Chapter 51
The Mackay 22
Here is the crucial information you should gather
after each job interview:
1. Date of Interview. Name of firm. Phone number.
Address. Interviewer. Title.
2. Describe position being filled.
3. Last person left job because . . .
4. Position reports to: title. Who reports to this
5. Key duties of job.
6. If last person in job succeeded, why? If last
person in job failed, why?
7. Chances to get ahead? Describe. Can you move
laterally within the company to other departments requiring other
skills? Describe. Does the company encourage educational and
training programs? Describe.
8. Would relocation be necessary now? In the
future? Probable?
9. Describe the “ideal” candidate.
10. Important information about pay, benefits,
etc. . . .
11. When can you expect a decision? Was the
interviewer specific? Vague?
12. Five most important questions you were asked?
13. Three most difficult or embarrassing
14. What three things did the interviewer seem to
like most about you or your background?
15. What reservations or concerns did the
interviewer reveal? What did you say or do during the interview
that you wished you hadn’t?
16. New company information you learned that you
might be able to use later?
17. How would this job/company be a good fit? How
would it be a poor fit?
18. Did you mention any references? Which ones?
Have you alerted these people?
19. How did the interviewer describe your
potential boss?
20. Is this the kind of person you would trust?
Feel comfortable working with?
21. Any special conditions under which you might
be offered the job? Did you mention any conditions for you to
accept it?
22. Fresh from the interview, what would be the
biggest attraction to you in taking this job? The biggest drawback?