5/1 1:23AM
In this month’s issue of SPIN, Tyler Chase talks music, ex-girlfriends, “Tyler Chasers,” and Queen Bee.
On writing his own music: “I co-write most of my songs because I want my fans to recognize my heart and my message when I’m singing. ‘Maybe Someday’ is the first one I wrote as fast as I did – I’ll be recording it this month.”
On the rumor that his loyal “Tyler Chasers” were behind his break-up with actress Desiree Silver: “I can’t say that Desiree didn’t notice them, because she did. [Laughs] They’re a force to be reckoned with! But they weren’t the reason we ended things. It was a mutual decision and out of respect for Desiree, I won’t say more on it.
On whether or not he knows Queen Bee’s identity: “I know more about her than most people do, but that’s not saying much. What I do know about her though, I love.”
“What are you guys wearing to Lucas’s birthday party?” Leah asked as she sat on the massage chair, searching the fanned out magazines for one she hadn’t already read. While Madison and Kate attended a senior event, the rest of the girls decided to pamper themselves. Gemma sat between Leah and Kate at the salon spa while pedicurists hunched over their dainty feet.
“No idea. Do we have to buy him something?” Kate asked, reaching over Gemma to take Leah’s magazine. Leah swatted her hand away.
“Madison’s probably gonna buy him a car or something, so we might as well not embarrass ourselves,” Leah said. “Let’s save the money and buy ourselves the Bordelle Angela dress – I need Gavin to fall in love with me before prom.”
“Ew,” Gemma frowned, knowing very well that the Bordelle Angela was the steamiest of lingerie. “I don’t know what I was expecting with setting you two up.”
“Your brother took me a to the movies and didn’t try anything,” Leah griped. “I don’t know if there’s ever been a girl in Gavin’s dating history who didn’t get the moves put on her. I’m definitely the first. Finally land a date and he doesn’t touch me.”
“Maybe that means he really likes you!” Kate chirped brightly.
“Doubt it. He needs to sample the goods first,” Leah raised her eyebrows suggestively. Gemma pretended to retch.
“That’s so slutty, Leah,” Kate said as plucked up a new magazine. Leah narrowed her eyes at her. “Oh no, that sounded mean,” Kate covered her mouth. “What I meant was, who’s going to buy the cow when you’re giving out the milk for free? That’s an expression, right? I know I didn’t make it up.”
“Oh, so you’re calling me a cow now?” Leah gasped, feigning anger.
“Of course not!” Kate shook her head so adamantly that her curls bounced off her cheeks. “I meant...ugh. I don’t know.”
“Be nice, Leah,” Gemma scolded with a laugh. “You’re giving the girl a panic attack.”
“Fine. Here’s a gift.” Leah tossed her magazine to a pouting Kate. “Tyler’s in this one too. It said he’s going to record that song Queen Bee inspired him to write. Your time’s running out, girl.”
“Way to be nice, Leah.”
“I try.”
Kate sighed. “Well I only said that I wanted Tyler to be my first. I’m not dumb, I know I wouldn’t be his.”
“You sure you don’t want to just lose it and get it over with?” Leah asked. “Joey Carr is pretty good, I can vouch for him.”
“Ew,” Kate wrinkled her nose. “That would be weird…that he’s been with you already…”
“What, you wouldn’t want to have sex with me?” Leah asked loudly. The manicurists looked up along with a few older women. Gemma shrunk into her chair and covered her face with her magazine. Leah didn’t seem to notice or care. “Gemma, don’t you think I’m hot? I think you’re totally hot, I’m not afraid to say it. I mean, I’d totally have a threesome with you – unless I end up with Gavin.”
“Oh God,” Gemma dropped her magazine and buried her face in her hands. “Please stop.”
“What?” Leah threw her hands in the air. “Why can’t I ever talk about sex with you two? It’s like I’m sitting in a room full of virgins because Kate’s virginity is so powerful that she re-virginizes everyone.”
Gemma blushed. She had never outwardly lied about it, but she allowed the girls to believe that she was more experienced than she really was.
In fact, she was almost as inexperienced as Kate – everything she did with Damian was always above the belt. He knew she was a virgin, and Gemma knew that he had lost his virginity to a girl in South Carolina where his grandparents owned a summer home. Despite the unspoken knowledge that they were both curious to do more than kiss and cuddle, Damian had never even come close to pressuring her. She knew he was too much of a gentleman to bring up the topic, but a part of her was hoping he would so they could actually do something about it. She didn’t quite have the courage to bring it up herself. It was hard to imagine that just a little over a month ago, she had marched up to Tyler Chase and kissed him in only her underwear – even if it was in the dark. Gemma sighed as she watched the manicurist finish applying the last coat of baby pink polish on her toes.
Despite the fact that there were half as many people at Lucas’s party than there was at Madison’s, it felt all the more crowded in the smaller space of her backyard. Madison had hired personal chefs to man a large grill by the pool with two bartenders cracking coconuts and pouring beer next to them. The weather was just warm enough that the boys came in wearing their team t-shirts and the girls in their sleeveless tops and jeans – with the exception of Leah, who wore a sheer white mini dress over a black bikini. With all the boys’ eyes on her, Gavin was suddenly more inclined to mark his territory by keeping an arm around her waist all night.
“What can I say?” Kate shook her head. “The girl knows what she’s doing.” She sat with Gemma and Damian by the pool, drinking from their fresh coconuts with their legs dipped in the water. Gemma wore a navy striped, boat neck top over a pair of white shorts. Kate’s outfit reflected her mood, a grey tank top over faded blue shorts. She sadly chewed on her teriyaki chicken and pineapple skewer.
“Don’t worry,” Damian comforted. “You’re going to find someone and you won’t need to dress like that to get their attention.”
Kate only rolled her eyes. Damian turned to Gemma and shrugged with a face that said, I tried. Gemma smiled. She was more aware than ever of what a catch Damian was. Plus, the less she talked with Lucas, the easier it was for her to forget him. Training herself to forget about him was beginning to become routine, and by now, she was becoming a pro at it. Even watching him at his own birthday party, looking handsome in a simple sky blue t-shirt and shorts, Gemma felt numb. She wasn’t sure if she was indifferent because she had a boyfriend now, or if she had really trained herself to be that way for fear of Madison. Even wondering about it made her feel guilty as she sat with Damian, their fingers intertwined.
“I seriously should’ve stuck to dance lessons,” Kate said wistfully, looking off into the distance. Gemma turned in the same direction to see Madison eating a giant burger. It was a rare sight to see Madison indulge in anything that wasn’t fish and vegetables. Seeing her in a printed Roberto Cavalli dress and managing to look both elegant and sexy as she downed a cheeseburger was a little more than the girls could bear. Kate sighed loudly, tossing her barbecue skewer aside. “At least she’ll be at NYU soon and I won’t have to look at her and hate myself everyday.”
“Kate! Stop being dramatic.” Gemma said. “You’re gorgeous.”
“This is gonna sound corny, but guys like confidence,” Damian said. Kate groaned. “I’m serious! We like girls who don’t need to ask if they look good, they just know. And when they know, we know.”
“Please. Not every guy in the world thinks like you. Actually, most don’t.”
“You are an exception, Damian,” Gemma smiled up at him, though she wondered how he managed to miss her own signs of insecurity. She turned back to Kate. “And so are you, Kate!”
“Let me say one more thing before I let Gemma take over giving the girl advice,” Damian said as the girls laughed. “Either you’re not into him or you haven’t noticed, but Paul has been eyeing you since you came here. And this isn’t the only party I’ve seen him doing it.”
“Paul Brendan? Really?” Kate’s eyes widened, suddenly brighter. “But he’s so cute!” She looked towards the bar where Paul was standing. Gemma watched Paul’s eyes immediately dart away upon being caught.
“Alright, I’m in need of another coconut,” Damian said as he swung his muscular legs out of the water and stood. “If you come with me, I can introduce you two so you can stop playing… eye footsies, or whatever it is you’re doing right now.” Damian extended his hand to help Gemma to her feet.
“Oh, you guys go. It’ll look obvious if I come too,” she said.
“Good thinking!” Kate said quickly. “You stay here!”
Damian laughed. “Want me to get you another coconut?”
“No,” Gemma smiled. “Just bring an extra straw so we can share.”
“You know, you made me soft. I never shared my food before you came along,” Damian grinned as he leaned in to give her a peck.
“Oh, you guys are too sweet. I think I have a cavity,” Kate drawled. She began pulling on Damian’s arm. “Come on, Damian, time’s running out!”
“Alright, alright!”
Gemma felt her cheeks warm as she watched Damian walk away. The pool water made his muscles glisten. She bit her lip back to mask her lustful smile. She barely noticed as two perfectly smooth, tan legs slid into the water beside her. Gemma turned to see Madison pulling the hem of her dress to her knees and flinging her hair to the side. She cocked her head as she looked at Gemma, a colorful cocktail in one hand.
“Why’d your boyfriend abandon you?”
“Oh, he just went to introduce Kate to Paul,” Gemma said. She felt a chill on the back of her neck. She hated how every encounter with Madison braced her body to go into fight or flight mode.
“It’s okay, even the closest couples need breaks from each other sometimes,” Madison smiled and shrugged her perfectly toned, golden shoulders. She sipped from her bright pink drink. “Ugh, this is so good. Wanna try?”
“It’s okay.”
“Oh, you have to, hon!” she insisted. “It’s so good.” Madison thrust the drink into Gemma’s hands, a large splash of pink liquid swishing out of the glass and onto Gemma’s white shorts. Gemma gasped and Madison followed suit, though hers was rather exaggerated.
“Oh my God, clumsy me!” Her hands flew to her mouth. She stood to her feet and helped Gemma up. “I must be tipsy or something. I am so sorry.”
“It’s fine, I can…I can just dry-clean it I’m sure,” Gemma said. She wiped at the stain with a cocktail napkin only to watch it spread through the fine threads. “Maybe I should go home and change. I’ll go get Damian.”
“Oh no, don’t do that!” Madison exclaimed. “I got the most delicious birthday cake for Lucas from Lady M and I know he’d want everyone here for that. Especially you, Gemma.” Gemma froze, startled. Madison gently reached for her hand. “You mean a lot to Lucas. You’re like…a baby sister to him. I know you guys don’t talk much anymore, but it’s just because he’s so busy, and whatever time he has left is for me. You know?” Her smile was far too sweet. “So you have to stay.”
Next thing Gemma knew, she was in Madison’s room watching her rummage for shorts in her dresser. Though something about the situation felt strange, Gemma wanted to believe in Madison’s sudden kindness. She chalked it up to all the cocktails that Madison had been downing. She always had a tendency to be more affectionate when drunk.
Through the sheer curtains of the second-floor window, Gemma could see Damian still trying to spark a conversation between an awkward Paul and an eager Kate. The sounds of the party below were faint but still audible. Gemma tried to see if she could make out the words among the three.
“I don’t know if these will fit you,” Madison said as she pulled out various shorts. “Wait. I might have something from when I gained weight after I sprained my ankle.”
Gemma shook off the insult with a roll of the eyes. Madison was drunk after all. In fact, her intoxicated state made Gemma almost hopeful about their relationship. Gavin had always told her that the truth came out in people when they were drunk, so perhaps Madison had been truly longing to rekindle their friendship.
“Here we go!” She handed Gemma a pair of cute denim shorts that matched her top.
“Thank you so much,” Gemma said cautiously, careful not to say anything that might send Madison spiraling back into hatred for her.
“No problem, sweetie!” Madison leaned in and hugged her. The embrace felt so genuine that Gemma quickly relaxed. “And I really do feel bad about the shorts, Gem, since they look so expensive. Why don’t you give them to me so I can have them dry-cleaned for you?”
“You don’t have to do that,” Gemma brushed it off.
“I can just have someone walk it over! It’s down the block and we have an account with them,” Madison said. “They love me there so I can probably have them ready before the end of the party. Don’t even worry, babe.” She twirled a lock of Gemma’s hair around her finger.
Gemma finally cracked a smile. “Okay,” she slid her shorts off and handed them off to Madison. “Thank you so much.”
Gemma had barely finished her sentence when she felt herself being knocked and pinned onto the bed. She was too stunned to utter a word, but as she tried to turn her head to see what was happening, she noticed the closet door was suddenly open.
“What the hell?” she finally managed to squeak as she pushed against the weight on top of her. The smell of beer wafted into her nostrils.
“She has to look like she wants it, Matt,” Madison said. Gemma gasped as she caught a glance of Madison positioning her iPhone camera on her and Matt. She felt Matt lift her, grabbing her bare legs so they were positioned around his waist as he sat up in the bed. Gemma shrieked as she attempted to push away from him.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Gemma – I’m not actually going to do anything with you,” Matt sneered.
“Let go of me!” she screamed. Matt pulled her face into his, kissing her with his beer breath. Gemma gagged. His tight grip crushed her and just when she felt like she might suffocate, he let go. Gemma crumpled onto the bed, gasping to catch her breath. She turned to see Matt pulling up his pants, a repulsive grin on his face.
“Had to make it look real, you know?” he laughed. “If you weren’t such a bitch, I might consider actually doing it with you.”
Gemma felt her chin quiver, her heart pounding. She wasn’t sure if her trembling lips would let out a cry or a scream. “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” She finally screamed as she jumped off the bed, grabbing her shorts from the ground and yanking them back on. She noticed Madison was no longer in the room. In a panic, Gemma ran downstairs and out to the yard, leaving her flip-flops behind.
She didn’t care if people saw her in tears. She pushed through the crowds but couldn’t find Madison. Whispers began quickly. She knew she must have looked ridiculous with her bare feet, stained shorts and mascara-streaked face. Finally, she spotted Madison standing by Lucas, fiddling with her phone as if nothing had happened at all. Lucas had an arm around her, drinking a beer as he chatted with teammates. Gemma stormed over, drawing attention with each stomp forward.
“Whoa,” Lucas’s eyebrows ascended, startled. They quickly furrowed in concern. “What happened? Are you okay?”
“Honey!” Madison gave another phony gasp. “What’s going on?”
“You know exactly what’s going on!” Gemma fumed. She grabbed Madison’s phone from her hand, pushing her back in the process. Madison flailed exaggeratedly, knocking Lucas’s beer to the ground. The bottle shattered, grabbing the attention of the entire party. Those on the deck stopped to lean over the railing and stare.
“What are you doing, Gemma?” Madison demanded, struggling to sound calm despite the visible fury in her eyes as she reached for her phone. Gemma jerked away from Madison’s reach and looked through the phone, confirming her suspicions. The video was in the midst of uploading to share. The video of her in Madison’s bed with Matt. Gemma clicked furiously at the buttons on the screen in attempts to cancel the upload. Nothing seemed to work.
“Gemma, what’s going on? What are you doing?” Lucas asked with frustration. She could see the disapproval in his eyes as he comforted Madison, but she didn’t stop. She felt desperate. She could see Damian jogging towards her from across the yard. Gemma knew what the video looked like – what it was meant to look like – and the last thing she needed was for the entire school to see it.
The video continued to load despite Gemma’s efforts to stop it. Everyone was already whispering. She knew that the whispers would only grow once the video got out. In desperation, she threw the phone to the ground. Only the glass screen shattered. Gemma picked the phone up only to hurl it into the pool.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Gemma?” Madison pushed away from Lucas’s grasp, rushing to her. She stopped with her face just inches away. Gemma could feel Madison’s angry breath on her. She couldn’t believe her, how she had schemed such an elaborate plan. She was a good performer, a convincing friend to their classmates. But Gemma knew how vindictive and malicious Madison truly was. She was revolted by her, by the subtle sneer she wore on her overly glossy pink lips.
Overwhelmed with her disgust, Gemma shoved Madison back.
The crowd gasped.
Immediately, Gemma regretted her decision. She hadn’t realized just how many people were watching until that point. Madison’s blue eyes quickly began to tear up. Her face was wretched with fury, but being the performer that she was, she swiftly masked it with a wounded expression. “I knew I shouldn’t have invited you with your stupid crush on Lucas. I knew you’d explode some day!” Madison sniffed pathetically as she threw herself into Lucas’s arms. “This is my fault. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have ruined your party with this,” she sobbed, burying her face in his chest. Lucas embraced her and whispered soothingly her ear. He stole a glance at Gemma before leading Madison away.
Damian approached Gemma carefully. Matt snorted and looked him up and down. “Oh look, the knight in shining armor, coming to save the girl who never wants him.” Gemma watched helplessly as the party cleared. “Save your energy, Damian,” Matt laughed. He stood waiting for a reaction until Gavin approached threateningly.
Gavin shooed away the straggling spectators as Damian pulled Gemma in for a hug. Over his shoulder, she could see Jillian shaking her head. Leah and Kate looked at her cautiously, their foreheads knit in confusion. It was over. Any chance at a normal high school life was gone with Madison’s phone. Gemma cried into Damian’s shirt, her vision blurring her from the crowd of questioning stares.