Howard’s Acknowledgments

I’d like to thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all my blessings. Thanks for the guardian angels that kept me alive while in harm’s way.

I’m very thankful for the people of Wayne County, Georgia, who have always stood behind me and been a source of strength, motivation, and inspiration.

Special thanks to my patients, who have allowed me to be their chiropractor. I love you all.

Thanks to my coauthor, Steve Templin, who resurrected a dead project in this book and worked tirelessly to perfect it.

I’m truly blessed to have been given two careers that were/are exceptional and that I truly loved. I’m happy every day to come to work and help people, which, as corny as it sounds, was the reason I became a SEAL in the first place.

God bless America and our fighting men and women.

Steve’s Acknowledgments

I’ve been blessed. During Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training with Class 143, I first met Howard Wasdin. We’d finished another brutal day of training, and Howard asked, “Who wants to go with me for a jog on the beach?” I thought he was nuts. Hadn’t we had enough for the day?! Even nuttier were the guys who followed him. Howard and I became friends. We hung out with the guys in Tijuana on Saturday, and he dragged me to church on Sunday. Our paths split when I injured myself and rolled back to Class 144, but I never forgot him.

Years later, waiting for a flight at Los Angeles International Airport, I slipped into the bookstore to kill some time and soon found myself in the middle of a war zone—I had picked Mark Bowden’s excellent book Black Hawk Down. I looked in the index to see if any SEALs were involved. To my surprise, I ran across Howard’s name. No way. I thought for sure somebody would write the rest of his story, and I’d be one of the first to buy it. Years went by, though, and no book. Thanks to Facebook, I hooked up with Howard again. I’m fortunate he waited to tell his story. Coauthoring his biography has been the ride of a lifetime—thanks, Howard!

I’m also blessed that my wife, Reiko, and children, Kent and Maria, have given me a taste of heaven. Of course, I couldn’t have come into this world without my mother, Gwen, who has always been there to support me and let me do my own thing; some of my fondest early memories are exploring the Arizona desert alone before I was old enough to attend school. I’m thankful to my father, Art, for the times he was there for me. My grandfather Robert taught me how to negotiate 10 percent off a can of paint at the hardware store. Grandpa loved me like a son, and I loved him like a father. I’m sure he’s looking down on this book with a smile—writing has been my dream since early elementary school. Carol Scarr gave Howard and me excellent writing advice on earlier drafts and has been a great friend.

It would be difficult to write and research without the support of Meio University, where I am an associate professor. Scott Miller of Trident Media Group showed Howard and me all the professionalism an agent can show and more. He read our manuscript during his Easter vacation; when he returned to work, he found us our first publisher within twenty-four hours. Marc Resnick at St. Martin’s Press outshined the others to seal the deal and has maintained his enthusiasm, making this process a joy.

I’m deeply honored that General Henry Hugh Shelton (Retired) took time from his busy schedule to give support. Also, the Delta Force major who wrote Kill Bin Laden, Dalton Fury, offered his help early on, for which I’m grateful. Kudos to Marine sniper Jack Coughlin, author of Shooter, for his encouragement. Thanks to Randy “Kemo” Clendening (former SEAL Team Two operator) for assistance, too.

I’d like to thank Debbie Wasdin for her friendship and help. Eryn Wasdin chauffeured me and made me smile.

While I worked with Howard to finish up the book, Tammie Willis, a licensed medical massage therapist at Absolute Precision, gave me the best massage I’ve ever had—you’re awesome, Tammie. The rest of the Absolute Precision staff was wonderful, too: Miki, Kelly, and everyone.

Thank you to the people of Wayne County, Georgia, who made me feel at home during my stay.