4/21 1:27PM EST

posted by Tara C.

Her Royal Secrecy


I can’t anymore.  Are you seeing these? I know I’m not the only one who follows Tyler Chase on Twitter (because it says 10 million other people do), so why is no one trying to snap the poor boy out of this mushy tweetfest? Look at this bullshit:


April 2: @RealTylerChase gotta be in love…(not an april fool’s joke lol)

April 4: @RealTylerChase my amazing fans told me that love at first sight is possible…i’m realizing that it’s true.

April 8: @RealTylerChase yes i’m talking royalty…she’s better than a princess…

April 15: @RealTylerChase better to have loved and lost they say…what if you lost before you got the chance to love? (omfg what is he talking about)

April 19: @RealTylerChase the color of her eyes is haunting me…(i know Tyler, bb, lavender eyes don’t look good on anyone)

April 21: @RealTylerChase if you want someone, CHASE them. lol


So that last tweet…is he giving us official permission to stalk him? Not that I needed it.  Anyway, it’s obvious he’s talking about Queen Bitchass Bee, who by the way, has pushed back the release of her “Tell the World” music video again and has gone pretty much MIA since her U.S tour.  Think the whole L.A. debacle traumatized her or what?

Let’s hope so.  Maybe she’ll hide away forever and Tyler will forget she ever existed.  Because I swear, I cannot take these fucking lovesick tweets anymore, especially when they’re not about me.