning.
“I don’t know if I’ll ever be any good at this, but I’ll give you the best I’ve got,” he said, smoothing his hand down her back. “And I will never intentionally hurt you. I might fumble this a few times because I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’d really like to try to make a life with you.”
And that was all she could have ever asked for, because it was real, and it was better than anything she’d ever read in any book.