Praise for Iain M. Banks

“Banks is a phenomenon… writing pure science fiction of a peculiarly gnarly energy and elegance.”

—William Gibson

“There is now no British SF writer to whose work I look forward with greater keenness.”

—The Times

“Poetic, humorous, baffling, terrifying, sexy—the books of Iain M. Banks are all these things and more.”


“Staggering imaginative energy.”


“Banks writes with a sophistication that will surprise anyone unfamiliar with modern science fiction.”

—New York Times

“The Culture Books are not technological just-so stories. They’re about faith in the future, about the belief that societies can make sense of themselves, can have fun doing so, can live by Good Works, and can do so in circumstances far removed from our own little circle of western civilization.”


“An exquisitely riotous tour de force of the imagination which writes its own rules simply for the pleasure of breaking them.”

—Time Out

“Pyrotechnic, action-filled, satiric, outlandish, deep and frivolous all at once, these bravura space operas… juggle galactic scale… with a revelatory energy rarely matched in speculative fiction.”

—Science Fiction Weekly

“Few of us have been exposed to a talent so manifest and of such extraordinary breadth.”

—New York Review of Science Fiction