A flock of Peking ducks at a commune near Peking, November 1973. With HAK are, second from left, Walter Bothe (Secret Service); to his left, Ji Pengfei, Foreign Minister; fifth from left, Robert McCloskey, State Department press spokesman; behind, to HAK’s right, Richard H. Solomon, NSC staff; behind, to HAK’s left, Arthur Hummel, Acting Assistant Secretary of East Asian and Pacific Affairs; and far right, Winston Lord, Director, Policy Planning Staff.
Dinner for Edward Heath at Camp David, February 1973. Left to right: HAK, Ambassador Cromer, Secretary of State Rogers, Sir Burke Trend, Robert Armstrong, Ambassador Walter Annenberg, Prime Minister Heath, President Nixon, Foreign Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home, Sir Denis Greenhill.
Meeting with President Georges Pompidou in Reykjavik, May 31, 1973. Left to right: Pompidou, Mrs. Kristjan Eldjarn, President Nixon, President Eldjarn of Iceland.
The Big Four Foreign Ministers before dinner in Brussels, December 9, 1973. Left to right: Sir Alec Douglas-Home (United Kingdom); Walter Scheel (Federal Republic of Germany); HAK; Michel Jobert (France).
Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin, Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, interpreter Viktor Sukhodrev, and, standing, Foreign Ministry official Georgi Korniyenko, at Zavidovo, May 1973.
On the Presidential yacht Sequoia on the Potomac, June 19, 7975. Clockwise, from far left: Andrei Gromyko (partially obscured); Nixon; Brezhnev; Viktor Sukhodrev; William Rogers; Anatoly Dobrynin; NSC staff member William G. Hyland; Brezhnev aides A. M. Aleksan- drov and G. E. Tsukanov; Treasury Secretary George Shultz; HAK.
Actress Jill St. John, Leonid Brezhnev, and Andrei Vavilov (interpreter) at Nixon’s San Clemente reception, June 1973.
After being sworn in as Secretary of State, September 22, 1973. Left to right: David Kissinger; HAK; Elizabeth Kissinger; President Nixon; Paula and Louis Kissinger.
Luncheon in the White House Mess after the swearing in, September 22, 1973. Clockwise from left: Paula Kissinger; Governor Nelson Rockefeller; Nancy; HAK; Louis Kissinger; Deputy Secretary of State Kenneth Rush; Pat Mosbacher; Joseph Alsop.
With the House Congressional Leadership, 1973. Le/i to right: Minority Whip Leslie Arends, Majority Leader Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr., Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Thomas Morgan, HAK, Speaker Carl Albert, Minority Leader Gerald Ford.
Walking in the garden with President Sadat’s national security adviser, Hafiz Ismail, Paris, May 20, 1973 (see Chapter VI).
Meeting President Houari Boumedienne in Algiers, December 12, 1973. In the middle are Joseph Sisco and Foreign Minister Abdelaziz Bouteflika.
The US delegation at the Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, December 21, 1973. Front row: Ellsworth Bunker, HAK, Joseph Sisco. Second row: Ambassador Walter Stoessel, John Ready (Secret Service), Harold Saunders, Alfred L. Atherton, Jr. Third row: George Vest, Peter Rodman, Michael Sterner, Lawrence Eagleburger.
Cocktails at Abba Eban’s house, Jerusalem, January 13, 1974. Left to right: Abba Eban, HAK, Moshe Dayan.
Negotiating the Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement, Aswan, January 1974. Left to right: Ellsworth Bunker, HAK, Joseph Sisco, Peter Rodman, Foreign Minister Ismail Fahmy, President Sadat, Chief of Staff General Gamasy.
Completion of the Egyptian-Israeli disengagement, at the Prime Minister’s Residence in Israel, January 18, 1974. Left to right: Abba Eban, Joseph Sisco, HAK, Ephraim Evron, Prime Minister Golda Meir.
Signing the Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement at Kilometer 101, January 18, 1974. Signing the agreement, at center top, Lieutenant General David Elazar (for Israel); at bottom, back to camera, Major General Abdel Ghany el-Gamasy (for Egypt); at center right, UNEF Commander Lieutenant General Ensio Siilasvuo (witnessing for the UN). American officials present are State Department Legal Adviser Carlyle E. Maw (top right) and NSC staff member Harold Saunders (lower right).
Verification Panel meeting in the Situation Room, 1974. Left to right: Admiral Thomas Moorer, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, Brent Scowcroft, Joseph Sisco, HAK, Paul Nitze.
Chatting with Senator Henry M. Jackson before delivering testimony to Jackson’s Armed Services subcommittee, June 24, 1974.
At Oreanda, by Brezhnev’s swimming pool, waiting for Nixon and Brezhnev to emerge from their tête-à-tête in the grotto. Left to right: Andrei Gromyko, HAK, Anatoly Dobrynin, Alexander Haig, Helmut Sonnenfeldt. (See Chapter XXIV.)
Nixon’s visit to Egypt, June 1974. Facing camera, left to right: HAK, Nixon, Sadat, Mrs. Nixon, Mrs. Sadat.