Writing often feels like a solitary task, but in truth, it's an amazing group effort. I humbly give thanks to the essential members of my group:
Editor extraordinaire, Barbara Scott. You encouraged me to stretch and grow, to push past where I thought I could go. Thanks a thousand times for your support and for seeing the potential in my little story.
Patti Lacy, who rescued me when I was a sobbing mess and mentored me for a year. I learned so much from you, not only about writing, but about reflecting the love of God.
Lisa Richardson. You started out as my critique partner, became my friend, and now you’re the sister of my heart. I’m so glad God is letting us experience this crazy ride together!
American Christian Fiction Writers. I literally would not be here today without this incredible organization. What a blessing you’ve been in my life.
My husband, Marcus, and my son, Billy. What can I say? I love you both so very much. None of this would mean anything without you to share it with.
And finally, but most important, praise be to God, the creator of creativity and imagination. Thank you for the gift of storytelling and all the blessings you’ve showered on me.