- Chapter 15 -


With her grandmother and Mira on one side her and her parents on the other, Gemma felt comforted as she watched Gavin receive his diploma.  They had spent much of his high school years separated, but she knew this separation would feel different.  He was going off to college.  It was an entirely new stage in Gavin’s life.  Being just a year behind him, she knew that she would face the same thing soon.

“I can’t believe this day has come,” Malcolm said, pushing his Tom Ford aviators to the top of his head.  “Considering the trouble this boy has gotten into over the years.”

“I’ll say,” Emily nodded in agreement.

In the past week, Gemma’s parents had successfully moved her grandmother back to the states.  Celebrations were being planned left and right and Gemma could hardly keep track.  Her house was not only busy and full, but comforting and warm in a way that she hadn’t felt in awhile.  It was exactly what she needed to keep her distracted from the end of her relationship with Damian.  Nonetheless, watching them march to “Pomp and Circumstance” in their caps and gowns made her choke up.

Gemma suspected that Mira had given Malcolm and Emily a brief on her personal life because for once, her parents spared her from the subject of college.  Her father especially, was surprisingly silent on the topic of applications.  Gemma was grateful for the room to breathe.

“Oh, is that Damian?” Emily chirped.

“Yes, Mom.  That’s Damian,” Gemma smiled.  Emily patted Gemma lightly on the knee.  She took a good long look as Damian crossed the stage and accepted his diploma.

“Good job, honey,” Emily winked.  “I can see why he would be hard to let go.”  Gemma laughed.  She lay her head on her mother’s shoulder and put on her sunglasses as tears began to well in her eyes.


Later that night as Gemma cleaned her bedroom, she noticed Lucas’s dog circling the patio, barking happily.  Leo had grown four times the size he was when Gemma first saw him at her lake house.  He finally settled by the wicker table with Elisa, where she sat with two friends.  Gemma could hear the faint sounds of their giggles and Tyler Chase’s latest single playing on their iPod dock.  She suddenly remembered Lucas’s request to take a picture of her prom dress for Elisa.  Her eyes trailed from out the window to her closet, where the dress peeked out of a garment bag.

Gemma carried the garment bag downstairs and out the backdoor.  Fireflies lit up around her as she pushed her way through the shrubbery that separated her backyard from Lucas and Elisa’s.  She could hear Leo barking at her, noticing her before anyone else did.

“Elisa?” she called out.

“Oh! It’s my neighbor,” Elisa she stood up with a polite smile and waved at Gemma before turning back to her friends.  “Danielle, Hillary – this is Gemma.  She’s Lucas’s friend, she lives next door.”  The two girls waved.  Danielle was cute but lanky with frizzy hair and braces.  Gemma smiled, remembering how she looked similarly at that age.  Hillary, on the other hand, was decked out head to toe in designer garments and accessories, all of which bore large logos in case anyone was unaware that they were expensive items.  She hadn’t quite figured out the meaning of overkill.  She forced a tight-lipped smile as if trying to tell Gemma that she was intruding on their time.

“Nice to meet you girls,” Gemma said.  “Are you celebrating being done with school?”

“God, yes,” Hillary said hastily before directing her conversation away from Gemma.  “So yeah, can’t wait for the summer.  I’m going to be an apprentice for my family friend who’s a designer in New York.  His company’s in talks with Queen Bee’s team about making something for her, so it’s going to be amazing.”

Gemma watched Danielle and Elisa’s faces glow in awe.  “Oh my God, Hil, you’re so lucky,” Elisa said, her lower lip protruding.

“Are you interested in fashion design, Elisa?” Gemma asked.

“Maybe.  I don’t know.  I just really love Queen Bee’s clothes,” Elisa shrugged.  “Lucas told me you wore a replica of Queen Bee’s Balenciaga gown.”

“I did,” Gemma giggled.  She held the garment bag in front of her.  “I actually came to show you.”

“You did?” Elisa jumped to her feet and shrieked once she noticed the feathers and pearls peeking out from the bag.  Danielle clapped happily while Hillary observed with skeptical eyes.  Gemma helped Elisa take the gown out, draping it into her arms.

“Oh my God! It’s so heavy! It’s so gorgeous – it looks exactly like the real thing, except shorter.  Can I take a picture of it?” Elisa squealed.

“Why don’t you try it on?” Gemma suggested.  Elisa’s eyes widened.

“But it was probably so expensive, I don’t want to hurt it.”

“Hurt it?” Hillary snorted.

 “I mean ruin it. You know.” Elisa shrugged sheepishly.

“It seriously looks just like the actual gown,” Danielle breathed.

“It is a really close replica, but not as close as the one I bought,” Hillary said as she examined the dress, which Elisa held to her torso.  “Besides, I don’t know how you’re going to fill out the bust.”

“True.” Elisa frowned.

“Well,” Gemma pressed her lips together, amazed that she was allowing a thirteen-year-old to irritate her.  “Queen Bee’s bra size isn’t exactly big either.  Also, this dress is actually the only replica that used the same Mikimoto pearls and it managed to get the same exact silk that they used from a small boutique in China.”

“That’s not possible,” Hillary scoffed.  “I would’ve read about it.”

“It’s true,” Gemma snapped.  She laughed quickly at herself to hide her annoyance and Elisa joined, overwhelmed in joy as she hugged the dress and twirled around.

“Lucas, look!” Elisa squealed.

Gemma snapped her head over to see movement at the screen door.  Lucas stepped out.

“Oh hey, Gemma,” he smiled so big that Gemma knew he was truly happy to see her.  “How was your post-prom? I wanted to hang out with the team but Madison had other plans.”

“Yeah, I know.  It was great!” she said cheerily. “And yours sounded like a good time too.”

Lucas shrugged.  “Did you bring the dress to show Elisa?”

“She’s letting me try it on!” Elisa exclaimed.

“Actually,” Gemma interjected.  “My family’s moving back into the house for the summer and I want to make room for them by doing a little spring cleaning.”  Gemma surveyed the group.  Everyone stared in silence.

“Gemma, if you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting…” A smile of disbelief curled on Lucas’s lips.

“I mean, I’m not going to wear it again so I don’t see why I shouldn’t give it to someone who’ll appreciate it,” Gemma smiled at Elisa’s wide-eyed stare.

“Oh my God, I don’t know if I can.  This must have cost like… more money than I’ll ever have in my life,” Elisa shoved the gown back into Gemma’s arms.  “I feel like I’m looking at the real thing.  I know everything about that gown.”

“It’s true,” Lucas laughed.  “She talks about it so much my parents and I know the exact number of pearls and feathers sewn on.”

“Three hundred eighty-seven pearls,” Elisa blurted.  “Fourteen hundred feathers.  That’s the number it said on the website, but I feel like it couldn’t have been fourteen hundred exactly.”

“So it sounds like you deserve this dress more than I do!” Gemma exclaimed.  Elisa looked to Lucas, as if for permission to accept.

“Well now you owe Gemma big time,” Lucas relented.  “But anyway, Elisa, I just came out here to tell you the cookies you’re baking were burning.  By now they’re probably ashes.”

“Oh shoot!” Elisa darted back into the house in a flash.

“We’ll have Gemma bring the dress to your room,” Lucas called after her, gesturing for Gemma to follow him.  Gemma bit her lip.  She stayed a step behind Lucas as she walked into the house.  Nothing good ever came of her being alone with him.

Upstairs in Elisa’s room, Lucas handed a satin-covered hanger to Gemma.

“She bought a set of these after her first babysitting job,” Lucas said.  “It’s for her ‘nice clothes,’ though she doesn’t really have any.  It means a lot that you would give her something like this. Our family can’t exactly keep up with the rest of the town.”  Gemma nodded as she hung the gown on the pink satin hangers.  She spotted Elisa’s autographed Queen Bee CD on her desk.  It was propped up next to a collage of Queen Bee’s outfits that Elisa had no doubt pasted together herself.

“Well I’m even happier to then,” Gemma said genuinely as she handed the gown to Lucas and watched as he hung it in Elisa’s modest closet.  Gemma thought about what a sweet and nurturing brother he was, especially compared to Gavin when she was growing up.  But she surprised herself by looking at him and otherwise feeling a calm.  Once upon a time, she would nearly hyperventilate around him.  “Anyway, I should get going.  I’m waking up early to say goodbye to Damian and his family.”

“I can’t believe they’re driving to California,” Lucas crossed his arms.

“Probably his mom’s idea, she loves road trips,” Gemma laughed.

“So are you guys doing the long distance thing?” Lucas asked.  Gemma shifted her feet, feeling awkward.  As awkward as she felt, she didn’t look away when Lucas gazed straight into her eyes, waiting for her answer.

“No,” she shook her head.  “After tomorrow, we’re on our own again.  It’s easier that way.”

“Probably,” he nodded.  “Madison keeps wanting to talk about it and she’s only going to school thirty minutes away.”

Gemma nodded, mentally congratulating herself for not shuddering at the mention of Madison’s name.  “Yeah… well, anyway.  I’m going to go,” she said, backing out of Elisa’s bedroom door.

“Oh.  I’ll walk you out,” Lucas offered.

“No, no, I’m fine.”  She was already halfway down the hall.  “Good night!” she yelled as she ran down the stairs and out of his house.

“Good night.”


Mira set an arrangement of two-dozen lavender roses on the lake house coffee table.  “These came to my office yesterday,” she said with a bold smile.  Gavin and Gemma had been staying at the lake house since Malcolm and Emily were remodeling Gavin’s room for their grandmother.  Gemma was happy for a change in location now that Damian was gone.

“Who are they from?” Gavin asked.

“From Tyler, for Queen Bee,” Mira winked.

“Man, he’s persistent,” Gavin shook his head.

“There’s a note attached,” Mira said as she put on her tan Burberry trenchcoat.  “Let me know what it says later, I have to head to work.  I just wanted to drop that off.”

As Mira head out the door, Gemma opened the small envelope on the flowers and pulled out the card.  Dear Queen Bee, I hope this finds its way to you and I hope we’ll find our way to each other.  All my heart, Tyler.  Gemma smiled to herself, holding the card to her heart.  She couldn’t believe how much she had captivated the world’s biggest heartthrob.

“Is it supposed to rain later?” Gavin asked through a mouthful of popcorn, shaking Gemma from her thoughts.

“It looks kinda cloudy.”

“I’m going swimming anyway,” Gavin said.

“You just ate and there might be lightning.”

“What can I say, I’m a rebel,” Gavin grinned, running out the front door.  Gemma shook her head as she watched him bound towards the lake.  She felt obligated to worry but she knew there was no need.  As soon as she plopped herself back onto the couch, there was a knock at the door.

“God, Gavin,” Gemma huffed.  “Make up your mind about what you do so I can relax already.”

She opened the door to find Lucas standing there.

“Hey,” he smiled.

Gemma blinked.  “Hi.  Looking for Gavin?”

“No.  And I’m not doing construction work for Mira either.  I was actually wondering if you could talk for a second.”  He looked serious.  Gemma nodded and let him in, gesturing towards the couch.

“Everything okay?” she asked, sitting at a slight distance from him.

“Yeah.  I just wanted to thank you again for giving that dress to Elisa,” he chuckled to himself.  “She wears it around the house.  She’s just literally been glowing since… so again, thank you.”

“Oh you guys already thanked me, it’s no big deal.”

“Actually, I also wanted to thank you for making it a point to sign Elisa’s CD after the concert.  I was worried about how upset she’d be if she’d waited that whole time and had to leave without an autograph.”

“Of course.  I wasn’t about to let her go without one,” Gemma said.  Lucas nodded, staring intently at her.  For a moment, Gemma hadn’t even realized what was wrong with what she just said.  Just as quickly, her mistake hit her and she clasped her hand hard against her mouth, practically slapping herself in the face.

“I had kind of suspected…” Lucas started.

“Suspected what?” Gemma asked hastily.  “I’m sorry, I just woke up from a nap and I kind of was just nodding along to what you were saying.  Could you repeat that?”

“You don’t have to pretend, Gemma.  I kind of thought there was something familiar about Queen Bee when I met her,” Lucas smiled.  “Every time Elisa told me some fact she’d read about Queen Bee, it would cross my mind.  I thought I was crazy and then I forgot about it.  But when I was putting the dress away for Elisa, I noticed the little tag inside.  The Balenciaga tag.”

“It was a replica dress,” Gemma shrugged.  “So what?”

“Don’t forget that I know everything there is to know about that dress thanks to Elisa.  I know the company refused to make another one or anything close to it.  It was one of a kind,” Lucas laughed.  “And now I am even more embarrassed that I know so much about Queen Bee because I’m sitting in front of her.”

“No you’re not!” Gemma laughed, thankful for the confidence in her voice despite the rapid hammering of her heart.  “I’m flattered, Lucas.  Really.  But you couldn’t be more wrong.”

“I’ve also worked for Mira for three years.  Odd jobs here and there.  I know she’s a talent manager, and I know she’s involved with Queen Bee’s team,” he eyed Gemma, whose body language was beginning to signal defeat.  He tried to suppress his smile of satisfaction.  “I also take her garbage out when Gavin forgets and I swear, I thought you guys killed a swan a week ago.  Feathers were flying everywhere when I dragged that thing to the curb.”

“Oh my God,” Gemma buried her face in her hands.

“What can I say, I like playing detective,” Lucas teased as he reached over to peel Gemma’s hands from her face.  “I was pretty happy when I cracked this case.”

“I can’t believe this.  Aunt Mira’s going to kill me.  This could totally mess things up for me.”

“Why would it?” Lucas asked.

“Because you and Elisa know.  It’ll get out.  Eventually.”

“You know you don’t have to worry about me saying a word.  Elisa, however, would be a problem…” Lucas admitted.  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small strip of cloth.  “Which is why I took the tag off.  She would’ve figured out it was the original in a heartbeat.”  He handed the Balenciaga tag to Gemma.  The edges were frayed, tiny delicate threads hanging off the edge.  Gemma closed her hand over the piece of cloth.  She was silent for a moment.

“I’m sorry, I can’t really wrap my mind around this yet,” she said, clutching her stomach, which performed somersaults of anxiety.  “Lucas, no one – and I mean no one – knows about this.  Other than my immediate family and my makeup artist and stylist.  No one.”

“Wow,” Lucas’s hazel eyes widened, shining.  “How have you been able to keep it from the girls? They’re almost as bad as Elisa with the gossip rags and everything.  They’re your biggest fans.”  He stopped to correct himself with a laugh.  “Well, except for Madison.  She’s jealous that Tyler Chase is after Queen Bee.”

“And everyone thought she couldn’t hate me more,” Gemma laughed dryly.

“Well you keep stealing all her men,” Lucas joked.

“What, did she have a crush on Damian that you never told me about?”

“No,” Lucas exhaled.  “You know what I mean.  The rumors about you…  and me… joke.  It was a joke”

“Oh,” Gemma cringed.  “Well the rumors were that I was obsessed with you and failed in seducing you.  Not that I took you away from her.”

“She saw it differently,” Lucas shrugged.  “She always thought there was something between us.  Probably still thinks there is.”

“I just don’t know where she gets that idea from.”

“I probably don’t help the situation,” Lucas said, shoving his hands into his pockets.  Gemma looked up at him.  He had turned to look out the window towards the lake where Gavin was floating on his back.  He chuckled at the sight, but his laugh soon wound down to a sigh.  Gemma recalled the night he found her by the basketball court and how he had wanted to say something before Gavin called.

“How did you not help the situation?” Gemma asked.  Lucas turned back to face her.

“I didn’t do enough to hide how interested I was in you,” he said.  Gemma swallowed hard.  “I mean, I wasn’t sure what the interest was exactly.  I didn’t think it was anything worth hiding, but I guess I underestimated what it was.  I’m still not sure what I mean.”

Gemma nodded as they sat in silence.  She had convinced herself that the moments they shared throughout the school year were not actually worth analyzing.  All along, they were.  It was bizarre to realize.  The whole time, Madison had seen something that Gemma and even Lucas had not noticed until now.

Lucas broke the silence with a nervous chuckle.

“What?” Gemma managed a smile.

“This must be a lot for you to take in.”

“What? That you know my secret identity and have weird feelings for me?” Gemma laughed incredulously.  “No big deal.  Totally not blowing my mind.”  Lucas burst into laughter that made Gemma smile.  A break in his quiet demeanor was always a refreshing sight and she had forgotten what his charming laugh looked like.

“I do want to say sorry though,” Lucas said.  “I feel like I made you into a target for Madison.  I care about her and everything but I know how she can get.  I do.”  He shook his head and raised his eyebrows.  “I always think about how lucky I am that Damian’s a good guy and didn’t beat the shit out of me.”

“Why would Damian beat the shit out of you?” Gavin suddenly walked into the front door.  “And what are you doing here?”

“Bored.  Everyone left town and Mira said you guys were here, so I came to hang out.”

“Oh, okay,” Gavin shrugged.  “It totally started raining out of nowhere so we’re stuck in here for awhile.  I’m gonna dry off.”  Gavin strode up the stairs.  Gemma looked out the window.  She noticed the continuous ripples of raindrops hitting the surface of the lake.

“Remember when you saved me from drowning in the lake?” she asked.  Lucas smiled with a nod.  “And remember that time you saved me from the rain?”

“Well, that second situation was probably less life-threatening than the first,” Lucas laughed.

“Either way,” Gemma said.  “I can’t really think of a better moment to thank you for both those things.”  They looked out the window, watching the rain beat down harder on the lake.  The hammock rocked slowly in the breeze.  Gemma remembered the anticipation she had felt for everything the last time she was at the lake house.  She remembered the excitement, the nerves, the feelings she had when she first met Lucas.  She had wondered if she would make friends, if she would do well in school, if she would have a boyfriend.  She wondered if she could keep her two lives from colliding.

Then, Gemma Hunter was Queen Bee’s secret.  But now, a full school year later, Gemma Hunter’s life had become fuller than she could have ever imagined.  Even Madison was responsible for giving her something – her friendship with Leah, Kate, Jillian and the athletes.  Damian was more than she could ever ask for in a first boyfriend, or any boyfriend for that matter.  Any boy who followed had a lot to live up to.

Lucas gazed out the window.  He now knew her in a way that no one else could.  She had always had a different place for him in her heart, but now she felt close to him in a way that she couldn’t with the girls or even Damian.  Gemma couldn’t help but wonder what this meant for them.

She looked at the roses on the coffee table.  Tyler wasn’t the only one who was after Queen Bee.  The whole world had developed an interest in her and Gemma knew she’d be spending much of her summer in costume.  Suddenly, she felt the same nerves and excitement she had felt that first time she was at the lake house.  There was so much uncertainty but for once, she looked forward to it.  She had gained twice as much knowledge in her year of living as two different girls.  Mira was right – she needed to find a way to bring the best of Queen Bee to benefit Gemma Hunter.  She was strong enough to make it work and tough enough to keep it going.

She had never felt more equipped to conquer the world.

