The City Below

Ever since Kate had
first learned about the Skilled she had always expected them to
look different from most people in some way. Not one of the people
standing around her was extraordinary, but the one feature they all
shared was their unnaturally dark eyes. Kate had heard that the
more time the Skilled spent looking into the veil the darker their
eyes were meant to become, and even in the brightness of the
lantern light their eyes looked as though their pupils had leaked
out to overtake everything else, leaving just a faint line of their
true colours circling around the edge.
Kate realised she was
staring and looked away.
‘My name is Mina,’
said the woman. ‘Edgar asked us to wait for you both here. Do you
know where he is?’
‘No,’ said Kate. ‘We
got separated.’
‘He was worried that
might happen. We have no choice but to go on without him. Here, he
left this for you.’ Mina handed her a tiny roll of paper tied with
Kate recognised
Edgar’s handwriting on the outside of the roll. ‘But … how do you
know Edgar?’ she asked.
‘We have known him
since he was a boy,’ said Mina.
The men all nodded
together. ‘He’s a good lad,’ said one of them. ‘He’s had no kind of
life. No kind of life at all.’
Kate was confused.
Was there anyone in Albion who didn’t
know Edgar?
‘There is no time to
read the letter now,’ said Mina. ‘But soon. When we are safe. The
council will not find you where we are going. This
Kate held the little
letter tightly as the Skilled led her down into the house’s cellar.
One by one they stepped through a door disguised as a stack of
shelves and came out upon an underground path that was very
different from the tunnels Kate had seen beneath Morvane. This path
was not just an ordinary tunnel, it looked like it had once been
above the ground. Its walls were the fronts of two rows of houses
facing one another, light came from candles propped on the outside
of window sills and the path was wide and cobbled, with worn
wheelmarks where carriages had once run.
The few windows that
had survived the years reflected the group’s lanterns as they
walked past, but the houses had no doors, only bricked-up arches
where they had once been, and the rooms inside had long since been
buried under fallen earth.
‘Will Edgar be able
to find us down here?’ asked Kate.
‘He knows the way,’
said Mina. ‘But I do not hold much hope for his safe return. It
will not take long for the wardens to see through his lie. We all
told him it was foolish of him to go back.’
‘Back? Back
‘I will explain
everything soon. For now, we must walk.’
The understreets
seemed to wind on forever, linked together by staircases and
bridges that spanned deep chasms sliced into the earth. Looking
over the side of those bridges was like looking down into the
underworld. Some of the chasms had people working in them, hanging
from long rope harnesses and chipping away at the rock, while
others were abandoned and so deep that it was impossible to see the
bottom of them in the dark.
‘Graverobbers,’ said
Mina. ‘In the bonemen’s time, the Night Train carried coffins here,
and they laid the bodies to rest in long tombs that run deep
beneath our feet. Fume’s towers were built as memorials to the
families laid to rest beneath them, but since the High Council took
it as their capital they have made it a place to be feared, not
respected. The bonemen are gone and the Night Train carries the
living into slavery, war and death. That is not the way things are
meant to be.’
Kate dared to lean
out a little further over the side.
‘Do not let them see
you!’ whispered Mina. ‘The wardens are the graverobbers’ enemies as
well as ours, but they would not hesitate to report us if they
decided it was worth something to them.’
Mina’s group did
their best to stay out of sight and headed down a narrow tunnel
that had been cut into an old rock fall. Mina unlocked a green door
hidden behind a flap of cloth and Kate followed her into a
beautiful street lit by tiny lanterns hanging down from its
ceiling. It was an arched cavern lined with red bricks and metal
frames that protected the houses underneath from collapse. Every
one of them was as perfect as the day they were built. There was
even a working fountain in the very centre and lanterns edging the
paths, giving the street a warm friendly glow.
‘This is where some
of the bonemen used to live,’ said Mina. ‘If your uncle had
listened to me years ago, you would already call this place home. I
am only sorry we could not bring you here sooner. You will be safe
here. My home is close by. We will talk inside.’
Mina took Kate into a
small well-kept house and sent the others away, but some refused to
‘She could be
dangerous!’ said one. ‘The High Council kept her alive. What do you
think she gave them to deserve that?’
‘I think she gave
them hope,’ said Mina. ‘Something none of us have had in a long
‘Look at her eyes!
They are already half-dark and she is too young for them to have
coloured so quickly. Da’ru has forced her too deeply into the veil.
If she was not guided there properly, shades may have followed her
spirit back out. She may be corrupted.’
‘This girl is too
strong for that,’ said Mina. ‘As you can see, she is one of us and
she needs our help.’
Kate tried to listen
to what else was being said, but they lowered their voices too
quietly for her to hear. Whatever Mina said to them, it worked. The
group left her and Kate alone. Mina locked the front door and,
noticing Kate’s uneasiness at being locked in, immediately pressed
the key into her hand.
‘You are not a
prisoner here,’ she said. ‘This street is the safest in the City
Below. Edgar hid here with us when he first escaped the High
Council. Did he tell you about that?’
‘He didn’t tell me
anything,’ said Kate. ‘Edgar escaped from the
Mina regarded her
‘He says we can trust
you and he is not a boy who trusts easily. He must think a great
deal of you to go back to the chambers after all this
‘I didn’t even know
he’d been to Fume before,’ admitted Kate.
Mina took her into a
small room where two comfortable chairs sat either side of a table
spread with a deck of picture cards. ‘Edgar left this place three
years ago,’ she said, gesturing for Kate to sit down. ‘He always
was a good boy. Cunning and quick. Never frightened of
‘That doesn’t sound
much like Edgar,’ said Kate.
Mina gathered up the
picture cards and shuffled them as she talked. ‘We all change in
order to survive,’ she said. ‘Edgar was taken from his family at a
very young age. The councilwoman Da’ru Marr bought him and his
brother Tom from the Night Train. Edgar was one of her servants for
more than four years. As far as most of the wardens in the chambers
know, he still is.’
‘He worked for Da’ru?’
‘Not by choice, you
understand. When Edgar was thirteen he escaped from the chambers.
He tried to take his brother with him, but Tom was not where he was
meant to be that night and Edgar had to leave him behind. Da’ru
knows he will go back for his brother one day, so she always keeps
Tom close, hoping to draw him out. There is nothing she dislikes
more than a traitor.’
‘Edgar walked right
past the wardens outside my room,’ said Kate. ‘If they knew who he
was, why didn’t they just arrest him then?’
‘Da’ru would never
admit that one of her servants had tricked his way into freedom,’
said Mina. ‘Most wardens would assume Edgar had been working in one
of the other towns on her behalf and now he has come back. The men
stationed on the Night Train were mostly new, so they would not
have recognised him, but the High Council rarely change their
chamber guards. Edgar was counting on them to recognise his face.
That was how he planned to get you out. The moment Da’ru learns he
is back, she will hunt him down. No one enjoys being deceived,
which is also why my people are so reluctant to have you here. They
think you have been corrupted and that bringing you here will
invite danger into our homes.’
‘I’m not dangerous,’
said Kate.
Mina did not look
convinced. She laid three cards face down on the table. ‘You may
believe that now,’ she said, ‘but they do have good reason to be
afraid. Last night there was a shift in the veil and the minds of
the Skilled were blinded to it for a short time. That only happens
when a powerful soul connects with the veil, an event so rare that
none of us here have experienced it in our lifetimes. Even the
shades were agitated by it. Do you know what a shade
‘Spirits?’ said Kate.
‘I’ve read about them. Spirits of the dead who have not been able
to leave this world behind.’
‘But you do not
believe in shades, do you?’ Mina turned the first card face up. It
had a painted picture of a tree upon it - an enormous tree with
wide branches spreading out across mountains, rivers and groups of
tiny people.
‘I don’t really know
what to believe any more,’ said Kate.
‘That is often the
first step on the path to knowledge. You do not have to understand
what life shows you, you only need to be open to it.’
‘What are those?’
asked Kate, pointing to the cards as Mina turned the second one
face up. Its design was much simpler than the first: its two halves
painted in black and white, with a grey silhouette of a person
standing half in one side, half in the other.
‘They are windows,’
said Mina. ‘Sometimes the cards reveal truths that we cannot yet
see within ourselves or others. I am using them to learn more about
Kate did not know if
she liked the idea of that or not. ‘What do they say?’
Mina pushed the two
cards towards her. ‘Sometimes the veil likes to keep its secrets,’
she said. ‘You are a mystery, it seems. Even to the cards. There is
nothing definite here. Only possibilities. Your path is not yet
Kate saw a look of
worry cross Mina’s face. ‘What about the third one?’ she
Mina slid the last
card off the table and put it in her pocket. ‘This one is not for
your eyes,’ she said. ‘I already know what it will say.’ She
gathered up the rest of her picture cards and smiled. ‘The shades
are very interested in you,’ she said brightly, trying to lighten
the mood. ‘Do not be afraid of them. They can be troublemakers, but
they cannot do any real harm. There is a lot for you to learn and
the Skilled will help you if we can.’
Mina looked at Kate
sadly, and the room slipped into silence.
‘Well then,’ Mina
said, standing up. ‘First things first. There is a room you can use
while you are staying here. I will show it to you now so you have
time to read your letter. After that, when you are ready, there are
important matters we need to discuss.’ She left her picture cards
stacked on the table and Kate could not help looking back at them
as she led her out into the corridor.
Mina’s spare room was
right at the back of her single-storey house, set deep into the
wall of the cavern. There were no windows, but it was still airy
enough to be comfortable, and Kate was glad to have somewhere she
could be alone.
‘I’ll cook us some
food,’ Mina said on her way out. ‘You can’t have eaten well since
you left home. Take as long as you need here and come along to the
front room whenever you’re ready.’
‘Thank you,’ said
Kate. ‘For bringing me here and telling me about Edgar. I don’t
know if he would ever have told me himself.’
‘You don’t have to
thank me, child. I am sure he would have told you everything, given
time. The boy is quite taken with you. Though I am not certain even
he knows it yet.’
Mina smiled as she
left and Kate made sure that the door was propped open before
sitting down on a cushioned chair. Edgar’s letter was still in her
hand. She unthreaded the string, unrolled the page and began to
Kate,I know you’ll have questions, but if you’re reading this it means I can’ t answer them yet. There are things you don’t know about me. Mina will explain if you still want to know, but believe me, you have more important things to think about right now.Mina says she knows where Artemis is! One of Da’ru’s men bought him from the wardens at the station. She’s making him work for her now. Something about finding a missing book. The Skilled know how to get to him and Mina’s promised to take you there whenever you want to go.You can trust these people, Kate. They’re my friends.I hope you’re OK. Stay safe, and don’ t worry about me. These wardens aren’t as smart as they think. I’m sure I’ll think of something.See you soon.Edgar.
Kate read the letter
She had left him
behind. Edgar had risked so much to help her and she had left him
Kate rolled up the
letter and tucked it away. If Mina knew where Artemis was, she had
to speak to her. If there was a chance she could find him, she had
to know for herself.
She caught her
reflection in a mirror on her way out. She looked tired. Her blue
eyes were washed out and there were black veins appearing within
the blue that had never been there before. She looked away from the
glass, refusing to think about what those veins might mean, and
walked out into the corridor.
A muffled shout from
the front room made her stop halfway.
Kate froze. The
window next to the front door was hanging open. She was sure it had
not been like that before. She looked back down the corridor. The
entire back of the house was built into the ground. If something
bad happened, that door was her only way out.
She walked towards
the front room, concentrating so hard on listening for Mina that
she did not feel the floorboards flex beneath her as someone closed
in from behind. She did not see a faint shadow pass across the
wall, or smell the scent of blood upon the air.
Kate peered into the
front room and saw Mina lying still upon the floor.
She bolted for the
door, only to be grabbed before she could even push her key into
the lock.
‘Very well done,
Kate,’ said Silas, pressing his hand over her mouth before she
could shout for help. ‘I see your friend had something to do with
your escape. Perhaps I underestimated his skills after
Kate squirmed in his
arms but he would not let go.
Silas pushed her into
the front room, forcing her to step over the dead woman on the
floor. Mina was lying on her side, her eyes wide and empty. In her
hand was the third picture card, the one she would not let Kate
see. On it was a picture of a skeleton laid out on a platform
inside a tomb: a picture that could only represent one thing.
Instinct made Kate
reach out a hand to try to touch the dead woman, desperate to call
her spirit back into life as she had done with Kalen, but Silas
held her back, refusing to let her try.
‘At least you are
showing more confidence in your abilities,’ he said, smiling at her
as she struggled against him. ‘The Skilled will believe you did
this. They will not protect you now that you have murdered one of
their own. None of them know that I am here and you will keep it
that way, unless you think your new friend needs some company on
her journey into death?’
Silas tightened his
grip so that it hurt and Kate stopped struggling.
‘Good. Now … you will
return to the tunnels. You will look at no one. You will speak to
no one. Each time you disobey me, I will take a life, and the blood
of those people will be on your hands. Do you understand
Silas bullied her to
the front door and Kate looked out at a group of people talking by
the fountain, each of them oblivious to what had just happened
inside the house.
‘Now,’ said Silas.
Kate looked back to
say something, but Silas was already out of sight.
She knew she looked
suspicious as she walked along that street, it was impossible not
to with a madman tracking her from the shadows. Soon the Skilled
would go into the house to look for Mina, and any trust Edgar might
have earned for her would be gone. She wanted to tell them what had
happened. She wanted to warn them, but all she could do was
Kate’s eyes flickered
up, just for a moment, and the man whose nose she had punched on
the surface waved to get her attention from the other side of the
street. Kate looked away quickly, concentrating on walking to the
green door.
She heard footsteps
close in on her as the man jogged to catch up, but she did not turn
round. Her hand went to the door handle, hoping that it was
‘Hey! Where are you
The man pressed his
hand lightly on her shoulder. Then it slid away, his throat
squeaked quietly and she heard his body drop to the
‘I saw you look,’
Silas whispered in her ear. ‘Step through.’
The door opened
easily against Kate’s shaking hand. The Skilled were right, she was
dangerous. She had led a killer right into their home.
Kate felt Silas’s
presence move closer behind her. She was on her own now. No one was
going to help her. She walked out into the tunnel, not daring to
look back.