
The publication of this handbook is based on many decades of experience by the authors and the other contributors. Since its initial publication, the handbook has become a living document subject to changes and refinements as newer code regulations are released. This latest edition reflects extensive modifications based on the requirements found in the 2015 International Building Code® (IBC®).

The initial handbook, on which the nonstructural portions of this document are based, was published in 1988. It was authored by Vincent R. Bush. In developing the discussions of intent, Mr. Bush drew heavily on his 25 years of experience in building safety regulation. Mr. Bush, a structural engineer, was intimately involved in code development work for many years.

In addition to the expertise of Mr. Bush, major contributions were made by John F. Behrens. Mr. Behrens’s qualifications were as impressive as the original author’s. He had vast experience as a building official, code consultant, and seminar instructor. Mr. Behrens provided the original manuscript of the means of egress chapter and assisted in the preparation of many other chapters.

Revisions to the handbook occurred regularly over the years, with content based on the provisions of the International Building Code authored by Doug Thornburg, AIA, C.B.O. Mr. Thornburg, a certified building official and registered architect, has over 35 years of experience in the building regulatory profession. Previously a building inspector, plans reviewer, building code administrator, seminar instructor, and code consultant, he is currently the Vice President of Education and Certification at the International Code Council® (ICC®). In his present role, Mr. Thornburg develops and reviews technical publications, reference books, resource materials, and educational programs relating to the International Codes®. He continues to present building code seminars nationally and has developed numerous educational texts, including Significant Changes to the IBC, 2015 Edition. Mr. Thornburg was presented with the ICC’s inaugural Educator of the Year Award in 2008, recognizing his outstanding contributions in education and training.

The basis of the discussion on the structural provisions in the 2015 IBC Illustrated Handbook is the 2000 IBC Handbook—Structural Provisions, authored by S. K. Ghosh, Ph.D., and Robert Chittenden, S.E. Both authors have extensive knowledge, expertise, and experience in the development of many of the structural provisions of the IBC. Dr. Ghosh initially authored Chapters 16 and 19, and Mr. Chittenden authored Chapters 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, and 23. John Henry, P.E., a former ICC principal staff engineer, is the author of the current commentary addressing IBC Chapters 16 through 23. Mr. Henry, a registered civil engineer and certified plans examiner, has over 28 years of experience in structural-related aspects of building code safety including responsibilities as a design engineer in private practice, plans check engineer, and code consultant. As a member of the product development group while with the ICC, he provided technical support for the International Building Code and developed and presented many seminars on the structural provisions of the IBC. Mr. Henry was presented with the ICC’s John Nosse Award for Technical Excellence in 2011, recognizing his outstanding contributions and technical expertise. He is now a consulting engineer in private practice.

The information and opinions expressed in this handbook are those of the present and past authors, as well as the many contributors, and do not necessarily represent the official position of the International Code Council. Additionally, the opinions may not represent the viewpoint of any enforcing agency. Opinions expressed in this handbook are only intended to be a resource in the application of the IBC, and the building official is not obligated to accept such opinions. The building official is the final authority in rendering interpretations of the code.